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Fantasy Loftheart Student Council Room


No Weakness
This particular thread will be used for OOC discussion. If you want to ask me questions regarding the RP though, it's probably best to send me a PM as that's the most surefire way for me to see it.
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Intriguing. Right, well time to toss down the character.

Name: Vist

Gender: Male

Age: 14

Race: Domovoi

House: Balandalhara

Year: 1

Physical Appearance:
Vist stands upright at a height of 5'0”; although he is most often in some manner of crouched position which makes him look shorter. His body is covered by a mass of shaggy brown fur which stops just before his forehead, fingers and toes. Vist's bony fingers and toes are covered in wrinkles and assorted liver spots. Both his hands and his feet have small but sharply pointed nails. Vist's face is also covered in wrinkles and age spots; these features are quite notable on his large and hairless forehead. Vist sports a full grey beard which stops just at his chest, and is the only different colored hair upon his body. His nose is flattened, his eyes are black and beady, and his ears stretch outwards to the side.


Set of lockpicks

Three tins of porridge, one tin of condensed milk and a salt shaker.

Personality: Typically a quiet and milquetoast individual, Vist is not one for much idle chatter, and only really talks if he must. Much like his kin he is obedient to the ones he recognizes as authority, and will not go against them unless they have mistreated him and are likely to continue to mistreat him. When tasked with some manner of chore, Vist will do the bare minimum needed to keep the taskmaster happy. Beyond that he is an uncultured creature who knows little of the world besides the 'short soundbites' that was told to him, alongside being prone to hedonism, thievery, and having a fascination with whatever manner of item his authorities have declared illicit.

Goals: Find an authority that will provide for all of his needs. Vist wishes to maintain a comfortable lifestyle.

Beliefs: One must accept the authoritative state is right. The authority must provide for all its subjects; if it cannot provide one shouldn't serve them. Think and act like how the authorities want you to.

Background: Vist's story begins on a farmstead owned and built by Vors Krupin. Vors was a proud man who had earned this land from years of service as a dungeoneer for the Koschei Dominion, which ruled over a fairly cold land. Vors and his family lived peacefully on the farmstead where they tended to crop, while being helped out by the spirit that came with the building long ago. In these times Vist was a more dutiful and active worker.

However times changed in the Koschei Dominion, as a Civil War erupted in the land. The old rulers of the Koschei Dominion was defeated, and thus came the era of the United Territories Koschei rose. Vors and his family were causalities of this war, while Vist survived and was reassigned to work in a new territory. Vist was remolded according to principles that the UTK wished to inspire in all its civilians. Vist accepted these lessons as after all, they were the new authorities. However these new masters were crueler than his previous authority. Vist fled from his new home and workplace in order to find kinder authorities who were more like Vors. After a string of jobs for various authorities in various lands, he learned of Loftheart School of Dungeoneering and managed to get them to write letters of recommendation. And so Vist managed to get enrolled to the school, where he seeks to find a proper authority so he can serve a household head like Vors once again.

Notable Traits:

(5) Domovoi – The Domovoi are guardian house-spirit creatures, who typically live either under the stove, under the house, or in the house's shed or stables. If these creatures are kept happy by the family of the house, they perform chores and maintain peace for the house. However if abused they will use these skills to torment the owners, or leave if the abuse is severe enough.

(2) Obedience – Vist has a reputation of being an obedient and law-abiding individual.

(2) Burglary – Since this Domovoi has a bent to wanting to steal items, they have learned the art of burglarizing into buildings and snagging objects that he wants.

(1) Athletics – Vist has taken time to maintain a healthy body by performing basic physical exercises.
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MechaGhoul said:
Intriguing. Right, well time to toss down the character.
That was fast. You weren't even in the interest check! I've looked over your guy and he seems alright. I can't totally judge him since I don't have any other characters submitted yet. Still, he has no flaws I can think of as far as the character sheet goes. Go ahead and post him in the characters thread.
I'm constructing my character now -x- may take me time because i have an awesome idea. just a matter of putting it into words
ThatSideCharacter said:
I'm constructing my character now -x- may take me time because i have an awesome idea. just a matter of putting it into words
Don't worry about it. Take your time. I can only imagine getting more players would take far longer anyways.

On that note, I'll probably start writing IC once I get maybe two more players.
Do you have a list of races we can be? Or is it pretty much anything?

Nevermind, posted my character.
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Name: Satu Rajunen

Gender: Girl

Age: 352 years (roughly 16-17 human years)

Race: Drow

House: Celandinius

Year: 3

Physical Appearance: The first thing people notice about Satu is her dark blue skin and crimson eyes. Though her long dark blue/black hair used to be symmetrical, she has shaved off (or used some sort of spell to prevent hair-growth) the right side of her head, causing all of her hair to tumble down on her left side. Her ears are long and end at a point, with two gold earrings adorning her right ear. She has distinct markings on her forehead, chin, neck, and under her eyes that reveal at her royal upbringings (Where she's from, highborns have special markings to designate their important position in society). She couldn't bring herself to remove them, as they are apart of her. It would be like removing her nose, or mouth. Like most elves, she's slightly taller than an average human female and has a slender build.


