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Fantasy ☾ℒℯtℴ☽ *Closed Temp*

Pharos lay with eyes wide open, as the sun began to rise. he heard Zanna begin to stir, walk out the door, come back and begin to make breakfast. He watched her shadow move about on the ground for a while. Only when he smelled the food did he truly give up on trying to sleep, in favor of getting something to eat. He'd been laying awake for most of the night, but this was the norm for Pharos ever since the night his parents died. Sighing, he slowly sat up. Kiera was still curled up, wings wrapped around herself, sound asleep on top of Pharos' backpack. So as not to wake her, or the others for that matter, Pharos quietly got up, took one of the bowls and went outside where he had heard Zanna's footsteps go earlier. He sat down and began to watch the sunrise. Man, he wanted to go flying so badly... but it was dangerous... it would be better to make sure the Draik from last night was a false alarm first. He looked out into the rest of the village, and saw many of Zanna's sisters swarming about (no pun intended), preparing the village for some sort of festival from the looks of it, though he couldn't be sure. Pharos turned to Zanna. "Morning. It looks like your people are busy preparing for something... the dark elves' arrival, I'm guessing?"
Zanna blinked twice as she chewed on her food before turning to see that it was indeed an awake Pharos who was the source of the question she just heard. The wasp girl nodded her head slightly, "Yes, though it is truly weird as they don't happen very often" replied Zanna in her usual stoic ways as she turned back to watch the movement, still taking bites of her food every now and again

Suvmera woke up to her panther, Suko, coming back into the house with fresh dry blood on his claws and around his mouth, he had just made a kill and eaten it this morning. The panther came and sat right next to her, she petting Suko in response; causing a low growl of appreciation for the petting. She was currently sharpening her spears she used for hunting, waiting for Alex to wake up.

(@Cyber Wolf : If you don't respond to this by tomorrow I'm just going to assume you no longer want to rp with us and leave your character)
Zeke was propped up against a tree trunk, hidden from the village, as there horses were sleeping on the ground. He stared up at the sky, him having being awake for a few hours now; an arm protecting his head from the trunk while another one was wrapped around the nude Zara lying asleep on top of him.

She began to stir a bit as she yawned before moving the upper half of her body up,
"That was a lot of fun last night..." smiled the dark elf girl before planting a kiss on the boys lips and standing up; producing a chuckle of approval from Zeke. "Today is the day, soon we won't have to hide anything" smiled Zeke as Zara came out from behind the tree trunk and stretching, taking her sweet time as she looked over to the village; anticipation in her eyes. Zara chuckled a bit as her eyes looked up to see some movement in one of the houses, specifically she saw Pharos move about; she could see him in the opposite window they were looking through, close enough for her to get a good look at the back of his head. Zeke remained hidden from sight up against the tree trunk, to lazy to move; him having all his clothing already on

The sun had barely risen over the horizon before Evangelina awoken. Her and Aslan had found a nice little grassy area secluded away from the dangers of the forest. It was on a hill overlooking the treetops. Her pale blue eyes looked over to the flattened grass patch where Aslan had slept, but he was not there. He sat on the edge of the hill, gazing off into the distance with a calm look on his furry face. Evangelina knew he had not fallen asleep that night. He usually didn't.

"Ah, you are awake. Good morning." Aslan was looking at her now with his glowing turquoise eyes. His presence was strangely calming and brought the feeling of hope. She never understood why.

"Good morning, Aslan." Evangelina responded back in her usual soft voice. He smiled slightly and rose to his feet as she approached him. Evangelina stood beside him, both of them staring off into the beginning of dawn. There was a slight grey trail of smoke rising into the air a ways away. Aslan already seemed to have noticed it.

"There is a village not too far from here. But I fear our presences will alarm the others inhabiting it. We will need to tread with caution." Aslan said calmly, his fur billowing in the wind. Evangelina nodded and stared at the smoke.

"And the non-natives?" She asked her companion.

"They are there."

