Lil' Bit Country- Actual RP!

Brian had been enjoying his time on the dancefloor with Kendall. He noticed something off, however. No one was stepping up to the stage to sing. The band had seemed to take off as well. In true fake cowboy fashion, the manager had decided to play Top 40's and some pop. An idea formulated in Brian's mind. He leaned into Kendall and told her his plan. "I'm gonna grab my guitar, and you and I are gonna sing some country for these folks. Sound good?" He leaned out with a grin. Brian didn't give her time to say no, instead he hurried out to his truck, grabbing the guitar he always kept from behind the seats. He then came back in, maneuvering his way with the guitar to Kendall. "Ready?" He asked her, headed for the stage.
Kendall was surprised at the suggestion, but she liked it. She nodded and took his hand, going to the stage. She started shaking as she went to grab the microphone. "Uh, howdy y'all. I'm Kendall and this is Brian, and were going to sing some songs for everyone." She smiled, getting used to the stage, finding a stool and sat it next to another for them, she quickly leaned in and asked, "you know how to play concrete angel?" Then leaned out and smiled to the crowd. "Were gonna take it down slow for y'all, so find that special partner!"
"Yeah I don't feel like dancing tonight..." said Alexa. "I'm just going to go. Alexa storms off and hops into her Stingray and drives off. "I need to go home."
Brian couldn't help but smile as she approached the stage. She seemed nervous but he figured once the music got into beat that everything would sort itself out. He nodded at here request and did a few test-strums on the guitar, making sure everything was in tune. He then began to play the beat to Concrete Angel. He watched his fingers dance across the chords before looking up at the crowd, trusting his own judgement and talent. "Go ahead, gorgeous," he said as he continued to strum on.
Kendall smiled and put the microphone back up to her mouth. She began to sing the lyrics on time and on key. "She walks to school with a lunch she packed, nobody knows what she's holding back.." As she sang, she could see the people getting into pairs and dancing around the floor. She smiled and kept singing, starting on the chorus, "Threw the wind and the rain, she stands hard as a stone, in a world that she can't rise above..." She continued until the song ended and smiled at the crowd.
Alexa had decided not to stick around--party pooper--but Jamie was having a good time dancing with Samantha, Em, and Jesse.

Kendall and Brian hopped on stage and started to play a slow song. They sounded good, but Jamie couldn't help feel a little hurt. This was her night, wasn't it?

Ever since she was little, Jamie had problems dealing with others being the center of attention. She liked focus to be on her. She knew it was immature and selfish, but she couldn't help it. So she swallowed her pride and tried to be happy for her friends.

"I'm going to the bar." She told her friends once they started to play a romantic, slow song. This night was supposed to be perfect but it was turning out to be crappy.

"Irish Carbomb please." She smiled weakly at the bartender, Joey.

"Yes mam." He smiled, "You were a maniac up there."

"Apparently not..." She muttered when he turned around. The crowd was eating Brian and Kendall up. Did they like them more.

Joey brought her the drink and she combined the shots and tossed them down her throat, loving the burn of the liquor in her mouth.
"So-cute-you-could-vomit couple is stealing your spotlight" Samantha sauntered up to Jamie and took a sip from her glass of merlot (She hoped Jesse wouldn't see).

She could sense that something was wrong with Jamie. She wouldn't admit it, but she empathized and, well, genuinely liked Jamie. She wanted to make her feel better.
Brian had no intention of stealing Jay's thunder. He didn't even consider it when Kendall and himself had stepped up on stage. Brian had simply wanted to hear better music than what was being played. He noticed her lurking towards the bar in the middle of their performance, however. Sh*t, he thought to himself. He continued to play to the end however. He smiled at the crowd as they applauded him, but was in a hurry to get off stage. Brian didn't care much for the attention. He smiled and turned towards Kendall.

"You were awesome up there," he said with a smile.
Kendall smiled and hugged him. "I haven't gotten up on stage since two years ago! I was so nervous!" She said, giggling. She had so much fun, hopefully nothing will happen because of it. "I feel like singing more, but maybe later." Kendall said, wanting to stay on that stage, maybe dance a little while she sang.
Jamie was shocked that this girl she met two days ago was able to read her thoughts so well, "They sound so good. I'm happy for them, really. It's just...I'm selfish I guess. I feel like a bad person for feeling like they're taking my spotlight." And it doesn't exactly help my mood that Alexa stormed off for no reason, she added to herself.

"Another carbomb?" Joey asked her. Jamie had a huge tolerance for her favorite drink so why not? She nodded.

"Are you actually drinking Merlot at a dive bar?" she giggled, smiling for the first time in 30 minutes at how quirky Sam was.
He nodded and smiled. "Alright, let me grab a drink and I'll go back up with you." He didn't mind being on stage as much as the fact he just felt bad for Jay. He removed his cap for a moment and scratched his head, looking towards the bar. He sauntered on over, ordering a Budweiser from Joey. He looked over at Jay.

"Hey, you alright?" He asked her, though he already knew the answer. "You're a great singer, hell I wish I got as much cheers from the crowd as you did."
"This is actually the blood of my unicorn sacrifices" Samantha said with a blank face. She could practically hear the crickets. "Kidding. But yeah, I like Merlot. Hashtag-Italian-Problems"
Sam was super kooky, but in a fun way. It made Jamie wonder why she hadn't noticed her before. At that moment Brian approached the bar,ordered a beer, and asked her how she was doing.

"I'm feeling a bit insecure I guess. I feel like the crowd liked Kendall better than me. Plus she has the whole cute blonde thing going for her, I guess." Jamie replied, not able to look Brian in the eye. She was never one to hide her emotions well. Jesse was probably watching from across the room, totally turned off.

As for the hair thing, Jamie usually loved her wavy brown hair, but she was questioning everything. She had no idea that Kendall was a singer and Jamie liked her title as the Best Pipes at Appleby High.
He grinned and shook his head when Jamie explained why she looked so down. "Naw, they liked y'all the same. They were probably happy to hear some real music, none of that pop that the fella' in the cowboy hat was playing." He nodded to Joey in appreciation once his beer arrived. He instantly drank about 1/4th of it down.

"I'm not entitled to pick sides here, but I do know you did a great job up there. Everyone was cheerin' you on, including myself. Don't get so down about it." He nodded, slowing down and sipping on his beer. He sat and waited for Jamie's response, looking over at her.
Kendall saw that Brian was busy talking. She sighed then took a deep breath, her heels clicking as she went back onto the stage. "Howdy once again y'all. Sorry if I interrupted anything, but I wanna sing a fast one for y'all, and I think I'll need a band. Anyone know how to play some of these instruments?" She asked, pointing to the drums, and guitars behind her.
Jamie looked up and smiled weakly at Brian, "Thanks. I didn't know you played guitar." she said. He sounded really good up there. So did Kendall, she admitted.

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