• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Live on Kibo High: Acting Club


Umeko Maeda Sgt Gomez Sgt Gomez RI.a RI.a . D O V E . D O V E [/USER]

"R-really you think so?" Umeko blushed. "Well you look well to. Even better then well! Handsome! You look very handsome as always." She squeezed bit tighter refusing to ever let go. Umeko glanced at Hime and Risa. "Hey guys sign me up and make sure you sign me up as actress and singer. I'll stay here and keep eye on Senpai." She looked back up at him. "Are you joining the club to?" You could see the hope in her eyes just waiting for him to say yes. if he says yes. She thought to herself, that would mean we have something in common. We could bond over theater! He could be the leading man and I the leading lady. We be the stars of the entire school We'd be the new it couple. People would be so jealous of our true love!

At this point Umeko was in full day dream mode and not paying attention to anything that was happening around her though at this point now instead of hugging Yousuke's arm she was hugging his chest with her head resting upon it probably squeezing the living day lights out of him.....maybe she wasn't paying attention so either she was hugging him super tight or just tight enough to hold him in place. Either her mind was far away in her own fantasy.
Miyazaki Risa

Risa had a satisfied triumph smile as the scene died down. Glad and relieved that it didn't end as a sword fight. "Of course," Risa nodded and she was about to lead the way for the prince-ly student, but the sight of Umeko squeezing the life out of one of the boys was odd to say the least. "Umeko?! Stop squeezing! He-he's not breathing!"

Ahh-- and the blonde pervert is unconscious on the floor. Risa let out an exasperated sigh. Turning back to who was left, she asked, "Could someone help me bring him to the infirmary? We can't just leave him there."

"Umeko, could you bring your friend to the nurse's office? Alive, please. I'll sign up for all of us." She quickly filled in the sign-up form for Umeko, Hime and herself. She knew fully well, Umeko is talented on stage; Hime had potential. So she ticked the respective boxes for her friends and left the forms on the table. "If you'll have us, senpai." She gave Tori a hopeful smile. "Alright, sorry for the wait," Risa helped carry the unconscious boy, supporting half his weight. "Let's go."

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Club President, head writer and director:
Torinaiwa Senbonohana

Club vice-president:
Uma Sato

*Actor □
*Technician □
*Assistant Script-Writer
*Lead Singer (must also be actor) □
*Choreographer □
*Technical Director (must also be a technician) □
*Costume Designer □
*Set Designer □
*In-stage Prop Crew □
*Make-up Artist □

Miyazaki Risa
17 y. o.
2nd year student

Idea Idea Theo713 Theo713 animegirl20 animegirl20 Vsland Vsland . D O V E . D O V E

Day 2 of Recruitment Week
The crowds were swarming the next day. It was a bad time too, because Bakaneko-sensei made both Tori and Uma dress up as romans and attempt to re-enact the Julius Ceaser play, but soon after they began they were swarmed by potential membrs fighting for a chance to join their club. Though many of them didn't even seem to know it was the acting club or think about what they scribbled in the pamphlets, they merely wanted to join "Yousuke's club" or "Hiro's club" or "That club with a horse with boobs so large they can cushion someone flying towards them at high speeds". Things got so bad the stand fell down and even if Uma had sight she wouldn't be able to see Tori no longer.

"Aaaaagh! Aaagh! Uma-chan, Uma-chan, help!"

"Tori chan! Where are you!? It's too loud!" Uma shouted trying to locate her friend but the frenzy of people were throwing off her ability to track Toris voice.

"Please one at a time! What? No we don't serve cheesburgers! Hey where are you touching? Uma-chan are you ok?"

Uma felt hands touch her side causing her to shiver.

"Tori chan are we really this...please don't touch me! Are we really this busy? Was it because of yesterday?"

"I think... No, the changing rooms will be sperate for gend- Ah, stop pushing there! I-idols? N-no idols here!"

"Tori chan why are you pulling on my toga? Why is sensei choosing what we dress as?" Uma fidgeted nervously.

They both got swarmed and buried underneath the mass of people. The next day wasn't much kinder either...

Day 3 of Recruitment Week

"Tori chan!" Uma shouted and rushed in the direction of the girl tied to a rope that an alien spaceship was using for budget reasons, trying to save the girl, only to run into a wall. Luckily her ample bosom bounced her off harmlessly, but not without creating a few nosebleeds and a few hisses from lower-breasted girls. Meanwhile, Tori was screaming with many applauding the supposed act, since she was dressed like an alien princess and Uma as a spaceshuttle.

Come to think of it, neither was the day after that so good...

Day 4 of Recruitment Week
"Uma? Uma, hang in there! Uma you're suffocating me! Help!" Tori called out, trying in vain to push her unconscious friend out of her.

A week passed after the whole incident of the first recruitment day. Classes began returning to normal as the club recruitment period neared it's end. For the acting club, though, the week ended a little earlier as both Uma and Tori were unable to keep up absurdity of what happened whenever they tried recruiting people, and especially with Bakaneko-sensei's increasingly "unique" plans. Still, with much effort and sorrow for the loss of her quiet times, Tori managed to send that fateful email to those that signed up.

Send New Email
New Email Received
Acting Club Application
Hello there -NAME HERE-!
Thank you for being so kind as to apply to our acting club! We had plenty of applicants this year, and we're most grateful! Therefore, to help acess how to give everyone a chance and for what positions within the club, we will be hosting an audition in the school auditorium after the weekend at the end of the third year classes. If you have a good excuse small delays will be tolerated, but if you do come late, please be respectful and try to keep quiet as you enter so you don't disturb the perfomance of those that are already having their turn.

Do no worry though! We do not expect new members to already be pros, discovering our talents and working on our skills is part of the club's mission!

Hope to see you there on monday!

Affectionally, from your club president

Torinaiwa Senbonohana


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Torinaiwa Senbonohana

And so the day had arrived. After going through the motions with my siblings, I left the house knowing today the acting club officially stopped being my cozy place. I would no longer have those long calm afternoons reading by the side of the window interrupted only when one of my senpais needed me or when some rando blasted through the door looking for some crying girl that ran away. There were also a lot of people who "took bets" to look for some book in the club, appearantly it was a book of ancient evil according to the internet, so I covered a few recommended reads with that book's cover and just handed one over whenever someone came looking for it. Even small pleasures like that would be gone now that the club was going to get a fresh new crowd. Well, at least I got a little choice in the matter, sitting on that chair in front of the desk on the stage, just up the stairs.

Next to me were two other seats. A regular chair with a couple cushions (to prevent disaster) for Bakaneko-sensei and a large seat designed for larger species like centaurs to sit on. It was lowered for her to be able to properly relax in it. Yet, not even she was here yet. I came pretty early after all. I glanced over at the empty place, seats rising slowly in the middle of the auditorium, accompanied by stairs on the sides.


Map Stage.png

Tags: Sgt Gomez Sgt Gomez RI.a RI.a Servant Servant animegirl20 animegirl20 Vsland Vsland Gizaira Gizaira . D O V E . D O V E Freshet Freshet Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50 Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi bubi bubi Lara6 Lara6 June Verles June Verles Sapphic Sapphic Shinji Ikari Shinji Ikari

Other Potential (unconfirmed) tags: MachievallismAlter MachievallismAlter Will_0121 Will_0121 Normal_Is_Boring Normal_Is_Boring
Nobara Yukiji

Nobara stood in front of her closet, staring the uniform the hung in front oh her before reaching up and grabbing it off the rail, turning to the right she admired how it looked for a moment, "typical sailor design with basic stitching.. I wonder what it would take to get Kibo high to let me design the uniforms?" Her imagination wandered off as she imagined a school where everyone, boy and girl, wore french and chic Victorian maid outfits. The random panty shots, the neko kids, and the shy screams it would be a maid paradise! " Oh..?" Nobara looked down to find her nose had started to drip blood. " Ba.. Ra..chaaaaaaan~" The sound of her father knocking on the door shook her (sadly) out her day dream.

