[Legends Begin Somewhere] Hey look, a wild OOC thread appeared!

solyrflair said:
"Get into mt BELLY!" Said the sun Goddess.
Which of the dozens of Sun Goddesses who would be in the same position of watching all their mortal burn to death in the dualistic destructive-creation upon which this planet hangs like a shirt on tether hooks before someone knocked the frame out of wack do you refer?
vinom said:
There is a good chance that would lead to the whole planet diving into the Fires of Creation, or sun as the mortals call it...
True, we shall have to invent the high magic of calculus first.

147076500 km vs 149597871 km by my calculations will give a day length of exactly 356 days or 98.3% of the current radius. With any luck there will still be frozen water at the poles and we have an amazing excuse when we condemn global warming.
Exthalion said:
True, we shall have to invent the high magic of calculus first.
147076500 km vs 149597871 km by my calculations will give a day length of exactly 356 days or 98.3% of the current radius. With any luck there will still be frozen water at the poles and we have an amazing excuse when we condemn global warming.
1) It's called Climate Change...

2) You're assuming that this planet is the same size as the earth

3) You're assuming this sun is the same size as ours

4) Please realize that if you change orbital distance without changing orbital speed, you most likely will cause the planet to hurl out into space.

5) Also realize planets orbit stars elliptically, not circularly.
vinom said:
1) It's called Climate Change...
2) You're assuming that this planet is the same size as the earth

3) You're assuming this sun is the same size as ours

4) Please realize that if you change orbital distance without changing orbital speed, you most likely will cause the planet to hurl out into space.

5) Also realize planets orbit stars elliptically, not circularly.
SephirothSage said:
I'm almost sure they wherent serious. Almost.
I wasn't being serious.
Quick question before I post, how numinous are we exactly? Are we literally really powerful human shaped things who walk around? Could we enter an area as a rain of golden light or speak as lightning from a cloudless sky? Are those things miracles and the greek gods had a lot of belief to throw around?
Exthalion said:
Quick question before I post, how numinous are we exactly? Are we literally really powerful human shaped things who walk around? Could we enter an area as a rain of golden light or speak as lightning from a cloudless sky? Are those things miracles and the greek gods had a lot of belief to throw around?
There is nothing stopping you from staying physically manifest for years and sitting on a throne made of wenches, but that body would still be a temporary manifestation. You could in theory watch this savanna for a eon, alerting no one of your presence, simply waiting for the right time to make your self known. You are a god, but not one bound to a corpus... you die when your memory and will is broken in the hands of another god, or you run out of belief. If you want a manifestation to be a huminoud form made of lightning and song, that's as simply as making one that looks like a twelve foot tall human in the prime of health. The greek gods did have a lot of belief to throw around, but speaking as a voice of booming thunder, or a shower of golden rain isn't a Manifestation so much as a Communication.
So are you still waiting on the other people who had signed up but haven't made their characters or are you planing to open them up?
I'm going to see how well I can handle the seven player load I have before deciding if I should let more gods in.
For the pantheon I wanted to ask what our origins are, in basics.

Are we nature spirits who

Have tricked humans pinto worshipping us, are we "angels" that have decided to step in when we heard prays going unanswered, are we heroes of ancestors past that have decided to help our great great great great great great grandchildren? Just want to have a concensis of ideas to start with early to help us define our history.
I like the idea that we are archetypes endemic to the human psyche that have manifested physicaly due to a combination of humanity's anthropomorphising tendencies and pattern identification faculties. So... the later Greek conception of divinity mixed with the hero with a thousand faces.

"Fear us, for we are genetically predisposed tropes!"
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I concur- though, my concept and thought before said one was presented was ancient heroes ascended to godhood, I vastly prefer Exthalions idea.
Agreed, although I was always debating having a different and slightly more mysterious origin than the rest of the pantheon.
SephirothSage said:
I concur- though, my concept and thought before said one was presented was ancient heroes ascended to godhood, I vastly prefer Exthalions idea.
It is entirely possible we are ancient heroes, in the sense that those heroes have come to be commonly associated with the rest of the concepts we embody. The stories of the Meghal who built the first permanent building could have been inflated by retelling until it was and had always been Mehal Megdal, god of accomplishment, who brought the gift of building to humanity. Mixed in with a lot of syncratic aggregation, the men who chipped knives tended to get cuts on their hands so the ideas of scars and tool makers became intertwined, etc.

shepsquared said:
Agreed, although I was always debating having a different and slightly more mysterious origin than the rest of the pantheon.
Aphrodite was born from the genitals of castrated Uranus and rode out of the sea in a clam and Dionysus was adopted so recently that his myth cycle incorporated the fact that he wasn't always part of the gods. I am sure there is room for that.
Vinom, do I need for you to tell me that the tribe gathers, or can I just assume they do, and finish my proclamation. I don't want to god-mode the NPCs if I am not spending belief to make them come together?

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