Leicester Academy


An awoke when he heard students flowing out of the auditorium. Finally, he thought to himself. He briskly made his way from the bench he had been sleeping on. An ran to the bulletin board where the list of classes were. His eyes roamed across the board until he found his name. "3-B huh.....? But who am I rooming with? Whatever, I'll figure it out later." An walked away from the board, trying to make his way over to room 3-B. Minutes later, he eventually found it. He took the seat closest to the back and waited for more people to show up before he decided to skip his first day.


Soleil rushed out of the auditorium as fast as she could. She gave her schedule a quick once over and headed to room 2-C. She noticed two girls already chatting it up. She decided to slink into the room as quick and quietly as she could and sat near the front. "I hope the teacher doesn't change seats" she said to herself quietly. She pulled out the book she was reading earlier and decided to continue where she left off.
James walked out of the assembly, somehow he was ahead of the main group but was among a couple lucky or quick students. He turned and scanned the board quickly finding his name and room number. "Hmm, 3-B huh, I think I passed that on my way here." He turned and headed towards the classroom easing his way through other students, that seemed to part the way for him as he walked. After a few minutes he looked up to see that he was right under the room's sign. He turned and walked in scanning the room briskly, he wanted a seat he could be content with without being classified as singular type of student. He decided to take the window seat closest to the front taking out and old notebook he has obviously had for years, it was brimming with loose and crinkled papers and creaked when he opened it. He reached farther into the bag and pulled out a pencil, he soon got to work making another one of his little sketches. James had been drawing since he was about five years old and has not stopped since. He draws everything from chairs, to sunsets, to imaginary beings. He always loved to draw even when he had started dabbling in others random and numerous activities. James quickly finished his drawing of a chair monster making it more cartoony than scary. He chuckled his drawing amusing him probably more than it should. He flipped the page and quickly got to work hoping to make a whole classroom's worth of school-related-object monsters.


Elliot did a half smile"I like your name..."he said softly and bit the other side of his lip softly then threw away the paper towel.He blinked when he saw a girl come into the boys bathroom.He listened to the conversation carefully until he was being pulled out"Ekk!"he said as he tried to keep up with the girl.Elliot blinked when they all stopped and she asked the question.Elliot didn't like being called anything that lead to him being small because he felt as if they were treating him as a child but,of course he didn't say anything about it.He looked down at the floor"Math...."he said softly still looking down.

"Math? I dont have that right now. What about you Vin Vin?" Nana said looking to Vincent who rolled his glass blue eyes "First dont call me Vin Vin and second yeah I have math." Vincent answered, he hoped that woman that had taken his I-pod and headphones was his math teacher so he could get his music devices back "Well I guess this is bye for now." Nana said waving goodbye and walking off to go to her class. Vincent sighed and looked to Elliot "Sorry about my cousin." Vincent said plainly "So you wanna to class with me or alone?" he asked already walking.


Elliot listened to the conversation and looked up slowly once Vincent responded to Nana.He smiled in the inside when he heard that Vincent had the same class as him,at least he would know someone.When the girl went away Elliot made a small wave to her them looked up at Vincent"No no.I-its ok."he said."W-walk to class with you?I-i don't know...you might get bullied hanging around me..."he said and looked down at his feet as people walked pasted him and some bumped him on the way to where ever they were going.
Athalia watched as students went by from the window. As she peeked from behind, she saw that Anise was quiet, and just on her seat. "The quiet type eh?" She muttered to herself, and shrugged. "Who am I to judge her? I haven't even met her that much yet!" Finally dismissing her thought, she noticed that there were many students who came, went and picked their seats and started talking and introducing to each other. She stood and joined along with the random introductions. Having a few new acquaintances wasn't so bad after all.

Vincent let a small laugh escape his lips and shook his head a bit "I haven't been bullied before and if it starts now I will end it quickly." Vincent said turning back and pulling Elliot up to him so he wouldn't drift away in the pile of students bumping him like driftwood in the ocean "And plus I dont really care what people think of me, thats just their opinion." he said with a shrug as he lets go of Elliot arm since he didn't want to drag him around like a child "So, you know where the classroom is?" Vincent asked looking down at Elliot.
Anise lowered down her earphone's volume and peered at her right to look at some students who were warmly greeting each other. They looked happy meeting different people with different likes. She even noticed Athalia walking towards these students, also joining their small conversation. Everyone knew almost all of their classmates, and honestly, she felt quite jealous. Anise was never a socialite, thus having the difficulty to speak up in a large group. Heaving a sigh, she continued back to reading her book and secretly plans the things she will say if ever their Homeroom teacher wants everyone to introduce themselves in front of the class.
A few chuckles, laughs could be heard from class 2-C, and anyone could know that many of the students were going along well already. "Well," Athalia said, whilst brushing her long, crimson hair off her shoulders. "I guess I'm lucky to be here." Chit-chat went on, and she just stationed herself on the table by her seat and sat there. As she peeked behind her, she noticed that Anise, her first friend, wasn't really talking much to the group of students that was formed in the middle of the classroom. Of course, there were also other little groups, but it seemed that Anise was the kind of girl who wanted to be alone. "Hey," Athalia called out to her in a friendly way. "Need'a talk to somebody or something?"


