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Fantasy Lightwood Academy

Marley grinned. "Aw, that's awesome. I'm excited to start." She smiled wider. "Thanks." She then laughed. "I like it. Mar. It has a nice sound." She said nodding her head. "It's a good name." She noticed they glanced around at the same time and chuckled to herself, and also heard him chuckle. She assumed he was chuckling about the same thing. She nodded, her lips pursed. "Yeah. I didn't see anybody that looked too bad. I'm just a little nervous about my roommate." She said with a grimace. "With my luck, I'll get someone completely opposite of me and we won't get along." She said, shaking her head. "I'm not too good with confrontation that doesn't end in punches being thrown." She grimaced again. "Again... No filter."
Noah carefully listened to his so made friend Mar while he took another few bites of his meal. He nodded in an understanding way at what she talked about. ''I totally get that.'' He replied when he was sure she was done talking. ''I really wanna know who I'm going to spend a living space with, hopefully someone with a somewhat okay personality.'' He said, leaning against the table with one arm as he was a just little bit lazy. He actually wanted to get to his dorm and settle in so that he could just rest and be lazy, but he decided to wait until the time after the second bell. ''It's okay, really. And I'm sure it will be okay, as you said, we haven't seen anyone looking too bad.''
Marley nodded. "I've got some girl, I assume, named Severa. Sounds like a girl's name, at least. Plus, I don't think they'd pair a 16 year-old girl with a boy." She chuckled, shaking her head. She looked him over once as he leaned against the table, something she did to everyone, she just hadn't been able to before. She stuffed her final bite of food into her mouth, chewing and swallowing quickly. "Who do you have?" she asked, then shook her head, "Not like I know him or anything." She laughed at herself. "I really wish the bell would ring already. I'd like to meet her." she shook her head. "Not that meeting you hasn't been lovely. What classes do you have? Do you know yet?" She asked, raising an eyebrow at him with a smile.

Chester would wander through the school Aimlessly doing little twists and twirls as he just passed straight through walls as if he were a ghost wondering what he could find in this school this year round! Truth be told Chester didn't even need to be here..nor was he actually supposed seeing that he's attended the school three times now and well above the age limit , though he voluntarily decided to come back each year always finding the vast array of students here interesting..Oh and they were fun too!

A Little giggle would escape from his permanent smirk as his sleeves flopped about behind him, hiding his only Inhuman feature. His mind wandered off a bit as he continued to float around like a spectre
, that was until he entered the cafeteria the lovely aroma of food filling his Nostrils. He'd immediately float over and took Multiple Tuna sandwiches with absolute haste , He just had to have these delicacy's all for himself! He quickly flew up near the roof of the Cafeteria and chowed down on his stolen bounty , slowly performing a cart wheel in the air as he watched the people filter in and out of the cafeteria like little ants wondering what this year would bring about for him..Course the year could wait until he had finished these divine sandwiches..
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''Hmm~'' Noah hummed as he had just finished his sandwich and so that he could speak; quickly swallowed the last bite together with a long sip of his still not empty bottle of Green Ice Thea. He had heard from sources he couldn't remember, as his memory kinda sucked, that he had been paired up with some guy with an exotic name. ''I have someone named Suleiman. I'm taking it that he's a boy.'' The raven haired teen replied, shrugging at his own comment. He hoped for the best with the other teen. He would've been fine with any gender really, as long as the other student wouldn't be a pain in the ass to deal with. ''My classes? Oh i think its just the basic classes, combat and Herbs and Potions. Health doesn't really catch my interests.'' He answered. ''How about you?''
Marley nodded her head as she listened to his classes. "Basic classes, obvi. Combat and the power training course thingy." She said, having to think back to what her schedule had said. Her book bag, including her schedule, map, and all of her class things were with her parents bringing her stuff to her dorm. When she'd woken up late, she'd completely forgotten it on her way out the door. She saw something out of the corner of her eye, something above normal height. But she didn't think anything of it. Her vampire senses tended to see things that no body else did, so she usually ignored them.
It did not take that long for Severa to be in the presence of the academy's beautiful flora. She scanned around the garden and noticed that they are definitely well taken care of, seeing how it was not an unpleasant sight and she could smell a fragrant aroma wafting through the air. Crouching down to the flowerbeds as she wanted a closer inspection, she could tell that some of them are still blooming. Instinctively, she touches the flower ornament on her hair after taking off one of her gloves and was always amazed with how detail it was with having the soft texture of a flower yet let out no scent. Realizing there was a gazebo nearby, she decided to wait for the second bell in there and walked over towards it while putting on back her gloves. She sat down and hugged her knees with her bag leaning just beside her, getting lost in her own thoughts.
Eve continued to shove the papers into her satchel, too busy to notice a figure had appeared behind her. It startled her slightly when a hand began helping and a pair of black wings swooped over her. All the dirty sheets were back inside the satchel where they belonged. Eve turned to him, her mouth open as she prepared to thank him. But he had left before a word could escape.

