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Realistic or Modern Let 4 Dead Character creation



She Konrad on my Curze till I Nighthaunt
(You can make it fancy if you want)





Appearance: (no anime pictures or faceclaims, if you can, use a character creator from games like MGSV, Fallout, or Dragon Age)

Personality: (at least one paragraph)

Bio: (at most 3 paragraphs, atleast one paragraph)

Occupation before the infection:


Relationship with other characters: (get me and the other person in a PM to discuss)

Cannon characters
Left 4 dead
Bill (Up for grabs!)
Louis (Up for grabs!)
Francis (Up for grabs!)
Zoey (Up for grabs!)

Left 4 Dead 2
Ellis (Taken by HunterCameron HunterCameron )
Nick (Up for grabs!)
Coach (Up for grabs!)
Rochelle (Up for grabs!)

PM me if you want to take a cannon character. It's first come first serve so don't wait.​
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Name: Zacharie Roux

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual/Homoromantic

Appearance: Zacharie has disheveled black hair kept under a black baseball cap, a square face with a strong jawline and a beak-like nose, bright green almond shaped eyes and tanned skin. He wears a dark red hoodie with a black undershirt, black ripped jeans and dark brown laced boots. When zombies tear at his clothing he keeps it together with either bandages or duct tape.

Personality: Zacharie has a few rough edges and tends to be blunt towards others. He is moody, sarcastic and doesn't like being ordered around. To cope with the horrors of the zombie apocalypse he adapted a nonchalant attitude, preferring to keep his fear and anxieties bottled up rather than talking about them. Though he recognizes the need to kill zombies to survive, he's also aware that they were all people once and some mutated virus transformed them into cannibalistic monsters and he feels sorry for them. Since he has no family he has no-one to worry about, but he still thinks about the people who lost so much because of this virus. Zacharie is also so used to having to take care of himself and rely only on himself that any kindness shown towards him genuinely shocks him. He's secretly a huge kind hearted softy who hides it all behind attitude and swearing.

Bio: Zacharie was born to a French mother and an Irish father. His mother died of cancer when he was still young, and unable to cope with the loss of his wife or deal with the amount of debt the family was in, his father committed suicide. Zacharie spent his entire childhood and teenage years in foster care, jumping from one family to the next and never finding his own place. When he was 18 he left the system and worked numerous part time jobs to support himself, as he could not afford college.

Occupation before the infection: Waiter/Barista at a cafe.

Gear: A police issued 9mm pistol that he took from a dead police officer, a switchblade and a satchel to keep his items in.

Relationship with other characters: Unknown so far.
Name: Pat Smith

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Appearance: IMG_95691c8b-e162-43f6-96e2-a02c4952b828.png


Personality: Pat is a curt individual. He has the typical soldier MO, sarcasm and dark humor. But it's not dark anymore, sometimes in a dark situation, he thinks that there is no escape and the world is FUBAR, that this infection was the final nail in the coffin for humanity. Why fight if there's no point to anything anymore, he thought about suicide, it might let him rest easy and reunite him with everyone he lost. Bhu his body won't let him, survival is hard wired into his brain, he won't stop until he makes it or until he dies. He also has a degree of repressed rage, he watched hundreds of people wither away from the epidemic. Why was he the only one to be left alive, was it some biblical punishment for something he did, he lost good friends, his unit, everything. Gone in a flash. His anger is unbridled and unrelenting when it finally does show itself making him a machine, in his mind he wants to destroy everything, even himself.

Bio: When Pat graduated he decided to join the marines. He had stellar test scores in most of his classes, a good degree of programing skills, and would be a great addition to any college sports team. The problem was a simple one for him though. He didn't want to be put into a large amount of debt because he went to college. When he joined the marines and was given multiple opportunities to excel. His trainers were impressed by his skills with rifles and handguns, a result of lots of courses before he joined the military. He was promoted to lance corporal at the age of twenty, by then the CO's had recommended him to do a lat-transfer into the MARSOC raiders. When the green flu was in it's infancy, he was right about to finish training and go on deployment, then shit hit the fan and he and his training regiment were sent to Allegheny to see what the hell was happening. Everyone was getting sick, dying, and coming back from the dead. He figured out he was immune to the virus after a "civilian" bit him on the arm. Shit got even more fucked up after CEDA came in and declared martial law, pretty much the starting signal for anarchy for the populace, soon enough cops were barely seen on the streets, military forces were sent out onto the streets and pretty much did whatever the hell they wanted.

Now only and handful of military personnel remained in the area directly in Pittsburgh and the surrounding cities, most just stationed in evac staging grounds or had just pulled out completely. CEDA , being the acting authority set up a 50 mile quarantine surrounding the cities. Only the immune military personnel were left there and they were considered acceptable losses. After hearing a news chopper pilot saying he would drop survivors to the nearest safe zone, Pat decided to punch hid ticket and get the hel, out of dodge.

