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Realistic or Modern Literally Just High School {Always OPEN}

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Crystal M. McKnight

"We'll see..." She said while looking around the room in a thoughtful manner. Rarely had Crystal spent so much time on one person and it actually made her happy to do so. As if her thought bubble had popped and was replaced by a huge light bulb, she turned her head back toward Mia with a big grin on her face. "We could always skip? Get a head start on everything you could be good at." By no means was Crystal a good well-behaved student. She had no interest in staying past second hour, anyway. "What d'ya say?" Of course it was left up to Mia and if she were decline Cris would understand even if she gave her a bit of a hard time afterward.

@Ami the breadling

Lilith R. Sanders

The clattering of the paintbrush caught her attention and a flash of horror went through her. Looking quickly up at the painting she was quite, if not equally, relieved that nothing had happened to the artwork. Glancing at the boy who seemed to have no intention of yelling or being angry, Lilith sighed in relief. "I'm so glad that you weren't actually painting on the canvas yet.." Her panicking heart slowed back to normal and her smile returned to her lips. "Probably have, I keep busy." She said simply then shook her head. "No problem, I'm Lilith Sanders." She stuck out the hand without the brushes and nodded her head. "And I'm sure that I've seen your face round and about but no memory of actually meeting you."


Reese K. Nicolson

There was literally no differences that Reese could pick out. Everything at this school had yet to change from his previous years in this place and it annoyed him deeply. The same chipped paint on the lockers, same ugly brown classroom doors... He was going on and on, most likely out of boredom, as he walked through the halls not needing to stop by his locker now. As he walked he took notice of all the new students that would have to deal with the crappy paint job for their next four years, as well. He was even feeling a bit sympathetic for them when someone had suddenly taken hold of his air. Startled, Reese moved his head to the side to see the one and only, Skylar Cheung. His face lit up seeing an old friend and he stopped to look at her. "Hey! I wasn't sure if I'd get to see you before class." He smiled and hugged her briefly. "How have you been??" He was always checking on her though, lucky for him, not in an annoying, possessive way. He simply cares. "What about Chris?" He had only met Chris once or twice but absolutely loved the kid, he was too cute and fun to play with.

Drew Collins

As Drew walked through the halls holding hands with Aires, he saw a girl with pinkish hair for the third time in a row. "She's got to be lost," he pointed at the girl, "I'll meet up with you again if this doesn't take long, but if it does, I'll see you in class, love you." He kissed Aires goodbye and broke his hand away, walking up to the lost girl. "I can't help but notice you've been walking in circles for the past few minutes," he said, "Do you have your schedule yet or do you just need help getting somewhere? Oh by the way I'm Drew, Drew Collins," he smiled and put his hand out for her to shake.

Mia blushed. Skipping. If her mother found out, she'd kill her for that. But then again, she would surely be drunk. Also the lesson didn't quite interest Mia. She stood up. "Ok...", she unsteadily said. "But I have never done that before."



Minae Kim

Minae saw a man approach her and he began to speak to her "Oh! Yeah.. I'm a little lost.. I probably looked silly walking in circles. My name is Minae, it's nice to meet you! I have my schedule here but I am not exactly sure where the classes are. Could you help me?" She shook his hand and gave a warm smile.

Colby took Lilith's hand and shook it gently. He was somewhat anxious about the whole encounter, and his heart was still beating fast from the sudden disruption of his painting. He didn't mind, it just was unexpected. "Colby Jackson," he answered. "And I would rather you not make cheese jokes, but it's cool if you do." @ShadedRose

Cappuccino. You know how I like it. Neptune put her phone back into her pocket as she approached the school building. She wasn't really a fan of school, but she put up with it. As she made her way to English, she passed two girls. She recognized one of as Ava Newton, but she didn't know who the other one was. "Hi, Ava. Who's your friend?"