With Aslan leading her, the two padded down the hill and disappeared into the thick forest. But they did not approach the village, and instead walked past it without getting too close. They were hidden in the trees; unseen from wandering eyes.
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Mutt slowly woke up and yawned, rolling over and stretching much like a cat before flopping back down. He didn't want to wake up, so why should he? It didn't make sense to do something he didn't want to. However soon the smell of food wafted into the room and his stomach growled, causing him to slowly sit up. "Mm'... food..." He mumbled before following his nose towards the heavenly smell. "Hello?" He called quietly as he looked around. "Anyone awake?
Zanna turned to her right to see that Mutt had awaken, probably because of the food thought Zanna to herself before quietly walking over to him, picking up a bowl of tamales, bread, and coco, and handing it to the boy. "Here" offered Zanna in her usual stoic ways of speaking, the girl not big on emotion for the most part.
Brook had taken a walk outside the village. She was never one for being in crowded places. Misery, for once, was not near Brook's side. She tilted her head and looked up at the sky that peeked through the trees. "I'm sorry," She said in a monotone voice, but her emerald eyes were filled. How she missed them. Her village, her family, her first friend, and her parents. She kept her emerald eyes upwards, just in case emotion decided to escape.
Kiera was slowly beginning to wake up. She was hearing voices. She sat up and stretched, realizing that the voices were coming from Mutt and Zanna. She looked around for Pharos before catching a glimpse of him through the window. She flitted over towards him, and was about to land on his shoulder, before she saw something off in the distance- or someone, rather. Hey, Pharos.... there's something in the trees over there..." she said sleepily, letting out a tiny girlish yawn afterwards. A morning person Kiera certainly was not. Pharos turned around and looked carefully in the direction Kiera's tiny finger was pointing, straining o see what she was getting at. There was a figure leaning out from a tree, a dark skinned female that was..... NAKED?!?! "U-um, yeah, there is someone over there apparently..." she was looking over towards Pharos, as well. In normal situations Pharos would be wary of anyone seeming to spy on him like that, but such thoughts were currently overridden by the shock of seeing bare breasts for the first time.
Mutt accepted the bowl greatfully with his characteristic smile before turning to Pharos. "Look, food...! Pharos what are you...?" Mutt glanced at where he was looking and narrowed his eyes, seemingly unphased by the woman's rather lewd clothing, or lack thereof. "Hey you there!" He shouted out quickly. "What are you doing? Do you want food? We have some for you!"
Zara continued to stretch out, man how good it felt to stretch right after waking up; getting everything nice and loose, a great way to start the day. She then noticed out of the corner of her eye Pharos staring at her, she smirked a bit and blew the boy a kiss seductively a few seconds before Mutt came out and shouted at her. She simply walked behind the tree where Zeke was and put on her clothing, chuckling ever so slightly to herself.

@DergTheDergon @Puffhead
Pharos simply stood in shock for a few seconds, trying to comprehend what had just happened. First of all, that woman had just made an extremely flirty gesture towards him, in the buff might I add, and he was entirely unsure how to feel about it. Second of all, mutt has just demonstrated that he is either blind or entirely used to seeing naked women seemingly pop out of nowhere, and then act like it's nothing if they're seen... Pharos was unsure which was less believable, but they both were pretty big stretches. he then snapped back to reality. "Who is she and what is she doing here?" he asked no one in particular.
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Zanna turned around when Mutt began yelling but by the time she walked to the window the person was gone, and when Pharos asked who she was she turned to him and raised an eyebrow, "Who was who?" asked the wasp girl both out of curiosity and weariness.
Pharos looked towards Zanna. 'Th-there seems to be someone hiding in the trees..." his tone was confused.. mostly nuetral, not fearful,panicked or the like , but confused, as he was still unsure what to make of what he had just seen.
Zanna thought about the boys answer for a bit, considering every possibility she could think of. Since they were very good at finding people, it was obvious it was someone welcomed here, or else they would be captured. "Perhaps a visitor from the elf kingdom for the festival?" thought Zanna out loud to the Draik boy.
"Yeah." Mutt confirmed as he looked up, his mouth now stuffed with the food. "She wasn't wearing clothes. I don't blame her, they're uncomfortable."
Zannas' mind froze when the boy talked about someone not wearing clothing, even more so a female; something never done by her tribe. She turned around and blushed before walking off, "You guys can explore the village and go wherever, just don't interfere with people working and setting up" replied Zanna before growing her wings and flying away, wanting to get away as fast as possible.
"What are you so happy about?" asked Zeke to the girl as he stood up to grab his sword, the horses already feeding and drinking. The girl smiled more before shaking her head, "Its nothing big brother, now lets go meet the villagers" stated Zara before putting on her bow and arrows and jumping on misty, Zeke jumping on Thanatos and riding into the village a few seconds after Zanna flew away from the house; riding in plain sight for all to see.
"Aslan? What do you think caused my parent's deaths? It couldn't possibly have been an earthquake."

