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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gabriel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pia

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jasmine

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Marco

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Daisy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Luna decided that she wasn't going to just sit here. She began tracking down Finn and Gabriel. She moved slowly through the trees trying to catch Gabriel's scent. She found it and began running in his direction. After a few minutes she found Gabriel and Finn speaking with Pia sitting close by. She hid in the trees, not ready to approach just yet. Finn is here, he is really here!

She shifted into her human form and climbed a nearby tree to hide, thinking she was clear. She hoped neither of them did anything stupid.

@Boondox @DaManofWar @Nudge
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Jasil said:
Luna decided that she wasn't going to just sit here. She began tracking down Finn and Gabriel. She moved slowly through the trees trying to catch Gabriel's scent. She found it and began running in his direction. After a few minutes she found Gabriel and Finn speaking. She hid in the trees, not ready to approach just yet. Finn is here, he is really here!
She shifted into her human form and climbed a nearby tree to hide, thinking she was clear. She hoped neither of them did anything stupid.
Daisy whipped her head around when she heard howling from another creature. She whimpered, quietly and climbed up further up into the tree. "Wolves... Wolves.. Why did it have to be wolves?!" She thought to herself.
Pia felt awkward, slowly backing up as to get behind Gabriel. She didn't like being near the new wolf, even if they seemed friendly. Keeping her hackles raised, she crept behind her Alpha so she could relax a bit. It seemed as if the new wolf's pack had died out. Poor thing... she knew how it felt to loose family. Suddenly, a new scent reached her nose. Luna was here? Shaking her head slightly, she let out a quiet snort. if she didn't want to be noticed, she wouldn't call attention to her. Maybe Gabriel told her to keep marking the territory or something and she got worried. Not her business. @Jasil @DaManofWar

As Dante spoke she began to relax, realising he wasnt out to get her. She listened contently and began to slouch slightly. As he told her not to be scared she lowered herself again until the call stopped "No I uhm.. I wanted to join you" she stammered quietly over herself as she glanced up at him.

As the male asked about his family, Finn pinned his ears slightly in saddness, turning his head slightly "we were attacked by a rogue pack of males.. They destroyed everything and everyone.. Myself and a pup sitter were the only two to survive but she was to badly injured and passed away a few days after.. Im all thats left" Finnegan spoke quietly as he then caught wind of a familiar scent, perking his ears and lifting his head. She was here.
Gabriel also sniffed the air. He was sadden to learn of the destruction of Finn's pack. But now that he had caught her scent....

"Excuse me," he growled, before bounding off in the direction of Luna's scent. He arrived to find her in human form. He sighed. "What are doing?" He asked her.
Luna watched as Pia noticed her, she was happy she didn't call attention to her. But then Finn perked up. Damn, he knows I'm here too.

That meant it wasn't long until Gabriel noticed
Luna looked down from the tree, attempting innocence. "I was chasing a squirrel" she smiled and then hid more in the branches, trying avoid Finn seeing her
Jasil said:
Luna looked down from the tree, attempting innocence. "I was chasing a squirrel" she smiled and then hid more in the branches, trying avoid Finn seeing her
Gabriel snorted. "Come down," he said firmly. "And do shift to wolf form."

Standing quietly he watched as the male took off in a direction, Finn looked to the small female who had moved to hide behind the alpha. He threw her a small smile before glancing back in their direction.. Would luna even want to see him?
Luna shifted and jumped down in one leap. She still stayed in the shadows. "Gabriel, I'm sorry but I couldn't wait there."
Jasil said:
Luna shifted and jumped down in one leap. She still stayed in the shadows. "Gabriel, I'm sorry but I couldn't wait there."
Gabriel walked forward until he was right next to Luna. "Luna, what is the matter? Why don't you wish to have a member of your old pack here?"
She stole a glance towards Finn "Finn and I didn't part ways on good terms." She stepped to the side so she could see him better

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Dante Claudio

Dante figured that what she came here, considering she didn't appear to be scouting. he didn't see a problem with at least taking her to met Gabriel. she hasn't caused any real trouble as of yet. "Well if u want to join, then i'm going to have to take you to are alpha. from the howl early your not the only new wolf we have in the territory. Fallow me closely but i'm going to warn you, if you try anything i wont hesitate to hurt you." he had to be forceful with his warning to her to get his point across. he began to track the scent of everyone leading him to the direction they were all at. he came into view of both Pia and an unknown wolf, but didn't see sign of Luna or Gab. @Boondox @Nudge @Jasil @DaManofWar
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luna looked to Finn and took a few steps toward him. She watched him carefully as she approached

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Finn had been off in his thoughts when something caught his attention, it eas luna. His heart jumped and skipped as he perked his ears, and his tail slightly wagging "Luna... Im sorry for what happened with the pack .. And you.. It wasnt right and Im sorry.. But we are all thats left.." Finn was more than happy to see her alive.
Luna heard Finn speak to her and she felt like collapsing. He began apologizing and her heart shattered just thinking about what happened when she left.

She ran to Finn and nuzzled against him. She whined. Then it hit her "Finn, what do you mean we are the only ones left?" Her voice broke

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(sorry for being so inactive!)

Sam was walking around the forest, just a bit away from his home when he spotted other wolves. Something about the darker wolf irritated the back of his neck.

He was familiar...


For some reason,when he looked at Pia, he felt a small urge to protect her..?

@Nudge and whoever can see me lol
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Daisy tensed up. More wolves were coming at the minute. She closed her eyes, tightly, and jumped out of the tree, landing on her feet. She looked behind her at all the wolves, and went wide eyed. She looked in front of her and bounded, and quickly turned into a deer when they weren't watching.

Dante Claudio

Dante was watching the scene that was happening between Luna and the other wolf. He wondered how Gabriel was taking this scene. He looked to Daitra and said "as you can see this is most of my pack. Plus an extra person." He then caught the scent of another new wolf. He couldn't believe how many new wolves showed up today. He growled to let everyone know that we had another wolf here now​

As he stood there before her he wanted to collapse as she rushed to him, whimpering against him as she nuzzled into him and he closed his eyes, nuzzling her back with such affection. Finn then heard her voice break and he sighed softly "The rogues... They took everything.. And destroyed everyone.. Myself and Sev were the only two to escape but.. She was to badly injured" after he spoke he whined and let a small tear fall to the forest floor. The imense emotion that he felt as she stood there against his dark pelt was almost to much as he hadnt seen Luna in a long time.

She followed quietly and with her head low, making sure to make no sudden movements as they ventured. However as they stopped to see the others she was confused as the scene infront of them played out and she couldnt tell who the alpha was from just looking at them, no one was showing dominance yet.. At Dantes voice she snapped back to life, her eyes darted to him and she took a deep breath "Uhm yeah.. Wow nice group" what else was she supposed to say?

He was compelled to boldly come forth into their area.

But, instead, he decided to sit.


...he fell asleep.

Gabriel turned to see a new she-wolf. She was with Dante. He chuckled. "Luna succeeded beyond her wildest dreams." He murmured. He began to take a more dominant position, to show he was Alpha.

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