Let's Go Down In Flames

One question–the alternate character creation rules from Dreams give no provisions for combos. Can we trade excess Ability dots for those?

EDIT: And a couple custom charms for approval, if you don't mind looking over them.

Golden Spirit Quiver

Conquering Hero Blade

Pure-Hearted Innocence Approach

Person-Reading Deduction

Shining Chrysanthemum Step

Seven Dragons Dance

Godly Golden Omniscience

Wary God-King Vigilance

Shadow Step, Heaven Body

Hidden in Plain Sight

Illegible Solar Poker Face
Thanks for the added artifact info Axelgear. Could you shed some light on accepted charms/charm sources? (Mostly if you are definitely not ok with certain things so I can avoid wasting time reading up on them.) Thank you! Super excited!
Answering in regard to combos: Combos are purchased with bonus points. As you can raise Abilities to maximums already, and Backgrounds to Legendary levels, you should have no trouble purchasing them. If you are still hungry for combos, you can learn them instead of charms on a 1-for-1 basis.

In regards to accepted charm sources, any official source is acceptable outside of DotFA (though if you really want charms from there, ask), as well as Hundredfold Facets of Enlightenment. Any custom ones, ask. Try not to leave me wading through pages of them, though...

In regards to the custom charms, TDO, you're pretty excellent at writing custom charms. A few of these, I'd say could use a higher Essence pre-req but you're pretty darn high Essence already so it doesn't matter. Apart from the two extra action Charms (Shining Chrysanthemum Step and Seven Dragon's Dance), they're fine. I will not be allowing the fourth purchase of Shadow Step, Heaven Body, though, and reserve the right to force you to yell "PA-PA-PA-POKER FACE! PA-PA-PA-POKER FACE!" whenever you activate Illegible Solar Poker Face.

Still haven't decided if I'm kidding about the last part. :mrgreen:
Axelgear said:
In regards to the custom charms, TDO, you're pretty excellent at writing custom charms. A few of these, I'd say could use a higher Essence pre-req but you're pretty darn high Essence already so it doesn't matter. Apart from the two extra action Charms (Shining Chrysanthemum Step and Seven Dragon's Dance), they're fine. I will not be allowing the fourth purchase of Shadow Step, Heaven Body, though, and reserve the right to force you to yell "PA-PA-PA-POKER FACE! PA-PA-PA-POKER FACE!" whenever you activate Illegible Solar Poker Face.

Still haven't decided if I'm kidding about the last part. :mrgreen:
Great, thanks! I've got an idea coming together nicely for this guy.

EDIT: And honestly, bursting out with the Lady Gaga wouldn't be entirely out of character for him.
I'm going to have to step out for time reasons, but I see there is another interested in playing a night caste so things should work out. Have fun. :)
What roles are filled at the moment? I'd love to be into this and this wouldn't be the first time I've statted out a character using the Legendary XXXXX templates, although it will hopefully be the first time the game doesn't implode before starting.
No roles filled yet. I haven't even received more than a preliminary character concept from anyone except Sarodinian and Lando.
Sainted Adversary, Night Caste Solar

"I'm beginning to think that all you Dragon-Blooded trying to kill me was some kind of joke. I mean, not a very funny joke, except for when I cut off Tanzo's face–that part was actually pretty funny–but still, you know, not a serious assassination attempt. I mean, let's take a look at the differences between us. You're a couple hundred loyal footsoldiers with jade daiklaves and that absolutely adorable dragon style that I've never seen before, and I'm a Solar. I'd have to give all of you about eighteen years and some fertility drugs just for there to even be enough of you to have a chance at actually laying a hit on me! So there's no way you were actually planning to kill me, obviously, but there's one thing that bothers me. Mostly the fact that I'm a Solar, and I'm dying. The actual kind of dying!"

"Now, there shouldn't be a single thing on Creation, except old age or fair fight, that can kill me. And I'm not just saying that to impress my lowly servants and all that, but because it's not even possible. I have charms for everything. Deadly flesh-melting lotus toxin? Charm for that. Being set on fire? Charm for that. Pure Chaos decides that I should be a duck? Charm for that. And then some Sidereal goes and decides to whip out his esoteric secrets of the cosmos and punch me in the face with them, and now I have ninety-nine days to live. Immunity to Everything Technique really should cover that, on account of being immunity to everything, but no. I'm dying. And this is day one. So the point I'm trying to make here is that I just got a face full of of murder from my supposedly loyal Sidereal vizier, and now my supposedly loyal army of Dragon-Bloods appears to be staging an elaborate practical joke where they wave around their daiklaves and watch me dodge it all. Not that I mind, because I could dodge your little army for days, but this is just a little bit suspicious, in a 'you're all trying to murder me' sort of way. It's adorable, but you picked a really bad day to do it."

