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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gabriel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pia

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jasmine

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Marco

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Daisy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
MadameRedWolf said:
Valissa whines shallowly, and then continued the whine with her next breath, "I'm to weak to shift... yes it was me who howled, please show mercy, and help me. I'm going to die." she said, her soft voice weak with hunger and pain. If you die you'll be with Andrew... the dark voice that hung at the back of her head since Andrew was killed said. she looked imploringly at the wolves who had found her, "I-I dont want to die..." Yes you do. the voice in her head contradicted.
Luna's expression softened. She walked and let the weak wolf rest against her. "Come on."

She motioned to Kira, "Go ahead, this is an emergency."

She began walking home with the wolf leaned against her side

@MadameRedWolf @Moolock
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Kira nodded and bounded off to Dante's cabin. Sending a few blows to the door (a version of knocking) she let out a high-pitched whine to get his attention.

shadowz1995 said:
"Kate you were already hurt. Your injury was on that would have slowed you down. That was a fight where a split second could have ended it all. I understand your anger truly I do." The male sat.....well more collapsed into a bloody heap, against the far wall of her den, giving her space but watching her carefully. Again, the thought raced through his mind. Crimson wasn't sure if it was post battle stress that had him going or the fact that he nearly died for her and he would do it again in a heartbeat. "But now I'm the one that's injured to all hell. So no more fighting on my part. I'm in your hands now. Alright? I'm yours." The last words he phrased more as a promise than an explanation. "Whatever punishment you want to give me I won't fight it. You are just as capable and I wronged you for that. I wanted to protect you and your home. I truly apologize." The male did his best to dip his head in apology but it didn't really end up working
As he failed to dip his head something welled in Kate, usually described as her fathers portion of her DNA, but it had never been so strong. She knew she could have punished him for that, the alpha blood in her churning, raising her body temperature and causing her to clench a fist. His words had saved him. 'I'm yours' rang in her ears and finally soothed her, calming her considerably. She shook her head, clearing the last of the overly powerful feeling, though it was absolutely strange she had more important things to attend to.

Kate strode over, stooped in front of him and picked him up from the ground, holding his weight easily. She looked at the narrow entrance one last time before turning and heading to the back of the den where it was pitch black. "You obviously had enough time to gouge your own eye out, if a cougar had done it you wouldn't have come back to me..." She trailed off, thinking about what she said and how she felt, her cheeks flared up in pink and soft reds again and she hoped the dark would hide it, suddenly beginning again. "I can take it that when I see her she'll be missing an eye, probably the left, if I'm going to be expected to be well behaved and thoughtful you better get on board too, I'm not a princess. Which is why next time it happens I'm not listening to a word you have to say against it, don't care if my whole leg is busted in every way it shouldn't be.." She grumbled, finding it strange how easy it was to think like him, how close she felt to him.

Kate forced herself to shake the feeling, she had no idea what it meant to be mated or even how a bond like that worked, throwing her even more of. They she winded through the dark expertly, not worried about her footing or where she was going. There would be a small step every once in a while and she would brace him in her arms, keeping him absolutely still. Surprisingly a thin line of light showed at the floor and her amber eyes sparked with it's reflection. She seemed focused, intent, and determined as they came closer, it proved to be light escaping under a large old door. She carefully steadied him as she fished for a key, slipping it into the lock and throwing the door open.

It was a basement, spacious and warm, existing under a small hunting cabin. "It's not much but it home.." She sighed, "I'll get you patched up before I take you up stairs." She brought him in, closing the door with a foot, striding to a corner that held a gurney with fresh sheets and a sterile cover. "Gotta be prepared," she smiled, gently laying him down, now being extremely mindful of his injuries.
ShadowCrassodon254 said:
View attachment 262700
Klaus was walking through the woods of nearby town enjoying the scenery around him. He didn't really have any mission or direction for his travels as he has spent most of his life wondering around surviving day to day. Not having much on his mind he let out a deep sigh and pulled out one of his pipes from his collection, a pipe made from oak with a wolf carved in as its design. with his pipe in one hand he pulled out vanilla tobacco and started stuffing his pipe. While setting up his pipe Klaus began looking around, "What a beautiful forest", he thought. As he lit his pipe and began puffing from it Klaus heard the faint voices of other people in the air, and the faint smell of wolves on the wind. " Interesting..." Klaus quietly muttered under his breath. Adjusting his ruck sack Klaus set off in the direction of the smell. Making decent time as Klaus approached a clearing he noticed a lake and a set of cabins. Cautiously he started circling the perimeter all the while puffing his pipe. While scouting Klaus saw numerous people and wolves in a clearing by the lake conversing. Curious he leaned up against a tree and continued puffing his pipe knowing that the wolves would probably smell it and find him, but he didn't care. Watching the scene unfold he rested a hand on his hunting knife by his side. View attachment 262702
As Luna was walking with the female, she smelled smoke. She slowly approached it and let out a growl. "Who the hell are you?"

