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Fantasy ☾ℒℯtℴ☽ *Closed Temp*

Moriko followed mutt to the cat, "i-is she ill?....I could heal her?" She made her way over, leaning closer to Ashlyn "Are you in pain?"
"I don't know what's wrong, but don't let her touch me," She told mutt. Ashlyn didn't know if the poison had escaped or not and if she tried to heal her it was liable to backfire on the girl. Though she was a nature nymph, so perhaps she could at least touch her and the poison wouldn't attack her since she was, technically a thing of nature. Ashlyn didn't have time to test that though. She needed to be removed before her body reacted and burned through the floor. "Try not to touch me, but take me out of here," She asked mutt since he was the only one who could hear her.
Pharos saw 2 figures atop horses ride into the village. They were dark elves, here for the festival Zanna mentioned, he guessed. he then realized one of them was the woman he had seen naked earlier. He hastily looked away, not wanting to be caught in an awkward situation. He was rather uncomfortable around this crowd as well, he had been used to being around far less people for years now. Against his better judgement, he decided to take a short walk around the outskirts of the village for, to compose himself before heading back and taking part in the festivities. he was careful not to stray too far from the villiage, as not to become lost. As he leisurely strolled about the forest, taking in the crisp morning air and the chirping of birds, he spotted something off in the distance, a large feline creature. It seemed to be simply staring towards the village, looking for something. there seemed to be a more humanoid figure beside it, but pharos couldn't make any more details from here.

@The Velveteen Rabbit
Mutt nodded quickly, though he only barely understood the cat... He had recently copied the Lion, which was obviously a very far-off relative of this feline. It was like attempting to understand someone who speaks a similar language to you, but is in a very different dialect. "Don't touch her." Mutt insisted as he grabbed a blanket and carefully wrapped it around the felines furry frame. "She needs to go outside. Open the door please."
"I know, I heard her ~" she said as she paced over to the door with slight urgency and opened it "here".
Up in the tree, small legs dangled. "Come on Paris. You're so slow!" Her ice blue eyes looked down at her twin brother. Paris yawned and stretched his arm over his head. "Aleska, get down," Paris looked up brushing his blonde bangs from his face. Aleska rolled her eyes as she jumped out of the tree. "You're no fun," She pouted as she walked beside her brother.

"Yeah, Yeah," Paris waved her off as they continued to walk towards the city of light.
Mutt quickly took the cat outside, laying it down on the ground and frowning deeply. "I dont know what's wrong with her." He muttered with a instense stare. "We have to help her though ."
Something caught the magnificent tiger's attention. A new figure in the distance. His turquoise eyes watched the appeared person with curiosity. Evangelina too had noticed. The snow elf glanced down towards Aslan, wondering what was going on in his mind at that moment. He suddenly turned his head away from the figure and exchanged a silent look with his companion. And then, Aslan padded further into the undergrowth and out of sight from the watching person. Evangelina followed after him, vanishing into the forest as well.

She always wondered why Aslan was so mysterious. In a way, he acted reserved. Like he was guarding the world's secrets. Aslan left a trail of mystery behind him wherever he went, luring others towards him out of pure curiosity. That was something she had always admired about him. And also something she feared.

Evangelina glanced behind her to see if the person had followed. To see if Aslan had intriged it enough to pursue them willingly. When she looked back towards Aslan's gentle face, it was filled with content.

Ashyln's breathing speed up as the fur on her body began to burn forcing her to shift back to her original form. She laid bare and in slight pain, but the poison stopped. The rejuvenation had paused. Her breathing calmed and she laid there for a second forgetting about those around her. Opening her red brown eyes to notice Mutt and Moriko looking down at her. She sat up fast and pulled her bare body close. "Uh....Thanks?" She said with a crooked smile.
Dysis would be near the village. Leaning on a leaning on a tree with Dax sitting atop her head lazily, his tail swinging in a remiss manner. There were others nearby. Others that she had neglected to interact with simply for being a tad antisocial. Walking out from under the shade, Dax rolling off from his perch with a yelp. Quickly snapping open his wings he would catch up. Flying along side her, Dax would give her a look as if to say 'hey, we're you going?' Shrugging she would sigh "I think It's about time we met some people."
Pharos stared blankly in the direction the tiger and the elf had gone. That was the last reaction he had ever expected. They had certainly noticed him, but... they calmly receded back into the forest instead of acknowledging his presence in any noticeable way. kKera gazed into Pharos' confused eyes, with her own quizzical look. 'Umm, Pharos? Do you think... we should follow them?" Pharos simply nodded, as if he had already made the decision, although he hadn't acted on it yet. He didn't know what to make of those two, but there was only one way to make anything of them: to follow. He slowly and cautiously made his way through the underbrush the magnificent feline had disappeared into, Kiera hovering beside him, looking in all directions curiously.

