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Realistic or Modern Lie Awake At Night (Supernatural RP)


༺𝔦𝔪𝔪𝔬𝔯𝔱𝔞𝔩 𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢༻
Roleplay Availability
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In the city of San Francisco where people swarm the streets and the smell of

gas lingers in the air so does vampires, demons, and werewolves and many other non-living beings live under the influence of man kind. Citizens are going missing and vampires are going blood crazed, werewolves are attacking, demons are controlling, angels are trying to save, ghosts just wander. Though they are beautiful they are dangerous it can be tough to tell whether they're human or not.

Be careful in these streets. Romance will happen, more violence, and more deaths will eventually turn up even more, tons will go missing, and more will be falling in a trap of the

underworld. There you are lying awake at night.


In the city of San Francisco it was especially bright during night time and definitely more alive and lots people would swarm the streets and of course the creatures such as vampires, werewolves, demons anything you name it, it will probably be in these streets as well. A lot of people didn't have a single clue about these beings which is dangerous for them and more likely to find themselves in trouble with them. Meanwhile a dark haired girl by the name of Dakota Lynn was walking along the streets slowly with a hood over her head examining the faces of everyone, she knew about these creatures and wasn't afraid to say so though she was terrified of them...especially the vampires that took her mother and murdered her, or at least that's what she thinks happened. Dakota took a sharp turn down a block onto a trail that eventually led to a small park plopping herself under a tree with her drawing notebook placed on her lap. This was her special place, she hated the real world and nor was it exactly safe she knew it too but she just sat there and let her mind escape into it's imagination as her pencil drew along the paper. Dakota was fantastic at drawing but never really took pride in her work kind of hated it actually but still drew for fun though every time she drew it came out a masterpiece. "I hope dad doesn't kill me when I get back." She whispered under her breath ducking her head down to stare at the page in front of her as a sketch was created at the atmosphere around her trees, street lamps, and a tire swing longing by itself shifting slightly in the wind.


@Peter327 @SusieLivesHere @Seeker95 @ChronosDesine

(The roleplay has started!)


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Samuel could be found in a dark alley way, feeding off of some young girl who was probably still in highschool. He practically drained her, before injecting his venom into his wrist so that she would turn. He usually turned his young victims, knowing that they would be missed and that the death could possibly be traced back to him. Wiping his mouth, he left his meal in the alley as he walked out onto the sidewalk, acting as if nothing had happened.



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It was getting even more silent as the night began to grow and the moon was shining overhead in a in a big blur over the park and the whole city reflecting off building tops and other buildings surrounding the area. Dakota could barely see the drawing placed on her lap and sighed running her fingertips through her long brown hair letting it fall loosely in front of her face gathering to her feet taking a hold of her notebook and stuffed it into her arm before walking away from the tree and decided she didn't exactly want to leave the park just yet and sat down on the tire swing dropping the notebook aside with a big smack. She swung her leg around the rope and sat upon the wood plate and swung in a circle causing her vision to tilt a bit gripping onto the rope tightly with her small hands and continued feeling it begin to burn her palms the harder she clutched onto it giving a slight painful hiss.
Alista watched the dark figure leave the alleyway down below. Something was wrong, he could sense it. That being wasn’t human, he could feel a life slipping away from within the alley. He grimaced as his injured wings twitched inside his backpack, the instinct to fly off the roof almost pulling him over the edge. Knowing he must get down there he went to the fire escape, whoever was attacked in that alley didn’t have long before they turned.

Climbing down onto the last level he turned to look at the alley once more, he couldn’t see the changing human girl… but a vampire in her place. He was too late. If only his wings were healed then he may have got to her in time. She stood up and ran into the darkness laughing wildly.
Scar leaned against the tree, feeling the rough bark against her back. From where she sat, high up on an old oak buried in the leaves, she could see the sun setting. She watched the sky turn orange and blend into purple. One by one, owners locked up their stores and whistled their way home. Well, they wouldn’t be so cheerful if they knew what she was. They wouldn’t be smiling if they knew a human girl had just turned. Scar had watched the whole thing. The human was too weak. The girl never even had a chance. Scar blinked, and she was no longer human. She wasn’t the only one who had seen. Let her go, she thought to the boy observing the creature from the alley. You can’t help her now. No one can.