She used her body and covered the weak female, protecting her. @ShadowCrassodon254

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Valissa leaned against the other wolf, the dim light in her amber eyes grateful, "Wh-Whats your name?" she asked weakly. as they had approached another, this time a shifted male, she let her ears drop and looked away from him, staying silent
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Still watching everything unfold, Klaus noticed the purple haired person and a small wolf approach him. As they got closer he could see the shifted female approaching had a defensive stance. "Probably the Alpha of this pack." Klaus thought to himself. He could also see the young wolf was almost just skin and bones. A look of pity washed over his face as they approached. Klaus had to try and help this child as De Luca had done for him in the past. When the Purple Alpha let out a growl as to who he was Klaus calmly removed the pipe from his mouth and replied, " It is common courtesy to introduce oneself before asking the name of another, but my name is Klaus Vossler. Pleased to meet you." Klaus looked at the small wolf as she also asked who he was and gave her a gentle look and says, " My name is Klaus little one." He looks up at the alpha and proceeds to tell her, " By the way I have medicinal herbs in my pack, I am friendly and wish to help this wolf......No pup should have to live like this..." Klaus then proceeds to continue to puff on his pipe care not to get smoke in anyone face.
ShadowCrassodon254 said:
Still watching everything unfold, Klaus noticed the purple haired person and a small wolf approach him. As they got closer he could see the shifted female approaching had a defensive stance. "Probably the Alpha of this pack." Klaus thought to himself. He could also see the young wolf was almost just skin and bones. A look of pity washed over his face as they approached. Klaus had to try and help this child as De Luca had done for him in the past. When the Purple Alpha let out a growl as to who he was Klaus calmly removed the pipe from his mouth and replied, " It is common courtesy to introduce oneself before asking the name of another, but my name is Klaus Vossler. Pleased to meet you." Klaus looked at the small wolf as she also asked who he was and gave her a gentle look and says, " My name is Klaus little one." He looks up at the alpha and proceeds to tell her, " By the way I have medicinal herbs in my pack, I am friendly and wish to help this wolf......No pup should have to live like this..." Klaus then proceeds to continue to puff on his pipe care not to get smoke in anyone face.
Luna let her hackles fall back and she stood slightly taller. "I'm Luna Forest, and don't bother, I am taking her to my healer now." Luna shifted to her human form and stretched her body, not caring if she was nude. She looked down slightly and noticed her stomach was bigger than this morning. Fear creeped up her back but Luna kept her cool. "Nice to see you Klaus, could you explain why you are in my territory?" She cocked her head curiously
Valissa let herself fall to a leaning sitting position, still leaning on Luna's leg, she was very particular about averting her eyes though, and not looking at Luna's naked body.
After hearing The Alpha's introduction, and hearing that the small wolf would be taken care of Klaus was able to relax a little bit. Seeing as Luna had relaxed her stance Klaus proceeded to relax his. As Luna shifted to her human form he noticed a bulge on her stomach.