Elliot listened carefully to Vincent about the bullying he didn't get?Surprised Elliot smiled a little in the inside as he daydreamed a life where he wasn't bullied at all.He followed Vincent when he pulled him away from the people who were bumping into him then looked up at the other make and down again"W-well i don't care either but..i-it get's to a point where they force you to care."he said softly and fiddled with his small fingers."I-i think so.."he said softly as he took out a piece of paper from his pocket and looked down at it."Y-yeah..."he said as he read the number of the class he was in.

"Force me to care? What are they missionary's?" Vincent said with a blonde eyebrow raised "Well oh well, I want to be your friend either way." Vincent said with a plain expression and a slight shrug before he looked over Elliot's shoulder to see the paper "Alright, I think I saw that classroom number somewhere.." Vincent said looking around and walking expecting Elliot to follow. Soon enough he found the classroom 2-C ((To please you Luna xD )) "Found it." Vincent said looking back at Elliot.


Elliot sighed knowing that Vincent wouldn't understand anyway "Never mind..."he said softly."Thanks..."he responded and looked up to see what Vincent was looking at.He blinked for a minute and then started to follow the other male to the class.Once they finally got there he stopped a couple of inches away from Vincent to give him room then slowly walked up and peeked his head in;only a few students where there.Well at least i'm not the last one in he thought to himself as he entered the classroom and took a seat in the back of the class hoping that this wasn't anyone seat not that it would be since it's the first day of school but,you never know someone may have failed just to be in the same seat again.

@Neon Nyan
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Anise looked up as she heard her name, and blinked a couple of times. Surely she wouldn't know who called her due to the music blaring in her ears through her earphones. She scanned the classroom for a few seconds, but then realized that Athalia was the only one who talked to her and thus looked at her direction. She shook her head and gave her a small smile, saying "No thanks. I'll pass for today."
"Okay then." Athalia smiled back, hoping that Anise was all right being just there with her music. After all, music was one of the best things in life for Athalia, so she just left her fellow classmate be. Oblivious to the small group of students gathering in the middle of the room that there were new and interesting students who just entered, Athalia flipped her long hair to her back from her shoulders and walked towards two guys--one with blonde hair and one with black hair, who quickly took a seat at the back and looked like he didn't want to talk to anybody. But Athalia was pretty much the kind of girl who would talk to anyone anyway. "Hi there~" She told the two with a big smile.
{OMG! I lost my internet for a while and I'm so far behind everyone!! Could someone kindly fill me in on what I've missed, maybe I could just jump in...}
(( Aw damn my post didn't post >:^ ))


"Dont know why you are thanking me.." Vincent said with a small shrug, he was just doing what he would do to anyone else. Vincent let Elliot walk into the classroom first before he walked in himself and looked for a seat. Soon enough a girl with pinkish reddish hair approached Vincent with a big smile saying 'hi there'. Vincent was silent for a moment before finally speaking "Hi." he said simply with a very small smile, Vincent didn't really smile that much unless he actually had a reason to, that was just his personality he doesn't do it purposely.
As soon as Athalia left, Anise also noticed the two male students that silently entered the classroom. She eyed the familiar-looking dark-haired student. 'Isn't he the one who was picked on during the assembly a while ago?' she thought to herself. Anise scanned the smaller boy, as if examining his personality through his demeanor. After getting to the conclusion of what the dark-haired male's persona will be, she then scanned the blonde male talking to Athalia. Anise repeated the same thing that she did to the smaller boy and concluded his personality on her mind. Eventually, she brushed the two males off her train-of-thought and continued to reading her book.
Everything was nice, peaceful, serene... Until the alarm started going off.

Max jumped violently, falling hard out of his bed at the sound. He let out a low groan as he lay sprawled on the floor of his dorm, debating on if he wanted to actually get up and turn his alarm off, or just lay there for the next few hours. After about fifteen more seconds of the shrill alarm made the decision for him. He got up and turned the alarm off, glancing at the time as he did. When he noticed the time, however, he was suddenly wide awake. The alarm was late. By a lot. Max let out a loud curse and threw his clothes on as fast as he could, panicking a bit more than he should have. He missed the assembly, but he wasn't going to miss his class.

