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Realistic or Modern Let's Take a Road Trip



Just ride.

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The moon's white beam shone through the window of her bedroom, its glimmering arms rested on her window sill, seeming to tempt her to go. Now.

She was laying on her bed with her arms folded behind her head, her head was turned to the window, her hazel eyes burned with a spark as she stared at the moon. Its white face smiled at her brightly against the dark blue of the night sky. It was so alone, yet so free.

Abruptly she stood up and got off her bed. She pulled out the compartments of her drawer and shoved her clothing into a duffel bag. Slinging the large, clunky bag over her shoulder, she made her way to the window. Brooklyn unlatched the window and pushed against the heavy glass pane. It creaked its protest, letting out a high pitched squeal as it slid upwards. She pushed the bag through the opening before letting herself hop through. Brooklyn walked slowly to the front of her house, giving it one last look before she left. A pang of regret and sorrow suddenly hit her heart. She would miss her mother and little brother the most, but great things awaited her and her friends, just not here. A small, faint, soft smile was on the girl's face as she walked down the concrete road with the moon shining down on her.



@Love The Game










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Farrah finished packing her belongings into her backpack, zipping it closed with a mixture of excitement and anxiety. This was it - the day she could just leave it all behind for a few weeks, to just run and not look back. She had already cleared it with her work and family. There wasn't any avoiding it, nor any reason to. This was it.

She pulled out her keys, flipped off the final light switch, locked up, and started up the car. For now its only occupants were her, her backpack, and her longboard, but before the night was over, it would be filled with her friends. She grinned, pulling away from her house and driving up to the curb where her guests would gather soon. She eagerly awaited the first face to come meet her.
Today was the day. Finally escaping from this hell hole for a while. Aeliana honestly couldn't wait. The moon shone bright into her room,casting taunting shadows all around. She walked to her bed and slowly reached under and pulled out a box. After opening it,she smiled. The box stored what Aeliana needed for this trip. Money,some snacks,and her vape pen and a few bottles of whiskey. She walked to her closet and slipped into a Jack Daniels knit tee,high waisted ripped denim shorts,white converse,a black necklace along with a. Few black bracelets. Next,she put her hair up in a messy bun and placed a black bandana around it,then added some light makeup and bright red lipstick and winged eyeliner. She grabbed her bag of flower crowns,outfits,along with her circle sunglasses from her dresser. She took one last look of her home before jumping out of the window and walking down the road. Front doors were from losers.

Bailey had waited for the day she could finally get out of her loop. The last few days were a boring repetition of the previous ones, making her feel sick and wasteful. She had talked it out with her mom, who, like so often before, completely understood her daughter. She needed a break from studying, applying, sitting around... she needed an adventure. Her father wouldn't have gotten it quite fully and possibly interfered, so she got the permission from her mother who would later flatten the waves with the man in the house.

Sam had prepared her exit the days before. A simple backpack filled with a couple of hoodies, jeans and underwear, an older Macbook, two bottles of Captain Morgan and a set of sunglasses, chains and armbands. Everything wildly thrown together. But now, the excitement overtook her. She didn't want to wait. She sneaked down the stairs and opened the frontdoor. Carefully stepping through the yard, she could see her cat observe her from the inside. A subtle smile crossed her face as she waved Milktoast. Now, she was occupied with getting her guitar she had carefully positioned in the shed.

Fully equipped with her backpack and her guitar, she slid her phone open and put the pair of oversized headphones, that she carried around her neck, on her ears. "Let's see... Ah, perfect."


Her favorite band playing, covering the sound of a distant, lone car. Her eyes sparkling, she got on her way. Onwards, to her friends and the start of what promised to be the recharge in spirit she so desperately longed for.
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Ashlyn grinned as she woke up in the middle of the night. It was almost time for them to leave. She climbed out of bed quietly, throwing her hair up into a pony tail before grabbing her suit case. She had packed the day before, having old her parents she was doing homework. She opened her window as quietly as she could before turning around to grab her camera. She loved taking pictures and this was the perfect opportunity to do so.

Ashlyn quietly climbed out of her window and climbed down her terrace. Once she reached the bottom she quickly jogged towards the street where she was supposed to meet Farrah. When she got there she opened the passenger side door and leaned in. "Hey. Pop the trunk for me?" She asked, smiling brightly.
Farrah saw Ashlyn approaching in her rearview mirror and couldn't suppress her smile. So this thing was really happening, then. "Hey, buttercup," she said as Ashlyn opened the door. She nodded in response to the girl's request and climbed out of the car, walked to the stern, and opened up the trunk. She smiled. "It's all yours. Just be careful with my guitar case and board," she said, her heart aglow.


