Let the Tables Turn {Gijinka Pokemon Rp}(closed to new members) - IC


Mewtwo felt a small tear come down his face..someone actually called him real..and it kinda made him feel good. He was expecting her to call him fake,but she didn't..Altaira called him real." No one has ever said that to me..they all call me fake, an mew imposter. They tell me i don't have a real heart. B-But you..are the first to tell me that im real." He said and wiped his face with his hand." Thats all i ever wanted..for someone to tell me that. Thats why i push others away..because, they didn't want to talk to someone made up." He said and chuckled abit, looking ahead of him."Man, i sound a big baby..i am sorry for acting like a child." Clyde inhaled a deep breath and claim down, although he was still happy at what she said.

Clyde had looked at her confused, but smiled again." Ive never heard of that, but i do like it alot. Also, i guess its very true but still...i don't know." he shrugged." Im still strange..made from another pokemon's data by humans..used as a tool for most of my life. Am i still completely free or am i still at the mercy of others?"


Emma sighed, walking down the street with a bunch of papers in her streets. She came back from seeing a certain someone and felt really bad."Man..what do i get my self into these days..i shouldn't have all these papers out in public like this either..what if..someone see t-these? then..he'll kill me for sure.." the girl frowned and rushed ahead. She wanted to get back home as soon as possible."Next time i'll bring a bag with me.." Emma was in such a rush that she had ran into someone[Zeb], which made her drop the papers everywhere."S-Sorry!." Emma frowned and quickly picked them up

**Altaria** (@Acethekidd )

Altaria was surprised to see Mewtwo cry, but she gave him a soft smile anyway and listened to him speak. "Aw Mewtwo you are not a big baby. Even the strongest have to cry every once in awhile." She said and patted his arm. "I'm just really glad to have made your day." Ria said and truly meant it. Seeing him happy was the best feeling for her.

"Wait you never heard the Psyduck phase? Jeez I'm old." Ria said and scratched her chin. She looked back at Mewtwo when he began to talk about whether he was free or not. "Unfortunately Mewtwo, I cannot answer that question. It's up to you to make the right decision." The dragon bird said and poked his chest. "But if I may voice my opinion, I'd say you look pretty free to me. There's no one holding you back from were I see. Unless there is, then I have no problem taking care of them." She said with a determined look. Ria would never allow anyone to hurt or use her friends.


Zeb blinked as a small Emolga bum into him and spill all her papers. He began helping her pick them up and when they finished he handed his pile to her with a small smile. 'She should be more careful. There aren't a lot of nice mons out there.' He thought to himself but decided not to say it out loud hoping she already knew the importance of the concept.

He nodded and ate a bit of his own food "The feeling is mostly mutual. Being in the presence of a momentous person like yourself is humbling to just about any Pokemon. Being the manager of dreams and having connections to the manager of nightmares... That is pretty impressive in itself." he could admire that despite not knowing if her job was difficult or not. He wouldn't want to offend her with assuming it was easy to do that. What did he actually do other than kill things and be violent. Most of the legendary Pokemon had a purpose...even the seemingly useless ones. Now that he wasn't violent and didn't have a blood lust he wasn't really good for anything.

That didn't upset him or anything it just was something that he had just thought about. He might ask Arceus later.
"Oh yes...have you talked to Arceus? I think something important is happening....I'm not entirely sure though and I don't want to interrupt him with whatever he does." he honestly didn't hate his father for what he had did since he deserved it for causing humans trouble. He had no idea why he would do that but he was apologetic for it. Perhaps he had been imprisoned for such a long time he forgotten why but he would not want to trigger his old 'habits'. His dad was nice enough to release him the first time so it was best to avoid pressing any buttons that might cause him to be sent back without being able to return. He wasn't all that sure about his relationship with his sister and he did not know if she would be willing to go against their father.

