Let's Go Down In Flames

Take your pick, really. In four days, I'm hoping for everyone who is posting interest to at least have a concept idea nailed down.

... Incidentally, I advise everyone here to look into Sarodinian's game Rain-Slick Knives. [/shameless plug]
Gulup said:
Does this have to be a Perfect Circle? As I have some interest in playing as a Twilight Bio-Artificer, but CrazyIvan has already said that he wants to be a Twilight Sorcerer... If you do want one of each Caste I can come up with something else easy, though.
Also, just curious but why are DotFA Charms not allowed without expressed permission? As far as I know that's the only canon source for high-essence Charms (outside Sidereal Martial Arts styles) like the characters would have available.
I believe I may have to withdraw from the game due to time commitments. So the twilight would be open ;)

Sorry folks, and good luck
Is there a Solar slot left?

Any Caste is ok, I just want to brew the Perfect Beer, an extremely selected blend based on the blood of one hundred Sidereal Exaltations...
Charms for checking

the solar and the infernal* one from here

*(gained with Primordial Principle Emulation from Glories)

and Lions Roar recovery from dreams, perhaps in a higher essence, lower effect version.

Also a clarification question:

When trading charms for combos are it one charm for one combo or one charm for one charm in a combo? As an example if you trade two charms do you get two combos or one combo with two charms in it?
This is not a First Come, First Served basis. Entrance to this game is entirely based on merit.

Not sure which charm you're referring to in that list. If you can give a specific name for that and a specific page number for the other, I'd appreciate it. I don't feel like wading through pages of charms just looking for a name.

It's one charm for the combo.
I'm assuming he means

Unconquered (Ability) Champion
Cost: 5m, 1wp

Mins: (Ability) 4, Essence 4

Type: Reflexive

Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious

Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Charms: Infinite (Ability) Mastery

The Solar Exalted are not well accustomed to failure. This Charm can enhance any action made with the chosen Ability, causing it to automatically succeed without need for a roll, with a threshold of (Essence) extra successes. If used to enhance a static value derived from the chosen Ability, such as Defense Values or Move speed, it instead causes that static value to be calculated as if the Solar had the chosen Ability at a rating of (Essence x 3). This Charm can never provide a perfect defense. If opposed by the effect of another Charm, Unconquered (Ability) Champion adds (Essence) automatic successes to the opposed roll to overcome that effect. This Charm only applies its listed Willpower cost the first time it is invoked in an action. Subsequent invocations cost only 5 motes.

A second purchase at Essence 6 allows the Lawgiver to spend 5 extra motes when activating this Charm to extend its duration to one action. Its effects apply to every action the Solar makes with the chosen Ability for the duration of a single action. However, the Solar cannot extend this Charm's duration when using it to enhance any action that opposes his main Virtue, and if he takes an action that opposes his main Virtue during its duration, that invocation of Unconquered (Ability) Champion ends.He may still invoke Unconquered (Ability) Champion to enhance a single action normally.

A third purchase at Essence 8 allows the Lawgiver to endow himself with unconquerable power to surpass all others. When invoking this Charm, they may spend an additional 15 motes and a point of temporary Willpower to extend its duration to one scene. When invoked in this way, this Charm loses the Combo-OK keyword, instead gaining the Combo-Basic keyword. However, if the Lawgiver ever suppresses his primary Virtue, his own righteousness is shaken, rendering him impotent. Unconquered (Ability) Champion deactivates, and he may not reactivate it again with a scene-length duration for the rest of the scene. He may still invoke Unconquered (Ability) Champion to invoke a single action normally.

A third purchase at Essence 10 allows the Solar to rest assured of his ultimate power. He gains the benefits of Unconquered (Ability) Champion as a permanent effect, without need to invoke it or commit motes to it. He still loses this benefit for a scene if he suppresses his primary Virtue.

I Am Become (Yozi)
Cost: – (5m, 1wp)

Mins: Essence 4

Type: Permanent

Keywords: Obvious

Duration: Permanent

Prerequisite Charms: (Yozi) Inevitability Technique, (Yozi) Mythos Exultant

The majesty of the Yozis is never diminished. This Charm permanently enhances the Infernal's First (Yozi) Excellency. Whenever they invoke it, they may spend five motes and a point of temporary Willpower to cause any action enhanced by it to succeed automatically without need for a roll, with a threshold of (Essence) successes. If used to enhance a static value derived from the chosen Ability, such as Defense Values or Move speed, it instead causes that static value to be calculated as if the Infernal had the chosen Ability at a rating of (Essence x 3). This Charm can never provide a perfect defense. If opposed by the effect of another Charm, I Am Become (Yozi) adds (Essence) automatic successes to the opposed roll to overcome that effect. This use of the First (Yozi) Excellency does not benefit from the mote discount provided by Effortless (Yozi) Dominance.This Charm only applies its listed Willpower cost the first time it is invoked in an action. Subsequent invocations cost only 5 motes.

