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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

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  • Sam

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  • Starsky

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  • Logan

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  • Emilan

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With everyone having there own thing going on and not everyone being on at the same time its easy to lose track of time lol
so i got a plan its crazy but lets have all the character gather at one spot agree on a date and time then peacefully go back to what they were doing sorta like a town meeting xD
Inka-Grace gurgled in her sleep, her tufts of black hair were softly standing up. She cuddled her blanket for warmth, chewing on the edge of it lightly.
(oh yeah, I could see Guinevere agreeing to that. *cough cough* -not-....

on second thought... then she could see how much wolves there are and spot out the weaklings. hmm... mmyes... *tents fingers*)
Juju said:
(oh yeah, I could see Guinevere agreeing to that. *cough cough* -not-....
on second thought... then she could see how much wolves there are and spot out the weaklings. hmm... mmyes... *tents fingers*)
oh you and your diabolicalness haha unfortunately Klaus is on his way to an adventure! - points finger off into the distance dramatically-
(Is he careful, my precious? Oh, the wolfeses look juicy... maybe he will slip and fall.

yes... or we could drop a rock on it's filthy head

No! We will cut out its throat and taste its blood!

Fine, but we kills the other wolf with a rock.

Yes, precious, that will do.)
Valissa woke up by the lake stretching- she wondered whre Nuuch was- she had never gotten around to helping him learn to fish- she had ended up falling asleep in a hollow under a tree by the lake. her inner calendar told her it had been two days. u the result of that sleep was endless energy and a glint in her eyes she looked around for her fellow white wolf, her fur was softer looking, all her previous wounds were completely healed- she was still thin, but some food would quickly fix that. she barked softly at first, but not seeing him around she howled to call him, 'Nuuch! here'd you go?" she howled. @Nuuchi
(Thanks @shadowz1995 , Crimson was a badass during the fight! It was glorious. I also love how different yet similar the two are; for instance Crimson fights out of his love of battle and his S/O (oh how gallant and cheesy ;P) and Guinevere is fighting out of hatred and bloodlust (she needs some yoga O.o ))
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Juju said:
(Thanks @shadowz1995 , Crimson was a badass during the fight! It was glorious. I also love how different yet similar the two are; for instance Crimson fights out of his love of battle and his S/O (oh how gallant and cheesy ;P) and Guinevere is fighting out of hatred and bloodlust (she needs some yoga O.o ))
(Yes lmao. I tried to make him that way. A true blue warrior from a far away country in the frozen tundras lmao. But yes the kinship between the two is definitely there. As Crimson thought, "in another world, they may have been close friends." And of that I have no doubt.
Nuuch wakes up at the edge of the forest not really sure as to how he got here but assuming he just overworked his injuries. He gets up and stretches realising that hes almost completely healed and trying to remember what he had been doing. At that moment is when nuuch hears a familiar voice shout out to him. "Valissa!" He howls happily as he starts running toward the direction of her voice
Valissa hears his howl back and begins wildly wagging her tail, the dark voice of depression that still sits on her shoulders evilly whispers to her: Isnt is a betrayal to Andrew to be happy? He's not here to enjoy life, you shouldn't be either. But the weight was not as heavy- and she was too exited to listen to the darkness, she took off running towards Nucch's scent and ended up barreling straight into him with a sharp yelp of surprise- she is able to duck and slide under him for the most part to avoid any injury. dirt and leaf-mulch scatter around her as she knocks into Nuuch's legs.
Nuuch continues to run noticing Valissas scent is getting stronger completely unaware that it was because she was running at him as well. Suddenly he sees this blurred white mass coming strait for him and before he could stop he ends up running right into it and nearly flipping over on he back. He shakes the daze and looks back quickly seeing that it was actually Valissa he had just collided with. Quickly after he seen it was her he gets up and goes to check on her "Valissa! Hey, you ok?" He says nuzzling her a bit
Nuuchi said:
Nuuch continues to run noticing Valissas scent is getting stronger completely unaware that it was because she was running at him as well. Suddenly he sees this blurred white mass coming strait for him and before he could stop he ends up running right into it and nearly flipping over on he back. He shakes the daze and looks back quickly seeing that it was actually Valissa he had just collided with. Quickly after he seen it was her he gets up and goes to check on her "Valissa! Hey, you ok?" He says nuzzling her a bit
Valissa giggles softly, churning her paws in the air looking a little dazed, "Sorry, Nuuch. didn't mean to run into you." her tail was still wagging, her fur's white gleam dulled by the dirt.
MadameRedWolf said:
Valissa giggles softly, churning her paws in the air looking a little dazed, "Sorry, Nuuch. didn't mean to run into you." her tail was still wagging, her fur's white gleam dulled by the dirt.
"Its alright Valissa, no harm done here" nuuch says with a smile of excitement "im glad you didnt get hurt either, maybe if i wasnt pretty much blind in my right eye i wouldve seen you coming" he says while playfully laughing
"Or if I had patiently waited for you to show up." she said, not allowing him to take full blame. "We never got around to fishing the other day. would you like me to show you?"

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