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Yawning slightly, Juliet picked herself up from her bed and quickly got herself dressed. She'd slept for a long time by accident, and now itw as time that she get up for the day. Whether she wanted to or not, however, was a stretch.

She made her wya to school after a little bit of breakfast, steppign itno the building with over a half hour before her first class started. So she began wandering around, with no purpose in mind.



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I couldn't get it to work, so here's a link!

Kelvin woke up with his cat lying on his face and an alarm imitating a bird song.

Needless to say, he was still kinda irritated when he got to school. Tugging at the collar of his grey, long sleeved shirt, he glanced around as he wandered around the school interior, too early for school. His alarm was set an hour early, and when he realized, he was already done with everything.

The outcome? He was walking the halls with no objective in mind, other than to calm down. He loved his cat to death, but he had to admit: It seemed like the cat smiled whenever he messed with Kelvin, or did something weird.

Lost in his thoughts, he didn't pay attention as he was near the end of the hall and turned a corner.
Juliet had just put her phone away after listening to some casual tunes. She was into light pop and occasional dubstep, but she particularly loved electronica. She'd been humming a tune of a remix when she collided with a boy.

She groaned and pulled her headphones out, feeling like she'd slammed into a wall. She looked up at him and adjusted her glasses, "oh, my bad." She whispered.
Kelvin opened his mouth to give her a piece of his mind, but the red subsided fairly quick. "Oh, sorry, that was my fault. You weren't able to pay attention, but I was, and I still bumped you..." He lifted a finger to point at her glasses. "I believe I need those, miss." He said, awkwardly smiling.
Juliet groaned and picked herself up, grabbing her glasses and adjusting them so she could see. The boy was definitely attractive, in the bad big sort of way. But she wasn't being entranced, only frightened.

"T-these are my glasses!" She stepped back, "I can't see without them!"
Kelvin's eyes widened. What did she believe he meant? "Err, miss, that was just a joke," he said, taking a small step back, and holding his hands up defensively. This was going a way he didn't want it to go. Not just because he was always such a super kind person- he admits he's sometimes rude, but because he seemed to take a liking to her. Just a feeling he had, that they would be really close if he didn't mess things up.

"I don't seriously want your glasses, miss."
Juliet started to relax and she gathered up her headphones and such, stuffing it into her pocket, "oh... good. I don't wanna be blind as a bat all day, that'd be awkward." She coughed a little bit, then stood up straight. She barely came up to his neck. This was slightly awkward.

"I-I'm Juliet..." She gulped.
Kelvin slightly smiled. "Yeah, that really would be awkward. My name's Kelvin, nice to meet you, Juliet." He paused for a moment. "Wait, as in Romeo and Juliet?" He asked.
She nodded, "I'm not a Capuliet, but I carry the same name!" She smiled and brushed her hair away from her face, "it's the same name, spelled the same way too!" She giggled a bit.
Kelvin smiled. "Really weird. Err, not saying that you're weird, just that your name's strange. Well, not in an offensive way, just that I never really met another person with that name." He averted his eyes for a moment, feeling a little rude, before turning them back towards her.
She giggled a bit and shrugged, "eh, it's okay. I've gotten worse from other people, so it's not that bad." She yawned a bit, "I'm heading to the library if you wanna come with."
She giggled and made her way to the library, saying hello to a few people. What Kelvin noticed is she would be very outgoing, but others either ignored her or made fun of her. She wasn't trying to be annoying, but just be friendly.

She got to the library and sat down, "so, bow are you Kelvin?"
Kelvin took a seat as well. "I'm fine now. A few minutes ago, I was kinda mad, because my cat's way of waking me up was sitting on my face and meowing in my ear." He sighed, and shook his head. "I swear, that cat must have some internal alarm clock that affects me and not her. How are you?"
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"My cat is old and just lays on top of the old TV and meows when he gets hungry." She laughed, "oh I'm fine. Sorry about your cat problem. A spray bottle and water will probably get her to sleep off your face."
Kelvin smiled. "Sometimes, I like it when she sleeps on my face. She's JUST SO SOFT! She doesn't do it that often though, and usually she doesn't meow in my ear." He looked around, glancing at some bookshelves. "What type of books do you like reading, anyways?"
"Romance, some novels you can't get here." She winked and giggled, "you know, the erotic ones. But mostly fantasy and romance. I'm not huge into sci-fi stuff like that."
Kelvin blinked a few times. Erotic? Why is she telling me this, when we just met? He blushed deeply as a picture of what a 'savory' novel would hold popped into his head. Banishing it with a shake of his head, he started. "Y-yeah, I agree with your tastes in novels. Er, wait, not those erotic ones."
Juliet was not very good at censoring. She smiled, "so anyways, know any good movies to go see? Mom is hounding me and I'm trying to find some!" She giggled again; she seemed to do that a lot.
Kelvin shook his head. He seemed to be doing that a lot, too. "I don't really watch movies often. Usually my brother or my dad bring me to a theater to watch something, but that's rare too."
She leaned forward, "so tell me about you. Like, who is Kelvin?" She smiled, obviously being very open.
Kelvin blinked twice. "Kelvin's a guy, when he last checked. He likes his cat, Flower, and likes science. He loves sleeping, enjoys walking, and finds grass quite comfortable. You know, like a kinda pointy pillow. I'm full of quirks!" He leaned in a lot, a few inches seperating the two. "Tell me, who is Juliet?"
"Juliet is a girl, obviously, who loves to read and write a lot of stuff! She enjoys to sleep, listen to music, make silly online videos, and sing at random even though she knows she can't. She enjoys to talk to friends too!" She started laughing and had to cover her mouth.
Kelvin joined in the laugh, leaning back and using the chair for support as he quickly forced his hand over his mouth. After a few moments, his laughter subsided. "We really should be a bit more quiet. It IS a library, you know? Speaking of which, I'm gonna look for a book to read later." He said, whispering, and he stood, pushing the chair in and heading for a shelf.
She blinked and watched him go before yawning a bit, pulling out her phone to look up some random things.

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