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Fantasy Loftheart Student Council Room

@Bichelle oh. well if you could, please move your character here, so it can be approved by the owner (just copy and paste then delete the one on the character sign-up tab.)

Also just a quick skim of your character, it needs trait point distributions. Seeing as how your character is a first year she starts off with 10 points. Your traits can either be something beneficial to combat, wisdom or cooking even. Basically every trait you have will be scaled from 1-5, 5 being the strongest. and if your character has a special weapon/item (in your case you seem to just carry regular daggers so it seems fine as it) you scale the points on that weapon/item as well.

And take your time with it. I took about a full day making my own character. There's no rush here :P
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ThatSideCharacter said:
@Bichelle oh. well if you could, please move your character here, so it can be approved by the owner (just copy and paste then delete the one on the character sign-up tab.)
Also just a quick skim of your character, it needs trait point distributions. Seeing as how your character is a first year she starts off with 10 points. Your traits can either be something beneficial to combat, wisdom or cooking even. Basically every trait you have will be scaled from 1-5, 5 being the strongest. and if your character has a special weapon/item (in your case you seem to just carry regular daggers so it seems fine as it) you scale the points on that weapon/item as well.

And take your time with it. I took about a full day making my own character. There's no rush here :P
Yeah it took me a while to come up with my character... I'm kinda used to being rushed around to finish my character and start the rp/story right away. Thanks for the help, btw.
*Sorry in advance if my character is really similar to yours, this is my favorite character to use in my stories and other rping (not on this site)! Sorry again!*

Name: Hana Dal

Gender: Female

Age: 348 (around 15-16 in human years)

Race: Avariel (winged elf)

House: Celandinius

Year: 1

Physical Appearance: Hana isn't like most modern elves, seeing as how the Avariel elves are very rare now a days. She has wings and very short, brown, boyish hair and sometimes mistaken for the opposite gender. Her ears aren't as long as most others either; they're shorter, but still end in a small point. Her eyes are a minty green and seem to glow in dark places. The Avariel race is the same size as an average human female, but some can vary and might be taller or shorter. She also has beautiful light-blue wings. She has no piercings, markings, tattoos, or anything extra on her body.

Clothing: She wears a white button up shirt (not tucked in), loose (just enough to move around quickly) black pants, and no shoes. She hates shoes. She has nothing extra for clothing.


- 2 Medium sized daggers


-Blunt- Doesn't sugar coat, even if you're her best friend

-Harsh- She will not cut anyone slack, if you screwed up, you're the one to blame, but she only seems this way at first and in public. Once you brake down her walls, she is less "harsh" towards you and won't yell at you over it. You're still in trouble, though.

-Caring- Even if she doesn't necessarily like you, she wouldn't let you stay in trouble or die or anything.

-Social- She doesn't care to talk to anyone about anything.

-Joker- She'll say harsh things and is very blunt, but that doesn't she doesn't enjoy a good time. She'll joke with you if you're close enough to her.

-Stubborn- She wants to do what she wants to do, so you better have a way with words if you want her to do anything for you.

-Hot Headed- Just don't make her angry.

-Very Impulsive- Her mood effects her decisions heavily, she doesn't give herself time to think about hardly anything she does


- keep her uncle happy


- People only hurt you, they can't help- result of abusive family members

- Stay logical- don't act on impulse (can't even follow this her self)

History/Background: Her parents were murdered when she was 13 (human years), so she had to live with her aunt and uncle. They were very abusive and didn't like children, that's why they never had their own, but they also blamed Hana for her parents death. She ended up running away from home on her 14th (human years) birthday. She was then living with her other uncle who treated her like he would his own child. By then she was already cold and mean towards everyone, but him. Then she found a magical school that her uncle immediately signed her up for.

Extra Traits:

- knows how to fight [2]

- she has amazing hearing [2]

- she's very manipulative [2]

- is excellent at around the house stuff (cleaning, cooking, ect.) [2]

- loves the arts, but instruments and music are her go to (music, writing, ect.) [2]
Bichelle said:
Yeah it took me a while to come up with my character... I'm kinda used to being rushed around to finish my character and start the rp/story right away. Thanks for the help, btw.
Np~ it should be natural for rpers to help rpers
@KAmber You'll need to do the same thing as I've said with bichelle. Please remove your post from the character sign-up section and put it here so it can be approved.
ThatSideCharacter said:
@KAmber You'll need to do the same thing as I've said with bichelle. Please remove your post from the character sign-up section and put it here so it can be approved.
Name: Albert 'Timey-wimey' Harebourg

Gender: Boy

Age: Nobody can tell.

