Left Behind [Inactive]


Junior Member
Zsan submitted a new role play:

Left Behind - One moment, you're doing so well. The next, you're abandoned. . What now?

It's hard knowing that you're own teammates or friends have left you to die. You're one of the best fighters out there, each sent out to destroy a certain part of town. The next thing you know, they all turn on you. Every known ally you've trusted have all placed you in a state of sorrow. What do you do now? Will you seek new companions? Or will you distrust everyone you encounter? What will it be?
Read more about this role play...
It was like every other day; Get up, fix up her appearance, and wander around offering small charm bracelets to any of the town's folks. Haru was known as a kind and gentle person around these parts of town and she'd like to keep it that way. As long as her 'dark side' hadn't been spoken of, there wasn't any need to feel a bit down.

Haru stretched and took one last glimpse at her reflection within a mirror, running her fingers through her pink hair one last time. After making sure she played a bright smile upon her expression, she was off. The girl exited her home, locked the doors and began walking along the cobblestone pathway. Of course, this was what everyone did. They either were out doing the same exact thing she was doing or was simply trying to get from point A to point B. The first person she approached seemed just as nice as her and as she offered a pretty pink charm bracelett, the lady smiled, payed her as much as she was willing to offer, than continued walking. "That's one down. . now just many more to go." She muttered, taking another look around. At this time, there didn't seem to be that many people, so keeping things fair and simple shouldn't bring too much attention to her.
Erin looked over at Haru and sighed. Selling bracelets? Strange. He approached her slowly, filling a bit of pity. Erin looked slightly intimidating as he looked down on her with a slight frown. "May I have one?", he asked, taking out his wallet.
At first, she suspected someone much more younger to approach her, since she's been giving out the bracelets to the children's parents here and there. Now, it kind of surprised her that someone else seemed interested. "Oh, um. . sure." She said casually, a bit hesitant. She glimpsed at her wrists, which she wore her carefully made bracelets and slipped off a blue one. There was a small wolf's paw charm on it and she smiled brightly. "There you go. Three dollars at the least." It wasn't much, but she knew that with the money she had collected earlier, there was no need to actually play things unfair. Tilting her head, she awaited his reply, peering towards the other town's folk every now and then.
Erin sighed and smiled. "Don't be silly, here I'll give you a little extra...". Erin gave her his entire wallet which would hold at least 300 dollars inside. He then snatched the bracelet and smiled as he slipped it on... Why was he always so nice to strangers?

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As she was handed the wallet, she paused then gave a strange, confused look. "I can't take this." A small laugh slipped past her mouth just to break the ice and she smiled again. "I don't think it would be fair at all. My bracelets aren't worth this much at all." haru handed the wallet back and glimpsed around. She's never really encountered anyone since her relative's departure so this was definately new to her. Was this man petering with her head? Was this all some little trick? That was something she honestly didn't know of.
"Take it, I believe you need it more then I do, besides you seem like a nice person" Erin said with a cute smiles with closed eyes. Either Erin was really kind or he was tricking her, but his face suggested the first assumption. "People here can be mean but if you want you can find me any time, I usually hang around this bench in town." Erin said as he pointed out a bench underneath the shade of a tree.

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She tilted her head to one side and nodded in a well. . kind of hesitant way. After she put the wallet within her bag, she peered over towards a bench. Then one though came to mind almost immediately.

"Won't anyone at home come to worry about you?" she said quite softly, peering back towards the boy. "Not that you have to answer. . or anything. ."Every now and then, she'd step aside for one of the town's folk to pass on by, not that they were going to walk around her anyway. Something was bugging her, but she couldn't quite tell at this point in time. Her skill of festering in someone's mind was. . more on the ridged side, really. Since there was no time to practice, asking things herself was the only thing she's turned to.
"I don't have a family left. It's fine to ask.." Erin said with now teary eyes. "They were killed when I...I was little" Erin said, one tear falling from his face. He looked up and smiled at her. He wiped his eyes and closed them. "It's all fine"

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Haru peered toward the ground and regreted what she had said. "Oh, I'm sorry." There were things that went on in her life as well and of course, she never wanted to speak of it. Placing a hand behind her head, she smiled dimly and peeked up towards him. "That makes the two of us. . but. . I'm not quite sure how I got seperated from my parents." The girl pulled out small hankerchief and handed it to him. "My relative has alway told me stories about it, but I'm not quite sure if it's all that accurate." she smiled in reassurance as to give him a bit of comfort.
Erin smiled and accepted the hankerchief, cleaning his face with it. Erin sighed, who was this girl and why was he helping her? He didn't know, it was just a bad habit, helping strangers.. They become your friends.. and then.. then you..