A second purchase at Essence 6 allows the Infernal to spend 5 extra motes when enhancing the 1st (Yozi) Excellency with this Charm to extend its duration to one action. Its effects apply to every action that Yozi's Excellency can validly enhance for a single action. However, if the Infernal takes any actions that the chosen 1st (Yozi) Excellency explicitly cannot enhance during the duration of the effect, they automatically fail. This includes actions that are subtle or restrained for Malfeas, actions that resist random misfortune or thwart plans unrelated to the Infernal's agenda for Cecelyne, actions that spread chaos or show empathy for She Who Lives In Her Name, actions that are planned for Adorjan, or actions that do not help escape an immediate imprisonment, benefit others more than the Infernal, or that are honest without being malevolent for the Ebon Dragon

A second purchase at Essence 8 lets the Infernal draw on infinite power at any moment. When they enhance the First (Yozi) Excellency with this Charm, they may spend an additional 15 motes and a point of temporary Willpower to extend its duration to one scene, causing any action that could be enhanced by the First (Yozi) Excellency to automatically succeed. If they do, the First (Yozi) Excellency loses the Combo-OK keyword, instead gaining the Combo-Basic keyword. However, whenever he takes an action that explicitly cannot be enhanced by the chosen Yozi excellency, it automatically fails.

A third purchase at Essence 10 makes the Infernal's perfection an inseparable part of themselves. The Infernal gains the benefits of I Am Become (Yozi) as a permanent effect, without need to invoke it or commit motes to it. He still automatically fails any action that the chosen (Yozi) Excellency explicitly cannot
Edit: Oh and Primordial Principle Emulation is on Page 30 of Glories of the Most High: UCS while Lion's Roar Recovery is on page 58 of DotFA: Lords of Creation
So, Moon Dancer, you're asking me to give you a charm that lets you automatically succeed on everything for no mote expenditure?

If that's what you do mean, my answer is no, no and a thousand times no.
no, i meant the lower level where i pay 5m 1 wp to suceed

as for the lions roar recovery, forget it, i remembered it as a far more resonable charm than it where when i checked it, to give you a page number.
You might want to look at Supreme Perfection of (Ability) from DotFA. It pretty much does what you seem to be aiming for.
Yes, I'll let you use Supreme Perfection of (Ability). The cost of 2 willpower will probably prevent it from being used all too frequently in combat, especially since it prevents extra successes.
Mostly done now. Need to update my background from a draft to a final state, pick some artefacts and calculate static values. The hard bit (Selecting charms) is done.
Ligier said:
I'm assuming he means
Unconquered (Ability) Champion
Cost: 5m, 1wp

Mins: (Ability) 4, Essence 4

Type: Reflexive

Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious

Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Charms: Infinite (Ability) Mastery

I Am Become (Yozi)
Cost: – (5m, 1wp)

Mins: Essence 4

Type: Permanent

Keywords: Obvious

Duration: Permanent

Prerequisite Charms: (Yozi) Inevitability Technique, (Yozi) Mythos Exultant
Edit: Oh and Primordial Principle Emulation is on Page 30 of Glories of the Most High: UCS while Lion's Roar Recovery is on page 58 of DotFA: Lords of Creation
For what it's worth, both of those Charms really shouldn't be used. They were a failed design experiment.
Axelgear said:
Yes, I'll let you use Supreme Perfection of (Ability). The cost of 2 willpower will probably prevent it from being used all too frequently in combat, especially since it prevents extra successes.
It may be worth sending 'em to look at (Ability) Essence Perfection from Hundredfold Facets, which is essentially a refined-and-better version of SPoA.
Just letting you all know that as of the time of this post you have roughly 10 hours and 50 minutes to have an at least somewhat fleshed out character concept.
Well, I'm thinking of a sorcerer Dynast, probably Earth-Aspect, that combines his spells and Charms to be a better Investigator.
Do you have the wrong game? I don't think Terrestrials are allowed and I know that there isn't a dynasty for your guy to be a dynast of.
What I have so far.

Name: The Eternal Phoenix of Celestial Fire

Concept/Short description: Zenith survivor of the Primordial war, arrogant, fearless, has used charms to mimic Malfeas, in certain aspects (mainly arrogance and indestructibility) out of deep respect for him. I am thinking of having him be semi-permanently piloting a warstrider, due to the fact that it doesn’t require maintenance when you are attuned to it, and a idea about having him be in love with its AI. He would then have been in there for so long that he no longer can leave, or else it would fall to pieces and his beloved might "die"

I hope this is enough for now as the back story and stats aren't done yet.