@The Velveteen Rabbit
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Suvmera came out of the tent on Suko, her panther, with a solemn look on her face, as they rode off and away from the village, Suvmera wanting to hunt herself some breakfast, she had not eaten for some time now and was feeling very hungry now. On her way away from the village she spotted the Draik from the group from earlier, wandering around aimlessly; looking for something. "Is everything alright?" asked the huntress as Suko slowly strides up to him.
Brook was still walking around outside the came when he noticed a girl walking near by. She peeked around the other tree to see she was brunette with something flying beside her. "I wonder what she is doing around here?" Without Misery, she couldn't tell what species the girl was. Normally witches can do that, but due to locking of her powers, she could not. She walked behind the girl until she caught pace and tapped her on the shoulder.

Evangelina didn't know what to make of Aslan's actions at times. He continued to walk ahead of her with his shoulder blades moving in a circular motion under his turquoise striped pelt. Aslan did not speak a word, as if he knew the unknown person from before was following them. Evangelina had heard crackling of leaves behind them, followed by a female's voice in the distance, but it faded away as they walked further.

"Was it a villager?" The snow elf asked the massive tiger. He glanced over to her for a moment.

"I'm not sure. Perhaps we will find out later." He responded with a side smile. She nodded in agreement, but frowned slightly.
Pharos was caught off guard by the panther's approach, and after regaining his composure, spoke to its master. "N-nothing is wrong... I just saw an odd pair of beings heading that way-" Pharos pointed in the direction he'd been walking. "A large cat-like creature I'd never seen before, and a light-skiined elf. I was hoping I could find out why they're here... I get the feeling they mean no harm, I'm just curious." With that he continued heading in the direction he last saw the two, driven by his curiosity.
"Hmm...interesting" replied Suvmera in response to Pharos's claim of a elf and a cat creature walking around, very strange for these forests indeed as almost no one ever entered the forest out of fear of being captured. She tapped Suko lightly on the neck as a signal for him to follow Pharos and his fairy companion, "Do you mind if I investigate with you?" asked Suvmera polity as they followed the draik boy.
"No, go ahead," Pharos said calmly, still facing the direction he was heading. He had to catch up with them. He didn't know exactly why, but that magnificent beast he had just seen was all he could think about. He was drawn to the creature, dying to know why it was here, what it was doing, and why that elf was following it.
Mutt smiled happily, once again seeming to show no reaction to the sight of a woman with no clothing on, simply nodding happily. "Are you better now?" He asked in concern, tilting his head to the side with a curious look before noticing her covering herself up. "Do you need clothes? Clothes aren't too comfortable but if you want..."
Ashlyn's eyes flickered. "That would be absolutely stunning," She gave a bright smile as she dusted off her knees. "We are opposites in that area for I believe the tighter the clothing, the more comfortable," Ashlyn prefered the constricting feeling because it made her feel safe and cozy unlike when she was bare which made her feel weak and alone. Given the first day of her lonely journey she woke up naked, that wasn't a very big surprise.
DemonKitten said:
Brook was still walking around outside the came when he noticed a girl walking near by. She peeked around the other tree to see she was brunette with something flying beside her. "I wonder what she is doing around here?" Without Misery, she couldn't tell what species the girl was. Normally witches can do that, but due to locking of her powers, she could not. She walked behind the girl until she caught pace and tapped her on the shoulder.
Turning around, Dysis would be startled by the touch on her should. Seeing her she would take half a step back. Dax coming and landing on her shoulder. "...hello..." Dysis would greet her, not knowing what else to say.
It seemed like the two had been walking for quite sometime without interruption. The snow elf figured the villager, or whatever it was, had decided not to follow them. It surprised her. Aslan had an unknown beauty to him that attracted others like bees to a flower. Eventually, the forest began to become less thick over time. The sound of running water caught their attention, and they followed it until a watering hole came into view. It was a bright blue, and clear enough to see to the bottom. Rocks and vibrant colored fish were underneath the surface. It was a gorgeous sight.

"We should rest here for a little while." Evangelina suggested to her companion. He nodded while proceeding towards the cool water. He wrapped his tail around himself, sat down, and lapped up the icy droplets. It created rings of disturbance throughout the small lake, alerting nearby minnows of the tiger's presence. Evangelina found herself as well leaning down next to him. She scooped up the cold water into her hands, and splashed it against her pale face. It refreshed her and in a way, calmed her. She looked back behind her every now and then.
"Well I'm sure we can get some then!" He replied happily as he patted the new-comer/former cat on the head. "I'm Mutt by the way, and this is Moriko! Moriko do you know where to get new clothes?"
Pharos continued pushing forward, the forest slowly receding as he continued. Eventually, he came upon a clearing, comeplete with a small lake- and lone behold, there they were; the magnificent tiger from before, and the pale elven woman. she looked behind her and caught sight of him as he approached. "H-hello there, does my presnece bother you? I apologize if so, I was just wondering where you were going. We don't often see beings like yourselves here." Kiera cautiously floated about beside Pharos, studying the two.
Suvmera simply followed the boy on her panther, them barely having to stride as they were much faster then the boy, on land, could ever dream of. They watched cautiously, not sure in what to expect, and remained silent.
"Hi," Brook responded flatly. She scanned the two curiously, her hands held together behind her back. She looked at the small, miniature dragon. "Are you a draik, by chance?" She questioned. Normally, only draiks normally carry miniture dragons as pets, though some others have been known to. @StoneWolf18

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