The last of the sun’s rays and warmth settled, and the night crawled in. With the humans away, time for monsters to come out and play. The city would be quiet for an hour or so, just enough time for the people to change into their night clothes. Then they would waltz out as if the city was still theirs. Ignorant humans… just like the girl swinging from a tree a few yards from me. She couldn’t have been much older than the girl who had been turned. Better run, little girl. Before you’re next.

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Samuel walked silently through the small crowds of people. He had just fed, yet he still felt thirsty. He could be seen looking around as he sat on a bench, searching for his next victim. He could easily find some person who had just come out of a club, completely wasted. But, what was the fun in that?

Sam stalked around the streets, his hood over his head as his eyes glowed a fain red. He spotted a nearby park, and a girl on some tire swing. She could possibly be next, but she seemed to be a fighter. He decided he'd wait, and once she left he would stalk her, and hide in an alley and pull her in when she least expected it. Yes, the perfect plan.

Samuel may seem gruesome and evil to some. But hey, a vamps' gotta feed, you know?

@Dylans Wife



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The Hasley Twins


San Francisco was not the most pleasant place to be at night now a days. Now all the supernatural creatures roamed the town, hunting for their next victim. No one knew exactly where they came from, or why they existed, but people just tried their hardest to not believe the stories that people are going missing because of these creatures. Pulling his hood down, the black and purple bags under Adam's eyes were rather noticeable. He was getting tired and hadn't eaten properly, he had been a vegetarian most of his life and refused to eat meat; this was a very stupid idea considering his circumstance. The longer a Werewolf goes without eating meat, the weaker they became and the weaker they look. Hopefully if somebody saw Adam with those bags under his eyes, they'd think he's just a sleep deprived teenager. His mouth began watering at the smell of a butchers on a nearby street. His ancestors had typically eaten any meat they found; including human meat. But Adam didn't want to lose the humanity he believed he still had, he would only scavenge for animal meat whenever he really needed it.

Pulling the hood back over his head, and placing his hands in his pockets, he set off for the butcher. Hopefully it hadn't closed down yet. Less than five minutes later he arrived at the butchers, and lucky for him, it was still open. Opening the door the bell chimed and he let out a sigh of relief. A man was standing behind the couch slicing some beef. "Hello young man, I was just about to close in a few minutes. Anyway, what interests you this fine night?" The butcher said cheerfully. "Two slices of beef." Adam answered, wiping away the drool that was being released from his mouth. The lights from the shop could just reveal some of the bags under his eyes. "Coming right up." The butcher responded as he began cutting into the beef. He kept taking a few glances at Adam before speaking again, "Been busy this past week? You look extremely tired." He enquired. "Hm? Oh yes, been running a lot of errands for people and having to study most nights so I haven't gotten the sleep I need." Adam said with an awkward smile. "Ah I know exactly what you mean. I lose sleep sometimes over work. Anyhow, here's your beef." The man said, holding out a plastic bag. "Thank you." Adam nodded as he took the bag and exited the shop.

Not long after, Adam could be found in an alleyway eating one of the slices of beef. Not long after he finished the first slice, the splash of a puddle could be heard from behind him. "Who's there?" Oh, Charlotte. It's just you." He smiled. "I see you've finally gave into your hunger Adam." Charlotte grinned. "This being a vegetarian really isn't doing good for you. You know we need to eat meat to survive." She said nervously. "Yes I know.. but, I just can't get myself to eat it on a regular basis." Adam sighed. Pulling his hood down he stood up straight and finished off his second piece of meat. "How did you know I was here?" "Easy, I knew you hadn't eaten in a while and the strong smell of beef." She chuckled. "Anyway, do you want to go for a walk? It's pretty nice tonight, so, what do you say?" Charlotte asked. "Hm, alright, I'll go with you." And with that, the two of them set off to a nearby park. @Anyone

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Samuel sat at a picnic table in the park, under a street lamp, waiting for the girl to leave. He may have looked creepy, but he didn't care. Samuel looked around and could smell two werewolves walking into the park. He rolled his eyes; he despised werewolves.Some were fine, but most he hated. The smell. The look. The attitude. Every wolf he met seemed to think they were the absolute best at everything. He averted his eyes and looked at the picnic table, tracing the wood with his finger.