"Don't even think of opening that door dirty old man!" Nobara grabbed one of the tissues from the box on her night stand and quickly wiped up the blood before tossing it into her waste basket and beginning to take her clothes of the the hanger and onto her body.

" Eeeeeh? Are you still upset with me walking into the bathroom while you were taking a bath? I told you it was an accident, your little arms are so small I thought you might need help washing your back~" Her fathers voice caused her to roll her eyes as she began tugging on her white head band and reached for the same colored hair clips that were inside of the wooden vanity. " Papa, if I were still getting upset whenever you wanted to " help me " in the bath I would have never been happy." "Bara-chan is so cruel to her Papa.." Nobara stood in front of the mirror as she flattened out her skirt and nodded her head, it was her sixth at school yes but she still wanted to make an impression, not to mention she had that audition to think about though she was sure she would get in, Bara gave the mirror one of her epic fanged smiles. " I'm going to do better than best!"

Grabbing her shoulder bag Nobara opened her door and purposefully made sure her bag swung in such a way that it proceeded to hit her father in the face as he attempted to peak at her through the key hole, " Bara-chan~! Big brother Sora made you special love french toast to get you ready for your big audition!" Nobara stood on the stairs as she looked around, her brother Sora stood in the kitchen holding a spatula and seemingly burning french toast, Akihiko sat at the breakfast bar twirling a pen in his hand, and her uncle Tokugawa sat on the couch as her kid brother Kaito attempted to get out of his steel grasp. " One, two, three, four,.. where's big brother R-" below her the sound of squealing came as her foot came in contact with his back, looking down Reo laid below her with a flood of blood coming out of his nose " Nobara-sama.. your wonderful tiny feet don't ever have to touch the harsh rotten ground, use me as your shoes!"

" Good morning to you too pervert," Nobara proceeded to, much to his delight, kick her brother away from her as she made her way to the breakfast bar and reaching to grab her phone out of her bag the blond casually told the second oldest that her the "love french toast" was burning. " Why don't I just buy you something when I drive you to school Bara-chan?" Akihiko spoke with a small smile on his face as he continued to twirl his pencil around and Sora began yelling at the burning pieces of toast for ruining his special love breakfast, "last time you took me out to eat I found my half eaten bun and napkin in a ziplock bag hidden in your room." " That's just the price you pay for a good ride to school my dear Bara-chan~" Nobara then (cutely) stuck out her tongue at him before grabbing an apple from the bowl that was sitting on the bar.

" Sora-oniichan is taking me to school anyways because I need him to help carry in my showcase." Sora nodded his head and graciously took in all the jealous stares of the other brothers before grabbing onto Nobara's sleeves and smiling. " Exactly! Now we must be off my dear Bara-chan, we don't want you to be late for the audition" Huh.. Funny, sounded like a pen was just snapped in half but Nobara ignored it and went along with her brother to go put the clothes in his car.

In only a few minutes Nobara found herself in front of the school building, her brother quickly went out to open the car door her, his mind started to fill the with fantasy of his baby sister looking up at his with big watery eyes a before saying like 't-thank you oniichan' with those plump cheeks of her turning red as a rose. Unfortunately for him, Nobara opened the door by herself and proceeded to hit him with it, " thanks for the ride but you're cheeks are all red Sora-oniichan so don't think I don't know what you were thinking about you dirty lolicon." Sora laughed that bishie boy sort of laugh before walking over to his trunk and taking out the rolling rack for Nobara to carry her clothes onto, before she knew it she was tugging the wheeled closet along to the auditorium trying to ignore the loud calls that her brother was yelling about how much he loved her and how he wished her so much luck. Honestly, she didn't know silence till she walked into the building and the only sounds were that of the somewhat squeeky wheels on her rack.

No current interactions.
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Michi Ishikawa was going through somewhat normal day to day procedures. He was dressed for school, after school club, cram school and then late night destructive chicanery of breaking things and causing havoc all in one. Who knew a school uniform was so versatile? But right now he was on a mission of problem solving; not anything like preparing a fight for kids who refused to meet him at a parking lot, or those nerds he dealt with daaays ago.

No this was a bit more of a serious problem.

See, it just so happened that Michi's backpack happened to just be slightly open when he was walking to the convenience store. And it just so happened that Michi had to have "Mimi's Uniform" in his bag. This wouldn't have been a problem, well a problem Michi would've noticed, until he heard a bit of a snickering from another kid a bit behind him. Which is why the two of them were in a single stall in the convenience store restroom.

There was a loud sound of gurgling as Michi picked up the kid's head from the toilet. The kid tried to scramble to get his glasses from the toilet.

"NOT. MINE." growled out Michi as he slammed the kid back into the murky depths, which weren't so deep nor thankfully were they murky. "See, I have this thing and this friend who is there. I am such a kind and thoughtful person I am returning it to her. Geddit?" He pulled the student out who was nodding his drenched head in a groggy manner as Michi threw him back to the wall before opening his bag and pulling what was underneath his 'spare costume'; one of a few jar of creepy crawlies.

Smirking wildly Michi slowly opened the mason jar which was full of roaches, "Periplaneta japonicas" eagerly declared Ishikawa the Lion (or Lioness) of Kibo as he quickly raddled off the scientific name without nary a worry. Bug names were important, as were bug facts, most other school stuff were worth less than any Blattodea. "These guys create a nice little secretion which kills ants real handily, a pretty clever defense. ...Plus they refuse to die easily; they know the importance of no retreat."

With that Michi dumped the jar of cockroaches upon the kid, while exiting the stalls laughing with a great swagger, not forgetting his backpack of course albeit not zipping it as tight as it could've been, as the other student began fleeing in horror.


Course the time came for him to attend the 'parole session', as after all he didn't want Akane ratting him out. So in the auditorium of the school, Ishikawa sat in one of the middle seats available kicked his feet up on the back of one of the chairs and kept his backpack underneath. Michi was idly chewing on a lolipop as he was poking a mason jar full of dirt containing a small colony of Camponotus japonicus, Japanese Carpenter Ants. There was only slight movement among their ranks as he saw some attempting to forage for food that wasn't there and digging tunnels in the far too small prison for them to inhabit.
mk-2.jpgMinako stood up as she felt the first rays of sunlight peering through her curtains and onto her skin. The warm light persuading her to lay back down and return for another dream with the promise of a clearer vision. While the idea was tempting she had already missed a few days of school. Normally this wouldn't be an issue but being a first year meant she had probably missed out on enough already. As the girl slowly opened her eyes and continued to rub them with the back of her hand she made a list of all the things she would need to catch up on. 'Class, observation and an ideal place to absorb energy...' At the very least she'd already signed up for the acting club. More reminders filled her mind as she stood up and made her way to her uniform where she took a moment to interrupt her stream of thoughts to comment 'Not a fan of the skirts though.'

