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Realistic or Modern LGBT+ Boarding School (Always open!)

Having trouble carrying her overstuffed luggage bag, Bridgett turned around and placed another hand on her bag, she had overestimated her strength and seemed to be paying the price of it. At the very least she knew she was getting closer to her dorm room, only ten rooms to go! Bridgett tried to keep a positive attitude but this was getting tiring quick, on the bright side at least she was sure she came as prepared as she could. Upon reaching room twenty-nine she opened the door and dropped to the floor, at least she finally got to the dorm. Bridgett continued to crawl to the left bed of the room and laid on the beg for a few minutes to recover energy. Maybe she should start doing some more exercise, maybe, if she had the time and the determination. Still laying on the bed she scanned the room, it seemed her roommate hadn't shown up yet, so she slowly began to close her eyes as she drifted into a deep sleep.


Nile turned the knob on his dorm door, pushing it open to find someone unpacking their belongings already. He couldn't help but smile and blush a bit. Goddamn.. He mentally rolled his eyes and pulled his bags in from outside the door, shutting it with his foot. He placed his bags in front of the bed on the left, turning to the boy. "Hi! I'm Nile, your lovely, might I say, roommate." Nile exuberantly held his hand out for him to shake. Whoever this dude was, Nile was sure going to enjoy sharing a room with him.​


Nick pulled his bright blue suitcase along as he walked to the beat of his clock, trying to save himself as much time as possible, so he'd have more free time to download music and such, granted he was already late to get to his dorm room so he probably wouldn't have as much time as he had previously planned. Finally reaching room fifty five, he opened the door and found his presumable roommate lying on the floor "Are you alright?" he asked raising an eyebrow, he didn't wait for an answer as he made sure to carry his suitcase over his new roommate and place it onto the spare bed, where he took out his computer. After this was done, he set the computer aside, awaiting for any chance of small talk.



Sixty seven. Not his lucky number according to a fortune cookie he remembered recently receiving, fortune aside he could only hope his roommate wasn't too interested in becoming his friend right away, or at the very least he wished he wasn't loud. Finishing his thought, he slowly opened the door to reveal...nobody, he was sure that he was late to arrive at the dorms so his roommate should have shown up by now. Upon thinking about this a little, maybe he got lucky and he didn't have a roommate, if that was the case he hoped they wouldn't take the spare bed away, that being said he placed his bag on the floor and threw himself over the right bed, maybe sixty seven was his lucky number.


So far, the boy to be sharing the same sleeping space as Silas seemed to be completely harmless; that was one of the most reassuring things to happen yet. Glancing back to the number to make sure once more that it wasn't a trick of lighting, the dark haired male shrugged his bag further onto his shoulder and nodded. "Yes." Silas knew he would need to at least try to seem interested in some if anything that was happening. He mentally slapped himself for letting the silence drag out for so long and glancing back at the paler being it became apparent that he, too, was feeling the awkwardness from the pause.

His mouth opened slightly but then closed back at Troye's voice. "Silas..Silas Sanders." He felt relieved when the door was opened and they went in. He didn't like being out in the hallways, even without there being others walking up and down in search of their own dorms. The room was so simple that the first thought to pop into the boy's head was that they were going to be living in hotel rooms for the next few semesters. It didn't bother him, however. As long as he would get the opportunity to join the track team as he had planned. Without thinking about it, his mouth was open again. "Are you into any sports?" At the very least he was attempting to be social now.



Letting his feet flatten onto the floor at the startling loudness of someone inside, Ash was quite nervous now. Playing with the bottom of his black and white My Chemical Romance t-shirt, he fights the urge to take multiple quick steps back. His eyes bolted across the wall and the door's frame trying to imagine what his roommate would be like. Would the guy be able to touch the ceiling while Ashton could hardly touch the roof of a taxi cab or would he be average height as Ash, himself? His questions scattered as the door opened. Looking up quickly, he was greeted by his roomie. "Uh, hi! I'm Ashton..we're roommates." The short, black haired boy smiled the best he could.


Cal observed Ashton with a stoic expression just shy of a glare.


He grunts.

"I already got the bed by the window. The closet closer to the door is yours."

He turns away from Ashton and goes over and flops back into bed.


