Let the Tables Turn {Gijinka Pokemon Rp}(closed to new members) - IC


Santa's Shadow

@Skyena @FennikKun Here's the link to the joining form, as it isn't the Character Sign Up Tab. This is also where the plot is, planning and OOC discussion will be held :3 Temporarily closed to new members, but those who already joined can still make characters. <a href="<___base_url___>/threads/pokemon-gijinka-roleplay-d.246292/" rel="">Joining/OOC Discussion Page</a> Here's the link to all the plots that are going on, or finished <img alt=" :D " data-emoticon="" height="20" src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/biggrin.png" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/biggrin@2x.png 2x" title=" :D " width="20" /> PM me if you have questions! <a href="<___base_url___>/threads/let-the-tables-turn-gijinka-pokemon-rp.246575/" rel="">Current/Finished Plots</a> For those who have joined... here's the official page!

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(Or did it have "n" in it??? DX)

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Braviary woke up with a gigantic yawn and his arms stretched up in the air. He rested his arms as he turned his head to look out the window at the shining sun. "Ah another great day." He said to himself with a drowsy smile appearing on his lips. With a few more minutes of just sitting in his bed doing nothing, the bird Pokémon got out of his bed and headed to the bathroom to do his normal necessities.

The process only took about ten or so minutes as Braviary walked out the bathroom refreshed and ready to go. He headed to his closet which had a sticky note on it that read:

"Put a shirt on ya weirdo.

From, Beedrill."

Braviary let a small chuckle escape his lips and opened his closet door. 'Oh Beedrill. You should know by now I will never wear a shirt if it's not necessary.' He thought to himself and grabbed a pair of pants, socks, and a pair of flats.

Once Braviary dressed himself, he went to his jewelry box and pulled out two feather earrings as well as five mix colored braclets. Putting on his final touches, he made his way out the door and jumped in the air.

Braviary outstretched his wings and went at a slow pace, flapping a few times for a warm up. Once he was done with his warm up, the bird flew at a nice speed to his friend's house. 'Knowing her she hadn't had breakfast yet.' Braviary rolled his eyes at the thought and grinned. The trip to Beedrill's house was a fifteen minute one on foot, thankfully with wings it only was about eight, maybe ten minutes. The bird landed and was about to knock on the door until he heard a battle cry from the back of the house. With a small laugh, Braviary walked to the back of the house and jumped over the fence. There, he saw Beedrill punching away at a worn out punching bag that hung from a tree branch. Braviary deduced that Bee was out punching and kicking for a while by the redness of her knuckles and feet. "You know you're going to break something." Braviary stated with a smirk as her watched Beedrill jump and raise her fists in his direction. Realizing it was just him, she rolled her eyes and lowered her guard. "And you know that I'm going to break you the next time you scare me like that." She retorted sticking her tongue out and unwrapping the bandages from her hands. "Meh, I doubt it." He said and walked over to Beedrill.

Braviary held out his hands and Beedrill stared at them for a moment before begrudgingly placing her own hands onto them. "I see you didn't take my shirt advice, huh?" Beedril said with a chuckle. "Oh shush." Braviary replied with a small smile as he scanned her hands. He saw a few marks on her palms, most likely made by her nails for making too tight of a fist. The bird flipped her hands over and saw how sore and bruised Beedrill's knuckles were. "Ugh, why do you do this to yourself?" He asked even though he already knew the answer. "Because you can never have enough training. I have to be strong to protect the good Pokémon of the land! It's my duty as a Warrior!" Beedrill exclaimed and Braviary mocked her by silently copying every word as she spoke. Beedrill huffed and took her hands away.

"Alright, lets go get you wrapped up." He said and Beedrill scratched of the back of her neck. "Well, I really don't have any first-aid stuff right now. Sooo yeah." She said awkwardly and Braviary sighed. "Fine let's go to the store." He said and Beedrill along with Braviary went into the small bug's house. It was only a few minutes before the two walked out the house and Beedrill was wearing some black jeans and a yellow T-shirt. Her hair was now down instead of tied up like ot was before. The two friends began making their way to the pharmacy.


Beedrill was up, quite early in the morning. She had instantly jumped out of bed and made her way to the bathroom. Beedrill did her usually necessities that took even less time than Braviary. Once she came out, Beedrill dropped to the ground and began to do her usually twenty-five pushes up.

