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Realistic or Modern Lie Awake At Night (Supernatural RP)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/tumblr_m85xsobfKx1qcztyh.gif.254460daf70f7d0b8fe87032bab1c6fa.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="111931" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/tumblr_m85xsobfKx1qcztyh.gif.254460daf70f7d0b8fe87032bab1c6fa.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The sun was coming up after a long night of strange happenings and filled with alcohol, drugs, partying and all those kinds of things people did on a Friday night. Dakota woke up with her drawing notebook plopped on her stomach. Her wide hues blinked around her room feeling a headache form in her head as she sat up. She fixated her eyes on the time on her phone when she turned it on with a press of a small button. "Nine... Really. " She signed kicking the sheets off her then stumbled to her feet getting off the soft bed heading down to the bathroom and taking a shower. Dakota stood still for a while under the hot water that soaked her skin thinking about yesterday or at least tried. She clearned her neck feeling the soap begin to burn, kota let out a painful hiss before being done showering. She stepped out into the damp air reaching for a towel wrapping it around her going to the sink to brush her teeth with that she finished a few minutes later and stumbled back into her bedroom to get dressed. Dakota grabbed a bra and underwear slipped them on then placed a pair of skinny jeans over her body along with a plain dark blue T-shirt after. She went to her mirror combed her hair out and nearly fell down the stairs while putting her shoes and socks on. Dakota reached the kitchen to see her father standing there tiredly with this dark hair tussled all around his head, his thin figure leaning against the counter, his dark brown eyes casting my way when I entered the room. "Morning. Want some coffee? " He asked with a quirked eyebrow. "No thanks I'm fine right now I'm heading out actually. " Dakota muttered with a soft smile hoping he wouldn't bring some excuse not too. "Being your phone. Answer it if I call you otherwise you're not leaving this house for a month got it? " He questioned with a serious tone narrowing his eyes down at me. I nodded my head in reassurance, "Yep I will see" I wiggled the phone in the air. "Good be safe kid. " He muttered turning his way to the coffee pot pouring himself some more. Dakota chuckled then went out the door down the street feeling the fresh air sting her face instantly seeing the gray sky up above a rainy day. Yay. Dakota always loved rainy days with a dreary scenery it didn't mean she was depressed it just makes her happy for some odd reason. Dakota walked by houses until she reached the park she was last night getting herself situated under a tree pulling her phone and ear buds out listening to the sound of music in her ears.

@youngin @Peter327



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((Harry , Cassy - let me know if you can read those colours, also long post is long sorry ^-^' ))

Cassy rubbed her eyes as the morning light filtered into her room. Sitting up she squinted at herself, feeling unsure about who she was. It normally took her and Harry - a constant presence in her brain - to separate themselves and remember they were them and not each other. Cassy liked to wake early, she always felt better in the mornings. Which made the evenings extra dangerous - when she was tired it was easier for Harry to influence her. She noted she was wearing a black sequined dress which had apparently slept in.

"What happened..." she said aloud in a groggy voice. Harry spoke in her brain, sleepily at first, "Went to the club, It was a good one Cass..." Cassy's eyes opened wide. "And what happened? At the club? ...You didn't.. drink anything did you?"

"Haha, oh Cass if that's the worst thing you think I could do, then that's adorable." She slammed her hands on the bed beside her "What happened!" "Haha, Cass you're too easy to wind up. Nothing happened. You conked out at about 10 pm, we danced, there were some cute girls-"

"Oh no... You didn't..."

"Of course not, I just said nothing happened. Although you'd be surprised how close straight girls let you get when they think you're also a straight girl-"


"hahahaha and you're too easy to wind up."

There was a loud knocking on the door and Cassy's mother poked her head around the door and came in. Cassy pulled up the covers to hide the dress. Too late.

"Who are you talking to, darling?"

"Um, myself..." Cassy's mother looked around, as if she expected to find a secret boyfriend.

"Hmm. Listen, Cassy," she sat down on her daughter's bed, "I know the move was hard on you, and I'm really glad you're starting to reach out more to other people, but the time you came back last night was far too late."

"Oh here we go..."

"You need sleep, and there are dangerous people out there." Cassy looked imploringly at her mum. If only she knew.

"I'm so sorry mum... I lost track of time. But don't worry it won't happen again." In her head harry responded "Don't make promises you can't keep." Cassy's mother stood up.

"I'm serious Cassy just this morning they found a man with his head caved in outside a club, some maniac threw a brick at him and ran. I just want you to be safe." Cassy's mother squeezed her shoulder and left her room.

"Oh no..."

"What?" Cassy replied deadpan.

"I think the brick guy... I think that was us."

"...oh god..."

"He was being a creep! More than a creep! And your puny arms are so weak... I panicked and ... flew a brick in the back of his head..." Cassy stared into space not taking in the information properly. She couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"Don't worry, I'm sure no-one saw us..."