"Okay," Aries said. She had to get to class anyways. What class did she have again? She glanced down at her schedule. Art? Why did she decide to have art of all things? She couldn't draw to save her life. Then again, it was one of the few electives she hadn't taken. Did Drew have art too? She should've checked. She entered the art room, surprised to already find some people in there. For a second, she shuffled in her spot and moved over to an empty desk.

@ShadedRose @oli


Ava glanced at the girl in concern. She was really nervous. "Thanks a lot for the compliment though really. I hope I smell like coffee. Do I smell like coffee?"

She glanced up when she heard someone say her name and smiled warmly at Neptune.
"Hiya, Neptune. This is Sora, she's new here."


"Bye!" Locket watched her friend run off with a warm smile. She found it funny he had tried to play it off. She knew him better than he knew himself. When she walked by the office, she saw Parker talking to the boy from earlier. She smirked to herself and went to class. He had the same first hour, so she only had to wait for him to show up.




Parker's mind was pretty much doing handstands in his brain as he watched Nolan walk off into his class. He did entirely hope that the boy's first day would go smoothly. He sighed in contempt, turning around on his heels and walking towards his first class. Once he arrived, he was happy to see Locket there sitting near the back. He waved slightly, dropping his bag by the desk beside hers. Parker glanced back at his schedule, looking up with a jokingly seriousness on his face.

"I thought this teacher died last year?"

@Wisteria Cresting
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Jaime nodded her head, though she knew her girlfriend couldn't see her. She quickly ordered herself a black coffee and Neptune's cappuccino. About 6 minutes later they're ready and she quickly grabs them and then walks to her car.

5 minutes later she arrived at the school and climbed out of her car, coffees in hand. She walked into the school in search of Neptune. She smiled when she saw her and walked up behind her.

"Hey babe. Here's your cappuccino." She murmured, taking a drink of her own coffee.

@Wisteria Cresting
~Sora froze. The girl who had accosted Ava...she was beautiful. So pretty...so relaxed...everything Sora wasn't. She actually was going to try and make a Hyperdimension Neptunia reference, hoping she'd maybe get it, when another girl came up and called her babe. Poor Sora's bodding crush slightly shattered, and she looked down to hide her face.

"H-Hi...I...I'm S-Sora..." she looked for something to say, then decided to say absolutely nothing else lest she say something embarrassing and probably creepy. She pressed against Ava out of pure instinct.

Too many people already...

@Wisteria Cresting
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Crystal M. McKnight

It was pure surprise that quickly came over Cris's face as she heard that her proposition had been accepted. Grinning, she watched her new friend get up. She followed the action and nodded. "Alright!" The teacher wasn't paying them any attention what-so-ever meaning getting out of this boring ass class would be a piece of cake. Snatching up her notebook and pen, Crystal stuffed it away inside of the desk then turns to the door. "Come on." She moved to the exit catching the attention of those who weren't asleep or daydreaming. They made no attempt to speak up so Cris simply opened the door said that the two of them were going to the office and headed down the hall. That easy.

"So, Mia..what's something you've always wanted to do? Like, go to a dog park with someone else' dog, go hiking, go to a skating park, vandalize a public space, or perhaps partying could be your kind of thing..." Everything she said was with a straight face though on the inside she couldn't wait to see how Mia would react.

@Ami the breadling

Lilith R. Sanders

She giggled quietly as he told her his name then asked her not to make any jokes. "That'd be rude." She said though still smiling. "I do like it though!" Letting go of his hand, Lil bent down and picked up the mess she had caused. When she stood back up she handed the paintbrush to its owner then proceeded to do what she had come for. She placed the brushes she had brought into one of the teacher's drawers and looked over her shoulder hearing a faint sound. The girl standing in the doorway was Aries Pole, President of some club that Lilith couldn't remember. "Hello!" She called to the girl but then thought better of her actions. Maybe Aries, being a senior, meant she wouldn't want to be bothered with the younger students. Frowning at the thought, she looked back at Colby and nodded her head. "Hope I didn't mess up your inner image."