Eve regained herself, rising from off the floor and hugging the satchel against her chest. She waited for the second bell patiently. A bench secluded away from the busy hallways stood in the corner. The angel sat down and slowly but surely began to relax. After a few moments, she began organizing the loose papers in the satchel out of boredom.
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Vlad jumped on his feet when the second bell finally rang. He had yet to find his little brother and already they were going to give off the roommates? He huffed, scratching the back of his head. It was hard finding his way around this place, even after all this time. Needless to say, Vlad got back to searching for his brother, beginning to shuffle up an down the halls. It eventually turned into some sort of run as the thought of the boy running off past the gates seemed more and more likely. There was no answer when he called his name. He had even checked the dorms for the little bugger, but there was no sign of him. "Aghhh," Vlad groaned, beginning to bang his forehead against one of the hall's walls. Their father would kill him if it he turned up to be hurt or worse, and he couldn't help but wonder why he agreed upon playing hide-and-seek with him when something like this always happened.

Meanwhile, Vladmir sat in his office, looking out over the main yard from a large widow. He was propped back in his chair with his legs crossed onto the lower part of the windowsill. Not a very professional posture, but no one was there to badger him about it. so, he honestly didn't care. At least, until he saw something out of the glass that caught his eye and made him sigh. A little blonde-headed boy, his youngest son, ran across on the large lawn with a shriek of giggles. Stumbling and tumbling as he ran around after what looked like an insect. Vladmir rubbed his temples when he realized what this meant: Vlad had failed at finding him and was probably searching in all of the wrong places. Heavens know where he is now. He couldn't really do much; however, as the moment he looked away, the child seemed to have disappeared into the greenery.

"Now where did you go?"
Francis, oh dear, Francis. The rest of her day until the second bell was primarily curling up in a ball in her dorm and coming up with methods to attack anyone who would attack her. When anyone came towards her in the hallway, she got defensive and shouted things like "I'm sorry!" So when the second bell rung, she sighed from relief that she didn't have to be there, then sighed out of frustration at the fact she had to be somewhere else. She left room 107 and started wandering the halls, looking for her next class. She thought it was basics, so she checked the map and started heading there.

A sudden jolt of temptation struck her. She had a travel trivia board game in her satchel to play in her room. She opened it up and pulled out one of the cards, orange with a question mark on it. On the back she saw the words "How many mountains are there in the world?" She took a sharpie out and crossed out those words, replacing it with a little riddle: "The man who makes it doesn't want it. The man who buys it doesn't want to use it. The man who uses it doesn't know he's using it." She put the card in her pocket, coming up with a plan: whoever could solve the riddle could be her friend.
Nacari decided this was not the best place for him,so he walked out of the school,spreaded his large, black wings and flew away. He left a single feather as he was gone and never heard off again.

Chesters cat like ears perked up when the Second bell rang loudly , a tinge of excitement filling his bosom. "I wonder who I'm with?.." He'd float down from the very top of the Cafeteria, throwing the remnants of his remaining sandwich away. Hoping he got someone that was fun as a dorm mate..Maybe they were a witch, No a Griffon , no even better a Dragon! Curiosity sparked within his head as he wondered who he might be sharing a room with for the year so much variety....Ah that was one of the many reasons he loved places like this..It never failed to intrigue him.

