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Fantasy Legends Of Eaos: Destiny's Chosen



Leader of the Tiberium Military
Character creation sheet.



(Any fantasy race is acceptable really)




Demons - Humanoids, can appear fully human, but usually they maintain their partial human appearance, with horns, wings, and tails.

Beastkin - Humanoids with animal-like features, but appear mostly human

Monsterkin - used to be beastkin, but their true beast like or monster like appearance has overridden their human appearance (think Gorgons, Minotaurs, Centaurs) usually lumped in with monsters to be eradicated.

Monsters - self explanitory, former beastkin and monsterkin that have lost all self-identity, falling back into their primal nature, no longer being sentient creatures capable of thought or reason. Yet some can retain their normalcy and may even return to human form through magic, although a temporary measure it may be.

Seakin - your sea creature beings, usually mermaids, sirens, and fishmen. while Mermaids and sirens can survive on land and in the water, fishmen are unable to breath on land without aid from magic.
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Established Characters:


Devlin Stone - Ruler of The Nation of Hrathgar and this worlds demon lord. He is a benevolent ruler, and despite the continued hostility by the humans only seeks peace, his lands are populated mostly by demons and the monsterkin, with small communities of the other races. he protects all that live within his kingdom, as long as they don't cause trouble.

Klathmak and Oliyana - The dwarf king and his Elven wife who rule over the Hassani Collective in the kingdoms capital Veldinash. They watch over all within their kingdom, as they care for their citizens, even the humans, beastkin and monster kin.

Vaaneriis - The Dragon Lord, an immense black dragon that lives deep within the lava caves of the north ice mountains. He believes that humanity as a whole should be eradicated for their ignorance and constant destructon.

Yubele - the oldest of the dragon lord's offspring, this pure white dragon lives in the north ice mountains and her fury is just as cold, she also shares the same sentiment as her father, however she actively travels to human towns in an attempt to squash the loathsome insects.

Delanii - second oldest offspring to the dragon lord, this brown dragon does not share the same thoughts as her father and sister, but instead believes that some humans should be protected

Janus - the third offspring to the dragon lord, in reality Janus is the son of Delanii, but the dragon lord had taken him as his own, much to his daughter's displeasure and forbade her from ever mentioning it. Janus does not view that humans in a bad way, he sees their remarkable resilience in the face of insurmountable odds as a sign of their strength.

The Scarlett Knights - A legendary team of adventurers that had for 15 years protected the kingdoms from rampaging monsters and turmoil, nobody knows their true identities as they have kept themselves hidden under armor that gleamed red in the light, earning them the names The Scarlett King, The Crimson Queen, and The Ember Princess. The only ones who know their identity is the guild master and the person who made their armor. They have since retired and nobody knows where they’re at now.

Gali Sa Marina - is the mermaid queen of Aqualantis. She protects her people and ensures the safety of her realm, she is not overly fond of the humans as they have taken to the hunting of Mermaids and Sirens for “reasons”. She has made the only way to access Aqualantis is via a whirlpool around a lighthouse in the middle of the ocean.

The Sentinels - a squad of heavenly angles that serve the gods to hunt down any threat to the church, including traitors and dissenters. Referred to by most as the “trio of bloody angles”

The Church of Savith - the church established by the gods who use it for their twisted experiments. Only a select few high in the church’s clergy know what happens behind its closed doors.
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Name: Lucina Veldegarde

Age: 26

Race: Dragonoid (has a human appearance)

Gender: Female

Appearance: IMG_0577.jpeg

Equipment: smithing hammer for minor weapon repair on the road. Bag of holding. Dagger made from a dragons tooth.

Magic: fire, creation, summoning

Unique skill: mark of the Sovereign - the sovereigns power and strength passed down through dragon royalty. Grants the user increased power for a short time.

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( Rcticwolf Rcticwolf message me if I should add or change somethings....not really sure how the seaskins work in your rp or if they have any special skills and well if there is any other things I should add)​
Age: 23
Race: Seakin
Gender: Female
Appearance: Average height (5'5), not very intimidating look to her, looks younger than she really is. Light tan skin, with almond-shaped ocean blue eyes. Long blue wavy hair, that reaches to her thighs. She has two forms, her human and mermaid form. In her mermaid form she has the same skin ton, eyes and hair. Though she has scales on parts of her face, shoulders, arms and torso. Along with her gills, fin ears and her blue mermaid tail.
Personality: is friendly, kind-hearted, and optimistic. She isn't shy, just quiet and observant when meeting new people. However, really opens up to those she gets to know. A very bubbly and childlike personality, she is someone that will do her best to please and help out others around her, to the point of giving them anything that she has to help, money is no issue. Her helpful and friendly nature can be seen by others as naive and stupid, however, she does not care as long as she can help she will always lend anyone a hand no matter who or what they are. She has a large curiosity and wonder about the realms outside of her own, making her very naive and gulable to anything not part seaskin.
Equipment: (spear?....or tritant?)
Magic: Can manipulate water and speak and understands sea creatures. Has a very angelic and beautiful singing voice, that can place people in a trance-like state, causing people listening to her to become relaxed and/or fall asleep (depending on the song). If she becomes scared or angry, small ice crystals have formed around her hands and anything that she might be touching. Can transform from human to mermaid (though has never done this before).
Bio: is the daughter of Gali Sa Marina, the mermaid queen of Aqualantis. Training and practicing to help protect her people and her realm like her mother has for many years. Her mother has never been found of human's or really anyone that isn't a seaskin. Though she has tried to get her mother to tell her why the mistrust, although she always have just been told it was for "reasons." has been sheltered from the outside world, only really knowing her home her whole life. Though unknown to her mother and everyone in her home has a secret hidden collection of random artifacts that she has collected though out her life. These items come from the whirlpool that sometimes randomly make there way into the seaskin realm. From those items she has been piecing together what the outside world might be and look like.
Other info(optional): Loves the ocean, water in general, swimming, rain, and starry nights. She adores stuffed animals, cute things, sweet foods, and shrimp. When getting the chance she will grow to love human food. She will adore flowers when she sees them in real life (as she only seen in paintings), however she has a sight alergic reaction to the surface world flowers. Dislikes complete darkness, mean people (when they are mean, for the sake of being mean), hot/dry days, and spicy food. She is very sweet and caring and would give you the shirt of her back I'd she could. She is one to befriend everyone and really just wants to be liked for herself and not because she is roalty.

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