"23...24...25!" She groaned and flopped onto the ground with a sigh. "I shouldn't be this out of breath. I need to work harder." Bee mumbled to herself and stood back up, stretching her arms in the air. With nice sigh, she relaxed her arms back down to side. Beedrill hovered herself over to her closet and pulled out her work out outfit. It was pretty much a sports bra and some yoga pants.

Next, the bug girl made her way to the kitchen and grabbed a jar of honey. She scooped some out and plooped it onto a plate. Then grabbed a few sweet Poffins and sat down on a chair. Beedrill pondered on what she was going to do today as she dipped her Poffins in the honey and ate it. 'Maybe we'll have a mission today. Or something else cool happen...' She thought, going down a list of cool things that could happen. Bee's thoughts were interrupted when she realized her breakfast was over.

The small girl placed her plate in the sink and grabbed some bandages from a cabinet. Noticing that her crap ton of bandages was the only thing left in her first aid cabinet, made the Beedrill curse to herself. "Crap, I'm out of first aid stuff." She let out a sigh, knowing this will upset Braviary. "Oh well, if he's that upset he will come with me and get some more." She retorted and closed the cabinet. After wrapping her hands down to her wrists with the bandages, Beedrill made her way out to her backyard and began training with her punching bag.

After an hour on her bag, Braviary came over and did his usual thing. Not to long after that, she found herself on her way with her friend going to get some first aid stuff.


Altaria let out a graceful yawn, as she ruffled her feathers. She always slept in her Pokémon form since it was oh so comfy! Slowly opening her eyes, the fluffy dragon looked out her window to see the sun up and shining. Ria turned her body, and transformed into her humanoid form. Once the transformation was complete, Altaria's legs dangled off her bed and she used one hand to rub her eyes. She stood up and stretched as she made her way to the bathroom. Her necessities were the longest to do, spending fifteen minutes in the bathroom.

Altaria came out and headed straight for her closet and opened it up. It was mostly filled with dresses and a few shirts here or there. She decided to go with a shirt and pulled out a cyan short sleeved of the shoulder shirt. Putting this on then heading to her dresser taking out and putting on baggy white shorts. Once she was dressed, the elegant young woman walked out of her room and into the kitchen.

Ria grabbed a few Poképuffs and bit on them as she sat down. As she finished her breakfast, Altaria daydreamed about hanging around her friends, backing cupcakes, and having a blast. This made her sigh dreamingly and finish her last puff.

Finishing her breakfast causes Altaria to come back into reality and pout a little that her breakfast was gone. "Oh well. Even the good things have to go sometime." She said and stood up. Altaria decided to start off her day with a walk, so she grabbed her purse and put the strap on her shoulder. With a small hum, Ria left her house and went on walking away to who knows where.

The tall, lean figure decided to venture into town, dressed in a simple white-silver t-shirt, with a white, black rimmed jacket over, with simple red, aqua and silvery circles, one on each side, with white pants that had black rims as will. And of course, he wore that gold mask. Only he knew what color eyes looked around from behind his mask, watching the others that were beginning their day as well. Of course he received stares. Mostly because he never showed his face, but Regigigas was very well respected, due to his work as a fighter years and years ago, and his history in general. He retired to keeping track of the massive library, that held info on any and all, location of the library out of town. And he only came into town because he just... felt like it?

It wasn't like he didn't come into town at all though. He quite enjoyed what the town had to offer, from restaurants to the peaceful aura. It had been much worse for Pokemon when they lived in the human realm. Being captured and used as fighters. Gladiators pretty much. And then, Arceus ripped every Pokemon from their human grasp, and brought them to him before ripping open an entire other realm to keep them safe, and away from humans mostly. Regigigas snorted at the thought. After pulling Earth into its current form, all his own hard work, just to leave it behind 90% of the time in the future.

"It was for the good of the Pokemon," he grumbled softly "At least it's much better now." He remembered when he had to sit in his temple for generations, doing nothing. Only leaving when it was absolutely necessary, like stopping that big glacier with the Mammoswine need a few generations ago.

His large, 8'2 height form passed among others, occasionally stopping to talk for a minute or two. Then, he noticed Ria up ahead. Meh. Might as well. Walking toward her, he easily caught up to walk beside her, speaking in his rumbling croak"I greet you, Altaria." Regigigas even dipped his head a little as he spoke, even though he towered over the Second.