He quickly flew off to the Dorms knowing the drill, His perpetual pink eyes scanning about for the hall monitor to show him where his Dorm and possibly dorm mate may be. Doing a few idle flips in the air as he waited impatiently, His ears twitching at any possible sound incase it where the Hall Monitor.

Realizing that the classroom was empty, Francis almost tore her map. She let out an agitated sigh and began working her way up to her dorm. Another day of incompetence on her behalf. She still kept the riddle in her pocket, waiting for someone to approach her. A nagging thought was eating at her, telling her not to go to the dorm or she would be hurt. She wound up sitting in the hall by herself. The day was off to a wonderful start.

Her puzzle was still in her pocket. She looked at it and put it back.
Nurse Office - Denny
Flipping through piles of paper stacked over his desk, Haydn let out a frustrated sigh, the third time in one day that he sighed,"

After that meeting, I feel so much stress on me.

" He grumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose to ease the annoying thumping of a headache coming on. Just remembering what the council said pissed him off already on the first day of school in Lightwood as he recalled the conversation they had;

In the middle of a spacious world, there were 6 animal-like silhouettes surrounding Haydn in the fog of the dreamworld. The creatures were twice as bigger than Haydn and the only thing that can be visible of them were their shape and their glowing white eyes that blazed with flames, staring down at Haydn's small figure. In reality, most would have been terrified by these beasts but Haydn held his ground and knew all too well who they were as he glared at all six of them,"

What is the meaning of this? Why did you call me?

" Haydn said, demanding for answers why his nap was disturbed by the council as they continued to stare in silence before one of them spoke with a audible voice that seemed to echo throughout the dreamworld,"

Haydn, one of our greatest warriors of the Baku Society, know why you are sent here.

" A beast that looked almost like a lion spoke,"

You had disturbed one of the Baku in their job.

" Another spoke, a beast that resembled a bird-like creature,"

Such act is a sin among our law, you know this well.

" A bear-like creature spoke with a snarl following after. All six of the beasts were angered by Haydn's action to disturb a dream that had already been occupied by another Baku. In the Dreamworld's law, it is not allowed for multiple Bakus to be in one dream as it could cause harm to the host.

From what they witnessed, Haydn had broke this law and went into one's dream in order to stop another Baku from devouring a dream that was good as there was another law where the Baku's role was to


take away the nightmares and leave the good dreams behind but sadly, there are those who rebel against this law and the consequences for them are to perish in their given punishment that the council chooses.

Hayden mood darken at their attitude towards his actions as he had just


a person from almost dying by a Baku,"

I only did the right thing to do in order to save the girl! She was about to-


But you could have killed her as well with your reckless actions!

" The lion roared back, his eyes narrowed at Haydn who became silent once more,"

You are lucky the girl survived. If she were to die by that Baku, the council could have easily punish them but for you to do such things!... Be thankful we are kind enough to not give you the same punishment as that Baku.

" The lion growled and calmed down as he sighed,"

Dismissed, do learn from this Haydn.


Slamming the paper down onto the desk, he tried to surpass his anger until he heard the door open as a feminine voice called out to him. Fixing his composure, he turned around to see a good friend of his, Vi, the timid girl looked as if she was a mouse, terrified,"

Vi... I'm here, is something the matter?

" He asked walking over to her and letting her inside his office,"

You look quite pale.

" He pointed out checking in case she may have any wounds or sickness. Vi was a very good friend of his as they had gone through a lot of things together. He knew about her phobia of crowds and understood that being back at school on the first day can be quite a struggle for her. He truly did worry for her well-being in such a big school, the only thing he hopes to do for her is helping her overcome her fear though it takes time for a phobia to go away.



[OOC Notes: Though Haydn was out, I'll just change that Haydn was still inside.]

Schoolgrounds - Ace
Entering Lightwood's campus, a tall figure arrived quite late for the party as his piercing aqua orb scanned his surrounding with careful observation despite that he only had one eye. His multicolored hair of black and white shone brightly in the sunlight attracting some attention at the abnormal color as some of the freshmen believed that he must have dyed it though it was his natural hair color. Ignoring those that stared at him, most of those who have been here for a while already knew about this man, Acedia Marimore, a repeater of Lightwood Academy,"

Hah... another day back at Lightwood, same old thing.