He wasn't even going to attempt convincing her to get him out of the Distortion World if he ever found himself back there. Hopefully he wouldn't. And he only asked Cresselia because she did know a lot of people and he suspected she was closer to him than he felt he was. He didn't hate him or anything he just felt like he was not all that close to him. He had almost no idea why he felt distant from him but.....he just did.He ate a little more of his food while waiting for Cresselia to respond to his question. It seemed like a question with nothing behind it but he was a little worried. Being the Alpha was probably stressing so of course he would be only the tiniest bit worried about him even if it didn't seem like it.



She was glad that he wasn't going to turn away from her offer "Great! Well I was thinking we could see what we can do with the legendary Pokemon! Steal something important or something...." she smirked and folded her arms "Unless you're too scared. Then we can do something much more boring like prank calls but let me warn you most Pokemon will hang up when they realize it's a joke..." she wasn't seriously considering it but if he wanted to she didn't have much of a choice. She had nobody else to talk with that was any fun.

~ Absol ~

She opened her mouth to protest, planning to say that it was fine and he could just relax but realized that things would go quicker if he did help and so kept silent. She handed him the glasses, having done them first before moving on to the plates and silverware. Her mind was elsewhere though, already wondering when she would be able to meet up with Colby again. He was pleasant to be with, despite all what she had heard elsewhere about him. At the time Absol hadn't cared who he was, but she now did and even had the lucky chance to get to know him better.

After finishing up she headed towards the entrance, putting on her shoes and grabbing her groceries. "I guess I'll be off now," she said as she turned to look at Colby, flashing him a thankful smile.


~ Hide ~

He sputtered, still pointing at her. He had an expression mixed with confusion and astonishment. "But... you... long lost cousin?!" he stammered, many of his words incoherent as he tried to find figure out what just happened. He dropped his arm, but still thoroughly baffled as he scratched his head. Finally giving up trying to understand the situation, he laughed.

"You really caught me off that time Pro-" he was cut off as his sucker fell. His face changed to one of horror in seconds as time seemed to slow for him as he watched his loved sweet fall to the ground. That... that had been his favorite.




...must I always forget to put the tags. @Lilk2lu
He looked at Jinx with concerned look "Steel from the legendary Pokemon?! That seems, you know,dangerous, " he sighed, and thought to himself I knew it was going to be something risky, maybe there was someone else near who won't cause him to get in much trouble. He was about to decline when he heard her say he might be too scared "I'm not scared! I'll show you lets do it, besides no one prank calls anymore, It's too boring and most of the time no one picks up the phone."



"Yes you do have pictures of Beedrill, and it's cute to see my brothers have pictures of their crushes! Haha." Gengar said as he went to his guitar, and he began to get ready to play. "Alright time to play. Let's do this guys. We have to get good at playing this songs, since we are going to play this at the concert!" Gengar said as he smiled, and waited for everyone to get ready.




Espurr began to get ready to sing, and he sighed looking at Gengar. "You're singing too, so don't say anything." Espurr said to Gengar as he fixed his to where it's on the stand. "Alright let's do this." Espur said as he awaited for everyone to begin playing their instruments.

"Glad that you aren't a scared cat! I knew I chose you for a reason! You did not disappoint~!"
she patted his head like he was a kid and looked around for some unsuspecting legendary. Since there were only one of each it should of been easy. She had to decide on what legendary wouldn't potentially kill them. "Let's think about this....Kare has anger issues apparently and he was so bad he was banished so not him....Cresselia might be easier but Kare and Alistair would beat are asses so she's out of the question...Regigigas...Not sure what he's capable of. Sophia is a easy target so her potentially....Anybody else? I ' m not coming up with all the ideas!" she was making this a group effort.


"Your enthusiasm is creepy. Please let's just start." he was sick of the conversation about pictures. He would do anything to keep away from that subject. He sighed and said loudly "Next time we are practicing at are place! That password proves to be a pain in are asses." maybe he would make up his own code for Espurr. That'll teach him to make up dumb codes like that. "Let's start!" as soon as Gengar started Haunter began his part.