The snow elf asked the massive tiger. There was a slight tone of longing in her voice, but Aslan didn't seem to be bothered by it. He continued to walk beside her with an expression of calmness.

"A death is caused by many things. Some more obvious than others." Aslan began. His voice was intriguing and full of careful wisdom. Evangelina felt herself listening to every word, as if each word spoken by him was a gift.

"There is an emotion another feels after their loved ones have deceased. Do you know what it is called, Evangelina?" He glanced towards her and curved the side of his mouth into a slight smile. Evangelina fell silent for a moment, lost in her thoughts. The wind blew steadily and in gentle gusts. When she did not answer, Aslan spoke.

"It is called evanescence. It means to disappear, or fade away. One does not want to lose the memory of their deceased, and that is why the fear of evanescence grips them."

There was silence between them for quite some time. They walked through the grassy forest together with the small village beginning to fade away into the distance behind them. Evangelina glanced over to the tiger, and surprisingly, his expression was blank. But only for a sliver of a moment. He glanced back at her with a gentle smile.

"Have you ever felt that way?" Evangelina asked him softly. He smiled a bit and looked away at the same time.

"Yes, I feel it often. But the reason why I cannot say." Aslan saw the look of curiosity dawn in Evangelina's blue eyes. He laughed quietly with amusement. The tiger seemed to wave the subject away with the flick of his tail.

"Some things are better left unsaid. Besides..." Aslan stopped and glanced behind him. She followed his gaze and halted beside the tiger. Two dark elves disappeared into the village, peaking both of their interests.

"We are not alone."
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Moriko had finally woke up after the others, she was curled up with the small rabbit sleeping in her arms. Her eyes slowly openend as she sat up, rubbing her eyes, the flowers in her hair changing many different colours as she stretched and yawned. "Good morning ~" she said quietly.

@DergTheDergon @Puffhead @Federoff
As Mutt heard the voice his ears perked up and he quickly turned around, smiling brightly at her as he stepped forwards and waved cheerfully at her. "Good morning! We have food! And it's good. Very good."
Ashlyn stretched. Lately she was feeling very out of it. Her mind was fuzzy and she was having trouble thinking clearly. She noticed everyone waking up and talking, but her vision was skewed and she slowly fell to the ground. I don't think I feel well. She thought as she attempted to stand up, but couldn't. She meowed, a weak one, to try and attract attention as her sight went black.
"Ah really?" She stood up and gave a smile. "Oh my it smells good" she chimed as she stretched again, peaches hopped around her feet.

Mutt nodded cheerfully and held out his half finished bowl of sustenance for her, smiling cheerfully. "Yup! You can have it!" He promised before his ears picked a small sound which distracted him. It sounded like the talking cat from earlier... His eyes searched around until he found her, she was laying still. Frowning, he carefully gave he bowl to the nymph before making his way over to Ashlyn and leaning down to whisper to her. "Talking cat? Are you okay?"
Ashlyn had no time to think about the fact he had called her talking. "I can't move. I need to be taken out of here!" Ashlyn's body felt stiff as her breathing became erratic and she could scent the sweet strawberry scent coming from her fur. She was being forced out of her form and she wasn't sure what would happen. This had never occurred before. It had to be something in Leto causing this.

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