@oli @Wisteria Cresting
Mia shrugged. "I don't really know. All of that sounds kinda interesting. I'll just let you decide. I wait for your orders, ma'am", she jokingly said and saluted. Some of that stuff sounded illegal. Her mother would completely freak out if she did something like that. That thought tempted her.

Jaime smiled at Sora and nodded her head in aknowledgment. "Hi. I'm Jaime." She grinned, reaching out one of her hands to shake hands with her, but once she noticed how uncomfortable the young girl was getting she put her hand back down as she thought better of it.

"What grade are you in?" She asked, stepping forward so she was beside Neptune instead if behind her.

@Wisteria Cresting @Xion136
Skylar Eva Cheung

Skylar smiled and returned the hug. She wasn't in the best of moods, but seeing Reese has really lighten up her spirits. She felt a little lonely seeing all the groups of friends in the hallways while she was walking around alone. It was normal for her to walk around the school by herself, and she has grown used to it, but she always liked talking to her friends, even though she only had a few. Skylar felt really lucky to have run into Reese, or else she probably would have went to her first class in a bad mood. "I've been better. I'm just really tired right now. "Skylar says while stretching her arms a little. "It took me forever to get Chris to stop crying and go to sleep last night. He never liked it when I have to leave him and go to school." She sighed, remembering how stressed out she got trying to deal with him. "I got my parents to hire my and Jamie's old nanny to help take care of him. She should be able to handle him when he wakes up." Skylar says and suddenly went quiet as she remembers the old times of when her sister was still at home. It's already been three years since her sister had ran away from home and there's no sign of her ever coming back, but Skylar still misses her very much. Jamie was her dear older sister that she looked up to and Skylar was the one who was in the most pain when she left. Not wanting to start tearing up, Skylar quickly continued what she was saying. "Anyway, I already introduced her to him beforehand and Chris seemed to really like her so I'm sure they'll be fine." Her grandparents were the ones who took care of Chris while she was in the school the years before; however, they had grown sickly in the past couple months and so Skylar didn't want to burden the, while they were so weak. "And you? Anything new happen?" Skylar asks looking up at Reese with a smile.

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~Sora looked up at Jaime for a moment, and gratefully smiled lightly at her restraint. She then realized she was against Ava, and gave a small squeak and moved away. "I-I'm a S-So..." She couldn't quite say the word. "Tenth!" She finally said. "Tenth grade. I..." She trailed off. "...I just moved here..." Because the foster system here decided sending me here intead of trying to send my back to Akiba to my aunt was a fantastic idea... She thought bitterly, looking away from everyone else once again.

Neptune smiled at the girl, but frowned when her eagerness dropped slightly. She glanced at Jamie with a warm smile. It was probably a bit too lovey-dovey of a smile, but she didn't care. She was, in fact, in love. She entwined her fingers with Jamie's when she stood next to her. "Hi. Oh, I'm Neptune by the way."

She nodded when Sora mentioned moving here.
"My family and I moved here when I was twelve, so I can kinda understand what you're going through."

@Aryn Harris @Xion136


She wanted to greet them. She really did, but Aries was never really one to strike up a conversation. Yes, she was popular. Yes, she was well-known, but that was only because of her sister and friends, really. Popularity by association? Probably...

@oli @ShadedRose


"Oh, she did," Locket responded to Parker's comment with a wave of her hand. "But even the devil thought she was too much of a bore, so he sent her back."

She smiled at him and leaned back in her chair.



Sora was really close. Not that Ava minded. She smelled really nice. Lemony, almost. She moved away after Jamie introduced herself though. Ava found herself missing the close proximity. "I'd love to chat, guys, but we gotta get to class."

@Xion136 @Aryn Harris
~Sora looked at Neptune...sadly.

"No...you don't really..." she looked down. "...you have a family. I don't." She stated, then turned to Ava. "Please take me to class." She requested quietly. "...please." she looked even more uncomfortable.

