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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Guinevere was genuinely relieved in the fact that her eye had not been rendered completely useless, though she hid it beneath a stony face as the lynx-shifter continued her bloody work. She remained nearly motionless throughout the ordeal, her eye dark and brooding as she reflected on everything that had happened.

'The alpha was able to shift his claws into a more useful weapon.' she thought as her new ally stitched together her wounds. 'I will have to subdue him more quickly... or hold down his hands.'

Her thoughts were broken when Grace handed her some aspirin and water, which Guin refused the first but gladly accepted the latter. As she sipped the warm liquid she looked at the lynx with one grey eye that glittered with curiosity. Guinevere nodded her head after the younger female had finished her explanation, thinking it rather amusing that she had two beds when she clearly lived alone.

"Tell me, Grace." She asked. "Why did you help me? The wolves will attempt to hunt me down and now they may possibly track down and kill you as well... you are either incredibly generous or incredibly stupid..." While she waited for the other shifter's answer she took another drink of the water.

Reptilesandromance said:
Kate rumbled and gazed at him intently for a moment as if thinking hard about what to say. She finaly gained her courage, "stay." She cooed daringly, being uncharictariatcly bold
"St-stay? Like here in your den with you? Um.." Of course, the had broken his British facade completely and his stone warrior exterior. The male was genuinely shocked and his face betrayed his every thought. Shock, disbelief, doubt, hope, one followed by the other was reflected marvelously in his scarlet eyes. Crimson was a family man and he had gone so long without seeing his own. Without a place he could even consider calling home. Alone the whole time. And now he was being asked to keep someone company and even a place to stay for some time. Still in disbelief, he responds "Um.....uh yes...yeah I will stay. I definetly will stay. I do enjoy your company after all." His old husky tone returning now. " I would love to."

Ava tenderly turned the corner into an area with multiple cabins.

It was weird that she could single him out in the large bout of land, but the horrid man that bit her was
relatively unchanged.

She had to get him back for all the crap she was put through.

Viciously attacking him...?



She couldn't do that.

It would be one of the most horrible things she could think of.

She wasn't that horrible.

Though she was angry, she forced herself to calm down and turn the corner.

Eventually, she hoped to enforce justice.

Hopefully, now he wouldn't recognize her.

{ @loyalwolf and whoever else is in the vicinity }
shadowz1995 said:
"St-stay? Like here in your den with you? Um.." Of course, the had broken his British facade completely and his stone warrior exterior. The male was genuinely shocked and his face betrayed his every thought. Shock, disbelief, doubt, hope, one followed by the other was reflected marvelously in his scarlet eyes. Crimson was a family man and he had gone so long without seeing his own. Without a place he could even consider calling home. Alone the whole time. And now he was being asked to keep someone company and even a place to stay for some time. Still in disbelief, he responds "Um.....uh yes...yeah I will stay. I definetly will stay. I do enjoy your company after all." His old husky tone returning now. " I would love to."
Kate was unsure her intentions behind the sudden blurt but it felt right. She slid out of the way, making room for him on the cushioned mattress, the blankets smelling as if they'd been washed extremely recently but how that was possible wasn't clear. She made a small whine of discomfort as her leg moved but nothing more came of it.
Luna looked up from her paper and grinned at her mate "Hey wolf man. I made pizza." She gestured to the counter "In case you're hungry." She gave a wink and went back to her list

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Kira continued to her practice clearing, head throbbing. He said it again, this time with no mistaking it and it echoed in her head. She hunted for a while but caught naught but a sparrow, practically a snack. Her movements were heavy and with her emotional panting, she imagined she'd scared off all prey in the area. Ahead, sunlight shone on alluringly soft patch of clover and grass. The wolf trotted over to it and rested her head, quickly falling asleep.
Silently Faolin walked back to his cabin and walked to the bed. He laid down. He looked up at the ceiling. What was he doing? She would never speak to him again most likely. Oh well such was life. He smiled turned over and fell asleep.