Race: Xelor(Wakfu TV show)

A Xelor is like a human, but born with ugly scars on their face. They're skilled with all mechanical objects, and build clockwork masks to hide their face. More often than not, when they're nearly desstroyed, they gain the power to control machines, and rebuild their body. Once that power is unlocked, it can be used any number of times.


This is Noximilian, a Xelor. Albert has the same mask, and the same hand gesture when he stops time, but nothing else.

House: Kanniainen

Year: 2

Physical Appearance: Dresses in a blue or red coat, with a black bow tie. He has the same mechanical face as a Xelor and always has a pocketwatch which he speaks to every now and then. His eyes are green, and turn blue when he is angry or upset. His white gloves are nearly always fiddling with something, and his boots are midnight blue, with blue lace. He normally doesn't wear his top hat, but when he does, it has a blue ribbon and is about a foot tall. When he goes to sleep, seams on his gloves glow blue.



Blue and red coats


books, lots of books

Bow ties

A top hat

A suitcase filled with gears, hands, and bits of metal

Personality: A bit mad, but normally calm. When someone is normally sad, he would think to start again or such, not showing a hint of sadness. When someone is normally happy, he would start to continue to the next task o the list. He is calm, like I said.

Goals: List some things your character wishes to accomplish. (Optional)

Beliefs: List some things your character has strong opinions on. (Optional)

Background: Lord Harebourg sent his son to school last year, seeing his son was a little insane, talking to his pocketwatch all the time. Albert spends most of his time in his room, tinkering and writing in a book, presumably a diary. When Albert arrived, he showed a sudden interest in lore, cramming it into his head as much as he could.

Notable Traits: His pocketwatch.

One trait is arcane knowledge, 2 points.

He's good with clockwork, 2 points.

He has a great amount of time magic flowing in him, 2 points.

He is good at swordfighting, 3 points

Dormant mechakinesis(explained up at the top), 2 points
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@Bichelle I don't have any real gripes with your character and your character is pretty much in range of being accepted, though there are a few points that stand out to me.

Like I mentioned to @rooi, the school is home to a great variety of folks. What I really mean is, I didn't let her/him/whatever be the special elf so it wouldn't be fair if I let you do it. Looking back, I'll let the both of you decide how you two want to do it, since I don't really have elves all too fleshed out right now.

Also, why is your character noted as a winged elf in your race? What exactly does that mean? You might want to add some brief description. If she flies, you might want to make that into a trait. If she doesn't fly, you might get some more background room to explain why she's flightless.

@KAmber You may want to re-evaluate what you want for your character. Do you really want your character to be a human? You can have a description for your character's race without making it a power, probably in a little blurb underneath his Race. I don't have an other tab because most people never use it, but you can add one if that's your style.

My biggest gripe is that you listed Mysterious as one of your traits. It's rather vague, meaning it could do absolutely nothing (meaning you'd have wasted 4 points), or you could use it to do absolutely everything (which just wouldn't be fun, because then why would you have the other traits?). I might let you have it though, if you can explain what you intend exactly to use it for. If I were you, I would also separate all my traits so they could be easier to read.

I also feel like your character was a little lazily written compared to that of the other players, which isn't very much a criticism since I intended the RP to be casual and you demonstrate at least the ability to use a spell checker which is really a lot more than a decent number of people can do. I still think you should put a little bit more effort.

On that note, you could probably expand on your physical description. You can, for instance, instead of referring to something, type out exactly how you want it. If you want to add a little picture just to make sure people know what you mean, that's okay too. Also keep in mind that First Year students sleep in rooms with 20+ other students in their House.

You could also expand on your character's personality. For instance, you could describe how exactly your character is insane.

You do have a little typo in your background as well. "Send" should be "spend".
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Duwang said:
@Bichelle I don't have any real gripes with your character and your character is pretty much in range of being accepted, though there are a few points that stand out to me.
Like I mentioned to @rooi, the school is home to a great variety of folks. What I really mean is, I didn't let her/him/whatever be the special elf so it wouldn't be fair if I let you do it. Looking back, I'll let the both of you decide how you two want to do it, since I don't really have elves all too fleshed out right now.

Also, why is your character noted as a winged elf in your race? What exactly does that mean? You might want to add some brief description. If she flies, you might want to make that into a trait. If she doesn't fly, you might get some more background room to explain why she's flightless.

@KAmber You may want to re-evaluate what you want for your character. Do you really want your character to be a human? You can have a description for your character's race without making it a power, probably in a little blurb underneath his Race. I don't have an other tab because most people never use it, but you can add one if that's your style.

My biggest gripe is that you listed Mysterious as one of your traits. It's rather vague, meaning it could do absolutely nothing (meaning you'd have wasted 4 points), or you could use it to do absolutely everything (which just wouldn't be fun, because then why would you have the other traits?). I might let you have it though, if you can explain what you intend exactly to use it for. If I were you, I would also separate all my traits so they could be easier to read.