Max bolted out of his room and down the hall, trying to figure out just where his class was. "2-c, 2-c..." he mumbled, glancing down at the map of the school he had on his phone. He would be lost without his phone... And it seemed, as of right now, he was lost -with- it. He let out a small curse and turned around, rushing through the hall. It wasn't too much longer before he found the classroom, nearly bursting into the room in his rush to get there. He was out of breath, his face was red, and he looked sufficiently pissed off. Clearing his throat he composed himself somewhat, glancing around the room. He quickly found an empty seat and took it, setting his bag on the floor next to him. At least he got there on time... Or at least, that's what he hoped.
"Well, it's nice to meet you two." Athalia said to the two males, who didn't really seem interested in making friends, or talking to her at all. For some reason, she just knew when someone was being truthful or whatever, but Athalia figured that. But heck, this girl would do anything random and fun. "I'm Athalia Crimson by the way." She offered two hands for shaking as sincerely as ever, one each for the black-haired unsocialite, and the other for the smiling blonde. After all those were done, Athalia's head tilted a bit to her left as she noticed someone whom she'd never seen by the assembly before. Perhaps, I didn't see him? Or he was quite late. He had some kind of silverish-white hair, and he seemed to be in a rush. Almost everyone looked to see what had happened by the door, but when they saw that it was only a classmate, most just acknowledged his presence and continued on with their fun conversations.
Max sat quietly, acting calm, cool and collected. Of course, inside his head he was screaming in embarrassment. It didn't help that when he came in, everyone turned to stare at him like he walked into the wrong bar in some movie. He ducked his head a bit, his face still quite red as he stared at his phone, hoping that people would stop staring at him. It was bad enough that he usually got stared at for his odd hair color, he didn't need this. He took a quick glance around, and sure enough he didn't recognize a single person sitting near him. That was to be expected, though, it was his first day here. Running a hand through his hair he forced a small smile, trying to at least appear friendly.
James became bored after finishing his drawings, he closed his notebook and looked at his watch, he wondering when class would start. Hoping to pass the time, he checked his schedule and saw that he was in the wrong class. He berated himself for not realizing this the first time and quickly packed up his things heading out the door schedule and map in hand rereading his schedule and walking briskly down the hall. "So where's 2-c?"
[QUOTE="L u n a]
"Okay then." Athalia smiled back, hoping that Anise was all right being just there with her music. After all, music was one of the best things in life for Athalia, so she just left her fellow classmate be. Oblivious to the small group of students gathering in the middle of the room that there were new and interesting students who just entered, Athalia flipped her long hair to her back from her shoulders and walked towards two guys--one with blonde hair and one with black hair, who quickly took a seat at the back and looked like he didn't want to talk to anybody. But Athalia was pretty much the kind of girl who would talk to anyone anyway. "Hi there~" She told the two with a big smile.

[QUOTE="Neon Nyan](( Aw damn my post didn't post >:^ ))

"Dont know why you are thanking me.." Vincent said with a small shrug, he was just doing what he would do to anyone else. Vincent let Elliot walk into the classroom first before he walked in himself and looked for a seat. Soon enough a girl with pinkish reddish hair approached Vincent with a big smile saying 'hi there'. Vincent was silent for a moment before finally speaking "Hi." he said simply with a very small smile, Vincent didn't really smile that much unless he actually had a reason to, that was just his personality he doesn't do it purposely.



Elliot swung his feet in his chair at his desk.He leaned his head down on his hand and thought of different things at a time.A teacher came into the class room and walked over to Elliot then placed his iPod on his desk"Try not to do it again.."he said then left.Whatever.Elliot thought as he took the device in his hand and turned it on then was about to put the earplugs in until he heard a voice say hello to him and Vincent.Elliot wanted to smile and wave but,something was really bothering him to the point where he really couldn't so he ended up just waving to her.He looked over at Vincent,he wondered about him ever since he was in the bathroom with him.What he also couldn't believe is that he was friends with by far the cutest boy in school.Wait,stop...he shouldn't be thinking about that.After all they're just friends and he doesn't even know if he likes boys.More importantly if he likes him...

Soleil had abruptly been pulled out of reading by the loud commotion in the classroom. With the arrival of new students, that meant more talking and more talking meant she wasn't able to read like she wanted to. She closed her book and glanced around the classroom. People were simply chatting like no tomorrow. What fun it could be to have friends like that, she thought sadly to herself. Books and games were her only friends, but she would never want for anything as long as she had a book in her hand. But now, she couldn't even enjoy her book like she wanted to. She noticed silver hair brush past the red-headed girl who had been talking to everybody. "What a unique shade", she whispered to herself. She couldn't help but stare. Soleil began to mess with her own curly hair and sighed in disdain. If only her hair color was something as cool as that. Hers was just a milk chocolate brown. A hair color that ran in her family. "Stupid genes" she said aloud to no one in particular.
James finally found 2-c and opened the door to step in, he looked around and was surpirsed by how...unique his classmates each were. He saw couple students chatting while others just did their thing, he scanned the room looking for a seat that would be near someone he thought he could possibly befriend. He couldn't decide so he simply walked over to a girl who seemed preoccupied with her thoughts and sat next to her. James glanced over to her and noted her chocolate brown hair smiling as he pulled out his notebook. "Well back to work." he muttered to himself as he started sketching the girl he saw, he hoped she didn't think it was creepy but he figured that if he did well enough she might feel complimented instead of freaked out.

Vincent looked over to Elliot who seemed deeply in thought, he wondered what he was thinking about, but it probably didn't matter but still. When Elliot was handed hisi pod back Vincent looked at the teacher "Where the hell is mine." he muttered, he hoped he had a class with that women so he could demand his things back. Vincent sighed and sat down in the seat in front of Elliot, he turned his chair so he was facing Elliots desk and layed his head down, putting one of Elliots ear buds in his ear he glanced up at him "Play play." he said tapping the ear bud.

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