Noticing this he proceeded to snuff his pipe and clean it out. Upon hearing Luna's second question on his reason for being in her territory he proceeded to reply, " Its good to hear the Pup will get proper treatment. The World can be cruel, but its the charity of others that make it seem just a little kinder. And to answer your question, honestly I am just a humble Traveler on my own seeing the world, but when I caught the faint hint of wolves on the wind I got curious. So I proceeded to investigate and stumbled on your lake. Didn't mean to offend anyone." By the time he was done answering Luna's question his pipe was cleaned out, so Klaus placed it in his pocket then leaned back against the tree.
Marina nervous walked through the forest, she'd flown forward and seen a little community in the distance, a few people seemingly running around but she was too high up to see if it was in a panic or not. She flew back into the forest, so not to startle anyone by coming forward, she could hear a few shouts and whispered hushed voices and didn't quite understand what she was stumbling. She adjusted her bag on her shoulders and fell behind a tree when she saw two people in front of her. One of them being a naked woman. She blushed and wondered if maybe she should make a quick and great escape.
Moolock said:
Kira nodded and bounded off to Dante's cabin. Sending a few blows to the door (a version of knocking) she let out a high-pitched whine to get his attention.
Dante hears Kira whine and frowns slightly. He goes to make sure she is ok and that she isn't injury. He approaches Kira and gives a forced smile. "Hello Kira. Are you alright? Are you hurt or something?" He questions her while giving her a curious look. @Moolock
ShadowCrassodon254 said:
After hearing The Alpha's introduction, and hearing that the small wolf would be taken care of Klaus was able to relax a little bit. Seeing as Luna had relaxed her stance Klaus proceeded to relax his. As Luna shifted to her human form he noticed a bulge on her stomach.
Noticing this he proceeded to snuff his pipe and clean it out. Upon hearing Luna's second question on his reason for being in her territory he proceeded to reply, " Its good to hear the Pup will get proper treatment. The World can be cruel, but its the charity of others that make it seem just a little kinder. And to answer your question, honestly I am just a humble Traveler on my own seeing the world, but when I caught the faint hint of wolves on the wind I got curious. So I proceeded to investigate and stumbled on your lake. Didn't mean to offend anyone." By the time he was done answering Luna's question his pipe was cleaned out, so Klaus placed it in his pocket then leaned back against the tree.
Profoundcactus said:
Marina nervous walked through the forest, she'd flown forward and seen a little community in the distance, a few people seemingly running around but she was too high up to see if it was in a panic or not. She flew back into the forest, so not to startle anyone by coming forward, she could hear a few shouts and whispered hushed voices and didn't quite understand what she was stumbling. She adjusted her bag on her shoulders and fell behind a tree when she saw two people in front of her. One of them being a naked woman. She blushed and wondered if maybe she should make a quick and great escape.
Luna nodded to the male, "I need to get her back." She heard rustling behind her and whipped around to face it.
Jasil said:
Luna nodded to the male, "I need to get her back." She heard rustling behind her and whipped around to face it.
"I understand. If its not to much trouble i am going to rest under this tree for a bit." As Klaus said this he slumped down leaning back against the tree and started rustling through his pack to find the jerky he saved, and began eating. As he took his first bite he heard rustling behind Luna, but paid no mind to it.
She listened to bits and pieces of the conversation when suddenly her presences had been detected. She had two chocies run or just confront them, they didn't seem hostile. And she heard someone was hurt.

She put her hands up from behind the trees, allowing the woman to see her and slowly stepped out from the tree. "D-did you say someone was injuried? I have some healing herbs and potions in my bag if you w-would like some help" She said with a nervous expression "Or I can just leave in peace"
Gabriel decided to try walking. Maybe Dante could help him. However, rather then just go through the door, he tried something else. He floated underneath it. He aimed for the small gap between the door and the floor, and thought about turning into mist and floating through. Amazingly, he did. He materialised on the outside. He nodded in satisfaction, and started looking for Luna.
Profoundcactus said:
She listened to bits and pieces of the conversation when suddenly her presences had been detected. She had two chocies run or just confront them, they didn't seem hostile. And she heard someone was hurt.
She put her hands up from behind the trees, allowing the woman to see her and slowly stepped out from the tree. "D-did you say someone was injuried? I have some healing herbs and potions in my bag if you w-would like some help" She said with a nervous expression "Or I can just leave in peace"
Luna stepped toward the very young girl. "We are talking her to a healer now." She continued to approach the female, sniffing the air and looking at her. "You're not a wolf."
Gabriel was moving like a wraith, his body trailing mist. He looked around for Luna, then caught her scent- along with some others. Interested, he started heading toward her location.
"A wolf?" She squeaked and coughed trying to get control over herself.

Her smelled the air and she finally noticed the scent, her sense of smell wasn't as strong as her sight but now that she was closer she could smell wolf. "Are you guys shifters?" she said quietly
Profoundcactus said:
"A wolf?" She squeaked and coughed trying to get control over herself.
Her smelled the air and she finally noticed the scent, her sense of smell wasn't as strong as her sight but now that she was closer she could smell wolf. "Are you guys shifters?" she said quietly
Raising his hand Klaus announced with a smile, "I am a Shifter!" then he went back to devouring his food.
Profoundcactus said:
"A wolf?" She squeaked and coughed trying to get control over herself.
Her smelled the air and she finally noticed the scent, her sense of smell wasn't as strong as her sight but now that she was closer she could smell wolf. "Are you guys shifters?" she said quietly
ShadowCrassodon254 said:
Raising his hand Klaus announced with a smile, "I am a Shifter!" then he went back to devouring his food.
Luna nodded "Of course we are, and this is my territory."

She eyed the teenager "but what are you child?"

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"Uh" She backed away a bit "Uh"

Her mind was racing, so was in someone else's territory. Now she felt surronded. She looked up and saw a perfect opening within the branches if she needed a quick escape, though she would have to leave her pack... and her clothes.

"A raven. Uh a bird" She answered looking straight at Luna. "I can leave peacefully if I need to, I can leave" She said backing up a few more steps.

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