Lightwood Academy

I am also Open to discussion about Relationships and all that.

Decided to scrap Joel and make a more interactive character for the Rp, I hope it isn't too much of a bother! XP
Broadway said:
I'm also open to relationships if anyone wants to talk!
Venus said:
I am also Open to discussion about Relationships and all that.
Since you two are open for relationships, do you guys have anything in mind for our characters' relationship or do you want to let it flow through the roleplay? c:
I don't mind if we let it flow, but If you two have any Idea's about the relationship I'm up for it though.
Hmmm Okay ^^

I was just thinking maybe Vi knows the doctor somehow? But if you wanna not discuss, That's fine
I'll jump upon the bandwagon that is Relationships and so, my character could also be available for an eventual relation if anyone is up for it! :)
My wifi won't connect to my phone.

I may be slow again since I'm still working on my essay. I'll try to post as much as I can for the time being, but I'm going ahead and apologizing in case I disappear for a few hours.

Broadway said:
Hmmm Okay ^^
I was just thinking maybe Vi knows the doctor somehow? But if you wanna not discuss, That's fine
Oh? I don't mind discussing about that! c: What did you have in mind? I don't really have any ideas as I'm mostly having brainfarts at the moment ;w;

@KoopaTroopa @Venus

If you guys want and don't mind, I wouldn't mind having some relations with your characters since they have been at the school for a while now c: It would be weird that they never knew each other after being in the school for so long

@KoopaTroopa It would be awesome to talk about relationships! :3

@Plushie Yes! Well Obviously Vi has been there for a couple years or so, so obviously that's an option. But maybe their relationship goes deeper than that? Like maybe they know each other outside of school.
Having a slight relationship with the School Doctor would be really nice :3 Though i wouldn't know how they could connect ahehe.. @Plushie (I would love to have that IRL, to be honest haha)

It would, but i'm really not good in knowing how i would start one between the characters ^^' Friendships could be easy, but relationships are a whole other train. @Broadway
@KoopaTroopa Well, like I said to Plushie, it would be easier to start with a sort of story between them. Like, how do they know each other? Do they know each other outside of school? And we can build ^^ If you're willing to story build, It'll be fun!
Just gonna go ahead and starting the talking to random people early in the start. (o'v'o)

*raises hand* I'm also up for relationships. Sorry guys, I'm a little late to the party. It's finals week. *groan*
@Broadway Well that would indeed be easier. I feel like they could've maybe seen eachother in a park or store of some sort and had a little chat, but that would be all. They could recognise eachother, chat a little here and there.. I'm just putting my ideas out there :)
Yeah that could work! Or, just to make things interesting, they could have known each other for a while. Like, maybe they grew up together? Idk, I'm just throwing stuff out there. @KoopaTroopa
@Broadway Ah that sounds cool! Maybe they grew up together in their younger years, but their friendship broke when Noah had to move away when he was 9? :3
Oh yeah! That's a really good idea :3 Yes, let's do that. Now we just have to figure out a way to get them talking. (Mostly cause she's so anti-social xD )
Broadway said:
@Plushie Yes! Well Obviously Vi has been there for a couple years or so, so obviously that's an option. But maybe their relationship goes deeper than that? Like maybe they know each other outside of school.
Outside? That's an interesting idea O.o

Please continue on unless you want to put in my own opinions, I would like for them to maybe have a relationship as friends or BFFs in a way, if possible. The story I had in mind was Haydn meeting her through her enochlophobia as she was trapped in a crowd somewhere and he was there to help her as he is a doctor. After that day, they became friends that hung out together outside of school even inside. Though they are friends, Haydn's face is still not to be revealed as I have plans for that later. For now, she only knows that he likes to wear his mask when on campus but outside campus, he would wear sunglasses and such so he wouldn't look out of place nor would his eyes be seen.

KoopaTroopa said:
Having a slight relationship with the School Doctor would be really nice :3 Though i wouldn't know how they could connect ahehe.. @Plushie (I would love to have that IRL, to be honest haha)

Well~ Same thing with Vi, I think we could have a thing going on where Haydn helped Noah or Noah could had helped him with something. Like uhh... I'm still editing Haydn's CS but I was gonna add in that he likes to play string instruments such as a violin, piano, guitar, and etc and the two met through the music room where they would meet up from time to time to play music and just chat, etc. Give me some feedbacks .w.

haydenly16 said:
*raises hand* I'm also up for relationships. Sorry guys, I'm a little late to the party. It's finals week. *groan*

I understand how you feel, I also have finals ;m;

If you like, Haydn and Marley could be friend and Haydn being her uhh.... therapist in a way? Since she is someone who likes to result to violence when provoked, he could have been a witness of one of her fights and offered to be someone who can help her control her anger or such? Give me feedbacks on this idea? Got anything better than mines? ;w;


Jason and Haydn could have a thing going with them like friends who seen each other around and gradually got together and chat to become friends. Also since his powers can cause him mental attacks, Haydn would be his savior who would come to his aid when things like that happen. Give me feedbacks, opinions, and etc pls ;w;

My brain is fried now. x.x
@Plushie No, that's a great idea ^^ I have a feeling like he's the only one she can go to when she's feeling lonely. Mostly cause she doesn't usually hang around most people, or trust them for that matter.
@Plushie I think that would be a pretty Nifty idea, Maybe they could have met the previous year before or something out of school while doing something and became friends and all , knowing each others abilities etc.
@Broadway With just a tiny little bit of luck they could be chosen to share a dorm, but the chance is big that doesn't happen so.. Maybe in class, a moment where they sit together? Or maybe when they meet up in a lunchbreak?

@Plushie That would be a great idea! The idea of a violin mixing in with a flute would be really cool :) They could've bounced into eachother during a free period, start to chat and their shared interest into music could come up!
Broadway said:
@Plushie No, that's a great idea ^^ I have a feeling like he's the only one she can go to when she's feeling lonely. Mostly cause she doesn't usually hang around most people, or trust them for that matter.
Perfect! I'm changing the relationships to BFFs c: Can't wait to see how the two will be like together ^^

Venus said:
@Plushie I think that would be a pretty Nifty idea, Maybe they could have met the previous year before or something out of school while doing something and became friends and all , knowing each others abilities etc.
Sure! c:

They could have met through Jason's first year in Lightwood and Haydn was there to help him. Maybe we could also add in some spice and say Jason got into some trouble with his powers and Haydn came to the rescue. Something like that?


KoopaTroopa said:
@Plushie That would be a great idea! The idea of a violin mixing in with a flute would be really cool :) They could've bounced into eachother during a free period, start to chat and their shared interest into music could come up!
Great, I'll change their relationship to BFFs c:
@Plushie That sounds awesome. That's also a really great idea. Even though she's new to the school, he could still have helped her with her wild anger issues. That would be so awesome.

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