Once dressed and prepared with her school bag Minako was called to the kitchen by an aroma that arrived at her room and beckoned her to the kitchen. Still somewhat sleepy, the brunette stepped lazily down the stairs before stretching and shaking her whole body as if to remove anymore grogginess. She circled the table before picking her usual chair while her mother, seemingly surrounded by vapor greeted her. After they exchanged morning greetings the room went quiet with the exception of the common kitchen sounds. Knife to a cutting table, the sizzling of a frying pan and the steam coming from the stove. The atmosphere growing in tension by the minute until Minako spoke up. "It was the jellyfish dream again..." this immediately gained her mothers concern, eyes widening as her face seemed to express concern over the now established dream. The woman finished to accelerate her cooking and proceeded to re-direct all of her attention onto her daughter. The young girl was happy with how open she could be towards her family at this point in her life, despite of their particular family dynamic. Regardless she began explaining the details of this common dream that was so well known among her parents.

However Mina failed to mention that dream had been interrupted by an unrecognizable figure speaking to her. What it looked like or said wasn't clear but it was very odd for her to experience dreams involving other people. Not sure what to make of it for now the girl was content with writing it off as a rare occasion. After all, she was still maintaining a inner debate with herself on whether or not fate was real. On the one side, if it was she was fated to arrive at Kibo High and audition for a spot in the acting club and if it wasn't she had decided the acting club was the perfect place for her to continue honing her art.

After breakfast Minako sighed and dusted herself off, thanking her mother for the delicious breakfast as she hurried towards the street. Once out the door she walked, wrinkled shirt and messy hair, unsure yet secretly excited for all the new prospects of everything she'd see and learn. However as soon as she arrived at school the realization dawned on her. 'Does every applicant have to audition? I'm not sure how someone would audition for some roles but then again I'm very...misinformed' a small grain of worry seemed to be growing inside of her although on the exterior she Minako may have seemed as unfazed as she normally did. Keeping her head high she made her way to the auditorium. At the very least she knew the auditions were being held there.
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Uma Sato

Uma began her morning routine in her normal way which consisted of staring blankly around her room. Some would think being blind would be a curse, but Uma thought of it as a blessing. She got to judge things and people solely on their merits without the bias of sight. Like lady justice, Uma could judge others fairly by her other senses. "Young miss, your breakfast is ready," Charles the butler called from the hallway outside of her room. "Thank you, Charles, I'll be right there," She calls out before sliding out of bed and trotting to her connecting bathroom. With practiced fingers, she undid her nightgown and stepped into the shower to prepare for the day. Uma began to hum along to her favorite song as she scrubbed the previous days scents off of her body. After about half an hour, she stepped down the stairs leading to the foyer from the upper level.

"Charles is that an omelet and biscuit that I smell?" a pleasant smile crosses her lips as she knew exactly what the older gentleman had the chef prepare for her. "Of course young miss. Only the finest foods for you," he chuckles and gently helped lead her to the dining room. The girl was an interesting specimen for sure. She was blind, ample bosomed (like her mother), and a centaur. Walking around wasn't as difficult as one would think due to walking the same halls since she was a young child, but she was always careful with her steps since if she got hurt, she would certainly get a stern lecture from her parents and the staff. With Charles' help, she made it to the dining hall quicker than she would have alone. Sitting down on a chair designed for centaurs, Uma took a deep breath as she took in the scents of the food on the table in front of her. "Young miss here are your utensils," Charles spoke as he places the fork and knife softly into the palms of her hands. "Thank you Charles," She said as she shoved a large piece of omelet into her mouth. "By the way I think I'll walk to school today." Charles sighs and calmly speaks, "You know your parents' wishes. I will have the car prepared for you and I will drive you to school." Uma huffed and put down her utensils before standing. "Fine fine let's go," She wasn't feeling hungry anymore.

She loved her parents dearly, but they could be overprotective at times. A few minutes pass as the limo is prepared and takes off towards her school. The girl seemed to zone out deep in thought about Tori-chan and the auditions today. Would everything go as planned or would it turn into a mess like their recruitment drive? yes they may have been one of the most popular clubs at the fair (according to others), but it was ultra stressful for the blind centaur and her best friend. "Young miss we have arrived," Charles says through the sliding privacy glass. "Thanks Charles I'll see you after school," Uma says before sliding out of the limo and ends up standing right in front of the school. She takes a deep sigh before making her way to the auditorium. "Good morning Tori chan," Uma calls happily right before nearly tripping up the stage steps.


<3 Hime-chan <3

Hime sobbed as she leaned on Risa for support. "Mama-chan why did you let Ume-chan dump water on me again. It's cold and I just want to sleep," she pouts and wipes her eyes. Luckily the water had missed the uniform hastily thrown on the ground at the foot of the bed. Hime had been out late at work again. Every shift, she seemed to work until 2 AM. By the time the girl makes it home and falls asleep, she gets about 4 or 5 hours of sleep. "I don't want to go to the audition mama-chan, why did you sign me up. You know I hate acting. Terrified of it," she lays her head on Risa's shoulder before closing her eyes, her hair still moist from the shenanigans of Umeko. People always worried about Hime's attachment to Risa and whether it was healthy fr the girl's emotional development. Hime didn't care. She loved mama-chan! The girl also loved Umeko-chan (<3), but in a more confusing emotional way. Hime had never been good at understanding feelings. The poor girl still believes that babies come from kissing (Thanks Tori)! She had been told that lie when she was young, yet no one seemed to want to correct and corrupt the poor, sweet, innocent girl. The school was soon in sight for Risa and Umeko since they had their eyes open and were paying attention to their surroundings.
One week. It's been one week since you looked at me. Oh, no wait, that's not right, is it? Hmm. Let's try that again.

One week. It had been one week since that day. One week and already Anton was well adjusted to the life of a commoner. Well, a well off commoner, but a commoner nonetheless. Getting in to the routine of having his diplomatic responsibilities be conducted at night rather than the day was easier than he thought, given the time difference putting him a full 7 hours ahead of those he was normally in contact with. The night before had proven to be his longest all nighter since he came to live away from home, Anton yawning a large yawn as he entered the school building this morning, a yawn covered by the backside of his hand. The day went as it had for the past week, Anton growing more comfortable with the fact that there were things in this school he was probably better off not knowing. The school was filled with more interesting people than he first thought it would be. There wasn't a dull day to be had. Was this really what he had been missing out on his entire life?

Anton slept through the majority of their lunch period, needing to catch up if he intended to actually put in any effort when it came time for his audition. The honor of the Liechtenstein name was on the line here after all. He couldn't allow himself to be outdone now that he had decided to join this club. Anton had slept well during the lunch period. So well in fact that he almost missed the start of their afternoon classes. Almost. He just barely made it to his class before the bell rang, literally stepping through the door as the bells chimed.

And now that classes were over for the day, Anton would make his way for the auditorium, seeing that a few of the other participants were already gathering. Good to see he wouldn't be the only one taking this seriously. Anton would make his way to join the others that were auditioning, though he would come to a stop when he saw the victim of last week's harassment joining her knight in tin foil armor. She seemed to be in better spirits, which was a good sign. Giving a light nod to his own thought Anton would eventually take a seat as well, relaxing in to his seat. He crossed his arms over his chest, hoping he might be able to relax for a few moments before their auditions began.
Yousuke Ueda


open for interaction
It has been a week since the fateful occurrence in which Yousuke pledged to aid the knight in punishing all evil. Alas, the ninja had to take absences from his classes thanks to his father giving him a week-long mission. Nevertheless, it was also thanks to the older man that he managed to finish the assignment earlier and was back to school come Monday.

The raven-haired spent the day catching up with the discussions he missed. Thankfully, his classmates gladly helped him so everything went smoothly until the bell rang signifying that it was time to go home.

However, Yousuke had to look for the noble knight from before and inquire about his duties and what is expected of him. He asked a classmate about the knight's whereabouts and she was kind enough to tell him (while swooning) that the noble club was having an audition at the auditorium.