"Um.. I've never been much of a athletic person..or really into sports" He said as he began to put stuff away. "I'm mean.. I use to play cricket, but I was terrible at it..." He said with a small laugh. He didn't bring any posters to hang up. He made his bed and admired the neatness of it. He thought Silas was pretty cool and was glad that he didn't get a complete psycho for a roommate. The awkward silence was being to show up again. "So... Do you play any sports?" He asked as he finished unpacking.

( @Imagination )


She plopped down on her bad and pulled out her laptop; which happened to have a black cover and couple band stickers on it. She began to scroll through her Tumblr feed. She looked over at the girl; wanting to ask what she was listening to, but decided not to... the girl probably wouldn't hear her anyway.

( @wonder )​

Blinking, his head gave a slight nod even after the guy had finished speaking. The look on his face made Ashton a bit fearful. Glancing down to his things after watching him retreat back into the room, Ash follows though hesitates for just a moment before doing so. He pushed the door closed behind him using his foot then proceeded to the unoccupied bed. Only daring to glance around the room a couple times, he felt pretty unwelcome. Shaking it off, he turned back to the other and smiled again, "When did you get here? Oh, and what's your name? I don't remember catching it..." He had noticed that everything around the room already looked livable.



Placing his suitcase onto the edge of his bed, he quietly began unzipping the pockets as Troye spoke. Once he had finished Silas was grinning just slightly. The boy began putting his things into their rightful places, his grin not leaving but a small chuckle joining it. "I suppose they aren't for everyone." He was referring to sports and looking over his shoulder as he was tacking up a simple poster with the same old inspirational words in which children often saw in the school office or in a library. His littel sister had insisted on him bringing it due to the picture of the kitten on the thing and how happy she knew it made her meaning that it most definitely would make him happy as well.

Looking back to Troye, Silas hadn't even noticed the silence as he had been too busy thinking of before he'd left home. Nodding, he sat on the bed once the poster was tacked up and goes back to digging through his things. "I'm into track and swimming..not too sporty in the sense of football and all of that but oh, well." He shrugged his shoulders then grinned again. "It's nothing like cricket."



"Track and swimming is cool." He rolled his eyes and sighs "Cricket... That was the worst 3 months" He said as he sat down on his bed and checked his phone. He received a couple texts from his friends. Once he responded to the texts he turned off his phone. He was extremely jet lagged from the different time zones of the UK and Australia. He wanted to know more about his roommate, but didn't know what to ask. "So where are you from?" That sounded like an ok question to ask.. wasn't the best question, but hey, at least it could start a conversation.

( @ShadedRose )

(Last time I'm posting tonight everyone!)​
Annakin Bates stepped off the bus and looked around at the gigantic school. Its architectural design amazed her and she took a few slow steps forward, trying to take in the splendor of it all. It must have had hundreds of windows that littered the brick, and reflected the light back out into the day, dazzling anyone who happened to look that way. The spires towered high into the bright blue sky, looking as if they were sharp enough to puncture a cloud. She smiled to herself as her eyes continued to sweep along the framework, noticing the crenels and merlons that adorned the top of the towers. Those particular attributes were probably her favorite thing about the school. Domineering in the early morning sun, with just the right amount of wind blowing the trees around it, she mused about how much it resembled a castle. But she was the furthest thing from royalty. And her life was certainly no fairy tale.

With that thought, she put her head down and began to walk faster toward the entrance, dragging her luggage behind her. She passed the threshold, now caught up in the stream of arriving students. They filed into an elongated hallway that branched off into other hallways and eventually led to dormitories. There were so many different faces; they began to overwhelm her. Their voices filled the space and echoed around her, making it hard for her to concentrate on her destination. She had her room number in her head and she repeated it to herself as she searched the doors she passed. Finally, she found the room she was assigned to, and she quickly opened the door to escape the heavy flow of close- knit bodies. She half expected her roommate to already be there, but the room stood barren before her. She set her stuff down on the bed closest to the wall and took a deep breath.