"Saw you, you mean..." Cassy muttered bitterly before swinging out of bed and putting on normal clothes to start her day.
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With an inaudible yawn Audrey pushed herself into a sitting position. It was still pretty early but she wanted to go outside to get some fresh air. For no particular reason other than being outside. She gracelessly fell out bed before rolling to her closet. With her left foot she pushed it open only to wrap her leg around a dress. It only took a soft pul for it glide of the clothes hanger. Audrey jumped to her feet and quickly changed. Deciding that it was too cold to just wear a dress she grabbed a jacket and a pair of legging. When she was finally fully dressed she grabbed her laptop bag and went downstairs.

After a quick breakfast and an even quicker tooth brushing session she left the house. But not before leaving a note for her parents to tell them that she left.

When she finally arrived at the park it was almost empty other than her and another girl sitting under a tree. Audrey sat down on one of the picnic tables and placed her laptop in front of her. She cracked her fingers before opening Bioshock 2. It might not be the most beloved game of the franchise but she loved it. At least this one has a dad who's responsible. Was what Audrey said whenever she had to defend it. Even though he dies at the end. The thought made Audrey puff her cheeks. Why do all or parents have to die? Why do all superheroes have to be orphans? Well not all, but a lot of them are.

Audrey sighed to herself before killing a Big Sister.

Audrey pulled her earbuds out of her ears, only to realize that she wasn't wearing them. She snapped her finger and quickly muted her laptop. To her luck the volume was only on 24. But it still embarrassed her. With a red face she closed her laptop and placed her forehead on top of it.

@Dylans Wife (?)
Alucard Tepes was bored. He was sitting a limo, with black windows. He opened a book, skimmed it, and put it back down."Boring," he muttered to himself. "Why must I be in America?" He knew the answer really. To prove himself worthy of his father's kingdom. One he didn't want really. He would rather be left alone. Still,, best make the most of this trip. He wanted to at least see if he could find anything interesting.
She shook her head slowly, as if unsure. “I’m Scar,” she shook her head and told him begrudgingly, turning her face away slightly. The sun was rising, and she was hesitant to show her face in the light. The thought of any contact, emotional or physical, with another being, human or not, scared her, but only because she feared rejection. Scar had been turned away her whole life so that she eventually just blackened her heart to the idea of ever belonging, but the boy hardly reacted. No, she wouldn’t hurt him.

Scar wanted to ask him who he was, what he was. At a closer look, he was certainly interesting, with his golden eyes, but he had no shoes and could use some new clothes and a shower. He looked a little beaten by life, but maybe that was why he wasn’t afraid. He had nothing to lose. Scar was dying to know, but as she began to speak, the wind picked up, and she caught the scent of two werewolves wandering the park. One of which seemed unwell, sickly, craving meat.


The Hasley Twins


Adam removed his hood as they entered the park, the bags under his eyes didn't seem to be subsiding. His skin was turning pale and his eyes had changed from their natural colour - light brown - to dark blue as they had ventured off to the park. Allowing the cold breeze to flow through his hair, he slid down the side of a tree and let out a groan. "Those two slices weren't enough, my hunger is killing me.. Do you have any spare samples of meat Charlotte?" Adam asked quite nervously. "I think I do, let me check." She replied as she began to rummage through her pockets. Charlotte usually kept pieces of meat spare in case she began feeling hungry from not eating. After a few extra seconds, Charlotte pulled out a couple of pieces of steak. "Here, these should subdue your hunger until we get you some actual meat." She smiled, handing over the pieces to Adam as she squatted next to him. "Thank you." He replied as he dropped the few pieces in his mouth.

This being a vegetarian was going to have to stop soon. If he kept it up he would soon die, and if he ever encountered another supernatural creature that was hostile, he wouldn't be strong enough to fend for himself; and he can't always rely on his sister to help him. Letting out a sigh, his eyes suddenly began darting around the park and he let out a sniff. "I smell something, that seems off. Like a body or something, not a Vampire but certainly not fully human." He guessed. Vampires and Werewolves never got along, just like in the fantasy stories. They always fought over territory and humans to feast on. Charlotte and Adam also despised Vampires and hated their motives - always attacking and drinking the blood of humans. But this didn't smell like a Vampire to Adam, yet he couldn't lay a finger on what it could be. The scent was slightly human but not fully which confused him.

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The smell of the werewolf grew so strong Scar couldn’t stop her demon blood from boiling within her. It was like a spreading wildfire, passing through her veins. She could hear her own heartbeat going mad as her need to kill began to take over. A demon’s easiest target, is the weak, and this animal was dead meat to her. She could taste his fear.