The ninja commended the knight's way of thinking with a nod. They must make sure that no evil spy will infiltrate the club.

Without further ado, he proceeded to the auditorium with the fire of determination in his eyes completely oblivious to the fact that the Drama Club isn't what he thinks it is.

Yousuke entered the said facility silently before taking in the people present in the room. There were a lot of unique and colorful individuals and a young man with a sheathed katana on his hips and various ninja tools deep within his pockets fitted in nicely.

However, there was a problem. There was no knight in sight!

Could it be that his classmate was merely pulling his leg and gave him the wrong information? Perhaps, the knight hasn't arrived yet. I should wait a bit. he silently thought to himself before staying on a dark corner, leaning against the wall and crossing his arms.
Miyazaki Risa

"Being late for school isn't good, Hime-chan. If you don't like it, you need to wake up yourself." Risa scolded, but then smiled at her encouragingly, "I'm sure you can do it." She readjusted her grip on her guitar case, she didn't think that Hime really hated being on stage. If she really did, she wouldn't have had a hidden persona. She had talent, but she's just awfully shy about it. Risa wanted to nudge the girl in that direction of show business. And when better to shape talents than high school?

"Because I'm your number one fan," Risa simply said, giving her a cheeky wink. They had reached school by now, and it was time to head to their respective classrooms. "I'll see you both later after class!" She waved goodbye and continued to her class.

Risa pushed the door open to the auditorium, looking around from the doorway with her guitar by her side. She honestly wasn't sure if she was going to use it today. But better be safe than sorry, right? It was only when she took a few steps into the big room that she started feeling nervous. Her ears straight up as she looked around for both Umeko and Hime. She immediately noticed Tori-senpai and Uma-senpai, and gave them a small wave and her usual smile. She walked round to the seats, meeting a familiar face.

"Ah- Hello. I hope you're feeling better?" She greeted the princely student. "We never got to introduce ourselves the last time we met. From class 2-1, my name's Risa."

Sgt Gomez Sgt Gomez Idea Idea Theo713 Theo713
contains scroll!

★ ー
Takumi Hiro

It's been a week since Hiro signed up for clubs. He's already a regular member in the track club, girls watching and cheering him on during practices. Many of them joined at first, but the vice-captain controlled the massive influx that weren't really interested in track by holding an entry test. If they can't run 100m in less than 30 seconds, they won't be accepted into the club. Most of the girls didn't pass, but thankfully Hiro managed to get into the team. He was enjoying himself in the track club, making friends and having fun in the past week. He almost forgot that he signed up for the acting club until he received the email that morning. He scratched the back of his head, wondering what to do about it. "What's wrong kiddo? Why aren't you eating breakfast?" His father's concerned voice brought him out of his thoughts. Hiro was quick to defuse his worries, and asked him for advice. He got a puzzled expression in return and a rather stern reply, "Take responsibility if you signed up."

Hiro sighed, his hand gripped the handle of the door tightly. His brows furrowed, he was still wondering if he should still show up for the auditions. Thinking back, he wasn't sure why he'd sign up. Sure he had passion for art and photography, but was it ok for him to enjoy another club? 'One step-- one step is all you need.' One of his brother's famous words came to mind and he pushed the doors open with new found determination. He looked around the spacious auditorium in a daze. It was still pretty empty. At least Hiro wasn't late, but he was nervous. Walking to a seat, the blonde passed a student who had his legs up on the seat in front of him. Looking like he doesn't want to be disturbed, he tried approaching another. This time a girl.

"Excuse me, could I sit here?" The bishie gave her a smile. He was hoping for someone to talk to, even if it was him chatting away it might help with his nerves. It doesn't hurt to make new friends as well.

Lara6 Lara6
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Nobara Yukiji

Stepping into the auditorium Nobara glanced around at all of the talent that had already taken their seats in the crowd and scouted for what could qualify as competition, there seemed to many types of people that were interested so this was no doubt going to be an interesting audition experience. Pushing her clothing rack further into the building the blond scanned for a place to sit herself, most likely she figured she would have to sit on the outside of the seats to make sure that she could keep track of her audition pieces but she wanted a good enough seat that she could also get a good look at the action. Deciding that her best bet would most likely be taking her seat in the second row Nobara proceeded to her destination, her blue eyes locked on the outside seat that sat along the second row as she began to imagine how she would go about her audition, sure she had sort of practiced at home in front of the mirror but it was different in front of an audience so she did feel a bit shaken.

There was also the fact that many first and second years were here, due to the fact that Bara-chan had skipped her first year of school she was lumped with all of these second years who seemed to already know each other, it was an awkward situation to be placed in but she hoped with all of her might that perhaps being in this club would enable her to have some friends, Hime was really the only one who she knew but she was also blackmailing her into spending time with the blond so she didn't really know if the secret maid counted.

Starting to drown in the thoughts of her own mind the wheels of Nobara's clothing rack were close to almost running into the shoes of another, luckily the blond haired girl snapped out of it right before hand and caused her rack to come to a somewhat squeaky halt as she looked up at the older male. " Ah, sorry about that.." She almost ran into Yousuke Ueda, she recognized him as she had seen him around the second year halls but had heard enough about him from the gossip in the halls that she felt as if she knew him enough, he was a sort of heartthrob to many people but Nobara didn't quite get it. "You shouldn't stand in dark corners like that, you could get hurt and you could scare someone on accident if you do that, many people are very skittish you know" the more that she talked the more that this blonde began to realize why she didn't have more friends, she talked too much.

Mentioned: Sgt Gomez Sgt Gomez

Interacted with: @ . D O V E
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Torinaiwa Senbonohana

"Oh, Uma-chan, good mor... Oi!" I nearly had to leap to catch my friend from falling off the stairs. And I could have sworn I heard something akin to "SNAP!" when I tried to hold her arm as gravity wrestled me. After helping Uma to her seat, and catching my breath of course, I made a suggestion. "Uma-chan, from now on, please ask before trying the stage. I don't have the strength our senpais did."

I noticed the students were starting to walk in. We had a handful of potential club members inside already. There weren't nearly enough, but maybe I should start the speech? I looked at the clock. The answer was a most definitive and resounding yes. But there seemed to be someone missing. Someone extremely important. I scouted the eyes through the entire room, but I saw no signs of her messy long black hair. Aaah, why did she have to come late today? Didn't her friends always come pick her up everywhere to be on time to classes? Wait, what if they were actually screwing around behind my back? No, no, no, I couldn't think like that...but what if...

Regardless, despite y disappointment (I wanted my baby sis to go first), I let Uma have her seat, then took a mic from the table. I had already tested it earlier, so all that was left was to introduce today's task.

"Hello everyone! My name is Torinaiwa Senbonohana, I am the current president of the acting club. We shall venture into a new year together, but before we do, please indulge me for a moment while I explain what will be done today. All of you here have subitted your names as candidate members of the club, so today we shall be hosting a small auditition to access who can join under what roles. In today's sessions, I would like you to keep three things in mind. One, respect for your colleages. Whether they are your friends, classmates, fellow students or enemies even, today is a day in which you owe them the respect of remaining in your seat, quiet and give them the privacy to be in their best conditions. You will all need it. Second, failure and mistakes here don't mean failure to enter the club. As I told you in the email, we expect you to make a few mistakes. Most if not all of you are amateurs after all, and will gain experience through our club. Three, even if you are listed as an actor officially, all members of the acting club have to act. No exceptions. You will all be tested on your acting ability as well as whatever you choose to attempt to join the club as. Of course, this is also hope for some: Even if you don't get the position you wanted, you may still join the club as an actor and perhaps in time work your way up to that position. As such, our exercises today will test you in very dire circumstances for a newbie actor: stress without preparation. You will be called at random and you will be given a few tasks to improvise, both acting tasks and tasks of the chosen nature." I took a deep breath. If anyone saw me upclose, they would notice the huge stream of sweat. I hated talking in public like this. The eyes on me, it was such a confusng sensation, exctasy but also terror and disgust. I walked to the table and took a seat, then brought the mic back to my mouth. "Mister Yousuke Ueda will be going first."