She didn't want to bother with unpacking right now. That could wait until later. All she wanted to do now was to relax and take a moment to breathe without smelling the scent of another's perfume or the musty aroma of cigarettes. She laid down on the bed and plugged her ears with her lime green ear buds, blasting something by Beck. Her eyes closed and she began to sing the all- too familiar words. This place couldn't be so bad. It would have to be better than what she left behind…

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Noah groaned and lifted his head up. "No." he said. He tried standing up on his wobbly legs. He felt a bit ashamed for the way he first met his roommate. He looked at him. He put his hand behind his head awkwardly and said,"Sorry I'm just really tired. I'm Noah by the way." He sat on his bed and ran his hand through his hair. He unpacked his bags and dumped his clothes in his drawer.


"Calvin. You?"

He rolls over to face you, although it's impossible to distinguish whether his expression is irritated or just uninterested. His eyes are intense, but his expression is one of detachment. He pulls a book out of his nightstand and begins to read, seemingly indifferent to any answer you may or may not provide.​
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When she got done unpacking, Jaden placed a small Eeyore stuffed animal in the corner of her bed. Then she sat with her back against the wall, propping the pillows up. She pulled out her iPad and opened the case so she could now type, and worked on one of her stories.

@FairlyLocal )


Macey finally found the girls dorms, she walked down the hall was until she found room 14. She went in and noticed she was the first one there so she rolled her suitcase over to the bed farthest from the door. She sat her tea down on the nightstand and pulled her backpack off, laying it on the bed.

@Dante Bonavich )
Dante chewed at her lip as she hauled her bag up over her shoulder so it was easier to carry up the front steps to her new dorm. She was quite anxious about her new living arrangements, particularly about her new roommate. She's never lived somewhere with a complete stranger before and the thought was quite unsettling for the young woman. Thankfully her sister owned an apartment on the edge of town if she needed to take a break from "other people" for a weekend.

A sigh fell from her lips as she finally found the door, checking the number she's written on her hand to make sure it was the right one. 14. Yup, this was the one. She gave a light rap at the door before entering, sharp eyes examining the room as quickly as possible out of habit before taking notice of the girl by the bed on the far side of the room. She wasn't much one for talking, unsure how to even go about it, so she simply took the other bed and started unpacking. She wasn't sure if animal pelts counted as contraband but she didn't care, pulling a large deer hide blanket out of her secondary bag attached to her over sized main bag, yanking the provided blanket off to replace it with her own. She absolutely hated most synthetic blankets, finding them much too stiff and itchy.

For the moment she kept the rest of her little...collection in her secondary bag, the deer blanket was probably enough already to unnerve her new roomie if they were watching. Instead she pulled out a huge navy blue sweater and traded her waterproof jacket for the softer garment, keeping her arms hidden from view as she did so.

It took Dante a good several minutes before she finally thought of something suitable to ask to find out more about her new living partner as she pulled a case of marble soda from her main bag.

"Do you like strawberry, melon, or blueberry better?"

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Connie's face lit up."That's great because I fan girl a lot." Connie picked up her laptop and showed Quinn her tumblr and twitter accounts. "Yea I pretty much stalk my favorites." she said proudly. She turned her laptop back around to her view and continued scrolling through her feed. @FairlyLocal


"Wait give me your Twitter and Tumblr name so I can follow you" She said as she got out her laptop out of her bad, sat down on her bed, and went on Tumblr. She sat up a bit and rested her laptop on her knees.

( @Imagination )


"Yesss 1.8k on Insta and 200 on Tumblr" She mumbled to herself. Her voice full of excitement and a bit of proudness in there too. She closed her laptop and looked around the room. She sighed, soon feeling bored. "....Bored bored.." She mumbled to herself once more.

( @wonder )​


"Well my tumblr name is TimeParadox and my twitter is FadedColor." she said. She continued switching between her Twitter and tumblr constantly checking her favorite bands and youtubers. She took out her phone and earbuds and plugged them into her phone. She played her favorite songs and started humming to the melody.



Jaden got uninterested with her story so she stopped writing and closed her iPad. She looked around before noticing Lydia doing the same she smiled a bit and sat up. "I'm sorry. I should have informed you I was incredibly boring." She laughed a little before going on, "Tell me about yourself?" It was more of a statement rather than a question, but she didn't want to make a bad impression on her new roommate, plus she was kind of cute.