I also feel like your character was a little lazily written compared to that of the other players, which isn't very much a criticism since I intended the RP to be casual and you demonstrate at least the ability to use a spell checker which is really a lot more than a decent number of people can do. I still think you should put a little bit more effort.

On that note, you could probably expand on your physical description. You can, for instance, instead of referring to something, type out exactly how you want it. If you want to add a little picture just to make sure people know what you mean, that's okay too. Also keep in mind that First Year students sleep in rooms with 20+ other students in their House.

You could also expand on your character's personality. For instance, you could describe how exactly your character is insane.

You do have a little typo in your background as well. "Send" should be "spend".
I was going to explain why she was flightless in the story, but I can add a bit in the description, too! Thanks for the tweaks, btw!
Bichelle said:
Hold up, so do I put the description in and then put my character with the others?
You might want to let me read what you have for the winged elves first before posting it.
The winged elves were some of the first elves, but started to become more and more rare as the different types of elves started breading more often. They are able to fly, unless their wings are damaged. Even if they're harmed once, the elf with them can no longer fly and the wings are more of an accessory.

**The character I am using, Hana, can no longer fly because her wings were damaged. You'll find out how in the story.**

(That's all I came up with. What do you think??)
Name: Lucius Enutrof

Gender: All man bb

Age: 26



Year: Staff

Physical Appearance:


A well dressed dude that looks a bit out of place in a school for would be dungeon delvers. Lucius is typically found carrying all sorts of stuff related to handling paperwork, like stamps, a calculator, and obviously a bunch of books and paper. He also keeps a well worn dagger on it. It doubles as a letter opener and a weapon.

Personality:At first Lucius seems pretty straitlaced and boring which seems almost painfully fitting given the terribly unsexy tasks of handling paperwork, handling finances, and dispensing advice. He's like some sort of negative poster boy for House Mesfirnari being nothing a bunch of boring milquetoasts. However that does a disservice to his skills which he claims are "damn good" and their importance but it also is a shallow observation of his appearance. Lucius is fundamentally an unrepentant adventurer at heart. He enjoys the thrill and challenge of delving into a dungeon crawl and any financial gains are just a groovy bonus.



Background: Lucius seems to have hailed if not at least spent a large amount of time in the dank world of the surface realms below the floating windmasses. He became involved in the running of one of the many volatile settlements known as dungeon kingdoms. Dungeon kingdoms are basically settlements amidst chaotic lands usually close to dungeons and thee people usually delve into them for resources. It was there where he became a Vizier to the King assisting him both in dungeon crawls and in the finer points of running things.He also has skills in being a merchant but it is unknown if this was during or before his stint as a vizier.

According to him after a while he got "bored" and left elsewhere plying his skills along the way until he set his sites at Loftheart. After personally arriving and delivering a monster hidebound folder filled with a meticulously organized resume to the Dean. He got hired and now works as a true Renaissance man serving as: Notary, Teacher, Counseller, and some other stuff. He also may or maynot be trying to get into the pants of instructors of House Balandalhara.

Notable Traits:

[4] Handle paperwork and other exciting administrative tasks

(4) Money making/handling

(3) Giving advice w/o sarcasm

(2) Lucky dagger
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@Bichelle How exactly do you plan on using this element? If you're not comfortable with leaving the information out in the open, you could at the very least PM me the info. That way, I don't write out anything that contradicts what you perhaps wanted.
@Duwang It's cool, we can just talk here. I was just going to use this to add more to the backstory Hana shared with the others. If you don't want me to use it, that's fine as well!
KAmber said:
Name: Albert 'Timey-wimey' Harebourg
Gender: Boy

Age: Nobody can tell.

Race: Xelor(Wakfu TV show)

A Xelor is like a human, but born with ugly scars on their face. They're skilled with all mechanical objects, and build clockwork masks to hide their face. More often than not, when they're annihilated, they gain the power to control machines, and rebuild their body. However, once that power is unlocked, it can be used any number of times.

House: Kanniainen

Year: 2

Physical Appearance: Dresses in a blue or red coat, with a black bow tie. He has the same mechanical face as a Xelor and always has a pocketwatch which he speaks to every now and then. His eyes are green, and turn blue when he is angry or upset. His white gloves are nearly always fiddling with something, and his boots are midnight blue, with blue lace. He normally doesn't wear his top hat, but when he does, it has a blue ribbon and is about a foot tall. When he goes to sleep, seams on his gloves glow blue.



Blue and red coats


books, lots of books

Bow ties

A top hat

A suitcase filled with gears, hands, and bits of metal

Personality: A bit mad, but normally calm.