Occupation before the infection: MOE: critical skills operator

Gear: M4A1 rifle (customized), S&W MP G2.45, M9 bayonet

Relationship with other characters: None.
Name: David Ranfield

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: David is tall (6'2"), and powerfully built, with light blue eyes. He has short, dark and unkempt hair as well as a thick, well-trimmed beard. He normally wears camouflage cargo pants with a brown leather jacket and a white shirt.

Personality: What was once a kind and lighthearted man has been conditioned in the world that is the zombie apocalypse. Changes had to be made and had to be made quick. Kindness turned to a cautious outer shell and the lighthearted banter that his clients enjoyed in the past has become a series of guarded questions, an elaborate maze of dialogue set up to protect whatever he has left.

It's first layer is the friendly face that he uses to greet strangers, but only those strangers he's deemed safe enough to introduce himself to. Those he doesn't will meet an entirely different person. Someone unpredictable, deadly and dangerous.

Bio: There was nothing out of the ordinary for David prior to the outbreak. His family wasn't exactly the richest one in town, but at least they never had to worry about putting food on the table or having a roof over their heads, David did rather poorly in school and therefore decided to not go to college. Instead he started working as a construction worker but he quickly discovered that particular job wasn't suited for him so instead he decided to become a taxi driver. When the outbreak happened, David did the sensibly thing and barricaded himself in his apartment and has only left it when it has been absolutely necessary.

Occupation before the infection: Taxi driver

Gear: A crowbar and a 12 gauge Pump action shotgun.

Relationship with other characters: N/A
Name: James Cordon

Age: 34

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance: James is a little taller than average, with a medium yet solid build. He has always been slightly underweight with medium-olive skin that comes from a life spent outdoors. He has a round face and a receding hairline, which is connected to the rest of his body by a thick neck. His heterochromatic, some would say they are hazel are close-set below arched eyebrows. His hooked nose shows signs of being broken a few times. His chapped lips are only natural for being a bit dehydrated and missing a few meals.

Personality: A courageous man with a pragmatic outlook on life, which helped during his time in the Navy. Constantly scanning the faces of all strangers who walk past, is a hard habit to break after years of training and missions. James always gives the first bite to the gods and his Norse ancestors by setting it aside, one must always respect the gods and your forebears.

Bio: James graduated high school and immediately joined the Navy. He originally trained to be a welder and metal worker, but soon discovered his love for security and force protection. It was almost natural for him to pick up new weapons, techniques, and equipment and then be able to not only integrate with a security force but then train them as well.
After a few years and a promotion to Petty Officer Second Class he applied for and was accepted into BUDS. After a grueling two year training pipeline James was on the Teams. He spent the rest of his 17 year career with the Teams, carrying out missions around the world.

Occupation before the infection: Navy Seal

Gear: A suppressed MP-7 with three additional magazines, an HK USP 45 with two additional magazines. James also has a small backpack with a few odds and ends like paracord, batteries for the weapon lights and power bars.

Relationship with other characters: Unknown.
Name: James Cordon

Age: 34

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance: James is a little taller than average, with a medium yet solid build. He has always been slightly underweight with medium-olive skin that comes from a life spent outdoors. He has a round face and a receding hairline, which is connected to the rest of his body by a thick neck. His heterochromatic, some would say they are hazel are close-set below arched eyebrows. His hooked nose shows signs of being broken a few times. His chapped lips are only natural for being a bit dehydrated and missing a few meals.

Personality: A courageous man with a pragmatic outlook on life, which helped during his time in the Navy. Constantly scanning the faces of all strangers who walk past, is a hard habit to break after years of training and missions. James always gives the first bite to the gods and his Norse ancestors by setting it aside, one must always respect the gods and your forebears.

Bio: James graduated high school and immediately joined the Navy. He originally trained to be a welder and metal worker, but soon discovered his love for security and force protection. It was almost natural for him to pick up new weapons, techniques, and equipment and then be able to not only integrate with a security force but then train them as well.
After a few years and a promotion to Petty Officer Second Class he applied for and was accepted into BUDS. After a grueling two year training pipeline James was on the Teams. He spent the rest of his 17 year career with the Teams, carrying out missions around the world.

Occupation before the infection: Navy Seal

Gear: A suppressed MP-7 with three additional magazines, an HK USP 45 with two additional magazines. James also has a small backpack with a few odds and ends like paracord, batteries for the weapon lights and power bars.

Relationship with other characters: Unknown.
Sorry bud, this died awhile ago. I could try and setup another interest check though.
Bummer. Thanks for the heads up. I've been looking for a modern era(or slightly future) RP for a while. I liked the setup you had going. If you start, or know of, an RP I'd be interested.

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