Sam jogged through the streets, eventually reaching Farrah's house. From afar, she shaw Ashlyn at the back end of the car.
"Aloha amigas!" she shouted, smirking at the sight of her friends and the thought that they'd be on their way soon. She put her guitar bag on the ground, leaning on it lightly. "Erm... Farrah? Would you mind if I was riding with you?" She blushed a little, feeling insecure about the whole deal. "I didn't get my keys since... you know... I got busted. So... I'm kind of a pedestrian at the moment." Sam quickly changed her expression to a grin. "I brought booze though, so I'll be a good passenger" she joked.
Ashlyn grinned at Sam before putting her things carefully in the trunk and climbing into the front passenger seat. She glanced at Farrah and then at Sam before landing back in her seat. "I'm okay with it if you are Farrah." She replied, crossing her legs slightly.
After a short walk,Aeliana arrived at Farrah's house. "Heyyy." She said smiling as she walked up. "I'm so ready for this." She said sighing happily and watched everyone put their things in the trunk. "Mind if I ride with you? That is,if you like smoke everywhere and the smell of weed or vape." She said laughing softly. Her bags in her hand,you could tell that this girl was more than ready to have a summer adventure that her or her friends would truly never forget for the rest of their lives. That was a promise.
Farrah laughed with the girls who had arrived at her car. "You can all come with, but I've got a few rules. 1: Don't drink or do drugs in the car. I'm not about that life, and we can take breaks if you want to vape or drink or whatever. My family's got a bad history with addiction." She paused for a second, gathering her thoughts. "Number 2: Don't get this wreck all dirty. I don't give a shit about mud, I'm talking vomit, blood, mold, et cetera. Basically, you spill something, I'd rather have you clean it up. Pile in if you're cool with that," she finished, pulling closed the trunk. Expectantly, she looked around at her friends for a response.


Sam giggled. "Geez, Farrah, what kind of junkies do you take us for?" She softly bumped her knuckles against Ashlyn's shoulder. "Guess we should get a mop, eh?" She laughed, smiling at Farrah. "I'm just kidding. I'm cool with that." She threw her guitar into the trunk. "I knew I should've brought a trombone instead..." she jokingly said, as she made sure the guitar was stored safely. Now feeling a lot less loaded, she adjust her backpack's position before climbing into the back row seat, right behind Ashlyn. "I should've called shotgun, damn it." Sam pulled out her Macbook and a set of mini-speakers. "Anyone got a road trip mixtape? I need music or I'll get carsick." She quickly reconsidered her words, remembering Farrah's words. "That was a joke! For real!"
Aeliana thought about it. "Okay,I think I can live." She said laughing a little. Walking to the trunk,she began talking."I have some music,but you guys probably wouldn't like my hippie music." She said winking at them. She put her bags in the trunk and then climbed into the car and shut the door. "Let's go fucking raise some hell." She said laughing. "I'm kidding. I'm just really excited." Aeliana said smiling softly and looking at the girls. Her annoying side was coming out and she knew it. It was one of her quirks.


Sam laughed.
"I dare you to find a song I can't jam out to! Nah, but seriously, you can go full-on Woodstock if you want, I'm cool with that. Well..." She bit her lip, eyeing Farrah. "Maybe not FULL-on Woodstock. Not in the car anyways."
Ashlyn giggled at her friends antics and glanced towards Farrah. "Are we waiting on anyone else?" She asked, leaning back in her seat. "I'm cool with whatever music you have." She added and looked out the window. She adjusted her sweatshirt.
Skye yawned, nursing her fourth cup of coffee, humming Malia J's cover of Teen Spirit. Having two bags previously packed and in the back of her black 2012 Dodge Ram she was simply waiting for her mother to finish talking on the answering machine. "Here we go." She muttered pressing the 'Delete' button to erase the message, now she could haul ass to the meeting spot, probably picking up a few strays along the way.

Grabbing her keys along with her third bag, other wise known as the satchel of hell, locking the door before sauntering over to her sleeping beast. Hopping onto the plush bench seat she started him up with a muffled roar, kicking up loose dirt in her wake.
"I wonder who gets the joy of riding with Mwah." She muttered sarcastically before cranking up the radio, blasting, Billy Talent's 'Surrender'.
She laughed before nodding. "We need to plan another summer trip to a music festival." She said to her friends laughing. "Nirvana?" She asked as she plugged her phone into the speakers. "I have every Nirvana song. I also have Blink-182,Sleeping with Sirens,Pierce the Veil,ACDC,The Beatles,Fleetwood Mac,bands like that." She said smiling lightly. Her taste in music varied,from grunge,to screamo,to soft and gentle like Fleetwood and The Beatles.