"..........it was nice meeting you two." Was all she would say, before falling silent.

@Wisteria Cresting @Aryn Harris
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Ava wasn't entirely sure how to respond to that. She glanced at Neptune and Jamie, hoping they would understand and gently led Sora away. She didn't say anything, but she wanted to. Her mother had died a few years ago. It wasn't an entirely new feeling for Ava. Loss. She couldn't imagine a life without her dad or siblings though. "I'm sorry," Ava said softly, navigating the halls with ease. The crowd was starting to thin. "If you're ever in a situation where you feel uncomfortable and I'm there, please let me know."

~Sora nodded quietly. "...Thano you, Ava..." she didn't look up, still slightly upset. The wounds were still extremely fresh in her mind...she wished she bad some vodka...hell, she'd take even Smirnoff right now...

"...I will."

@Wisteria Cresting



Parker laughed, tilting his chair as he watched other people walk into the class. He bit his lip, glancing out of the window as he thought about Nolan. Again. He sighed gently. He didn't know what was happening to him. As far as he knew, he had always been playing for the female side. He thought about it more. Parker even had a crush on Lock at one point. He glanced at her, shaking his head. He shouldn't be thinking about any of this.

He ran a hand through his hair, smiling at Locket. "What are you doing after school?"

@Wisteria Cresting
Jaime sighed softly as she watched Sora and Ava walk away. She pulled Neptune into a hug and smiled slightly at her, hoping to get a few moments alone with her girlfriend before class started. "So. Want to come over after school? My parents won't be home." She whispered the last part softly as she waggled her eyebrows and let out a laugh.

Jaime placed a gentle kiss to Neptune's lips before pulling back slightly, giving her the same stare Neptune had been giving her just moments ago.

@Wisteria Cresting
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Neptune rolled her eyes when Jamie mentioned that her parents weren't home. She leaned into the kiss. "Sure. You know I love you, right?"

She'd said it a million times, but it never felt like enough to her, like she could always say it more.

@Aryn Harris


Ava offered Sora a small smile. "Of course, what are friends for?" she hoped they were friends, at least. Despite her upbeat personality, she never seemed to have that many people that considered her a "friend".



"Nothing," Locket answered with a small sigh as she twirled her pen in her hand. "Avoiding home, probably. Why? You got anything planned?"

She glanced over at her best-friend with a lopsided smile.




Parker tightened his bow-tie, running a hand through his hair. He shrugged slightly, glancing at his best-friend.

"I thought we could go hang-out? I have morning shift at the cafe tomorrow, so I have to stay up late."

He smirking at her lopsided smile.

@Wisteria Cresting

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~Sora looker at Ava...then gently slid her arm through her new friend's.

"...it's what friends are for..." she said softly. "...do you make friends with all new students...or just the ones who have no idea what they're doing?"

@Wisteria Cresting
Jaime giggled as Neptune rolled her eyes. "You know I'm more lady like than that." She said, kissing her lips once more. "But great. We can cuddle and watch movies." She added and she bit her bottom lip as she heard her girlfriend tell her that she loved her.

"I love you too baby. Nothing will ever change that." She murmured, pulling her into a tight hug.

@Wisteria Cresting
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Her heart swelled every time Jamie said those words. She placed another quick kiss on Jamie's lips and pulled away. "I gotta go to class. We good for lunch though?" she rubbed her arm a bit anxiously. The chances of Jamie saying "no" were slim, but she was always a bit anxious about it. She had never been the most confident person in relationships.

@Aryn Harris


Ava giggled. Before she could stop herself, she answered, "Only the cute ones."

As her words sank in, a small blush formed on Ava's cheeks. Why did she say that? Stupid. Stupid.



Locket paused, a thought suddenly occurring to her. "Well, shit. It's my turn to make dinner, isn't it? You wanna chill at my house for a bit? Play some video games or something?" she shrugged a bit. Normally, she was rarely home, but she knew her brothers would kill her if she didn't hold up her end of the deal.


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