"So I'm going to kill all of you. Don't take it to hard. I'm the Sainted Adversary, God-King of Creation, Nightbringer of the Unconquered Sun. I can fight any Exalt, god, or behemoth you care to name to a standstill, and I'll win nine days out of any ten. I can stalk the streets of Malfeas and go unseen even by the Yozis. I'm not even a doctor, but I cured cancer the other day! And now, I think I'm one of the last Solars. I liked the Solars."

"So, yeah. Die!"
As awesome as this sounds, I think I'm going to have to pull out. One of my games on MW is attracting a lot more attention than I thought it would, and I have my hands full trying to keep up with the app procedure and questions. I'd love to be able to read the game forum though, if that's okay with you.
Does this have to be a Perfect Circle? As I have some interest in playing as a Twilight Bio-Artificer, but CrazyIvan has already said that he wants to be a Twilight Sorcerer... If you do want one of each Caste I can come up with something else easy, though.

Also, just curious but why are DotFA Charms not allowed without expressed permission? As far as I know that's the only canon source for high-essence Charms (outside Sidereal Martial Arts styles) like the characters would have available.
I imagine that some DotFA charms will be allowed, but the problem is that some of the charms are really really broken.

Also the PDF supplement Glories of the Most High has some high level charms.

Edit: I demand that any Dawn Castes gets Essence 9 and that GotMH Melee Charm that at Essence 9 allows you to do infinite damage with an attack.

Edit Edit: Will it still be Calibration when the game starts and if so, which day?
No need for a Perfect Circle. As much as I would like one, it's not necessary and, frankly, you're all so ridiculously powerful, areas of specialization aren't a big thing...

As for the DotFA charms, it's because some of them are fairly broken... But, as I said, give me a list of which you want. I'll let you know which are/n't allowed. Honestly, though, I'm quite happy to say "Take what you want" if enough people prefer it rather than oppose it. As I said, you're REALLY powerful; game balance is hardly a huge issue.

As for when the game starts, it's the first day of Calibration, when the first blow was to be struck against the Solars to try and get as many of them as possible. You will be starting on the deck of your pleasure yacht just as the Sidereal treachery has been put down, with you standing atop the deck with blood still on your weapons, just as the full weight of the curse becomes known to you.
How is Craft being handled? Having to buy each 'element' as a separate ability, a single ability with each dot being an additional type of crafting as well as the overall rating, or some other variant? I ask I as I have been various games that have done this in different ways, so getting it straight now would be useful.
If someone has the Essence 7 charm The Art of Permanence from Lords of Creation (pg 67) and can make his own Warstrider, does that eliminate the massive maintenance requirements Warstriders have?


Is Familiar 5 enough for a Tyrant Lizard?
Is Familiar 5 enough for a Tyrant Lizard?
That's obviously a question for the ST to answer, but if you're going to go to Familiar 5 you might as well put that extra point in and get a Legendary Familiar (Like Proto Puma Prime!).
I've started work on my Zenith Caste. Power mad (In terms of personal, not political power) with a bit of a transhumanist bent who was intent on transforming himself into something greater than he is, and will happily spend the next 100 days trying to become something too powerful to resist the curse while at the same destroying all those who dared oppose him.
Art of Permanence is on Page 61. I will rule that it is allowed and that a warstrider crafted with it will not require maintenance from regular use. Damage must be repaired normally.

A normal Tyrant Lizard is Familiar 5.

Rules for Craft will be posted in an edit on the first post.
Since choosing new a new set of the basic elements for Craft requires buying a specialty, does the Ability still have the "max 3 specialties" limit? Also, would normal specialties (i.e. taking 'glassblowing' for Air Crafting for example) count towards the limit in taking specialties in other elements?

Sorry if I'm being particularly insistent on getting this resolved in details, but since I'm making a Twilight it's fairly important.
So I'm torn between and Eclipse Sky Pirate and a Waning Moon Saboteur Lord. Did anyone want a completely amoral lunar mate?

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