[Legends Begin Somewhere] Hey look, a wild OOC thread appeared!

solyrflair said:
Well. I am a goddess of slaughter as well as sun and glory.
Be that as it may, sicking giant scorpions on your own followers is a great way to get terror, doubly so if you lose population in the fight.
Welp... I sorta was thinking- me and SOlyr as either Brother Sister, Father Wife- and with her as the Goddes of Conquest, GLory, ECT- she would be the one in charge, nominaly? Either her, or Exthalions GOd.
For the giant scorpions. You could just have a breeding population outside the area, and make it a 'test' to train one. Would that have a less chance of terror?
Oooh! Rite of Passage into Adulthood for the Elite's of our rather large tribe? Or just your order? I might have a different one for my Warriors...
With great risk comes great reward... or utter annihilation. The more I think about it, I should create the scorpions in another tribes camp, then send my warriors and Sisters of the Sun over to their camp to rescue them. That way, should the scorpions prove to be untamable, they can feast on the neighbors until I can give better instruction to my tribe. And if we do tame them, perhaps I will gain more followers for rescuing them when their own gods did not.
Arright, my sheet's posted and I'm ready to... be divine, and... stuff.

I haven't thought much about bein' in a pantheon, but if anyone wants to have me I'd probably be up for it.

Oh and, should anyone want a simple illustration for their god's symbol then I might be able to help.

Since I already made the banners for my own RP and this one, I figure I might as well turn makin' small-scale visual stuff into a thing.
Hydrachild, two things. One; you start with 3 secondary domains, not 4. Two; You can't have plate tectonics as a secondary domain as it is a scientific concept that no species in the Known World has developed, and it might not ever exist on this planet...
Noted. Fixin' that.

On a side note, I'd say that I don't think whether the world is aware of somethin's existence or not has an effect on whether it actually does exist (unless it's a god or a cat in a box with poison and a Geiger counter or something along those lines), which is why I used 'Tectonic Movement/Earthquakes' as a secondary domain as a possible alternative to earthquakes.

Of course that was based on the assumption that this world has tectonic plates.
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Earthquakes is a legit secondary domain... course it's rare that you'll find an effect that falls into 'Earthquakes' that doesn't fall into 'Earth and Stone'.

It's not a matter of awareness causing something. It's a matter of the difficulty in defining yourself by something you don't know about.
A god knows all that his worshipers know, their worship empowers all that he knows and can know. they are concept made reality by the power of there worshipers.
Remember, you're not one of The Gods. You're a god... a new deity that just recently became a deity at all. You have no more knowledge then you did in life
Hence my massive level of Arrogance- "Suddenly, I'm so much damn stronger than everyone I ever knew!" combined with "But I'm not any smarter.. but I know who used to be smarter, so I'm sure they still are! Haahahah!"
vinom said:
Remember, you're not one of The Gods. You're a god... a new deity that just recently became a deity at all. You have no more knowledge then you did in life
Makes sense, but couldn't he technically just go down to the inner layers of the planet to check or are we also bound by a set of physical restraints?

Apologies if this information is written elsewhere and I've missed it.
Exthalion, Sephiroth, Solyr; we need a name for our pantheon, our tribe and to decide who is chief. I think Mehal Migdal fits as chief and propose the Reguli as our pantheon name.
I like the name Reguli. I was going to propose Archons as the pantheon name.

And I agree that Mehal Migdal be the chief. I like that the child of the gods becomes their leader. I like that it implies that the children should strive to be better than their parents.
I have no objection to Reguli, am always down for striving to be better, and will humbly accept the post of chief god if that is the will of the pantheon.

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