I waited a bit for the boy to come to the stage.

"Alright, I hope you're ready. I'll make do on my promise first, so, imagine you're fighting a villain there on stage. The ground, however, has been partially melted by the enemy's attack, it's unstable. You can stay in place for too long or step in the wrong places, you must still fight while trying to convince them to return to the side of good. You have 5 seconds to prepare, then start!"


Interacting with: . D O V E . D O V E
Tags: Sgt Gomez Sgt Gomez RI.a RI.a Servant Servant animegirl20 animegirl20 Vsland Vsland Gizaira Gizaira Freshet Freshet Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50 Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi bubi bubi Lara6 Lara6 June Verles June Verles Sapphic Sapphic Shinji Ikari Shinji Ikari Normal_Is_Boring Normal_Is_Boring

Other Potential (unconfirmed) tags: MachievallismAlter MachievallismAlter Will_0121 Will_0121
Though Anton sat in silence, his mind began to run faster than a speeding bullet and more powerful than a locomotive. He had spent the last three nights researching and rehearsing lines and scenes from every historical play he could possibly think of. Romeo and Juliet. Hamlet. Beowulf. Just to name a few. He was so sure their auditions would involve the classics he hadn't given much else any thought. If he was nervous. If he was worried. If he was scared. He didn't let it show. He was calm and composed, trying to focus more on the parts of the aforementioned plays and others that he hadn't gotten down pat in the hopes of perfecting them mentally before he was called on to perform a scene. That focus was interrupted when he heard a voice speak to him, Anton turning his attention to and then standing when he saw who the voice belonged to, Anton offering Miyazaki Risa a nod in greeting. “I am, thank you. Small spat, nothing I should have gotten so worked up over.

He fell silent as she introduced herself, offering her a hand once she finished “Anton Braunstein, of class 1-2. Nice to meet you, Risa-senpai.” Whether or not she shook his hand Anton would retract his hand and cross his arms back over his chest, motioning with his head towards the stage. “Are you here to audition as well?” After a moment the familiar voice of the club's president came from the speakers at the front of the stage, Anton instinctively turning his attention towards the stage for a second, then back to Risa-senpai. “Guess it's started. Care to sit with me?” of course, he had no idea if she were here to watch, join, or was a judge like Senbonohana-senpai. If she took him up on his offer Anton would nod and move so Risa-senpai could in fact join him if she wanted, or if not he would stay where he was. When Senbonohana-senpai began speaking again and telling them how this was all going to go down, a bit of the color could be seen draining from Anton's face. All that studying. All that practicing. And it was all for naught. Clearing his throat Anton would shake his head, shooing those thoughts from his mind. How hard could improv be? When Senbonohana-senpai began explaining the scene to Ueda-san Anton would try to picture it in his mind, the stage transformed in to a plot of land charred and scorched, and in some places lava beginning to pool and run like in that one scene from that sci-fi movie a long time ago in a galaxy far far away. How would he convince his would be enemy to turn from the dark side? Would he join them?

RI.a RI.a
mk-2.jpgAfter a few moments of being alone with her thoughts Minakop began to think of what exactly she would do once she found herself up on stage. The mere thought of being able to bring the characters from her dreams to life made her more excited than she normally felt. Not only that but this also opened the possibility for the brunette to better understand where certain things from her dreams came from. This really brought a whole new world of—Her train of thought was suddenly interrupted when she and the took notice of a shadow pretaining from a tall figure looming over her. By the way he was looking at her mile he had on his face it was safe to assume he had just said something to her... or perhaphs he had an unusual tendency to stare at people. Either way Mina felt the need to speak.

"Yes," she simply stated, trying to keep her tone neutral to adapt to whatever this guy had said. As she said this Minako took a longer look at him to better analyze his face and body language. He seemed easygoing and he was conventionally attractive. Odd. Normally someone like him would have admirers waiting on him. As she was about to continue her observations she realized her interest was piqued. At the very least only because she didn't expect to be interacting with anyone so soon. This was surely a good thing. Mina could count the friends she had here with three fingers. Adding another would help her feel more integrated and may even help this stranger. Although she was unsure of how exactly she could help him. At least for now she'd be open to putting more effort into listening to him.

RI.a RI.a
Michi Ishikawa let out a distinctively loud yawn as he witnessed Torinaiwa take a mic and began to deliver an opening speech. In the middle of this, his mason jar of carpenter ants was on a projectile path upwards while Michi took a brief moment to roll his shoulders around and kick his feet further onto the back of the seat. As the jar began its descent back down, Ishikawa caught the jar in the palm of his hands and began rolling it around between his two hands. This girl didn't have a short enough skirt to warrant any real attention being paid to her speech; on the other hand an ant colony that was teetering on the edge of survival now suffering cataclysmic events from their very world being messed with did warrant his attention.

It was an acting club, surely the jist was 'hey we want you to dress up in costumes and do silly things'. That was simple enough, he didn't need to hear an introduction. All he really needed was just one scapegoat to avoid the wrath of his sister blackmailing him. Michi smirked wildly at his colony of ants as in the back of his mind thoughts flew about regarding the ease in which this was going to be handled.

"Colony Death Harvest...." spoke in a rather sober tone, while his eyes glimmered with fiery destruction. "Le's be honest herrre; ya'll prolly almost dead if ya ain't now, considering I wanted t'see how y'dfair in non wood conditions and didn't feed ya." remarked Michi matter of factly as he gave a shrug and rolled his head around. In a vast world full of countless bugs, some of them just weren't as cool to mess around with.

"But ya got one last job t'do." with that said Michi's eyes twinkled even more with thoughts of destruction and carnage. He clasped the mason jar firmly in his right hand and began gently tossing it up and down, waiting patiently for the mark to present itself.
<3 Hime-chan <3

Hime went through the day dreading the auditions at the end of the school day. She was so nervous in fact, that she couldn't fall asleep in class like normal. How could she act in front of others? Her sister? mama-chan and umeko-chan? Why was she signed up for this dumb club? Mama-chan knows she is a nervous wreck when it comes to any sort of public performance unless she is Yuno. Hime rolls her eyes at the thought of Mama-chan saying something along the lines of "Just pretend to be Yuno for auditions," Hime can't just become Yuno...she is special. Hime sighs deeply as she descended the steps from the upper levels were her classroom was down to the ground floor. Staring down the hall, she could see the door leading to the auditorium, Hime gulped before taking shaky steps towards it. The girl stops at the door with her hand on the handle. Thoughts invaded her mind about just running away and not having to audition for the acting club, to just go home and sleep, or game, or go to work and pick up some extra hours. "No I have to do this...for mama chan and Tori...they have the faith in me and I...i have to have faith in them," she steels herself for whatever was behind the door before opening it to the view of a few people she knew and a very scary looking boy in the back with a jar of something in his hands. Hime adjusts the bag over her shoulder feeling the special outfit her manager was having her wear at work tonight, a cutesy idol, for her performance. As her attention was brought back to those around her, she noticed the strange ninja up on stage pretending to fight some evil villain while sinking into the ground. Hime being Hime though, she tried to sneak off into a corner and hoped no one had noticed her enter, but knows everyone could see her.
Yousuke Ueda

The auditorium was filled with different kind of noise, the ninja noted as he found himself closing his eyes, back still pressed against the hard wall before he succumbed into a brief meditation. However, not a few minutes later, an odd squeaking sound introduced itself into his senses not ignoring the fact that whatever was causing it was getting closer.