Clyde smiled, laughing..also had some tears of joy coming down his face. he haven't felt so good in really long time." I guess i am free huh? im free to me~." Clyde had noticed they where at the store and paused abit." All that rambling of mines..i almost forgot what we was about to do." Its been far to long sense someone had said anything kind to him. It really did make him feel better about his self..thank goodness that Altaria came when she did, or else he would had reminded sour. This still didn't mean anything, but there was a chance for him to open up to others more."So we need Flour and eggs i think? you said had chocolate chips at your place right?" Clyde had walked inside the store, feeling the cool air of store hit him in the face. It was rather refreshing

[ Im just hot as well right now. lol]


Emma felt like this guy was mad at him,but she noticed that he had his headphone on his ear,sighing. She really did hate when people listen to such loud music..it made her ears ring to be honest. Emma smiled faintly when he handed her the papers..thankfully he didn't care to look at them."Urrr..thank you so much. I was in such a hurry and didn't pay attention ..sorry about again." The short girl frowned slightly."Can you even hear what im saying?"​
**Altaria** (@Acethekidd )

Altaria looked up at the store, surprised to see they made it so quickly. Or it was possible that their conversation made the walk go faster. "Ah yes, I didn't think we were approaching the store so quickly." Ria said and followed Mewtwo into the store for the supplies. She stole a glance at Mewtwo, not sure why but feeling a change in his aura and mood. This made her smile and then turn away looking at the different aisles. "Yup flour and eggs. The rest is taken covered." Ria stated with a smile.

[i'm cold right now xD ]


Zeb let out a small laugh and took off his headphones. "I can hear you." He said and turned down his music. The Zebstrika pointed at the papers wondering why she was carrying so much. He tilted his head and took a nice look at the Emolga. She was adorable he had to admit and pretty clumsy by the looks of it.


"Well I am me, so you should expect that." Gengar said as he heard another statement that came from his brother. "Oh yeah! Next time we preform at our place!" Gengar said as he winked to his brother, and Gengar began to play his part with the rest.




"Yeah yeah yeah. We'll go preform at your house next time...." Espurr said with sadness as he waited for his part to come in, and sing with the music. After a while Espurr began to sing surprisingly good, and he was smiling through the whole song.


Proxy stood grinning at the Raichu before it giggling as he still tried to understand what just happened. Proxy had never seen anyone quite react to it transforming like that. It was pretty funny. "Nope. Not a long lost cousin." Proxy said with a chuckle and a grin. Oh man this was fun. Proxy was happy that it had decided to pull a little prank on Hide.

As Proxy was adsorbing it's little victory when disaster struck the two. It happened almost in slow motion. The one thing that Proxy didn't want to happen happened. Knowing how much the Raichu loved sweets see that sucker fall to the ground like that made Proxy sad. Sure it was just a sucker but still...Proxy wasn't meaning for anything like that to happen today. "Oh no...Hide..." Proxy looked down at the sucker sadly. "I'm sorry..." the Ditto said saddly.


When the girl asked what was wrong with her sundae, Suicune realized she must be a littler nervous. She was a legendary after all, which put others on edge. "Oh no," Suicune said. The last thing she wanted to do was to make other nervous. "Nothing is wrong. I was just admiring your sundae. It looks very good, even if it is a bit...messy." Suicune couldn't stand messy things. It may have something to do with her ability to purify water, but even then she was a bit excessive with the cleaning. Her house was given a full clean at least once a day, if not twice. Her ability to purify water also prevented her from eating some foods like sweets, including ice cream. However, it was the barriers and other toppings that had really caught Suicune's eye. Even from a distance, she could see some of her favourite berries mixed in, making her mouth water.

Suicune stomach growled. She must not have realized how hungry she was. "I guess your sundae also reminded me how hungry I am." she told the girl.

"I don't know. I thought you did this on a daily basis" He started to think of other legendary Pokemon that would work "there's Suicune or Dialga, I don't think they'll hurt us too much when we, you know, most likely, get caught" Sandstorm just hoped for who ever they steal from will cause him the least amount of pain if he got caught.

~ Hide ~

Hide crouched down to poke the now dirtied candy before picking it up. Two candies lost in a day. He'd have to make sure that no more tragedies happened.