Kira continued to her practice clearing, head throbbing. He said it again, this time with no mistaking it and it echoed in her head. She hunted for a while but caught naught but a sparrow, practically a snack. Her movements were heavy and with her emotional panting, she imagined she'd scared off all prey in the area. Ahead, sunlight shone on alluringly soft patch of clover and grass. The wolf trotted over to it and rested her head, quickly falling asleep.
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"Yea? Have you um, talked to Maria, Kira, or Faolin?" She looked up hesitantly. "Oh and I'm going into town with Oliver soon by the way."
"I don't want to push too deep and open up anything that should stay inside, so just tell me what you want me to know." He laid down beside her putting his arms comfortably behind his head. @Tessa Roberts
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Kira continued to her practice clearing, head throbbing. He said it again, this time with no mistaking it and it echoed in her head. She hunted for a while but caught naught but a sparrow, practically a snack. Her movements were heavy and with her emotional panting, she imagined she'd scared off all prey in the area. Ahead, sunlight shone on alluringly soft patch of clover and grass. The wolf trotted over to it and rested her head, quickly falling asleep.
When Faolin woke he sighed. He opened his eyes and thought of Kira. She didn't want him that was for sure. She seemed to scarred and standoffish for anyone. Including him. Nonetheless he had to at least try to keep their friendship status. He pushed himself upright and winced. His head no longer ached. Luckily Gabriel's blow to his head wasn't actually enough to give him brain damage so he should be fine. He hoped. He stood forcing himself to walk to the door. Kira would kill him if she knew he was doing this. No wait he was thinking of Dante. He chuckled. Oh well time to find Kira she was probably resting in her training clearing. He moved in that direction wondering what or why he was doing this.
Kira was still asleep on the clovers but while her form appeared restful, images of her old pack's descent to chaos flashed in her mind. At the peak of the mess, the she-wolf's eyes snapped open and still seeing her dreams, lashed out at a bush, imaging her claws tearing through her old alpha's fur and muscle. Behind the bush rested a rock and as soon has her paw collided with that, a jolt ran up her arm bringing her back to the normal world. Eyes still blazing with anger, she limped on three paws to the stream running through the clearing to shove her injured paw in it, hoping the chill water would numb away the pain.
Kira was still asleep on the clovers but while her form appeared restful, images of her old pack's descent to chaos flashed in her mind. At the peak of the mess, the she-wolf's eyes snapped open and still seeing her dreams, lashed out at a bush, imaging her claws tearing through her old alpha's fur and muscle. Behind the bush rested a rock and as soon has her paw collided with that, a jolt ran up her arm bringing her back to the normal world. Eyes still blazing with anger, she limped on three paws to the stream running through the clearing to shove her injured paw in it, hoping the chill water would numb away the pain.
Silently Faolin sighed as he walked slowly. He was no longer in pain. His muscles were fine all injuries aside form his head were healing quickly. Being a Werewolf helped in the healing process. He stopped should he? He was doubting if he should talk to Kira at all. He stood undecided the wind blowing his scent towards her. If he didn't go she would come or she would stay. He couldn't decide.
Corinn frowned in thought. " Ok, I've been tossed around from pack to pack, never really being accepted. Then, I came here, and it seems pretty nice!" She purposefully left out the abuse part, for it still caused her nightmares. @xxxxxxxxERRORxxxxxxx
"Ah, I'm happy that you found this place, everyone seems to be nice here." He turned his his to face you. "Especially you." He said in a little voice, blushing at his words he shook his head, trying to snap out of it. @Tessa Roberts
Reptilesandromance said:
Kate was unsure her intentions behind the sudden blurt but it felt right. She slid out of the way, making room for him on the cushioned mattress, the blankets smelling as if they'd been washed extremely recently but how that was possible wasn't clear. She made a small whine of discomfort as her leg moved but nothing more came of it.
"Well before that...." Victor stands and stretches his arms behind his head, drawing a few dull cracks from his bones and a sigh of relief. "I'm going to grab our clothing that we left behind. I'll be back in a little bit. Take the painkiller and keep an eye out Mk?" Crimson exits the cave and breaks out into a brisk jog, tracking their paths back to where they had stripped down.

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