  • A medium-sized dagger
  • A wooden slingshot


  • Outspoken – Satu has no problem approaching others and giving her unsolicited advice.
  • Sly – She is clever and knows what to say to influence others
  • Blunt – Satu doesn't have much of a mental filter. She doesn't always realize that what she says can hurt others.
  • Playful – Though she seems unnecessarily abrasive on the surface, she's actually a joker at heart who means no real harm.
  • Impatient – When she wants something, she'll have it now. Waiting her turn is an unknown concept to her.


  • Perhaps one day, returning home to visit her parents
  • Attaining some awesome weapons (she doesn't care what they are, as long as they look badass)
  • Becoming a world reknown dungeon cleaner


  • Not backing down from a fight
  • Carrying herself with the utmost confidence
  • Questioning everything, never take anything at face value

Background: Satu was born to a royal family in some faraway land. She was raised with a silver spoon in her mouth, getting everything she wanted whenever she wanted it. Satu greatly enjoyed her life, but as she grew older, she became bored with it. When she was just shy of 200 years, Satu changed overnight from a docile young Queen-in-training to a rebellious Drow teenager. Without telling a soul, she ran away from her kingdom, much to her parent's dismay.

Realizing that there was no way she'd be able to survive on her own, Satu found herself enrolling in Loftheart. She threw her past self away, not telling anyone about who she really was. Sometimes she wonders about her parents. What are they doing? Are they still running the kingdom? Did they send anyone to look for her?

Notable Traits:

  • Nimble [5] – Satu is a fast runner and an adept climber. She's good at getting herself out of sticky situations
  • Charismatic [4] – When the time is right, she can turn on her regal charm to get what she wants
  • Keen eyesight [3] – Satu has excellent vision, able to spot the most minute of details, day or night
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You gave your character just way too many points. 3rd years only get 12 but your total goes up to 16. Of course, you could just say your character's a 4th yearfor more, but by the way your character is written, it seems you plan a little bit too much character development in the future for your character to be that much older...?

My other gripes are far less substantial but I'd like you to hear them out nonetheless.

Regarding equipment, I wouldn't put any trait points into them unless they're particularly special/important somehow. Those points would be better put into traits letting your character use said equipment.

I also wouldn't have mentioned your character looking strange or outlandish especially since your character was supposed to have been a princess of a kingdom full of people who looked similar to her. Maybe in another RP, but the character before yours is some boney, hairy, goblin thing.

You misspelled Loftheart in the second paragraph of your character's bio, but I really don't have gripes with typos and (think I) know what you mean.

If I were you, I also wouldn't put too many points into darkvision since I don't see that being much of an advantage and might actually prove as more of a disadvantage with just how situational having such a trait actually is. Of course, it's your character and whether or not you have it is up to you.
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Oh wow, I'm so sorry about all the errors!

I edited out the "strange appearance part" in her description. I suppose I meant strange when compared to a human, but it totally slipped my mind that tons of different creatures attend the school, so she looks pretty plain in comparison.

I also took out the points for the weapons. She doesn't have anything fancy, so the points aren't needed.

I changed the name of the school in her history. (Lol "Lofthard", nice)

I also fixed the points, with her nimbleness being her best trait, followed by charisma. I changed the dark vision to an overall "good vision" ability. Now the points should be alright, without the points from the equipment.

Again, I apologize for the shoddy character sheet.
Ixacise said:
So how do I make a staff member and are we allowed to have double pump cliches?
I didn't want to leave the option open, but if you can make a good case for it, go ahead.
Because I want to be a special snowflake.

Shenanigans and also because I feel my character concept makes sense as an adult
Name: Rayne

Gender: Truthfully he is genderless, but he makes himself out to be male.

Age: 2 (20 if you include his previous life)

Race: Blue Slime

House: Kanniainen

Year: 1

Physical Appearance: When unconscious or simply lazy, he remains as a blob of clear blue gelatinous slime. He is about 4' in width and 3' in height.

When awake, he takes the form of a slender human male around the age of 15, although some features are missing such as reproductive organs. His height is around 5'5". He has short sky blue smooth silky looking 'hair' which doesn't actually contain strands but is more like a big clump. He has a baby faced look to him and has dark blue eyes. Initially he wears rags and old cloths of black and brown color that were taken from dead dungeoneers, though this changes when he gets his school uniform.

Equipment: Book of Balthazar (B.O.B. for short) (3): An ancient book said to contain the very being of a mage who called himself Balthazar, King of Flames. Unfortunately, most of the pages of this book are missing and are scattered across other dungeons. It talks and floats around but is only able to alongside the one he's contracted with, in the current case is Rayne.