"How are you this morning?" He then asked, raising a three-fingered hand to adjust his mask. To where they were headed, he wasn't sure. Perhaps he'd just tag along until Ria needed to part, or if he found somewhere he himself wanted to go.
Ban woke up in the morning, only to look out of the window and see the beautiful day outside.


It was a horrible day at the human realm; the skies where grey and it was cold, particularly where he lived.

After doing his normal morning business he went into the kitchen of his small apartment and took some nutella and bread.

Ban ran to his TV, jumping to the couch and putting the bread to his side.

He also reached for a controller, a headset and covered himself with a sheet that he left on the couch after the past night's games.

A few minutes pass and he notices the time and with another jump he runs to his door to take his black hoodie with a yellow zipper going through the middle and walk out the door.

He walkes down the stairs and walks out of the building he lived on.

He lived in a very dangerous place, but he liked it, that was the natural habitat for Dark pokemon.

After another minute of walking he reaches a small store where he worked, only to notice it was a day off.

"What're ya doing here, mate ? Day off !" the owner of the store(with an australian accent for some reason) shouted from a window above the store where he lived.

Ban sighs, before doing the way back to his house, where a bright light could be seen and then dissapear.

He teleported to the Gijinka realm, which was really rare.

Ban walked aorund the city getting weird looks from people, his dark clothing really sticked out in the middle of all these bright colors.

Ban walked to a restaurant, that teleport really makes you hungry.
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Hundreds of people sat in bleachers around a large Pokemon battling arena, which now had a new use: gladiator fights. A blinding flash of light filled the room, and as the fans came to their senses they noticed the two gladiators previously fighting tied to each other and stuck to the roof.

"Oh that was great" Vic said to no one in particular, as he floated around the skies, a few hours after his stunt. "The looks on there faces, priceless!" He said still thrilled by what he had done. The Victini went invisible and continued to mess around with the humans: stealing baskets, messing up battles, dumping water on people, fighting crime. Well, not the last one but it was still fun. After a long day of fun, Vic decided to head back to his world. As he entered the familiar lands of his city he wondered if everyone had missed him on his day of fun. He hoped that Uxie had but shook his head. "She barely knows you exist, Vic why would she miss you?" He said, again to no one in particular. He didn't usually talk to himself, but he wasn't usually alone. As he drifted over his beautiful town he saw the wonderful spires of Arceus' palace. They always awed him, beautiful Quartz towers with green gems embedded in them. Welp, Enough sightseeing, Vic thought, time to make a show. Scanning the ground, the golden haired prankster picked out one of his favorite targets, Regigigas. He dove down, still invisible, wings flapping in the wind, hand outstretched. He sped towards his unsepecting target and hand reaching for the mask... @Krampus

"Can't you go drool over Uxie or something?"

The massive Gijinka simply turned toward Victini, and managed to lash out and grab one of the invisible wings. The happy, positive aura Victini gave out was all too familiar to him, and could easily pick it out. As he seemingly held nothing in his hands, he went on"I'm not gay for you, so you're not seeing my face anytime soon." Letting go of the other male, Regigigas had been through this multiple times, Victini trying to remove his mask. Waiting for the Gijinka to reappear, he looked at the general area where Victini was, tempted to kick or step on him, but paused when a familiar yellow-and-gray Pokemon came to settle on top of his head. She was only able to land because of Regigigas' easily sensed, massive aura.

"What're you doing, Regi?" Uxie asked, looking around with her closed eyes. In actual Pokemon Form now, she looked quite cute sitting atop the giant's head, and she said"Your aura is agitated." She didn't know Victini was there, because she couldn't sense the auras of primarily small Pokemon, even in their Gijinka Form.

"Waiting for this idiot Victini to stop bothering me so much," Regigigas snorted, and Uxie seemed to squint, even with her closed eyes, as if that would help her see Victini. The little, one foot tall Pokemon actually looked quite curious as she seemingly looked for Victini. Unsuccessful, she held out one of her tails, wanting him to touch it to see if he was still even there.