A pale hand shot up towards the object which turned out to be a clothing rack in an attempt to stop it from rolling over his shoe however it was proven to be a futile effort when the one moving the said rack pulled into a stop.

Yousuke found himself staring straight into wide cerulean orbs and getting somewhat lectured by its owner. "Then, I ask you, am I truly safe out in the light as am I in the shadows?" he began while shifting his position so that he was no longer blocking the rack's way, "The eye is always caught by the light, but shadows have more to say." he added right before a voice resonated throughout the whole auditorium.

The voice was coming from a light-haired and petite female explaining how the screening would work. It wasn't soon when she requested Yousuke's presence on stage. He felt honored to be the first one to undergo the filtering process. This was a tremendously smart idea, he thought, not only can they filter out evil spies but can also be given the chance to demonstrate skills and depict forthcoming scenarios during their fight against evil.

The second-year complied and disappeared from his position but not before giving the blonde girl a pat on the shoulder. A second later and he was now on the stage and listened to the light-haired girl's instructions. "I understand." he nodded then closed his eyes afterwards.


Yousuke opened his eyes and where he was standing- which used to be the auditorium's stage- was now a crumbling land underneath the moon, slowly being devoured by the sea of raging fire. Suddenly, it was just him, the audiences long gone and some of the shrieks of cheer targeted towards him became cries of help. A good distance away from him, a dark figure loomed and the lad could make out nothing of its features except the sardonic grin.

The ninja took a step forward but immediately stopped when the ground underneath him shook. "Your words won't work on me, Ueda!" the mysterious man said with a booming voice, "I have accepted the darkness within me and there is no going back!"

"Perhaps my words can't..." Yousuke replied calmly as he grabbed the hilt of his katana, "-but my actions will!" he finished before leaping from his position and drawing his weapon out mid-air. His sword clashed with the villain's and they continued to match each other's moves while never staying on the same spot for more than five seconds staying true to the lava scene. There was a good chance that the audience only managed to see dark blurs leaping from one position to the other and the sound of the air being slashed thanks to the speed that the ninja was moving.

The imaginary fight kept on getting more intense even drawing dramatic gasps and cheers from the crowd until finally, Yousuke managed to get an opening from the enemy's defense. He raised his sword, ready to deliver the final blow (to knock the opponent out of course),then a particular someone came into view.

The second-year reddened like a tomato in a blink of an eye as he found himself frozen in place. "S-S-S-S-S-Se-Senbonohana Himeno-san!" he finally released the breath he wasn't aware he was holding when he called out the girl's full name like an idiot, "I-It pl-pleases me to...see..y-you here today, erm, because the last time you..were....c-crying..." he stuttered which made him upset at himself so he decided to muster up his courage and say, "I-I just...would like to say that...I......I... Goodbye!" he finished before casting a smoke bomb on the stage and disappearing.
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Torinaiwa Senbonohana
I found myself frowning at the sight of one of the students present in the auditorium opening his mouth and wailing out the same sound Hime constantly exhaled, a yawn and a loud one at that. The student in question had unkept hair and seemed to be less than keen on strictly following the uniform code. But the worst offense of all, he was throwing a jar up and down without a care in the world. I couldn't quite tell what the black dots within the jar were, but given the rest of the impression this student gave me, it certainly couldn't be a good thing. I went to my seat for a moment, and inspected the list of students along with the faces Bakaneko sensei provided (I had to go with her to be sure she didn't accidentally burn the papers or something of the like), then took the mic to my mouth. I didn't want to make this so public but...

"To the student throwing that jar up and down, Michi Ishikawa, correct? Please cease that unruly behavior at once. It is dangerous to throw something like that around, what if it ends up landing on someone? They could be seriously hurt. In addition, please have some respect for your fellow students and pay attention to what's being said and done on stage."

With the warning delivered, we could proceed to the actual audition. The first candidate began pretty well. Maybe I was a little biased about it, I mean he was handsome and he did catch me that one day... But I had to straighten up myself. I took a deep breath and kept watching the performance, seeing the boy of strange mannerisms go all out with the dramatical performance he displayed. Then, he drew his katana in the middle of stage.

"Hey, isn't that dange-" I was too late, he was not only already slashing around, he was running around too, faster and faster and faster... Why did our school even allow dangerous weapons like that? Wait, was he becoming harder to see? Where was, what were those black lines, EEEP did the curtains just get cut


Then it stopped. I dropped onto my seat. My heart was beating like an hyperactive boxer. Yousuke had spotted Hime, and he appeared to start trying to tell my baby sister something.

"Crying?! What do you mean by-" I was interrupted by the sudden smoke bomb and next thing I knew, the student was nowhere to be seen. My heart was still beating fast, and now I knew I had a couple questions for this ninja of ours. But after witnessing that must confusing act, I just didn't have the energy to go out of the routine for now. I sighed, and picked up the microphone again. "Next up on stage is Minako Kobayashi! Please come to stage. For your act today, you are a manga artist who just published their first successful manga and even gained an award, but now they are being mugged and the mugger wants to take that award."



Interacting with: . D O V E . D O V E Freshet Freshet Lara6 Lara6
Tags: Sgt Gomez Sgt Gomez RI.a RI.a Servant Servant animegirl20 animegirl20 Vsland Vsland Gizaira Gizaira Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50 Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi bubi bubi Sapphic Sapphic Normal_Is_Boring Normal_Is_Boring Prayforthewickedeveryday Prayforthewickedeveryday
Miyazaki Risa

"Ah thank you," Risa took up his offer for the seat, putting down her belongings before adjusting herself so she sat comfortably, crossing her legs in one swift movement before answering his question. "Yeah, though I wish to learn more about production and writing. I guess you're here to audition too. I'm sure you'll get in! They won't say no to a pretty face, I think." She laughed, only realising a few moments later that she just called Anton pretty.

"A-ah! I don't think that--! I mean... Ah, I can't take that back now, can I?" A hand nervously scratched the back of her head, a small blush covering her cheeks. Soon, Tori took the microphone and instructed how the auditions would run. Risa was shocked about improv as well. She's definitely not done something like that before. Guess bringing her guitar was a waste.

Her eyes widened at Yousuke's performance, entranced at his fluid movements and moving words to the imaginary enemy. She also wondered where he hid all his props on his body. But his acting soon came to a sudden halt, literally stiffening up and throwing a smoke bomb. Colour drained from her face. That was dangerous! Was that a firecracker?! But the name that Yousuke shouted, rang a bell and she looked towards the doors.

"Hime-chan!" She whisper-shouted, gesturing her to come over to her. "Over here!"

Sgt Gomez Sgt Gomez Theo713 Theo713
Mention: . D O V E . D O V E Idea Idea
contains scroll!

★ ー
Takumi Hiro

The girl's unchanging poker face puzzled him for a bit. Was his voice not loud enough to hear? But her small lips soon opened and uttered the word. Relieved, Hiro sat down, the same grin on his face. "Thank you. I'm Takumi Hiro from class 1-2. What's your name?"

