Lil' Bit Country- Actual RP!

Em toke a fast shower and put on her dress and shoes did her makeup light and airy but her eyeliner cat winged and put on her accessories '' see you later mom" Em drives to the club ... she arrives at the club and hears music , she smiles walks over to her friend kendall '' hey look great isn't that from my closet?'" she ask stealing a sip of her friends drink 
(Sorry if this seems rushed!)

The third song was "This Kiss" by Faith Hill. Jamie loved how ballad-y and romantic it was. She decided to keep the mike in the mike stand for this one. She added a little twist at the end and the crowd loved it.

Cowboy Casanova was next, and Jamie laid it on thick for that one. It was such an upbeat song and she took up the whole stage for that number.

She choose her favorite song "Fastest Girl In Town" for the finale. Miranda Lambert was her idol and she swore to do the song justice. And she did.

The crowd practically roared when she finished, "Thank you!" she cried, "Thank you so much!"

By the time Jamie finished her set Jesse was completely blown away. This girl was super talented. "That was awesome" he whispered to Samantha. 
(Writers Block is contagious)
Wow, Jamie has gotten way better since the last time I'd heard her. "This footage I got will be perfect as soon as I edit it a bit. Hey Jamie come here!" Alexa tried to wave her over. "Hey why's she walking over to that Jesse boy? Oh well then!" Alexa grabbed her things and stormed to the door when Samantha the girl from last night cut her off. "Hey where are you going?" Alexa sighed, "I don't know...I don't know what I'm doing."
Jamie got off stage with that huge adrenaline rush that she loved so much. As she was walking towards her friends she would get stopped every two steps by somebody congratulating her.

Jesse caught her eye at the same time that Alexa waved her over. She headed over to him. Rex would understand.

"Hey! Thanks for coming." She exclaimed, wrapping him in a hug. It looked like he'd gotten a hair cut but maybe she was flattering herself.

Jesse was taken aback by Jamie's hug. She smelled delicious, like berries and fresh baked cookies. He liked being close to her, "No problem. You rocked it up there!" He replied.

"Thank you!" She grinned, "Hang on, I'm gonna go find Rex real quick. Then I'll buy you a drink."

Jamie approached Rex who seemed deep in conversation with Samantha. "Hey guys! Sorry about that Rex. I wanted to thank him for coming real fast."
"Yeah its cool we were just leaving, right Samantha?" Alexa truly hoped Samantha would be willing to go somewhere, anywhere away from here. "I'm happy for Jamie I know that but I can't watch her give this guy the eyes all night."
Jamie felt a sharp pang in her stomach, "Oh....but don't y'all wanna stay and dance a little?" She asked, feeling hurt. This was a big night for her. Was Alexa really that upset that she approached Jesse before her?
Samantha looked at Jamie and sighed. She wasn't going to disappoint someone tonight.

"Rex and I will dance with you" She smiled at Jamie, nudged Rex, and walked over to the dance floor 
(I got yo back gurrrrl)
Em walks over to bar asking for another drink, the bartender hands her a drink and she takes a sip while sitting alone

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