Personality: Balthazar has an inflated ego, regarding himself as a being higher than anyone or anything. He usually takes an arrogant tone, and only gives his respect to those who show him their respect for him. He is reluctant with helping others wanting to focus more on 'important' things.

Background: Balthazar was a mage from a hundred years ago that was a master when it came to fire magic. But due to his arrogance, and ego other mages decided to transform him into a book out of jealousy. To degrade him further, pages of his knowledge were torn and scatter throughout the world of Magica and finally the book itself was thrown into a dungeon. After, hundreds of years his mana would slowly degrade and the only chance for escaping the dungeon would be to bind himself into a contract with another person. This person would become Rayne in the form of a human. It was only after being binded into the contract that Balthazar would find out Rayne was actually a slime with a conscious, a very unique case.

He currently can only use the most basic spell, Firebolt. As it's name would suggest, it is a small bolt of fire.

Old rusted iron sword: A completely worn out sword taken from a dead dungeoneer. It looks as though it's about to fall apart.

Personality: Rayne is a talkative, friendly person though part of this is the fact that he'd been alone for about a year in a dungeon. He is someone who gets into the action first before thinking about it later. He becomes very serious when a conversation draws to an issue involving lives, due to the fact that he's died once before. He seems to like to argue with Balthazar quite a bit.

Goals: Rayne's current goal is to retrieve B.O.B. from the school as it was counted as a personal belonging. His long-term goal is to find a way to return to his former world to find out what happened, which he suspects Balthazar may know something about if he starts collecting pages.

Background: Rayne is actually a being from another world very different from Magica. Technology ruled the world rather than magic, and an illness had been spreading at a rapid rate around this world. It was said to have been caused by some technological breakthrough that changed the atmosphere of this world. Regardless, Rayne had befallen this illness and died at the age of 18.

He had awoken in a dungeon as a blue slime, which are noted for their use for Mana Potions alongside other potions. At first, he was confused and shocked by the sudden change of his body, he'd wonder if the illness had effected his body somehow. As a regular slime, he wouldn't be attacked by other monsters giving him time to learn about his abilities in his new body. About a year would pass, and he'd discover several abilities he had as a slime, one of which would be transforming into other creatures by absorbing their corpse. He'd absorb the corpse of a human skeleton to form his own body, while taking old clothes and the rusty sword to defend himself. He'd travel further into the dungeon to discover a locked book. Though he didn't carry any key, he'd force the lock open with the rusted iron sword. By opening the book, he'd come into an involuntary contract with Balthazar. In exchange for supplementing Mana which allows Balthazar to talk and float, Rayne would be allowed to use the book as a medium to use spells. He would learn from Balthazar how to read and write in the common language of the world of Magica while fighting within the dungeon and even receive the name 'Rayne' from Balthazar. The two would eventually manage to escape the dungeon in tact. After considering some time, Balthazar would recommend Rayne's enrollment into Loftheart if he wanted to explore other dungeons.

Notable Traits: Slime (3) - As a slime, he's capable of transforming into different creatures by absorbing and digesting dead corpses that are sized around the same size as himself. Anything bigger is considered impossible. Also, parts of him that are torn from him exert a lot of pain, and also 'tears' away his Mana as slimes are magical beings. He is also unable to use spells himself, unless he has a medium in which he can feed mana into.

Regeneration (1) - Though it is quite a slow process, slimes can regenerate themselves to their former size. In Rayne's case, this is usually something that happens overnight.

Internal Inventory (1) - When changed into his natural slime state, he can internally store items on his person and recall them back, although when transformed he'll have to carry them like a normal person (due to the fact that part of his concentration is used on shaping himself)

Sword and spell (2) - Due to being in the dungeon he's familiarized himself with using a sword, though he is far from being an expert. He's also capable of using spells from the B.O.B..

Looks good. Er. Do you mind if I ask what happened to the dungeon Rayne was in? Like, after he left it. Is it still there? Keep in mind that in this setting, most dungeons are living, breathing things.
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Thanks for bumping my interest check. I might be busy tomorrow as I've been busy today.

I think most RPs start by now, but if you all don't mind, I'd like to wait until we have more interest. I'm not a veteran GM here, so... How do I get more interest?
Duwang said:
Thanks for bumping my interest check. I might be busy tomorrow as I've been busy today.
I think most RPs start by now, but if you all don't mind, I'd like to wait until we have more interest. I'm not a veteran GM here, so... How do I get more interest?
hmm.. well If you have rp'd with people before on this site and you think they might be interested, you might wanna tag them, aka use the @(username) function to here. otherwise i think its just a matter of bumping the interest thread to see if anyone is interested. Oh also try making an interest thread in the dice interest check since this is a very lite dice rp game

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