Sam's music obsession had awoken..
"Dude, blast that shit!." She leaned over the seat and Ashlyn's shoulder, observing the phonescreen. "Put on 'Love Buzz'!" she cheerfully suggested. "That's my jam!" She pulled her Macbook back onto her lap and started to check Google for festival dates. "I'm in for the festivals, by the way. Any preferences? Warped Tour? Or do we wanna go fancy and head to England? Reading, maybe?"
"I have no idea. Warped has some awesome bands,but so does Reading. So many choices." She said laughing a little. "I'm up for either." Aeliana told her friends. "We need to run it by the others too." She said looking out of the window. Every passing second,she was growing more and more excited. She had waited most of her life to plan a summer road trip with her best friends. It was on almost everyone's bucket list,and she could mark hers out,and that made her the happiest girl on Earth.
It was times like these that Jackie wished he had bothered to get a car. Here he was, walking along the highway to a meet-up that may well have been finished by now. "This is what I get for wanting to enjoy the countryside," he said, kicking a stone absent-mindedly. Ok, brainstorm time man, he thought to himself, maybe I could...what's the word...hitchhike? I don't have many other options. Getting picked up by a stranger wouldn't be the worst thing in the world; he knew how to defend himself due to the martial arts classes he had attended back home, and barring that, he could always count on American hospitality (though he wasn't sure how credible that would be.) Exhausting all other options, he tried looking for any nearby cars; luckily, Jackie spotted a truck driving down the road, and he promptly stuck his thumb out as a signal. Is this how you do it? I think so. At least, I hope so.

Joseph hurried out of the airport, secretly cursing to himself. His plane had been delayed so he was running late to the meet up. Was there some cosmic force trying to warm him against running away? No he shouldn't think like that. That was his parents talking. He quickly waved down a taxi and sent Farrah a text telling her that he was on his way.

To be perfectly honest he was so excited and scared he could barely keep still. To leave college with put telling his parents? To run away without saying anything? There was a small part of him that was worried that his parents would send out a manhunt for their missing son but he quickly banished that thought.

His fingers patted his bag. Soon his while world would consist of his friends and this one bag.
As the image of her friends waiting came up as she walked towards them, her eyes lit and sparked with a fiery glee. A smile flashed on her face instantly at the sight of their faces. They were her second family, or maybe even first. Brooklyn paced towards Skye's car, her duffel bag bumping her side constantly as she walked. Seeing the packed girls in Farrah's car, Brooke elatedly waved at them as she grabbed the car door handle of the Dodge. Swinging the door open she was met with the face of her friend, Skye. "Skye! Missed you, dude" She stepped on to the vehicle quickly and leaned over the middle gap between the driver and passenger seat to give Skye a warm hug. Brooke had actually not seen her friends for a few days, being trapped in her home by her annoyingly overprotective stepfather. Grounded. Again. She realized she was still carrying her duffel bag across her shoulder as it shifted it's weight. "May I ride with her majesty?" She lightly joked to check with her.

She had never been taught to drive by her parents, mostly due to her controlling stepfather. But it wasn't like she could drive anyway, her mother and stepfather, both became untrusting of her when she began her rebellious phase and never gifted her a car unlike most of her comrades.

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Sunshine got out the shower, her parents were out on yet another business trip. she quickly got dress and began stuffing two duffel bags he cash under all her clothes. She walked out the front door, "Maria I have to do something" she yelled to her maid before closing and locking the door. She got into her Truck putting the bags in the back seat she hooked up her phone to the stereo. She text Lucas to be ready as she drove off to pick him up.

Lucas saw the text from Sunshine, he had been sitting on the couch to his house the whole time. He grabbed his bag that was already packed his money was in his pocket. He made his way to the restroom and cawling out the window just as Sunshine pulled up. He got into the truck putting the bag in the backseat, "Ok let's go" he said buckling up. They drove off basically speeding, they bass was sort of shaking the truck. They Pulled up getting out the truck.


Sam hastily greeted Brooklyn with a big smile.
"Hey girl. Looks like we're getting packed. I dig it." She pulled out her phone, unlocked it and started to scroll through her contacts. Her excitement affected her typing-ability, as she had to rewrite the simple message several times. 'R U on ur way? Don't wanna miss out on the group, right? Or at least don't make me miss U :P Hurry! <3' She send the message to Madison and Gracie and quickly slid her phone back into her jacket. She now paid more attention to the other teens around her, still feeling excited. She loved these folks, and nothing made her happier than the thought of having a few carefree weeks.

@aubergine @DisasterCallingMe
Skye grinned from ear to ear returning the hug, "Missed? I would think you would be full on panicked, I mean, Not seeing me for this long? Bummer." She chuckled, before grabbing her bag and tossing it into the bed of the truck, snapping the cover back down she nodded to the seat. "Belt up, you know the rules." She smirked before revving the engine and grumbling off into the dark.

Pulling off down the road she saw a figure, with a sudden jolt his hand stuck out, thumb out, almost in the correct position for hitch hiking. "Well would you look who it is." She chuckled, slowing down beside the boy. Pressing the auto roll for the passenger window, she grinned at Jackie, "Hey there stranger. You looking for a ride sweet-cheeks?" She joked before unlocking the doors. "Any reason why you are walking down the road at some strange time in the morning?"

@jamaicanviking @SassyLlama
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