Goals: List some things your character wishes to accomplish. (Optional)

Beliefs: List some things your character has strong opinions on. (Optional)

Background: Lord Harebourg sent his son to school last year, seeing his son was a little insane, talking to his pocketwatch all the time. Albert spends most of his time in his room, tinkering.

Notable Traits: His pocketwatch. One trait is arcane knowledge, 4 points. He's good with clockwork, 4 points. He has a great amount of time magic flowing in him, 3 points.
Is this better? I can't really give a good description for a Xelor, so you'll probably have to look that up.
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@Bichelle and @rooi.

How about having it that the two elven races Drow and Avariel, were once at war, and its only recently that the two races made amends and as a sign of peace, they'd have their two races attend the same school (aka Loftheart)

But tensions would be high between these two races and someone within the school would deliberately try to break relations between the elves in order to entice another war (someone who would benefit from this, like some evil magical arms dealer or something?)

And it'd be up to the students, our ocs, to stop this person/group. Could even be the main antagonist if there's going to be one
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KAmber said:
Is this better? I can't really give a good description for a Xelor, so you'll probably have to look that up.
You should work on personality and background. These two points haven't been worked on at all. Also the age thing bugs me. This is a personal opinion but as the character I think you at least would know your own age. The fact that 'no one can tell' is more of a description for your character rather than an actual age.
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ThatSideCharacter said:
@Bichelle and @rooi.
How about having it that the two elven races Drow and Avariel, were once at war, and its only recently that the two races made amends and as a sign of peace, they'd have their two races attend the same school (aka Loftheart)

But tensions would be high between these two races and someone within the school would deliberately try to break relations between the elves in order to entice another war (someone who would benefit from this, like some evil magical arms dealer or something?)

And it'd be up to the students, our ocs, to stop this person/group. Could even be the main antagonist if there's going to be one
That would actually be pretty interesting! I don't mind what happens to Hana's backstory, I can just say that her wings stopped working because she got into a lot of fights with other people or that she was in some accident that ruined her wings. Doesn't bother me at all. I think it'd be fun!
Bichelle said:
That would actually be pretty interesting! I don't mind what happens to Hana's backstory, I can just say that her wings stopped working because she got into a lot of fights with other people or that she was in some accident that ruined her wings. Doesn't bother me at all. I think it'd be fun!
I think the parent's death part could be explained with this as well~

But again this has to be discussed with @rooi as well.
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ThatSideCharacter said:
I think the parent's death part could be explained with this as well~
But again this has to be discussed with @rooi as well.
Yeah, sure! Well, yeah. Hopefully she won't mind, I think it'll keep things interesting!
I'm not gonna change it again, and I've included a reference.

KAmber said:
Name: Albert 'Timey-wimey' Harebourg
Gender: Boy

Age: Nobody can tell.

Race: Xelor(Wakfu TV show)

A Xelor is like a human, but born with ugly scars on their face. They're skilled with all mechanical objects, and build clockwork masks to hide their face. More often than not, when they're annihilated, they gain the power to control machines, and rebuild their body. However, once that power is unlocked, it can be used any number of times.


This is Noximilian, a Xelor. Albert has the same mask, and the same hand gesture when he stops time, but nothing else.

House: Kanniainen

Year: 2

Physical Appearance: Dresses in a blue or red coat, with a black bow tie. He has the same mechanical face as a Xelor and always has a pocketwatch which he speaks to every now and then. His eyes are green, and turn blue when he is angry or upset. His white gloves are nearly always fiddling with something, and his boots are midnight blue, with blue lace. He normally doesn't wear his top hat, but when he does, it has a blue ribbon and is about a foot tall. When he goes to sleep, seams on his gloves glow blue.



Blue and red coats


books, lots of books

Bow ties

A top hat

A suitcase filled with gears, hands, and bits of metal

Personality: A bit mad, but normally calm. When someone is normally sad, he would think to start again or such, not showing a hint of sadness. When someone is normally happy, he would start to continue to the next task o the list. He is calm, like I said.

Goals: List some things your character wishes to accomplish. (Optional)

Beliefs: List some things your character has strong opinions on. (Optional)

Background: Lord Harebourg sent his son to school last year, seeing his son was a little insane, talking to his pocketwatch all the time. Albert spends most of his time in his room, tinkering and writing in a book, presumably a diary. When Albert arrived, he showed a sudden interest in lore, cramming it into his head as much as he could.

Notable Traits: His pocketwatch.

One trait is arcane knowledge, 4 points.

He's good with clockwork, 2 points.

He has a great amount of time magic flowing in him, 2 points.

He is very mysterious, 3 points(this I guess to be reallocated? I think it would be funny if someone suddenly challenged him to something, and I reallocated it to something else? like singing? Maybe he has'nt shown the full extent of his powers.)

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