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Out of breath he stopped to catch his breath. Alista watched as she ran towards a park. If he couldn’t save her from turning maybe he could at least stop others from being hurt, killed… or worse. Following the blood trail he started to run, even though in the back of his mind he knew someone or something watching his every move.

As he reached the centre of the park there was no sign of her. He span around. Whoever was watching him was getting closer, their presence like an odour. A smell of sulphur. Pacing forward suddenly someone crashed into him from above.


Dakota kicked off the tire swing landing on the ground like a fool with hair dangling in front of her eyes and her ass onto the ground, she just fell off the swing like an idiot. She sighed pushing herself up from off the grass and glanced around she didn't know that some guy was staring at her, it felt different though like someone was around but she couldn't exactly place it. Dakota bent down retrieving her drawing notebook and went down the hill pushing some strands of dark hair away from her face and kept her wide eyes forward ahead of her down the long dark street without knowing who could possibly be out here. She adverted her eyes over to a picnic table of which some guy sat on, she looked for a moment as the light above illuminated his presence. "Okay, my dad's gonna kill me..." She whispered running down the block not acknowledging what was about to happen. She was only a human in a world full of dangerous beings.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/tumblr_nzew36vbq71sfef4lo1_500.gif.cbc50ba3f26df398e9432a32b9a266a5.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="111850" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/tumblr_nzew36vbq71sfef4lo1_500.gif.cbc50ba3f26df398e9432a32b9a266a5.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Samuel watched silently as his target began to run. Okay, I'll give you a head start. He thought to himself quietly as he stood, walking slowly in the direction that she ran. He used his speed and ran a block away, hiding in the dark shadows of some alley in which smelt awful. There was garbage laying everywhere, rotting meat, and some homeless guy on a pharmaceutical high who was passed out on half of a mattress, most likely with bugs underneath it. He pulled down his hood, revealing his now dark red irises as he waited for his target to slowly jog by.

@Dylans Wife



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Dakota raced down the blood coming to a slow stop in front of an alley way glancing around digging her fingertips in her thick hair pulling it back away from her pale face directing her vision to the alley way. She couldn't see anything but a figure laying upon a mattress and something far in the darkness but she couldn't make it out, probably best not to go any further. She took a few steady steps forwards, it was probably just another hobo. Dakota dug into her jean pocket wrenching out her cell phone, the screen flared brightly in front of her showing all the missed calls and text messages appearing upon it. "Shit..." She muttered slightly trailing off panicked pressing down on the call button, the sound of the rings blurred out the sound of San Francisco her father didn't pick up. "Shit, shit, shit!" Dakota was now worried about her father, she felt her heart burst out of her chest. She wasn't gonna have another family member gone from her life.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/tumblr_nfzpgvgspW1senbeao1_500.gif.9b1f2658866a7575b78e841ae42a4713.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="111852" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/tumblr_nfzpgvgspW1senbeao1_500.gif.9b1f2658866a7575b78e841ae42a4713.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Sam quietly walked behind the girl, covering her mouth with one his large hands as the other took her phone, pressing the end button as he tossed it to the side. "Don't make a sound." He whispered quietly to the girl, backing into the shadows silently with her. He hoped this girl wasn't one to put up a fight. He didn't plan to kill her, or even turn her for that matter. Just drink just enough to fulfill the remainder of his thirst.