@FairlyLocal )


Macey stopped unpacking and looked over at her roommate, she smiled when she saw the soda. "I like strawberry." She turned around, and leaned on her bed. She was thankful her roommate had said something first. The first few words were always difficult with Macey, but after that she was usually fine. "What's your favorite?' She asked the girl, turning back to her suitcase and pulling out some random homemade cookies. "You want one?" She asked, pulling back the plastic. "My Gram made them."

@Dante Bonavich )
"Blueberry. Anything blue is practically like a drug for me." she chuckled as she set a strawberry and a blueberry on her nightstand, rummaging through her pockets for a napkin. Once she found one she carefully popped the marbles with a fruit scented hiss before handing Macey the strawberry.

Out of habit she leaned down to sniff curiously at the container before realizing her error and backed up with an embarrassed apology.

"Sorry, that was rude of me. People don't sniff things before they eat them, do they? Yes, I would love one." she replied as her cheeks became a faint pink.

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Macey giggled a little at her reaction. "Some people do, it's alright." She took the soda, "Thanks," She smiled before she picked up the biggest cookie and handed it to her. "So you're Dante?" She asked sitting the plastic plate plate down on her nightstand and breaking a normal sized cookie in half before taking a bite. She could tell the girl was a little... different. But that was interesting. At least she didn't get some stuck-up snob who wouldn't even look at her. She sat down on her new bed and crossed her legs, like they used to do in kindergarten.

@Dante Bonavich )
Jackie had arrived a few hours late due to his father sending a gift down to him at the end of the week meanwhile he had to drive around in this junkie old mustang that takes ages to start and always stalls out. Anyway finely pulling into the car park as once again his car dies out making him scream and curse out inside his car and just rolls it into the nearest slot and gets out kicking the junkie car and locks it and makes his way to the dorm area as he has room twenty three hoping he the only one in that dorm room for now as he continues making his way there he puts ear peices into his ears turning on his techno music bobbing his head to it
Starsky saw the School in the distance with an struggling squint in his eyes. He was just getting over) a humongous hangover from the night before, and it was a miracle he even got out of bed this morning alive. (Over-exaggeration)

After finally finding a parking spot and nearly crashing into a ancient Oak-tree, he drooped out of his beat up '01 Mustang, attempted to standup and passed-out from the ill-fated attempt.

(Ugh, still a tad bit rusty, sorry guys..)
He opens the door to the dorm building and walks up the stairs to the top floor as he traded for a rich view dorm room and sees there only a few rooms on this floor as its for the rich kids and opens his room as he drops his stuff in shock everything was stunning in this room as he looks a around it has a kitchen huge bathroom and bedroom as he scream out in excitedment "bring on the fun times" for everyone to hear


"Ah. Cool" She said as she found her Tumblr and followed her. "I followed you on Tumblr and Twitter. My username on Tumblr and Twitter... they're the same.. well it's: FuzzyFrogs.. Don't ask why" She with a small laugh as she scrolled through her Tumblr dashboard.

( @Imagination )


"Hm... What can I tell you about me.." She said with a laugh as she looked over at her. "Well... I'm from North Dakota.. Um.. I don't know what is really that interesting about me" She said as she laid on her own bed and looked up at the ceiling. "I have two cats at home and I'm a vegan.. So tell me about yourself."

( @wonder )

(I'll post Troye once @ShadedRose posts! XDDD)​
((Ok don't for get bout little old me now)) he decides to make some lunch after unpacking his stuff as he heads to the room and unpacks and puts his clothes away then he gose out to the kitchen and living room and unpacks his dj set and puts it up next to the lounge char and then sets up his huge tv and gaming consoles ready for a late night of gaming later then he heads for the kitchen and unpacks his food that he grab on his way here putting em in the fridge and cubord and then makes him self a toasted sandwich as he turns on his stero and cranks the music up loudly dancing around
Starsky woke up a good 3 minutes after passing out and, slowly, got up. Cold beads of sweat ran down his face as he finally managed to start moving again, albeit in a wonky sort of state.

"One foot... *gasp* in front of the other.." He muttered to himself. After another minute of drunkenly walking, he managed to make it to the schools main doors, wiping a film of sweat off his face before he attempted to push the doors open.

They didn't budge..
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