Lil' Bit Country- Actual RP!

"Yeah, I've been strummin' for a couple years now. It's a hobby." He heard Kendall up on stage and frowned. He was supposed to be playing for her, but she went up without him. He frowned for a moment before letting it go, turning back to his beer. He took it in his grasp, continuing to sip gently on it whilst waiting for the music to play.
"Well it sounds fantastic." she said tensely. Kendall had taken the stage once again. Jamie really had to work on not being such a baby. But still, it was obvious that it was upsetting her. It felt like Kendall was trying to instigate, and Jamie was not the kind of person you wanted to get on their bad side.

"F*** it." Jamie tossed her hair, tossing down one more drink, grabbing Samantha, and heading over to Jesse.
Kendall got some band people, but needed one more guitarist. She saw Jamie leave Brian all alone over there so she put the microphone up. "Hey cutie at the bar." She said, pointing to Brian. "Come join me, partner." She winked and went over to the band, telling them a song and made sure they new how to play it, then looked back to Brian.
A smile appeared on his face once again as he stood up and finished the beer, setting the empty glass down. He made his way to the stage and went up with Kendall. He grinned and leaned in, whispering to her. "Thought you forgot about me!" He laughed and leaned out. "What're we playing?"
Kendall giggled and shook her head. "Of course I didn't! I just thought you were busy and I got bored! I was thinking Kerosene by Miranda Lambert?" She said, wanting to sing her favorite song. She went over to the other guys and asked if they were ready and went to make sure Brian was alright. She then went to the front of the stage, looking at the crowd. "I hope y'all like Miranda Lambert. I wanna see everyone dancin'." She exclaimed.
Brian began to strum his guitar, leading the band as they began to play. He loved Kendall's energy. He loved how she was determined to get everyone moving and involved. His fingers carefully twitched over his guitar strings, matching each beat. He just relaxed and let his fingers do the work, watching the crowd as they began to start dancing.

Jesse wasn't upset that he was left alone for so long by the dance floor. He could tell that Jamie was dealing with some stuff and didn't want him to know, but he was observant. She and Samantha came back over to him, pulling him on to the dance floor. They seemed tipsy but not to the point of being drunk.

"Hey, you alright?" he asked Jamie carefully. She kept glaring at Kendall. He didn't really blame her. This was Jamie's night and it looked like Kendall was trying to make it all about her.

"Yeah, I'm dealing with it." Jamie grinned, tossing her hair.
Kendall smiled and started to sing the song. "I'm waitin' on the sun to set 'cuz yesterday ain't over yet..." She had fun, and danced a little bit with the crowd. She saw Jamie sitting there, not really feeling happy. Continuing to sing, Kendall hopped off the stage and danced over to Jamie, grabbing her hand and pulling her up to the stage. When it came to an instrumental part, she yelled into the mic, "Y'all wanna see this girl dance and sing with me?" When they cheered she smiled and threw another microphone to Jamie and started singing and dancing as the words started up again.
Jamie knew that Kendall was trying to make things right, but this wasn't the way. She felt tears springing to her eyes, feeling embarrassed, but she choked them back for the sake of music. So she got up on that stage and finished the song with Kendall. She didn't want to stick around any longer at this place. She felt humiliated, being called up for a pity song.

"That was great!" Jesse exclaimed with a smile.

"Whatever." she replied. She wanted to get out of here before Kendall asked her if she was okay. "I'm gonna head out. Go to the diner or something."

So she took one last shot of whiskey, swallowed her tears, and got in her car and drove.
Brian shook his head at Jamie. There was just no pleasing her. After the song was over, he went to Kendall and embraced her. "At least you tried. She'll get over it on her own." He gave her a squeeze and went off stage, headed for the bar. He ordered a Budweiser and took it back to his table, thanking people as they complimented his skilled playing.
Kendall's face went into a frown. She wanted to help Jamie, since she felt sad. Looking at Brian, then back to the crowd, she put the microphone back on the stage and walked off, wiping a tear that formed. 'Was it that upsetting that I was trying to help? I hope she doesn't hate me.' She thought to herself as she walked outside and sat on the ground, against the wall.

Jesse was concerned about Jamie. Should he follow her? The girl was driving drunk. She'd either get pulled over or get in a accident. Nobody was that lucky.

He looked over at Sam and she whispered, "I think she just needs some time, is all." she told him, her voice lacking the usual dripping sarcasm that he was used to.

He walked over to Kendall and Brian. "You guys did a good job up there."

It was true. They sounded good together, and even though the music wasn't really his style, he enjoyed it. He only wished that Jamie hadn't gotten so upset and they could've slow danced together.