Once they had exchanged names, he would have continued the conversation. "Ahh I'm pretty nervous about going up on stage. How are you feeling?"[/color]

Hiro audibly wow-ed and awed and clapped at Youseke's performance. He was a natural! But that had probably also set the bar for the theatre club. He bit his lower lip, feeling like he lost quite a bit of motivation and confidence that he would get in. At least he would try, right? He wasn't quite sure what had happened to cause Yousuke to freeze up, but he guessed it was part of the act and he gave him a round of applause anyway. But soon came to an awkward stop as he noticed no one else was clapping along.

Chuckling nervously, Hiro turned to Minako again, "That was pretty good, wasn't it? Improv, huh? I'm not sure I'll be able to do something like that." He realised how demotivated he sounded, and he quickly changed it up. Grinning and closing his eyes, small sparkles seem to appear around his face as he did so. "But I'll give it my best!"

Lara6 Lara6
contains scroll!
Uma Sato

Uma sat and listened to the goings on around her. Being born blind had its downsides yes...but it allowed her to develop her other senses. The heavier than normal breathing from the seating of the auditorium. Someone was probably terrified. With good reason too. Uma remembered when she started acting, it was a train wreck. A centaur who was blind, who in their right mind would ever want to take her under their wing? Well with friends like Tori-chan anything was possible.

Years earlier at Uma's 15th birthday party, she remembered meeting Tori for the first time. She had no idea who she was talking to, but whoever it was seemed stressed out beyond belief, so Uma took it upon herself to help the girl relax, unbeknownst to her the girl was Tori, popular idol who was performing at her party. The two became fast friends and seemed to help each other whenever they could. Flash forward through their first few meetings of the acting club with the previous president and vice president. Look at them now! Two mostly highly experienced actresses running the club themselves!

The sound of a puff of smoke echoed throughout the auditorium and right into Uma's ears. "T-Tori-chan is everything ok? I hear someone say something...did he say...Hime?" She had met Tori's younger sister a few times, but the girl seemed quite shy and reclusive. She was certainly hiding something, especially from Tori-chan, but it wasn't any of Uma's business to stick her nose into another family's business. Speaking of Hime..."Tori-chan, why doesn't your sister go first? I think it'll help her to just get her performance out of the way now, instead of dreading it the whole time?" It seemed as if Tori agreed. "Very well, Hime, the role you're gonna be improvising is that of a girl who is hiding that she has a secret job as a maid from her parents."



Himeno stiffened and froze in place as the words left her sister's mouth "Very well, Hime, the role you're gonna be improvising is that of a girl who is hiding that she has a secret job as a maid from her parents." Did she know about Hime's closely guarded secret? No...There was no way that her dear dear sister would be able to discern that Hime worked secretly after school on and weekends as a maid at a cafe in town. Would she? Hime shook her head and shivered to relax her body before looking at her sister and plastering an obviously fake nervous smile on her face and standing up abnormally quickly.

"Ahem," She clears her throat as she stands up on stage looking out at her sister, Charles, and Kenjo. A few beads of sweat formed on her forehead as she stood silently up on the stage. "M-My p-performance as a...as a girl who secretly has a job as a maid," She closes her eyes and takes a deep, steady breath to get her nerves under control.

Hime stepped out of the breakroom in the back of the cafe she worked at. Her gaze swept over the gathering crowd of customers that were beginning to arrive after they either got out of school or off work for the day. She walked towards her section of assigned tables and greeted her first customer with a pleasant and sincere smile. The man smiled back. "Good afternoon master what can I serve you today?" She asks warmly. "A...A tea please," The man responds nervously. "Of course Master. There is no need to be nervous Master it's only me," She winks at him and puts a finger against her lips to be cute. She slowly walked away towards the kitchen to relay the order to the kitchen staff.

"Kenjo, table 5 would like a cup of tea please," she smiles at the boy that was in the acting club with her. The boy nodded back before beginning to get the tea made for the man. Hime meanwhile left to gather the orders for the rest of the tables. All of them except for the last one needed some time to look over the menu. The man at the last table glanced around the room at the other patrons and workers as Hime approached him. He ordered the steak meal and a cup of tea. As Hime turned to leave, his hand shot out and groped her butt. Hime shrieked in surprise and fell to her knees, drawing the attention of everyone around them. Hime began to shake from the adrenaline rushing through her body, her cheeks flushed as she was innocent and naive of romantic or sexual desires, and tears formed in her eyes. Kenjo rushed out from the kitchen and saw the scene in front of him, the man smirking happily at what he had done and hime on the ground about to burst out crying. Kenjo takes a few quick steps to the customer before grabbing by the collar on his shirt and tossing him out of the building.

Hime opened her eyes. "I...I can't let my parents know I have a job...if they ever found out..." She looks away from the crowd nervously with a glint of worry in her eyes. "...They would not understand my reasons..." She does a small twirl to simulate changing into a maid uniform. "G-Good evening master," She bends over slightly and smiles warmly at the imaginary customer in front of her. Her eyes slowly drift towards mama-chan and a bright crimson blush crosses her cheeks, This throws her train of thought off and she just couldn't seem to get her words out of her throat. "I...Um...uh..." she stands up straight and looks at her sister. "Is...that...sufficient...?" She pleaded with her eyes for Tori to say that was enough.

Tori sighed before nodding to her baby sister. "Next up on stage is Minako Kobayashi! Please come to stage. For your act today, you are a manga artist who just published their first successful manga and even gained an award, but now they are being mugged and the mugger wants to take that award."
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Miu Hoshi

"Miu! Miu! Smile for us please!" "Miu! Do you need help with your school work? Senpai can help you!" The pink haired male sat at his desk as he looked at the girls who stood around his desk and smiled, humans are so nice to him, always asking him if he needed any help or taking photos of him, he never had to worry about being lonely in class that's for sure. As the many girls in front of him squealed and spoke to one and other Miu suddenly felt something strange in the back of his head.. as if he was forgetting something that he shouldn't be but he couldn't quite put his finger on it, no doubt about it there was something that he was supposed to be doing right now. For a moment the attractive males face set into a bit of a frown before a girl with a brown side ponytail looked out the window for a second, "hey.. isn't that Yukiji and her big brother?" Another girl with large glassed nodded her head and stared after the blond girl and her protective elder, upon hearing his best friends name though Miu leaped up from his chair and looked out the window to see her. A giant smile grew on his face as he began yelling and calling out to Nobara, waving his hands in front of the window to attempt to attract her attention but by the way that the younger girl was pulling that clothing cart she didn't seem to be interested in any distractions, slowly putting his hands down the male looked down like a scolded puppy, "she didn't see me.."

Altogether his admirers gasped at his saddened face, some opting to try to comfort the alien while others growled at his female friend from afar for making him sad, "don't worry about her Miu-chan! She's just going to that dumb acting club anyway" "Yeah! Yukiji-senpai isn't worth your time, stay with us Miu~!" A loud sense of approval of that statement was made throughout the hoard of girls as they came closer to Miu and held him tight, a few even think it may be better to have the hot guy sad for a longer time if they get to cuddle like this. Meanwhile, Miu's brain was working overtime to put the pieces together, something was about to click for him he just could quite... "Miu" Nobara spoke to him as they both began walking home from school, it was pretty well into the afternoon but for some reason, they had chosen to go for the longer route anyway. "Don't forget that I signed you up for that Acting club okay? I believe you're supposed to be in the auditorium to audition and if you don't show up I won't be buying that fabric that you like for the pillow you want me to make because I won't be making it." "An acting club? You don't have to threaten me Bara-chan! I'll audition if you want me to!"

Oh. That was it.

