Lightwood Academy

Felix said:
@Whack you should update the neutral characterpage
I didn't notice that someone had posted there, but please note, if you didn't know already, that the neutral characters are only supposed to be temporary until someone wishes to make a character for the desired occupation.

If you already knew that, then please excuse this post.
by the way, if noone objects I could take Vivien as a character, but I would only use him/her during combat classes.
Again, I'm a little bit late on the bandwagon but if anyone is interested in talking about a possible friendship or (a little) rivalry between characters I'm up for it ahah c:
Venus said:
@Plushie Oh and for the Best friend thing do you think I could Use my New character?
Sure c: Though... I can't have both of your characters as his BFF Dx

Only one of them can be BFFs with Acedia ^^
KoopaTroopa said:
Again, I'm a little bit late on the bandwagon but if anyone is interested in talking about a possible friendship or (a little) rivalry between characters I'm up for it ahah c:
Well, I have one spot left for BFFs with Ace but if you want to try to have some rivalry between them, I wouldn't mind, it's a nice idea though we would need some kind of base for why they dislike each other. It's your choice c:

Venus said:
Ah alright , I think I'll use Chester!

Don't worry~ Jason is on a friendly term with Ace and can be a BFF after some development~

I was going to wait until he finished the CS to assign it. I wanted to make sure of his powers and weaknesses before I accepted the character.
Plushie said:
Well, I have one spot left for BFFs with Ace but if you want to try to have some rivalry between them, I wouldn't mind, it's a nice idea though we would need some kind of base for why they dislike each other. It's your choice c:

Don't worry~ Jason is on a friendly term with Ace and can be a BFF after some development~
It would be kinda cool, though i could get kinda awkward as we make them to dislike eachother. xD
Is there also a class where you learn to control/enhance your abilities?
Combat class is supposed to help with that.

It teaches defensive and offensive ways to use and control your powers/abilities.
maybe it's better to split that up since not all abilities are for fighting. So then combat would be about physical and magical ways to defend and attack and the new powers class would be about abilities
How would one teach that class?

I understand that not all powers are for fighting, but I'm also aware that not all powers are the same.

What activities could the students participate in to enhance and control their powers in a singular classroom that would help each individual student without leaving others out or causing harm to someone else? The best way to learn to control their powers is to use them, but some powers can't be used within the same proximity of another without causing problems.

Would there have to be more than one teacher? Would the class perhaps be an outdoor class?

These are legitimate questions, I'm not trying to be rude.
I believe the class should be in the Outdoors and instead of having a teacher they a few Supervisors who watches them to make sure nothing bad happens and encourages them while allowing the students themselves to try and improve on their abilities. Somewhat like a free period but allows a character to improve their powers in a way the character see's fit. Like you mentioned I don't really think theirs much going in a way of a power controlling class seeing nearly everyone has different abilities and all that. I also think they should be allowed to have little skirmishes , while getting rid of the combat class because some people might have abilities that aren't combat orientated at all E.g something like Healing or Tracking which while helpful don't do much in terms of actual offensive power.
Venus said:
I believe the class should be in the Outdoors and instead of having a teacher they a few Supervisors who watches them to make sure nothing bad happens and encourages them while allowing the students themselves to try and improve on their abilities. Somewhat like a free period but allows a character to improve their powers in a way the character see's fit. Like you mentioned I don't really think theirs much going in a way of a power controlling class seeing nearly everyone has different abilities and all that.
I agree completely with this. A free period. By now, the students should know their powers so they shouldn't need teaching, per say. More just people to make sure they don't hurt themselves, anyone else, or the property.
Ah you haven't missed out on much a few characters have interacted with each other that's pretty much in terms of the Rp and we're currently trying to decide on whether we should have a Power Control Lesson. Nothing too noticeable has occurred yet.

Also seeing that Chester and Vi are both the best friend of Acedia I'm assuming they're at least good Friends?

Oh! and who was going with who in each dorm has also been decided.

The students can already have up to three actual free periods. Should I get rid of combat and replace it with a Power Control lesson, instead of a class?
I think so, As I mentioned some people might lack any powers related to Combat. Just give them a sort of Free Period control class where they can improve on what they want and allow them to do things like Skirmishes and all that.
I'm sorry, but I disagree. Everyone should know how to combat. Maybe those without combative powers learn how to fight physically. Punches, kicks, the sort.

I mean, they are either supernaturally gifted or of some of different kind of origin. Hand-to-hand combat could always come in handy.

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