He got up, slightly sighing before his grin returned. Sheepishly, he rubbed the back of his head and smiled at the Ditto. "Nah, it's alright. I could go without a few calories or sugar rush today. I can always buy more," he said and shrugged. "That was a pretty funny prank you pulled on me though."

He got out chewing gum from his secret stash again, and offered a piece to Proxy. "Want one? It's watermelon, by the way."

Colby gives a small smile in return and nods. "Alright. Thank you again for coming over." He stops and seems to think about something. Sighing and rubbing the back of his head he spoke up once again. "Feel free to drop by for dinner later tonight if you find yourself free. I don't have a shift until early tomorrow morning, and I have no other plans for today, so I should be here to amaze the world with my culinary skills."



Clyde begin to think to his self, not believing that he actually opened up to someone like this. He shared how he felt these many years and really felt good. It didn't hurt his pride at all which was very surprising. " ok, eggs and flower. I dont think a cart wont be needed..now lets see..." Clyde had looked around for some eggs, once he found them and walked back to Altaria." It seems like they changed the store around since I last visited. Do you know where the flower is?" He just took a wild guess with eggs . Now, he just hoped that he wouldn't be stuck in this store forever. He looked forward in spending time with Altaria


Emma's face turned abit, blushing slightly..slightly annoyed." You heard me this whole time and said nothing? Geez...that's bothersome. " she sighed. "Also, it's kinda not good for ears having that music up so loud. Umm anyway, im still sorry and to make it up to you..would like to come over and join me for lunch? I made alot sandwiches and stuff..so yeah, don't think I can eat it all on my own."


TaraSobiki said:
He nodded and ate a bit of his own food "The feeling is mostly mutual. Being in the presence of a momentous person like yourself is humbling to just about any Pokemon. Being the manager of dreams and having connections to the manager of nightmares... That is pretty impressive in itself." he could admire that despite not knowing if her job was difficult or not. He wouldn't want to offend her with assuming it was easy to do that. What did he actually do other than kill things and be violent. Most of the legendary Pokemon had a purpose...even the seemingly useless ones. Now that he wasn't violent and didn't have a blood lust he wasn't really good for anything.

That didn't upset him or anything it just was something that he had just thought about. He might ask Arceus later.
"Oh yes...have you talked to Arceus? I think something important is happening....I'm not entirely sure though and I don't want to interrupt him with whatever he does." he honestly didn't hate his father for what he had did since he deserved it for causing humans trouble. He had no idea why he would do that but he was apologetic for it. Perhaps he had been imprisoned for such a long time he forgotten why but he would not want to trigger his old 'habits'. His dad was nice enough to release him the first time so it was best to avoid pressing any buttons that might cause him to be sent back without being able to return. He wasn't all that sure about his relationship with his sister and he did not know if she would be willing to go against their father.

He wasn't even going to attempt convincing her to get him out of the Distortion World if he ever found himself back there. Hopefully he wouldn't. And he only asked Cresselia because she did know a lot of people and he suspected she was closer to him than he felt he was. He didn't hate him or anything he just felt like he was not all that close to him. He had almost no idea why he felt distant from him but.....he just did.He ate a little more of his food while waiting for Cresselia to respond to his question. It seemed like a question with nothing behind it but he was a little worried. Being the Alpha was probably stressing so of course he would be only the tiniest bit worried about him even if it didn't seem like it.

--Cresselia-- (Shorter posts for me, because I feel their "date" is beginning to draw to a close X3)

She smiled when Kare complimented her role, saying"Glad you find it interesting. It has its ups and downs though, so you never know." The female briefly wondered what Kare did as a job besides being a warrior for the Pokemon Realm. If he didn't, then there wasn't anything wrong with that. She didn't ask about it though, deciding that could perhaps be for another time.