Jamie felt eerily calm, driving this late at night.Her truck enclosed around her as she drove, making her feel safe and protected. She knew it was a shitty idea to drive while drunk the minute she walked out of Lassos but she saw Kendall coming outside for some air so she bolted. The number one rule is never to let anyone see you cry.

And that's what she did, for a while anyway. She drove most of the way back to Appleby in tears, making it even harder to drive. She was angry at Kendall and Brian, but mostly just angry at herself for being angry at Kendall and Brian. She really needed Alexa right now but was too proud to call her currently-moody best friend.

She eventually pulled herself together and drove the rest of the way to the diner. The parking lot was deserted--it was 1 am--so she parked her truck like she didn't care and grabbed her usual table. She usually came here with Rex and Em so it felt way too empty and quiet.

"Can I get you anything, sweetheart?" a short, chubby waitress with bright red hair that she didn't recognize asked. Her voice sounded like honey.

"Just a coffee please. Leave room." she replied back. The waitress went behind the counter to brew the coffee and Jamie leaned back on the booth behind her. This is ass she thought to herself.
Kendall sat there, staring at the ground, and not really talking. She was so bummed about the whole situation. She finally looked at Brian. "Uh, I think I'm gonna head home. It's not too far from here so I'm gonna walk it, I need air anyways. I'll text you later." She stood up and kissed him, then walked out, starting on the road. She went past a diner and saw Jamie in there. She stopped and thought to herself, 'Should I go talk to her? What if she gets mad? Well, it's worth a try I guess.' Kendall took a deep breath and walked into the diner, slowly walking over to the girl. "Uh Jamie? Can we talk, please?" She asked, shakily.
Jamie looked up from her coffee and saw that Kendall sat down across from her. "Sure." she replied coolly, "What would you like to talk about?"

She was still cooling down from her emotional breakdown and Kendall was the last person she wanted to see sitting across from her in her booth. Kendall, taking her booth and her stage, and her night. Jamie hoped she was pleased with herself.
He nodded, understanding that she needed her space. He returned the kiss and went for his truck, climbing into it. Brian started the engine and drove towards home, headed there. He was tired, the beer and the performance had wore him out. He almost dozed off, but made himself snap to attention. He opened his glove compartment and collected a bit of chew, tucking it under his lip. In a twist of fate, a drunk driver suddenly came swerving into his lane, aimed straight for him. He tried to spin away from the driver, but he was hit nonetheless. His vehicle tipped and went over the side of the road, ending up in a ditch. Several bystanders pulled over, looking down at his dented truck with their mouths agape while others called for paramedics. Brian had blacked out at the scene, his head laying on the side on the steering wheel, causing the horn to blow loudly. The drunk driver was a few yards from him, having hit the guard rail. The paramedics arrived on scene and airlifted him out to the nearest hospital, all the while unconcious. The drunk driver had passed out, and had no recollection of hitting Brian's truck.

(Brian's been getting the piss beat out of him this week.)
Kendall sighed and looked at her. "I'm sorry if I upset you. You seemed to have a lot of fun on the stage, I wanted to try it out. And the second time, you looked so down in the dumps I wanted you to share the fun experience with me. I just wanted to apologize for stealin' your spotlight. Forgive me, please?" She sat there patiently for a response, hoping she wasn't mad anymore. 
(OMG. :( )
Jamie would be lying if she didn't admit that she adored watching Kendall grovel. Of course her feeling were hurt, and she had a lot she wanted to say to her, but she saw no credence in hurting her feelings. Jamie was a diva, but she wasn't a b!tch.

She let Kendall continue to make puppy dog eyes at her while she another Sweet and Low to her coffee, "Forgiven. Just stop looking at me like that." Jamie rolled her eyes, feeling better already. She finished off her drink and ordered a slice of apple pie, the diner's special. She needed desserts if she was going to have to deal with the fact that she was not Appleby High's only superstar.
Em gets up from her seat and drives to the diner but stops and notices there's a accident, she notice the truck OMFG BRIAN!! , she gets out of her truck looking at the scene, Em gets out her phone and text her bestie kendall with tears in her eyes ' brian just got in an accident and he aired to the closets hospital, She got back in her truck and drove to the diner
Kendall heard her phone go off and grabbed it out of her purse. As she read it her eyes widened and tears started to form. "Oh my, uh I gotta go. T-thanks for the talk, Jamie." Kendall wiped tears as she ran to her truck and stepped on the gas, going to the hospital. She went to the front desk and said, "Do you know where Brian is? He was just taken here. H-He got into a car accident." She impatiently waited for the response and literally ran to his room, thankful he can get visitors, but he wasn't awake yet. Kendall quietly opened the door and went over to the bed, touching his cheek. "God da*nit Brian." She whispered, sitting down on a chair that she pulled close to the bed.

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