@iChaotic @Peter327
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The Hasley Twins


"Not fully human? I haven't heard of hybrids before. Perhaps this is one?" Charlotte pointed out. "Possibly, fortunately this isn't a Vampire, I would stand no chance in the state I am." Adam mentioned as his dark, blue eyes carried on darting around the park. "I can easily protect you, I'm not that much weaker than you Adam." She replied. "Yes, but you aren't as stable as I am, you're too focused on finding a cure and becoming an actor. You haven't given time for you to be able to control your powers." He responded, stumbling to his feet. "That is true, but do you really want to live your entire life as a freak of the night?" Charlotte countered. "If I'm honest - I don't.. I want to live a normal life like you do and follow my career of becoming an actor also." Sighing, he finished chewing the last piece of meat before glancing down at sister as she stood back up as well.

"Don't tell me you want to find this creature?" She questioned. "It's not a Vampire, and we don't know of any other supernatural creature do we? Heaven and hell don't exist." Adam insisted. "I suppose, but what if they do? Demons and Angels are extremely powerful beings and we may not be able to take it if we encountered one." Charlotte interjected. "There's only one way to find out, and besides, this one is part human." And with that, the two of them nodded at each other before Adam began following the scent.

A few minutes passed as the twins wandered the park in search of the hybrid. The other human scents were colliding with the scent of the hybrid and causing them to go back and forth. Luckily the odd smell this creature was producing helped the trail carry on. Looking up, Adam noticed two people next to each other. "One of them." Adam whispered to Charlotte as he gestured for her to move forward slightly. This wouldn't be easy to figure out whom the hybrid was, it's not like they could just saunter up to them and ask which one wasn't fully human.

Thankfully, due to their enhanced sight, Charlotte was able to spot a strange, small mark on the side of the girl's neck. "I think it may be the girl, there's a marking on the side of her neck which is rather unusual." Charlotte informed to her brother. "How would you like to handle this?" She added. "If this is another supernatural creature, it would have picked up our scent; especially mine. I suggest we take a few more steps to them, and if one of them is a supernatural creature, they won't hold back from attacking me. I'm an easy kill after all." He proclaimed in a hushed voice. Adam carried on leading the two of them in the direction of the other people.

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/tumblr_nycgwcMuM41ty17xio7_r1_250.gif.10839617b152750c719c8bf0a5beba10.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="112048" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/tumblr_nycgwcMuM41ty17xio7_r1_250.gif.10839617b152750c719c8bf0a5beba10.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Samuel awoke late. He sighed. His breath was awful, his hair was a mess and he overall stank from clubbing. He took a shower, brushed his teeth and fixed his hair to perfection, before slipping his Daylight Ring on his finger. Even though it was a cloudy day he still wanted to wear it, to take extra precaution.

He got dressed into some tan skinny jeans, some random Diamond crewneck and his black vans, before going outside. He began to feel slightly thirsty, but he could probably wait until it was later so that less people would notice if his victim screamed, seeing as how it would be louder in the city. He went to some random coffee shop, enjoying the warmth as he did some stuff on his phone.



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Scar's attention suddenly changed from him to something else. He could feel it too, other dark entities, creatures of some-kind coming this way. But she was not angry or scared, she looked... hungry. "I know what you want to do, but don't." He warned her. Alista put his hand on her shoulder but repelled as something flashed between them like lightning. The flash of light stunned the both of them and the creatures coming there way. His broken wings felt like they were burning, he fell to the floor once more wriggling in pain. Something had triggered his powers, the symbol must of done it, the demonic energy fighting the light. Memories of the battle flashed through his head, the swords swinging, blood spilling, wings breaking, the fall and then nothing.

It took a few moments for him to realise he was screaming, panting he stopped and looked around him, Scar was standing over him, eyes set on the the two human looking creatures coming towards us, bearing their teeth.
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Alucard exited the limo. He scuffed at his mansion. He wouldn't be staying here now. He had to meet other vampires. He started wandering, trying to find the others like him.

Angie was working at her job which was the coffee shop. She was behind the counter waiting for the next customer to arrive and order their drink. As she was standing there waiting a Person caught her eye. A certain guy she glared at him, She felt that there was something off about him she had that feeling about everyone basically, But this was different he was different. @youngin

Ashley was hanging outside walking around enjoying the fresh air. She spinned around as she looked at the sky, Today was going to be a good day for her and she was gonna make sure of it.
Scar barely felt the boy’s touch before she jumped back at the flash of light that separated them, like a lightning bolt had struck from the sky. She was distracted for a moment as she watched the boy writhe in pain. He screamed as if he was being burned alive, and he screamed for mercy. Scar was sure the whole park heard. The reaction was so sudden, so frightening, Scar didn’t realize that she was the source, not the werewolves, and because her demon blood was still boiling, she thought for sure that this was the their doing, so she stood over the boy and let her human side go. Suddenly, nothing in the world mattered… except for those staggering footsteps that grew closer and closer…

Close enough, she decided. She charged at them full speed and lunged.
Samuel walked up to the cashier looking at the menu before ordering. "Can I just get an espresso?" He said, pulling his wallet out as he looked at the cashier, his eyes glowing a faint red but still mostly kept their hazel color.

