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Realistic or Modern Lie Awake At Night (Supernatural RP)

Ashley Choked as she held on to the vampire's arm and she hot him so he would be able to stop. She gasped, Just because she was a witch didn't mean she could always win fights you know. Ashley suddenly began to be lightheaded, She slipped out of the man's grip and fell to the floor. Uh oh. Usually when Ashley blacks out it doesn't turn great , This can cause her bad side to come out, Maybe. Or maybe she will wake up and be herself. @DaManofWar
Ashley gasped, And Laid up she immediately Grabbed the vampire's neck and looked him in the eye.

"And My Name is Ashley, Don't mess with me, Or i promise you will regret it" She growled.

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Alucard chuckled. "You can't strangle a vampire," he told her, before transforming into a bat, and flying behind her. He returned to human form, and wrapped an arm around her throat, pulling her towards him. "And you don't understand just who I am, do you?"
Ashley try to free from his grip, But she couldn't so she just bit his hand. "Oh, I understand who you are do you understand who I am?" She asked.

She closed her hand into a fist repeating a spell under her breath which could cause to fry the vampire's brain, Not fully but enough to hurt him.

Alucard felt no pain from being bitten, but that spell made him whince. That did it. He turned Ashley around, and looked her dead in the eyes. His eyes turned red. He would force control over her. And make her leave him alone.
"Sorry. But your Vamp Compelling doesn't work me, So try again Vampy" She stated patting his head like a dog. Ashley couldn't even take this serious, Plus she needed to stay like this from keeping her from getting mad.
"Which is...? Look I'm tired of fighting or whatever you wanna call this, I just wanted to enjoy my day, But you waltz's in" She explained.
"And you could have left me alone! I am the son of Dracula," he spat out his father's name, "and I have business to do. Leave me alone. I am much stronger then you are."

@Mariam be sure to reply to the werewolf one.
"Exactly, You Just said your his son and your a vampire, And Your evil my job is to protect people from you and I tend to stick to that whether you like it or not" She explained. @DaManofWar
Mariam said:
"Exactly, You Just said your his son and your a vampire, And Your evil my job is to protect people from you and I tend to stick to that whether you like it or not" She explained. @DaManofWar
Alucard narrowed his eyes. "I do not care for being the son of Dracula. I just wish to live my life in peace."
Ashley Scoffed "Life In Peace? Does that involve killing or feeding on innocent lies?" She asked.
"No," Alucard replied firmly, "it means preparing myself to become ruler over the vampires of the world. Something I want to avoid." He signed. Some people were very narrow minded.
"Oh, Well... I'm Sorry, I didn't think-" Ashley sighed. She knew not every vampire was cruel, Ashley Couldn't help but hug him, She felt bad for him.
"Don't Be Such A Dick, I'm hugging you because I feel like you need it and I feel bad for you... Weird But True, Oh and I think I can help you- Oh My God I such totally help you with becoming the leader of the vampire race, That would be so much fun then try won't have to kill and- Let me help you!" She yelled excitedly. Ashley was the type of person to help out a lot she like doing a good deed and if she did this one it meant this could change things for the supernatural. Ashley smiled widely waiting for his reply. She pulled away from the hug when she realized she was still hugging him.
Alucard pushed Ashley away. "I already have help from the gypsy clan loyal to my father. They would have you killed if they found out you were trying to help me. Now please, leave me be," he said harshly, before turning around and walking away.

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