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Vic let out a high pitched laugh. "Looks like ya got me again Regi, but next time, that mask is mine." He said with a giggle as he appeared, no longer invisible. Then the trickster, seeing Uxie's small form land on Regigas' head turned into his Pokemon form and shot off. "Hey Uxie!" He called back to the giant and the small form on his head."Come meet me at Red Sun cafe!". Red Sun cafe was a small cafe in the west of the city (so they can watch the red sun set) run by fire types. It was one of Vic's favorite places to go and he went there often. He was greeted by the small charms see who usually greeted people, as his Charisse's mother ran the shop, and sat down asking for his usual, a mint tea loaded with sugar and a cookie. Boy he hoped Uxie would show up. @Krampus
Retracting her tail, she tilted her had. At least she knew Victini had been there. She left Regi to go to Red Moon, getting lost a few times and being to all for directions due to her sight. Finally arriving, she had trouble finding her way around again. She stayed in Pokemon form because she could pass her clumsiness off as cute more than if she were in human form. Still not being able to sense where Victini was, holding out one of her tails again for him to touch as she floated around. Yeah, she could hear, but she'd prefer to also know where he actually was. And Uxie didn't just ask because she was too shy to talk around others much, except for her family and Regigigas.

She kept roaming around the cafe, bumping into a few things. Her getting around really dulled over the years.

"I look ridiculous," she murmured quietly, as she finally just settled on what she hoped was an empty table. Uxie just sat where she was, keeping a tail extended to touch, looking as someone actually came to her to get her order, as if not wanting her to go through more trouble just to find the front counter. Ordering Cherry PokeBerry tea, she just looked down at the table after. She sat on the table because she would be to short for the table if she sat in a chair.

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"Why hello there, bee-autiful" Vic said smoothly. He walked over to where she was sitting across from agitated heracross Gijinka. Stealthily he walked behind her and put one hand on her shoulder. "I was hoping you would come sooner or later." As he said this he scooted the heracross out of the way with a raised eyebrow. "How would you like to go on an...adventure?" He said the last word with a lot of emphasis (adventchaaa). "I happen to know a very beautiful place pretty close to here where you can open your eyes and watch the sunset. And don't worry I'll stand behind you so I won't lose my precious memories." Vic grabbed her hands from across the table and looked into her closed eyes. "So, whaddaya say, wanna go on an adventure?"

Uxie tilted her head up at the familiar voice, a smile coming to her. Looking over her shoulder, she said"Busy or free schedule, I just couldn't resist the invitation." When Victini asked if she wanted to go on an adventure, she almost opened her eyes to see if he was serious or not. When he described what he had in mind, she hesitated. She usually didn't do things like that, especially if it involved looking at things. It was Victini asking though, so she said"Well... I guess we can go. It's been a while since I've had a break." Her closed eyes looked down at their hands, and she felt her cheeks warming up, Uxie enjoying the touch. If only they got to spend more time together. Even in the time they had, Uxie had yet to even see what Victini looked like. For all she knew, he could be the ugliest thing in existence. Not that she'd like him less if he was at this point.

"Wanna start heading over there now? Or whenever you're ready." Only reason the little secretary was so willing to accompany Victini that day was because Arceus didn't need her, having had her clear his day to spend time Xerneas. So that meant a whole free day for Uxie.

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"Hmmmm I wasn't exactly expecting you to say yes, soooo, sure why not let's go now." Victini could barely contain himself. She had said yes! Hopefully Arceus would be okay with this, he didn't want get on his bad side. The place he had in mind was a lake in the middle of a forest a few miles away. There was a cliff with about fifty foot drop that over looked the whole thing. It was absolutely beautiful at sunset when the lake reflected the sky and- he was getting carried away in his thoughts. "Alrighty m'lady it's time to go." Vic said in a strange European accent. He quickly darted over the to the counter and grabbed a meal he asked the Charizard to prepare, which was in a little basket, grabbed Uxie's hand and pulled her out of the restaurant, and took of into the sky, pulling Uxie with his hand.
(Short post because I'm watching a movie)

Uxie easily kept up with Victini, having his hand to hold and keep track of. She briefly wondered what her father would think about this, but brushed the thought aside. Uxie was generations old, and wasn't a baby. So she could make her own choices. That, and Arceus was used to Pokemon like Victini, who liked to cause mischief. Even then, Victini was a pretty good Pokemon. And that's what Uxie liked about him. He knew how to have fun, but could still restrain himself. Within reason. She'd heard of some pretty massive pranks having to do with Victini.

