Light From a Dead Star [Inactive]


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KaiaWolf submitted a new role play:

Light From a Dead Star - Light From a Dead Star

The year is 3045.
Technology has spiked, a deathly mist has settled over parts of the world from pollution, and natural resources have all but disappeared, replaced by genetically engineered plants and wildlife.

Not to mention A.I.R.H. Artificial Intelligence to Raise Humanity, or AIR for short. There's a part of her in everything, cars, stores, camera's.

The government, and AIR, carefully monitor the people, and help them grow accordingly. She decides what school you go to, what job you get,...
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It was darker than usual. Cold, smelly. Mostly dark.

Eden shivered, the crisp air clutching at any bare skin that showed, which was a lot, considering all the holes in her clothes.

Looking around, Eden crept forward, slowly closing in on her target. A squirrel.
Gavin sighed as his cheek dug into the dirt and stones on the cold ground. The Slums were so boring! What was he supported to do? Start a rock farm? Groaning, he rolled over, burying his hands into stones and the ground. "I'M SO BLOODY BORED." He announced loudly, because clearly someone would care.
Eden swooped forward, grabbing the squirrel and quickly snapping it's neck, flinching at the sound. Holding the squirrel in shaking hands, Eden made her way back into town, keeping out of sight.
The blonde neko glanced up from the ground. He was so bored and lonely. Which only led to one thing. Attention. "NOBODY LOVES ME AND MY TAIL IS BROKEN AND I'M SAD AND I WANT ICE CREAM!"
Eden almost fell off the roof she was currently walking on. Peeking over the edge, she saw a Neko lying on the ground. Frowning, Eden jumped off the roof.

"What are you doing?"
The boy looked up. "Being sad and lonely." After a few seconds of being silent he sat up abruptly and grinned largely, showing his fangs. Surprisingly, his teeth were sparkly white. "My names Gavin! What's yours friend?" Gavin bounced up to his feet.
Eden backed up slightly, looking suspiciously at Gavin. "Eden... You aren't gonna kill me and steal my stuff, are you? Not that i have much stuff to steal..."
Gavin cocked his head curiusly. "Now why would I do that? We're all poor here. At least, I think so. Are we? Hehehe I don't know. I once met a guy who sold pet giant spiders and he had a lot of money. I wanted to buy one but he shooed me away beclaws I wasn't eighteen. Stupid jerk." He grumbled a little at the end.
"Did... Did you just say, 'beclaws'?" Eden shook her head. "And yeah, were all poor here. Some more than others. It drives people to steal, and even kill on occasion."
Gavin just stared at Eden. "Y-yeah... did you know that you're really pretty? Beclaws you are. Your eyes are purrfect! Just the way that they shine." Gavin continued giving eye contact.
Eden flushed. "W-what? You're crazy, aren't you." Feeling extremely uncomfortable, she started fiddling with her shirt sleeves, the squirrel in her other hand.
Gavin, who was used to people thinking that he was mental and annoying, noticed the squirrel in Eden's hand. "Oh, you caught food. Do you need somewhere to cook it? I know a friendly place with a fire place. I mean, if you want." Gavin looked at his ground and pointed his toes inward.
Eden narrowed her eyes, thinking. "I... Okay... Lead the way." She didn't really trust this cat, but she didn't really have a choice, considering her lack of fire. She hated trying to make fire without taking it from somewhere else or using flint. She rolled her eyes, remembering the kid she'd given her last pieces of flint to.
Gavin jumped up, happily. "Yay! Follow me Eden." The neko started walking in a distraction. He started babbling about how nice the place that they were going was and how he had once caught a snake and ancient Rome and how pants are made and-
"Okay, you're gonna need to slow that down, dude. You've changed the subject three times in the last minute." Eden said, rubbing her temples. "How do you talk so fast?"
Gavin blushed. "I used to study with my... friend... by talking. The schools are so tough! And my math class made me recite complicated math quickly. Of course, I failed that class beclaws math is annoying and I have better things to do than study fur it."
Eden raised an eyebrow. "You were born in the city? What'd you do to fall out of favor with ol' A.I.R?"
"I maaaaaay have tried to blow up a building of theirs. And I maaaaaay have spay painted anti A.I.R. on a bunch of walls and hallways."
Eden laughed. "Awesome. I've been here all my life, as far as i can remember." She shook her head. "But it makes me happy that some people from the city can be more than mindless drones."
"Man you should have seen them casing me and him! They had robots and everything. We even ran through a mall. I think that I broke a Christmas tree and kneed a Santa in the groin. Ow, I still feel bad fur that." Gavin winced.
Eden laughed again. "That's fantastic. Remind me to bring you with me in the event i get chased by robots."
"Some are afraid of toothpaste. While we were running he knocked over a box of it and the tube came out. The robots screamed like baby birds." Gavin grinned, clearly proud of this information.

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