When he asked if she'd talked with Arceus, she shook her head a little, saying"Erm... while I had been talking with Alistair... he... Arceus came and sort of interrupted, and told me to leave. He most likely wanted to talk with Alistair about the increase in nightmares, because he looked rather angry. I don't know how it turned out, but you're welcome to go talk with him. He's usually at home this time of day, doing whatever. Should be free for you to visit." Cresselia had been to visit Arceus before, be it on business or just to talk. And if she was openly accepted by the leader, Kare surely would be, being his son. Unless Kare did something to be booted back to the Distortion World again.

The lunar pokemon eventually began to finish her food, as it wasn't the biggest dish there. Cresselia decided their little get together was drawing to an end, unfortunately. She had to get home soon anyway, to prepare to raise the nighttime setting entirely and secure as many good dreams as she could before Alistair reached out with his nightmares. Lately it had been harder for her to do her job.
**Altaria** (@Acethekidd )

Altaria has been to the store so many times that she even memorize the new layout. "Yes I know where the flour is, I'll be back in a minute." She said with a smile and went down a few aisles until she made it to the flour. She grabbed a bag and returned to Mewtwo and set the flour onto a counter. "Alrighty we have everything, you ready to go pay?" Ria asked ready to start their cooking lesson.


Zeb was surprised to be lectured by such a small cute girl and just gave her a small nod. "I'm sorry, I don't talk much. I'm Zebstrika but people call me Zeb." He introduced himself and hold out his hand for a shake. "I don't mind having lunch with you, thanks for the invite."

He's smiling...that makes him look adorable...in a creepy way. he could see why somebody would think he was cute but his fear of him made him see a little creepiness every time. He really needed to find out if all Espurr were creepy....But forgetting that for a few minutes he was surprisingly a good singer just like his brother had said....Of course not as good as his brother but pretty good nonetheless. "You're actually pretty good...." he mumbled under his breath.



"Why, thank you! It is made for a king!"
true it was a little bit messy but she would never worry about something like that when it tasted that good. "Yes, it is one of the most tasty treats to ever be created! It is giant too! As said it is for a king so it has to be all that stuff!" for some reason this made her happy that somebody was admiring her almost unhealthy looking ice-cream sundae. She was quite odd for that. She pointed at the sundae and said to the legendary "Come over here! I will share my treat with you...legendary! But in return you must do a favor for me!" she didn't actually know what she would ask for but she would think of something eventually. I guess in her mind this meant that the water type legendary was at her mercy. That probably wasn't the case but her superiority complex would keep her from entertaining that idea.



"I do! Just not to legendary Pokemon."
she thought over his suggestion then her eyes brightened up "Better idea! Melloetta seems like a perfect target! She doesn't look all that strong so she is least likely to kick are asses!" course she wouldn't be telling him that if things go down south one of them would be taking the blame. He should of known how this game worked ! "Let's find her! We'll find whatever is important to her and steal it! Perfect don't ya thing?" she seemed proud of her plan and began to walk. She gestured for him to follow and continued on her search for the Pokemon they were destined to steal from.



So his father was upset about Alistair giving out more nightmares than necessary? That could be the reason...But Kare couldn't entirely understand why a few extra nightmares were all that devastating. He may of been missing something but to him it wasn't all that bad....but he was a legendary and he didn't have the mindset of whatever Pokemon was severely affected by his nightmares. A few other things he could ask his father about once they're date that wasn't a date was over and it seemed that the end was coming quicker than he would want. Well....he didn't want to hold her up. She probably had important dream related stuff to do and he had....other stuff. Which meant he did whatever the day would bring.

Noticing she had already finished he sped up his own eating and finished soon after she did. He didn't want to take forever to finish. He sat there for a few seconds silently then said while keeping most of the disappointment and sullenness out of his voice but a little could be heard
"Guess this is the end of are.....get together." he had been close to saying date. This obviously wasn't one of those. It couldn't be! Since she was attracted to boys who were like Alistair and as much as he would like Cresselia to be attracted to him back...He wouldn't be able to stand acting like Alistair. No offense to the guy but he just hated his attitude and personality....It wasn't jealousy like you might of thought!


(Sorry guys! I kept getting dragged around so I didn't have that much time to write a lot of stuff out. T_T )

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