"I'm already enjoying this," she said over the mild rush of wind "Because you're with me." She blushed again after she said it, looking away, but still holding Victini's hand.
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Vic was blushing furiously and was very grateful Uxie couldn't see him. "Well I'm very glad you enjoy my company he said through a smile. Vic was head over heels for this girl. She was so innocent and sweet, he wanted to kiss her, maybe even marry her.

After about an hour of flying, they finally reached the location Victini picked out: a spot on the edge of the cliff that had the best view of the sky. He had a bit of a trick planned for Uxie, even though they were on a date, at least Vic liked to think of it that way. He would pretend that the cliff was actually just a hill and pretend to run down it with his eyes closed, to see if Uxie could do it safely. In reality he would just fly down and be waiting to catch Uxie when she fell. "Alrighty, Uxie we're on a big hill that's amazing to run down." Victini said as they touched ground on the grassy cliff. "I'm gonna run down it with my eyes closed to see if you can do it as well." He lied with a smirk Uxie couldn't see. After a few seconds he called up to her from about ten feet below. He had to scoot out away from the cliff a bit so it would sound like he was down the hill. "Okie dokie, just run straight forward and down be scared, it's amazing!"
ZAuger said:
Vic was blushing furiously and was very grateful Uxie couldn't see him. "Well I'm very glad you enjoy my company he said through a smile. Vic was head over heels for this girl. She was so innocent and sweet, he wanted to kiss her, maybe even marry her.
(Ermagerd the cuteness it's too much xD )
She enjoyed it, just flying with Victini, just enjoying his company. She really did like him, she was just too shy to admit it flat out. She could easily talk to Pokemon dozens of times larger than Victini, but she always found herself at her most shy during the few times she was around him.

When they finally touched down, she looked around with her closed eyes, feeling a slight breeze lick at them. It felt nice, the open space, the peace and quiet. And Victini. Victini's company, as she said before.

Uxie of course trusted Victini, listening as he explained the hill. When he finished, she spoke"Well... I don't know..." Uxie didn't want to be a downer though, and just agreed to run too. She waited until he gave the okay before prepping to run. Honestly, she was a little nervous. Victini said it was okay though, so she proceeded to run. Only for a few heartbeats, before the ground left her. She shrieked in sudden terror. She ran the wrong way, she knew it. How stupid she was.

Uxie was too scared and not thinking to even just activate her floating ability. So she prepared to greet the ground. She could live forever, but wasn't immortal. Eyes tightening shut even more, she waited for herself to hit the ground.

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It all went according to plan. Uxie ran right off the edge. As soon as she walked off Vic zoomed under her. After letting her fall for a bit he shot up and caught her. It felt so good to have is arms around her shooting higher into the clouds. He held her tight and whispered into her ear. "Gotcha, sweet thing, sorry if I scared you. Vic gave a small chuckle and sat there, high in the air with the one he loved pulled to his chest. After a while, they slowly drifted down towards the cliff and Victini explained it all to her, his master plan. Then he grabbed the basket he had left on the ground for them to share. "Lunch is served m'lady, help yourself to sandwiches, tea, cake, honey, carrots, lemonade, pretty much all you could ever dream of." Vic said again in his strange European accent. "We have a few hours before sundown and I have a few things planned so eat fast, and eat a lot, 'cause the things I plan are big, and they're fun as hell."


Altaria wasn't very fazed that Regi appeared next to her. "Oh hello Regigigas! Wonderful day isn't it! I'm not doing much, just waltzing around and maybe find a friend or two." She responded with a grin. Ria was awaiting the massive Gjinka's answer, but he was interrupted by the small Victini. She was unable to see him, but Regi obviously saw him somehow. As the two had a conversation, Uxie appeared and joined them. 'Hmm. Rather not split that up.' She said with a giggle and walked away continuing her humming.

Ria passed by a cafe and surveyed it. "Ooo, seems nice." She said to herself and waltz in not caring to see who she find. The dragon bird ordered herself a dozen sweet pink frosting cupcakes and sat at a table near the window. She happily stared out the window and awaited to meet someone new or old.