Quickly moving to his desk Miu grabbed his backpack and made a dash to the door, "wait! Miu-chan! Where are you going?!" Already racing down the stairwell Miu called out to the others "I'm joining the acting club!" "HUH???" As his shoes finally made hard contact with the concrete ground Miu made his way to the auditorium doors and opened them both loudly, "Bara-chan! I'm here!" The pink haired male quickly spotted his white headband wearing companion and thus made his way to her, the blond looked at him like he was the biggest idiot in the world. "Shh! Miu, you can't just yell someones name out like that!" Nobara whispered as she pulled the much taller male over to a seat, Miu smiled at his friend as she told him what he had missed, it looked like this was going to be a very fun experience.. it's just like what the people on the TV do!
For some reason, Minako hadn't imagined the stranger sitting next to her would still wish to speak with her, not after their awkward first exchange. But sure enough, the girl could still hear him talking even while she stared straight ahead. "I am Kobayashi, Minako," she turned to him inquisitively "It's a pleasure to meet you Hiro."

Furthering the conversation the blond began to ask about their current situation. Despite Hiro claiming he was nervous Mina barely noticed. He didn't seem to present any obvious signs of being nervous but perhaps this was exactly what made him a good actor. "I'm trying not to think about having to go on stage too much. Still, even if things do go horribly wrong you'll still be alive and well tomorrow." Maybe she could have phrased that better but at the same time she barely knew what kind of person Hiro was. Maybe he'd find some humor in the situation.

Before long it was time for the first few people to slowly climb onto the stage to perform and with each passing person, the brunette's nervousness began growing ever so slightly. There had been Youseke's performance which had been so astonishing it almost seemed like it had been rehearsed to the point of perfection. Although at first hesistant to take her eyes off the preformance Minako couldn't help but turn and crack a small smile in imitation to Hiro's. "There's no need to put up a front." Maybe this piece of advice was not only for the boy sitting next to her but for herself, having tried to previously sound relaxed and unpreocupied.

Soon after, Hime's audition seemed like a very realistic portrayal of her role. Minako rested her head on her hand as she looked any small detail that could augmentate the quality of her own preformance when the time came. "They're really going all out for this." Mina muttered, body leaning towards the stage. She would be quickly snapped out of her trance as her name was called. 'Next up on stage is Minako Kobayashi! Please come to stage. For your act today, you are a manga artist who just published their first successful manga and even gained an award, but now they are being mugged and the mugger wants to take that award.' For a split second her mind went black before rapidly returning to reality and quickly getting up from her seat without even looking at Hiro before heading to the stage.

With an uneven balance and an out of focus view Minako now stood at the center of the stage. It was hard to really know how nerve wracking it felt being up on stage until truly being the only one up there with everyone looking at you. 'Deep breath
close your eyes.' As the seconds passed Minako began constucting her set. An empty street on a windy day immedietly brought a shiver to run down her back. A crowd of people watching her quickly became the eyes of a planning theif. The silence remaining the same.

However her vision dissapeared as soon as it had come when thoughts invaded her fiction. 'I haven't actually drawn anything in a while...I don't see how I can realistically imagine getting any such award at this rate.''Why would somebody want to steal the award of a manga artist who's only ever had one success?' More and more thoughs began to accumulate resulting in her falling to her knees clearly choked up, unable to fully form sentenced and instead letting out wails. "Stop!" she finally managed to yell. Despite being on the verge of tears Minako managed opened her eyes to find the people still observing her. Having already given up she used her arms to lift herself off the ground before bowing her head and walking off the stage, attempting to avoid all eye contact she could. Even when arriving at her seat she still refused to look anywhere else but the floor, trying her best to fight back tears. This had been though and she wasn't even in the club yet. It really put int perspective the difficult challenges that would be ahead if she decided to stay. There was much to think about.
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Yousuke Ueda

There was a faint puff in the air before a certain ninja materialized, face flushed with embarrassment as his head ran over what just happened. The thick curtain of the stage, albeit somewhat affected by his earlier performance, hid his flustered form from the cheers and claps of the audiences.

Yousuke Ueda shook his head at himself, unsatisfied with his performance. I-it was all going so well! He managed to show everyone his skills and abilities but then....she just had to pop out of nowhere. Ever since he was a small child, his father taught him to be composed at all times yet he would completely freeze up whenever he sees Senbonohana Hime.

However, the next participant was already starting her audition and the ninja braved to take a peek from behind the curtains.

As if on cue, the girl on stage twirled and said "G-Good evening master,"

The raven-haired's heart almost jumped out of his ribcage at the scene. He immediately flushed a bright hue of red and gaped. He was once again frozen in place and it took him a few moments before recovering from the shock.

"K-kuh.... w-what am I feeling?" he muttered to himself, shaky hands clenching his chest. His heart was beating so quick and there was a foreign feeling at the pits of his stomach...as if- as if there were butterflies fluttering there..

Thankfully, before Hime could officially give him a heart attack, somebody else was called on stage. He watched and listened from his position, taking in everything. Yousuke nodded, it's always a good idea to prepare people against thieves. He watched in confusion as the female fell to her knees and yelled. She wasn't going to show off her skills and abilities? Or perhaps, she's demonstrating a technique akin to Hime's?

Nonetheless, the boy clapped as soon as her performance ended.
Uma Sato

Uma claps her hands together as Hime finishes her performance. "That sounded wonderful Hime-chan!" She says happily and looks towards where she believes Tori to be. "Was it as beautiful to see as it was to hear?" She smiles and with what seemed to be instincts, marked down Hime as a possibility as a princess role or a potential love interest sort of position. Knowing that Hime had a adverse reaction to romantic settings, Uma wrote to help try to adjust Hime to those types of things. Uma heard a gasp and her eyes perked up...it sounded like it was the opposite side of the stage, but assumed it was just Hime being Hime. Listening intently to the new performer, Uma's brow creased in worry. Something seemed wrong. "T-tori-chan is she ok? Her breathing seemed stuttered or...heavy and, unless she is interpretive dancing which would be an odd, but interesting way to do this particular scenario, she hasn't really done anything." Uma stood up to go find the girl and try to console her. Uma knelt down to be sort of eye level with the girl as she stood next to her. "What's wrong?" She whispers supportively.

Lara6 Lara6 Idea Idea


<3 Hime-chan <3

Hime pants as she stands on shaky legs after her performance. She spots the next person to perform after her walking towards the stage and Hime begins to stumble towards the backstage to go and try to calm herself. Unbeknownst to her, the universe appeared to conspire against her this day and a rogue nail in the floor caused her to trip over it. As she wheeled forward nearly losing her balance, but her saving grace was colliding with Yousuke. Her eyes wide in shock as their lips met in an unintentional kiss. The stars above (even though it was daytime) seemed to align as Hime felt a surge of energy run between the two of them. She eased into the kiss and it just felt so right! If this is what caused pregnancy, it didn't seem like such a bad thing! Hime blinked a few times and pulled away before blushing again as she realized what they had done. "P-P-P-P-..." She attempted to speak before running away. Many years ago when Hime was little, She had asked where babies came from. Being the diligent and protective sister she was...Tori told her that babies came from kissing someone, but not just anyone. It had to be someone that you felt a special energy with. If what Hime felt just now wasn't this special energy than what was it? Was she truly pregnant now that she kissed this ninja? "T-Tori..." Hime sniffled out in the hall. "T-Tori, I...I'm p-p-pregnant," she says softly and shakily though no one was around to hear her. How was she going to tell Tori about it. Did she see what had happened? Would she know what to do? Hime had no idea how to be a mama! She was merely a baby-chan!

Idea Idea . D O V E . D O V E RI.a RI.a

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