[Legends of the Modern Age (Scion)] [Legends of the Modern Age (Scion)] Domain of Leisure

solyrflair said:
But that is part of the reason you get multiple areas to develop. You don't have to develop Animal (Salawas). You pick a different animal, but it costs slightly more to do so.
Well, yeah. That's why Libby has an eagle instead of an owl.
Esbilon said:
Which is also cool, but it's not like our Legend ratings are increasing at the rate of 1 dot per month or something. While I'm thrilled at the possibility of using Demigod and God Boons, I'm not basing my estimation of the relative utility of Purviews on them.
@shepsquared that reminds me, you were speaking about raising our Legend ratings by fiat rather than xp before the game started, is this still the plan? And if so, do you have a rough estimate of how often this will happen in OOC time?
End of chapter 2.
Well, we have 3 of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Grisl can be Death. Kendra can be War. Libby can be Conquest. We just need someone for Famine. And some horses.
Karima could do Famine quite well I believe. Set was the god of the desert, and her Visitation did involve thirst, and to a lesser extent hunger.
Great. Four Horsewomen of the Apocalypse. Can we change the colour of the horses. I would like a my pale horse, but maybe Kendra would do better on Chestnut instead of red.
I'm just waiting for the next scene to start up so I can whoop some lycanthrope butt!
*whistling to himself as he tweaks his gun*


You know what's missing for the Las Vegas group? A pair of Kamina-style sunglasses.
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Motorcycle-wise, Karima would go for something fast, powerful and sleek. Again, black would be most suitable.
You guys in the Labyrinth thread need to hurry up so we can all start the next part of the game!
Just need everyone on board so that we can go forward. So far Grisl has told them she plans to pull heaven down. Just need to know who will join her in this. Kendra is on board, just waiting for the rest.
Grisl seems to be reading way more into the descriptions than I am able to, and @shepsquared is quite stingy on the details.

What do you mean "pull heaven down"?
Oh... Yes. In case you didn't know, Grisl has been hiding from the Aesir for a long time. Maybe she is getting a little too bold, but she doesn't like the idea of hide for your life or Odin will have you killed for being the daughter of Hel, granddaughter of Loki. She plans on making a few changes to the structure of things.

And yes, she is reading much more into this, but it seems to serve her purpose well. She is simply filling in those large gaps with her own interpretations.
I mean, I'm seeing the base for a statue and a pedestal. That it would be the kind of thing that transports us to the Overworld, or indeed everywhere is not at all clear.

The reason we're progressing slowly is that our ST makes one paragraph of updates every week or two, not that we don't try interacting with it.
This whole 'pull heaven down' thing is just her way of saying that she is wiling to take on the gods rather than hide anymore. It really has nothing to do with the pedestal that the statue was on. But she has the staff that will presumably take us out of here. Or onto a fight with some big bad Minotaur, or maybe just kill us all. Grisl just figures with the staff, and the mark of an alpha, and on a pedestal in some weird room, she might just be bold enough to proclaim herself the future of the celestial realms. Maybe that is what the person/being who put these choices here wants. And if not, Grisl really doesn't care.
Ah. Sticking your nose forward quite a bit I see. Karima would very much prefer not to tell her enemies she is going to kill them and take their stuff. It's just good sense.

As for taking on the gods, she really doesn't have a strong opinion on that. Her reference frame is still very much mortal.
That feeling when you look at the Boons you'd like for your character down the line and go: "Why the fuck didn't I favor Magic?"

Seriously. It's like the most useful Purview ever. Based on my notes, approximately 4 times as useful as the next one coming along.

@shepsquared At the risk of repeating myself, you mind if I retroactively switch Karima's favored Purview of Stars for Magic?

On a related note, do we get to pick new favored Purviews and Attributes when we advance to Demigod and God respectively? Or at some other point?
Yes, you do get to change your purviews at some point. When you become a God, as well, the top 3 purviews are your new favored ones, automatically.

You don't need to change purviews. You can always get spells as you need them.
Sure, I can always get spells as I need them. But if they're favored, I get them cheaper, and with the sheer number of spells that are useful, that adds up more than a little.

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