" He thought looking around to see if there were any changes or anything intriguing that the Headmaster may have placed on the campus but all seemed the same as any other years he been here.

He had missed the Headmaster's announcement but it made no difference since Ace already knew what was to be done on the first day of school. Make sure he check who is dorm mate will be, know his schedule, go to class and so for. It was a daily routine for Ace as the sound of the bell rang loudly throughout the campus indicating that everyone should head over to see who their dorm mates were,"

I wonder what kind of guy he will be.

" Ace thought as curiosity consumed him to what his dorm mate would be like. He just hoped that they wouldn't have anything to do with fire or they would most likely never talk to each the whole year, actually, to be blunt,



Throwing away the map given to him -- what was the use of it for him anyways? he already knew almost everything corner of Lightwood-- into the trash as he made his way over to the dormitories where the hall monitor would be at with the list of all the dorms with the residents of each dorm rooms, his luggage wasn't much but a navy-blue duffel bag in hand full of clothes and other stuff he needed to live in the dorms.


His ears perked up slightly as he heard the familiar footsteps entering the school , doing a slight twirl in the air as he gasped slightly. He'd suddenly burst into swirling vapor reappearing mid air while floating upside down like a bat, conveniently in front of Ace. "Hheeeyy Aaaccee, come back for a another year?~" he'd purr, teasing slightly. He'd still have that trade mark smirk plastered across his freckled face..Honestly he had a rather bizarre appearance even among the people here. He'd have a rather dark tanned complexion with bright blonde hair , freckles dotted around his face as if someone got a marker and did it themselves and to top all of this off he possessed neon Fuchsia eyes that seemed to exude a faint glow like a faint torch. To make himself look even more odd his clothes were a rather sharp contrast to all of this, wearing an obviously over-sized black hoodie with cat ears for his..well cat ears and sky gray jeans that looked well beyond worn out. He also had a faint smell of rose and cinnamon about him.

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(Sorry it's a little short.)

Hall monitor
[ x ]

Vivien Made her way towards the entrance of the dormitory, stopping in the main hall in order to wait for the students to gather. There seemed to be a few there already, which she was happy because she wouldn't have to wait so long. Her mood wasn't her best at the moment. Oh well. She stepped over to them, Deciding she would go ahead and get them over with. " Names," her voice was sharp with a hint of an impatient undertone as she stared at them, unmoving.
The sound of the bell had finally entered Severa's ears, she knew it was time for the students to gather outside the dorms to be informed of their rooms and roommates. Along with her suitcase in which she held with both hands and also her school bag that was worn on her right shoulder, she headed straight to the dormitory. She looked back one last time at the garden before completely leaving the area. (I do have free periods to be used... I can visit here everyday starting now.)

Seeing how some of them had already arrived, she had gotten there as soon as the hall monitor started to show herself. It should not be long before she will learn who her roommate would be. Once she heard the hall monitor spoke up, she went over to her and walked pass some people as they are either still busy with their conversation or just reluctant with her rather intimidating stare. "Severa Astin North" she exclaimed, standing just right in front of her and waited for her reply.
Vivien looked down to the clipboard in her hand that she had propped against her hip. "Severa North, you are in room 101 and you will be sharing that room with Marley Hardly," she made eye contact for a brief moment before turning her gaze to look for the other person,"Down the hall on the right, the very first room." It seemed the other was not there yet, which didn't do anything but make her more impatient.

"Next, People."
Once the second bell had rung Sully left the garden, in hopes of finding his roommate and getting off to a good start with whoever it was. Wandering through the halls his mind began racing, the thoughts of who his roommate would be was so exciting to him. All his life he never met anyone remotely similar to him and this was the first time he would be able to stay with someone who was "different" like him. Wandering through the halls until he finally found the dormitory, he saw someone he assumed to be an authority figure. Walking towards her he smiled, "Suleiman Okumura, Madam." Seeing as she had been directing the other students he figured starting with his name would shorten the sequence.
Ace was just strolling along until out of nowhere, a freckled face popped up in front of him, upside down. It was a complete shock as Ace didn't notice the guy's presence as he jumped back in shock,"

Woah! The hell?!