>>Beedrill and Braviary~~(@Nico )

Beedrill looked at Shaymin who made his way to them. She wasn't much in the mood to socialize with anyone that wasn't an authority figure or Braviary. Unfortunately, Braviary was her polar opposite and waved Shaymin over. "Hello Shaymin, how's it going? Beedrill and I are just heading to the pharmacy to grab some first aid stuff. Someone over here, doesn't have any." He explained to the grass type and looked over at Beedrill who had a grumpy look on her face. Beedrill really wished her friend wouldn't just explained their entire situation to him. "Yeah, well I don't have to buy things alright?" She mumbled under her breath.
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"Let's make a quick trip to the market then," Arceus said, really meaning it "So we can get back quick enough. Every time we leave the house we always get stopped by who knows how many, every two steps we take." He of course was exaggerating, but still. They usually aren't exactly ignored when in public. Sighing, he sat up again. When Xerneas brought up Sylvie's cafe, he almost groaned. That meant being in public longer, not that he meant to offend anyone. Still, he gave a small nod and said"I think she opens up today. We can stop by there as well, if you really want. Whatever you want to do, we'll be doing today." Arceus got back out of bed, going to grab some clothes to change into. He didn't change into any fancy clothing, because it wasn't needed. Not that he dressed in a paper bag though. White t-shirt and jeans. Looked quite the human, had he not his current ears and eyes.

As he finished his brief preening, going to do a quick cleanup, even pulling his hair back into what humans called a "ponytail", he stretched and said"Ready to leave whenever you are."


--Regigigas & Reshiram--(@Nico)

After seeing Victini and Uxie fly off, he turned to see Zekrom, who asked about Reshiram. Blinking one behind his mask, he said"Usually he's at Red Sun around this time." He pointed the direction Victini and Uxie had gone off to, where the cafe that was popular with Fire Types was.

"He was actually looking for you too," the titanic Gijinka said, tilting his head a bit "So you better get going, hm?"

As the two briefly conversed, the subject of their talk was indeed at the Red Sun, sitting alone, a cup of some steaming liquid in a hand. He'd been there for a short while, having gone after unsuccessful in finding Zekrom. Maybe he should go look again? He really just liked seeing the other Gijinka in general, and was his happiest when around him. Sighing softly, he took a sip of his drink, sitting back in his seat.



It felt good, to have Victini's arms around her, keeping her from falling, holding her close. She hated how she couldn't look at him, couldn't open her eyes to express so much more. Oh well. If she could see, they wouldn't be in the position they were currently in, Victini holding Uxie. So there was one upside to no sight.

Uxie's brows bent a little when Victini explained everything, bit she wasn't annoyed or angry. Just surprised he'd plan something like that. All she told him about it was"Just don't let Arceus find out about it." Her father wouldn't be happy. At all. The thought disappeared, and Uxie looked with closed eyes toward Victini, as he brought out their meal. She couldn't see it of course, but she could smell it, and hear as Victini said he was. He was being so sweet, and it Uxie smile.

Even though she had no actual sight, she quite expertly navigated her way around the layout of food, tip of her hand brushing over a few things to get an idea of what it was. Eventually, she was eating, one she was sure she wouldn't make a fool of herself. When Victini told her about the day he had planned, she smiled once again, saying"I sure hope it'll all be fun. I expect nothing less than a day spent with you." After Uxie had her fill, she thanked Victini for bringing food, feeling much better and actually more energized.
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Aero said:
Altaria wasn't very fazed that Regi appeared next to her. "Oh hello Regigigas! Wonderful day isn't it! I'm not doing much, just waltzing around and maybe find a friend or two." She responded with a grin. Ria was awaiting the massive Gjinka's answer, but he was interrupted by the small Victini. She was unable to see him, but Regi obviously saw him somehow. As the two had a conversation, Uxie appeared and joined them. 'Hmm. Rather not split that up.' She said with a giggle and walked away continuing her humming.
(Not going to reply because the meet was brief x3)
After stuffing his face with food for about half an hour, Vic clasped his hands together and looked at Uxie. "Time for the first thing on the list" he said with excitement. "Feet surfing!" Victini explained to Uxie the thing humans called "water skiing" and how she could do it with her feet, he would be pulling her and she would be doing the skiing. "I'm not getting in the water 'cause, ya know, fire water...anyways they don't mix very well." He was disappointed, but as long as Uxie had fun he would be fine. "Next up is some call and find (Marco polo) in the forest, and then we watch the sunset, you open your eyes, and finally star gazing." Vic really hoped she would enjoy all of this. It took a long time to plan out and he didn't want her to feel bad about not wanting to do one of them. "Well, it's time to go feet surfing!"


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