Angie glared at the guy infront her before nodding. "Yeah, Sure I guess" She commented rolling her eyes. She placed his order on the cashier. "That Will be $8.57" "You Can Place your money right ere on the counter and I'll be back with your drink.... Sir" She continued. Angie went to the back and followed her orders and made a Espresso, She came back with the drink in her hands and placed it on the counter with napkins. She gave the guy a quick yet fake smile. @youngin

Ashley Stopped and turned to the guy she sensed something off he wasn't human nor half. She huffed "Vampire" She commented. She was hoping she wasn't gonna have to come across and supernatural creatures, She placed her hand in front of him causing him to fly back with the lack of air she used. She turned to check if anyone was looking her way she was lucky. She walked to the vampire and folded her arms "Really, You couldn't have picked another day or... Person to come across somebody?" She asked. @DaManofWar
"How is that 8.57?" He complained, looking up at the menu to see it was three dollars. "When the board says three?" He said, slapping three dollars down and grabbing his drink, sipping it as he left. He was a little ticked off now.

Angie knew she messed up she huffed and rolls her eyes and went after the guy. "Look, I'm sorry, I didn't think you get that mad or whatever but at the end of the day I'm the one who needs the money and you need a drink to sip so that's that. But whatever and I'll make it up to you if you want you can get free drinks for a week between you and me. But if you don't I totally understand" she explained. Angie did not need no trouble at her job it was the only thing she held on too. @youngin

The Hasley Twins


Right when they had began taking a couple of extra steps. a flash of light appeared that blinded them for a few seconds. Rubbing their eyes, they blinked a few times but as soon as their eye sight returned, Adam was suddenly sent to the ground. "Yep, definitely the girl." He yelled as he managed to jerk out of her grip. "Listen, we're not hostile. We just wanted to find you. You're a hybrid right?" Adam questioned as he held his left rib.

Hybrids were typically creatures that had been the result of a supernatural creature and human parent having sex with each other. What the end result was, was a mix of the two species. Not as powerful as the full thing, but certainly not weak.

Charlotte grabbed her brother as he began stumbling and almost dropped to one knee. If they didn't exit this park, Adam was going to get seriously injured. "Adam, we need to go. Forget the hybrid, learning who it is, is not worth you dying. Other creatures don't take kindly to our species." She interjected. "No, I want to find this out. This will be incredibly fascinating, remember, we have you." Adam countered before glancing back up at the girl. "So, if you are a hybrid, what are you a mix of?"

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Alucard turned to the girl. "I've just arrived here, actually," he informed the witch. "Who exactly are you?" He hoped she wouldn't find out his parentage. That would be much better then having to be a target and worshiped like a god. He also wasn't offended she had stopped him.

"I'm Ashley, And I Know What You are, Now Who are you, What exactly is your name?" She asked putting her hands on her hips. Why couldn't she just be free today? @DaManofWar
Mariam said:
"I'm Ashley, And I Know What You are, Now Who are you, What exactly is your name?" She asked putting her hands on her hips. Why couldn't she just be free today? @DaManofWar
"My name is none of your business," Alucard hissed at Ashley. He pulled his coat about himself tighter. "Excuse me. I have to make contact with the vampire community here."
Scar didn't know if her anger stemmed from the werewolf's weakness or her odd protectiveness over the boy panting on the ground, but once she reached the sick being, with him stumbling backwards and shadows haunting his eyes, she knew he likely had neither the power nor strength to cause the boy pain.

Only then did it occur to Scar that the flash, the shock, was because of her impurities, and she suddenly knew what the boy might be and what would be hidden in his backpack. Certainly not schoolbooks. Scar felt her anger dissolving at the realization and blamed her quick temper on her irrational demon blood. The werewolf seemed weak, but he didn't appear afraid so much as curious. Scar assumed he was with a protector and eyed the girl werewolf suspiciously.

"I'm half human," she responded but hesitated before continuing, "Half-demon."

She glanced back to the boy, wondering if the werewolves had a different intention for approaching. "He's not human," she told them, then she realized there were two girls wandering the park. She was sure they would smell them. "Why aren't you... Eating?" She asked cautiously.

@iChaotic @Peter327
Ashley shook her head "Sorry, But I can't let you go" She said as she had a grip on his wrist. There was no way Ashley could let this vampire go, She had to do her job which was to stop evil supernatural creatures. @DaManofWar

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