@Dylans Wife



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Scar was disgusted by the human girl’s guts. She was swinging alone now, the park being completely abandoned by humans. Didn’t she know how weak she was? Didn’t she know how delicious she must smell to the vampire who was stalking her? He hardly made an effort, sitting himself under direct light. Scar smirked at his confidence.

Maybe the human girl got chills on her arms or maybe she was late for dinner. Either way, she eventually started running, not for her life, but an easy jog. Scar wanted to smack her head in frustration. Like a dog playing chase, she saw the red-eyed creature begin to follow. Yeah… real inconspicuous, she thought to herself. Scar was torn. She was only a half-demon, so half of her was human, just like the girl, and despite the fact that she constantly berated them for being weak, when she dug real deep, a tiny crumb of her felt the need to protect them.

With an annoyed sigh, Scar decided she would help the girl. She also knew she would regret this later, but she grabbed her swords, slung the carrier over her shoulder, and leaped down the tree… only to crash into someone, a seemingly ordinary boy with a backpack. Somewhat late to be coming home from school, though. Instinctively and defensively, she shoved the idea of helping someone away and growled at him.



Dakota was surprised when a hand wrapped tightly around her mouth causing her to gasp and struggle to get free but it didn't happen, her phone was tossed to the side. "Don't make a sound." The voice muttered into her ear, her big hues widened shifting her body around trying to face the man the caught a hold of her. "Let me go!" She tried to yell through his hand, but it didn't work very well considering she didn't want to die or cause any harm. She prayed to god someone would help her but it wont happen. Dakota closed her eyes tightly and tried to stay silent and not to scream, besides this guy could probably kill her instantly if he really wanted too. "Don't hurt me...please." She said behind his closed hand.


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Samuel shook his head, making "tsk tsk" noise. "Didn't I say not to say anything?" He said, a small cocky frown visible on his face. "You just saying not to hurt you just makes me want to." He said, his fangs popping out of his mouth as he swiftly pierced her neck with them, sucking her blood slowly.

@Dylans Wife



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Dakota let out a scream shoving the guy back stumbling forwards with tears brimming her eyes turning to face him, "what the hell?" She exclaimed feeling the holes that pierced her skin looking down with her hands on her knees lent over. "What the fuck!" Dakota yelled turning to face the dark haired beauty with the dark red orbs that stared upon her. "Are you trying to kill me?" She began, kind of a stupid ass question she didn't she would ever stumble upon some vampire in these parts it was pretty calming area. "Never mind, I shouldn't have said that...god I'm an idiot." Dakota should probably be running by now but she knew he was too fast for her. "Did you follow me from the park?"

A dark haired girl leaned over him, growling intensely. He noticed a sudden change and her eyes glimmered from green to red, the smell of sulphur so strong he could taste it. There was a demonic presence within her but despite all that she appeared human. “What are you?” he spoke to her confused but calmly. All became quiet her growling slowed the dying light glinted off her eyes revealing flecks of gold. Before she could answer or say anything there was a scream in the distance.
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Samuel stayed silent, licking his lips as he kept his eyes trained on the bleeding neck that he had produced. He really really wanted to kill this girl now. By her pushing him it had just pissed him off. He knew he could easily snap her neck with one hand. Quick and painless. Painless and quick. But, this girl was different. "You intrigue me." The centuries old vampire said, wiping his mouth and licking the blood from his hand as his eyes faded to the regular goldish hazel color as his thirst subsided. He met his eyes with hers, stepping closer. "You will not remember any of this. You will think that you were bitten by a severely dangerous spider, and will forget all about our little encounter." He said, using his power to compel to his ability before exiting the alley, stalking off into the night.