" He exclaimed staring at the cat hoodie the boy wore also with that smile he could tell from miles away and instantly knew who it was,"

Chester, my god. At least give me a warning before sneaking up on me like that.

" He said glaring at his fellow repeater playfully. Fixing himself from the earlier shock, he gave Chester a grin and nodded,"

I thought I could give a try at Lightwood again, see what new experiences I'll face again.

" He said crossing his arms over his chest,"

So, what have you've been up to?

" He asked checking out how much Chester had changed.

Honestly, Chester was still the same as he was last year with his unique features and that famous trademark smile he would always have making him such a puzzle to figure out what he is thinking about. Ace sometimes had a hard time comprehending Chester but he didn't have anything against him, he liked Chester's unpredictable behavior and liked the company of the cheeky cat. Having Chester around was enough to entertain Ace for a whole day while having to do nothing, maybe if Chester was his dorm mate, they could just ditch their classes and stay in their dorm room doing mostly... nothing but sadly, fate could be cruel on him and give him some other roommate.


Severa bowed slightly to show her gratitude and walked away to the direction she was told and it was not that far, being it the first room. She slid the door open, finding the neatly made beds along with unowned desks and dressers. They were arranged in an orderly manner as if there was an invisible line dividing the spaces equally just to give each occupant their own privacy.

Since she had noticed the room was still untouched and there was no other baggage to be seen, she had guess she was first to enter with her roommate had yet to show herself. She decided to choose the left side of the room and set her suitcase near the dresser. She picked up Naegi, returning it to its original size and sat on her claimed bed to wait for her roommate to appear while having her weapon on her lap.
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As soon as the second bell rung, Eve jumped and practically fell off the bench. Her fingers gripped the leather satchel to make sure it didn't fall again. Breathing in deeply, the angel rose from her seat and followed the rest of the students towards the dormitory. Exhaustion hit her hard, and a nap sounded amazing right now.

When she reached the dormitory, people stood around chattering with one another as they waited for their dorm numbers to be given. She waited with them until it was her turn. A man with purple hair was just ahead of her. She waited patiently as he spoke his name to the woman with the clipboard.
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Marley perked up at sound of the second bell. She smiled at Noah, "I guess we'll find out soon, huh?" she asked, raising her eyebrows. "I'll see you later, Noah." She said, gathering her trash with a wide smile and waving at him. She'd made her first friend already and it was only breakfast.

She rushed to the dormitory, her hair flying around her in the process. Marley had the ability to run faster than a lot of other people, but she chose not to use it often. She sighed, shaking her head and ran a hand through her hair as she walked up to the Hall Monitor. Marley giggled inward.
Hall Monitor. Such an interesting title. It reminded her of her public school days. "Ma'am, I'm Marley F. Hardly." she said to the clearly irritated woman with a smile.
When the time came for the second bell to loudly interupt any conversation that was currently going on, Noah said his goodbye to Marley with a smile. Well, that was already one friend and it wasn't lunch time. He could already tell this was a better first day then some of the past years.

As he quickly arrived at the dormitory he could already see the other students crowding the hall monitor and getting to hear where their rooms were located. Taking a few steps into the crowd and getting a few steps closer to the clearly 'not in the right mood' woman he waited patiently for a chance where he could say his name. "Noah Cealan, miss." He told her, stuffing his hands in his pockets as a sign of slight lazyness again.
Chester Giggled at his reaction slightly, doing a little spin in the air. "Well I've just been floating about waiting for something to happen, It's been a bit boring though~" In all honestly Chester somewhat forgot what he had been doing while everyone was gone...Eh He must have been sleeping somewhere seeing he couldn't recall waiting outside the gates or hearing Vladimir's Speech. "You arrived just on time too, they're sorting people into the dorms , we might be dorm mates~" he'd grin at the thought, knowing that would most definitely be fun. They could do all sorts of things in a place like this after all.."Oh we can't be late, come on!~" he'd exclaim in excitement, floating ahead as his sleeves billowed behind him.

He flew into the hallway like a ghost, doing a little twirl as he saw the Hall Monitor.
"I am Chester Alsworth!" he stated with an ecstatic tone, flying around the Moody woman as he giggled slightly, already knowing what mood she was in thanks to his empathy.


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