(please forgive me any bad grammar its late where i live, and I am tired)
Further info on the Transhumanist Zenith I mentioned a few pages back:

Allard (His original name, little known or used for millennia): aka The Sagacious Hermit (His official title within the Solar Deliberative); aka The Devil Hermit of Fortesmo (Common slang term for him, used by traitors to the glorious Solar Deliberative)

Exalted from a life as a mortal lord (really little more than a robber baron) a few months after the end of the Primordial War, Allard should be considered a Golden Hero Vassal but is instead known as a Primordial War survivor thanks to his (false) claims that he Exalted just before the end of the war and was so busy cleaning up the Primordial forces on the edge of Creation that it took him some time to join up with the Solar host.

Joining the ranks of these demigods that had just defeated the architects of Creation, Hermit naturally expanded his own role and abilities to match them. He did not want to be thought of as inferior. He worked hard and started to contribute to the nascent government being formed by Queen Merela. Soon he bought into his own propaganda, believing he was as strong and powerful as these other heroes, and after long enough it even became true.

This isn't to say that he wasn't heroic. For centuries he was actually one of the most tireless workers in Queen Merela's Ochre Fountain (And later the deliberative), but that gradually changed. As his power and his belief in his own power grew, he started to see the failings and flaws in ordinary mortals, and even supernatural beings, more and more. He would try to help them, but they would only ruin it for themselves. Disgusted, he withdrew to his kingdom of Fortesmo and severed it from the rest of the Solar Deliberative, becoming a Tributary. Since then he has made his disgust clear to the inhabitants, inflicting misery and woe upon them to show them how unworthy they are of the care and devotion he previously bestowed upon them.

Since then he has very rarely left Fortesmo for any great length of time, the Aftershock War and Operation Wyldhand being the two main exceptions. During this time his depravity has grown. He has changed Fortesmo so each city holds a close resemblance to a prison camp. No-one enters and no-one leaves. Even travel between the various cities is incredibly rare, unless it's one of Hermit's elite terrestrial . There is sometimes talk of censure in the Deliberative, but as he doesn't really affect the rest of Creation there are few people willing to annoy a powerful Solar who is rumoured to be dabbling into dark and powerful secrets when he's not actively harming them.
Ligier, you get instant credit for the name "Devil Hermit of Fortesmo". Big on the oriental feel, conjures up images of a demonic Yoda...

Incidentally, Nickelback has provided another inspirational song for this game (Burn It To The Ground) so I'm in a good mood.

As such, I'm going to post the request to open up the sub-board for this game now. Anyone who has expressed an interest can join, post their character and I'll pick from them on the 30th and keep the rest as back-ups.
If its late disregard. That'll be fine I suppose... Who knew I'd lose track of yesterday. :P

My Concept: Or a background? Oo

Secrets- Bronze. Name: Tyrseria Sera Vestra (The sheet oddly is Very much done)

Her origins unknown she managed to survive many of the threats that 'mangled' the First Age. One of which was the Primordial who couldn't very well leave things along. Still her greatest amounts of pleasure and pain happen to be her love for her Solar Dawn Husband of the Excelsior Province in the south east. For a long time she kept her loyalty to him and his ways, which for many centuries was quite orderly and peaceful, and once her daughter was born there was nothing more she wanted than to have a very normal life. Which by far couldn't be. The Division of Secrets kept her quite busy, leaving her unaware of her daughter's growth, Solar Exaltation, and subsequent love for flying. For centuries she believed all was going well with her family until one of her missions sent her to the Excelsior Province. The main city was a hub for various arts, the people once were well known for the freedom of thought and skill but when she came a dreary feel had fallen over the city. They claimed the God-General Soon Ser Vestra was cruelly punishing his people who couldn't pay the now exorbitant taxes.

Then she found her daughter, clueless to the pain her father was bringing as she played with powerful sorcery and artifice. Still Tyrseria struggled to bring her daughter around. For a month she worked, understanding her daughter's sharp sways of mood and behavior. But eventually her mission came to an end as she found a Yozi cult forming. She was then brought back. It wasn't long though, when she, like other Sidereal, were forced with the Visions that the Loom had help bring them. It pained her, but only slightly when she knew that something had to be done with the rampant and uncontrollable whims of the Solars. She helped the planning using all her power in gaining the help. And then when all was set just days before it would happen, she raced to her daughter in a last pathetic bid to save her. The young nearly thousand year old Solar girl refused her mother, and would go to the Calibration Feast in Meru. Desperate for reasons unknown she cast a spell on her daughter in her Cathedral Manse, sealing her and the manse with her. Then in anger and sorrow she found her husband who had spent his afternoon slaughtering a few civilians. She enticed him, lead him into the heart of his manse, then slew him. Her attacks a complete surprise to him as he stared at the daiklave driven through him. Of course he didn't go quietly and most of the city felt his anger as a loud explosion tore at the Manse, the Core network manse to the defenses of the province.

Wounded she returned and prepared for the Usurpation and the battles that she knew would come, her heart hardened as she thrusts sorrow away. The Solars would most certainly pay for their forcing her to these measures.
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