@Dylans Wife



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Dakota stood still staring upon him and tilted her head from the side as the soft words escaped his lips in a dangerous way. "You intrigue me. " He said meeting eyes with hers, she saw his red hues extinguished to a golden hazel. Kota furrowed her eyebrows at his actions when suddenly she felt like a uneasy force pushed against her and washed away the whole scene that just played out then he was gone vanished into the night. Dakota blinked her big eyes in confusion looking down to her phone which laid beside her a couple inches away on the pavement. "Oh crap its late. " Dakota said rushing away getting her drawing book which was covered in dirt. She felt her eyes sadden staring upon if for a long moment she must've dropped while that guy caught ahold of her but she doesn't have a slightest clue anymore. Dakota caught it and placed it it into her arms then staggered home, her neck still had blood stinging her skin. Her father waited outside angrily. "Where have you been, what the hell I was getting worried. " He exclaimed with intensity in his dark eyes. "I'm fine dad, I was drawing in the park and got sidetracked of time. " She said softly then went passed him. "Well answer me next time. " Dakota looked back and smiled then nodded racing up the stairs quickly. Dakota could only remember the guy at the park then all the rest of it was a big blur.




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Samuel had gone home, getting changed into something a bit better looking. It was hardly late; a good time to go clubbing. Alcohol never really affected him, but it was still a good time. Some stupid people would occasionally test him and try to get in a fight, but they of course were no match for him.

Samuel walked to a nearby club, cutting in line. The bouncer knew him, and let him in without any trouble. He walked in to see a bunch of sweaty bodies grinding on eachother, some spilling drinks on others and around three girl fights.



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The scream could be heard from miles away. People jumped at the sound, but when no more screams followed, everyone continued with their night. Surely it must have been their imagination. Scar’s own senses sharpened at the thought of the human girl having her blood drained. She was sure the sound came from her, but she smelled neither blood nor death. Definitely odd, but she had the strange boy to worry about.

He wasn’t scared. At all. She could feel her blood boil, her eyes turn, at the onset of the sudden threat, but when he asked with such a steady voice what she was, she realized he himself was not human. He had also seemed as alarmed as she was with the scream, which only meant he knew what danger she could have been in.

“She’s ok.” Scar told him with assurance. “She didn’t turn.” She was more interested in what he was, since she smelled no abnormality. The curiosity grounded her. Otherwise, she’d be on the other side of the city by now. She turned her head slightly to show the infinity sign burned onto her neck behind her ear, marked by the demons' fire. The night was dark, but she assumed he could see, given that he’s anything but human.

“I’m from the underworld,” she explained. This was easier than explaining she was half-demon and half-human. Besides, calling herself a demon would only make her blood boil again. She hated that label. “Why aren’t you afraid?”

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/tumblr_m8s8hbZfNa1r9a1xh.gif.2b7c97ea77f01914d8164c4763a973fb.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="111883" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/tumblr_m8s8hbZfNa1r9a1xh.gif.2b7c97ea77f01914d8164c4763a973fb.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Dakota staggered up the stairs of her house seeing her father come in after her staring up the stairs after her making sure she actually reached her bedroom before pulling away. She went into her room shutting the door behind her looking over at the mirror which stood on her table against the plain white wall of her bedroom. Dakota shifted her body to face the mirror walking towards it seeing the bite marks upon her skin and furrowed her eyebrows feeling the stinging sensation on her skin and winced a bit. "Fuck. What happened? " She asked herself leaning closer to peer at the small holes that dented her skin bloody and wet. She pushed herself away with her pale hands placing one upon her forehead going to her bed staring at the floor to her soaked shoes killer kicking them off onto the light carpet sinking into her bed staring up at the ceiling. "What happened? " Dakota asked silently to herself keeping one hand to her neck if she tried to remember she instantly felt her head begin to ache. "God I wanna know. " She couldn't find herself sleeping which which frustrated her, Kota decided to draw her thoughts on paper and just sketched it into every detail and stroke meet everything to her until very late.



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The girl was right, no life had been taken and the scream was gone. Alista kept his gaze. "Afraid?... should I be?" he questioned. He had seen the symbol on her neck before in the scriptures but never this close. From what he remembered his elders said the sign was the mark of a demon, and that who ever wore it was lost under the influence of darkness and fire... beyond saving. But that was not what he saw in front of him. Sitting up he looked at her inquisitively, her stance more relaxed than before.

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