You lose them..

Erin burst out crying and dropped the hankerchief. "I don't want to be a hero! I just want to do something right!", he let out, digging his face into his hands. He fell to his knees and bit his lip as he failed in trying to get up again.
Her eyes peered towards him as he collapsed onto his knees, his tears dropping upon the cobblestone pathway. She noticed that some of the town's folk were glimpsing over and draggin attention to her was the one thing she didn't want right now. Haru knelt down and reached out, placed a hand upon his left shoulder.

"Hey, are you alright? I. . I didn't mean to set something off. Was it something I did?" She did her best to comfort him but to no success. Of course she probably wasn't the best person to talk to, but why not try? This time, she pulled him to his feet without him having the time to respond and tugged him along. "Please, don't cry. If anything, not here. . not now. . " Worry spread through her expression as she smiled dimly and with that, she began walking more towards the other end of town, her hand gently grapsing the sleeve of his shirt.
Erin nodded and followed her. "Yo.. You just reminded me of my friends", he said with a grim tone. "We got in a fight with other people and.. now their gone. Just disappeared one by one.. because of me...", he said simply as he limped with her. He wiped his face and sighed. "I'm sorry.. I should go now.. I.. I never should have talked to you", he said as he stopped behind her, looking back.


Why did this have to happen to all his friends... they got involved with his problems.. and they.. they leave him..


Erin sniffled and looked down on the scars upon his wrists. "Besides, you wouldn't want me trying to cheer you up all the time, would you? That would be annoying. Right?"
The girl paused and glimpsed towards the ground. The only companion she's ever had was a relative that she'd known for a few years. After his disappearance, she just didn't know what to do. That was when reality had hit her. Haru peered back towards him and smiled, tilting her head slightly.

"Acutally, I'd love someone to cheer me up everyday. It get sort of. . bland when you're having to cheer yourself up every now and then." Her hand released his sleeve and her expression went blank afterwards.

"And I don't think talking to me would change everything. . would it?" Her eyes traced the cobblestone path below her and the thought of actually talking to this boy seemed to fester within the back of her mind. Maybe it would be best just to walk away? Things were more awkward than it already was anyway.
Erin sighed and looked back but smiled. He looked into Haru's eyes. "Something about you cheers me up.. I think I'll cheer you up if you want.. just.. I'll be at my bench...", he said with a happy face.

Erin then began to walk off to the bench he usually sat at. Like always he'd just read or something.

In a blink of an eye the form of Erin had been divided into a little cute black kitty that leaped unto the bench and laid down.
With a simple nod, Haru peered off towards what she referred to as home. That was the one place she could go just to escape reality. Something that she was never aware of until a few months earlier. She took one last look towards the boy,whom altered towards a more feline form, and smiled before making her way back home. She acted as if she's seen mysterious things like that before and simply let herself think about this during her walk. Her fingers ran through her pink hair and the thought of that odd boy picked away at her thoughts. Who was he? How long has he even been in this town? And why hasn't she noticed him beforehand? Now those were questions she pondered about during her small walk. Step by step, her home neared closer and closer. Now this is a day I won't forget. She thought to herself.

Minutes afterwards, she came to a stop and peered around. Her senses perked and for what seemed to be the millionth time this week a pair of boys blocked her pathway. A grim look played on her expression and a rather mocking look was expressed on theirs.

"What do you want this time. .?" she mumbled, taking a small step back.

"What we've always been wanting from you, missy. You give us the money you've earned and you won't get hurt." One of the males boasted, taking a few steps towards her. Haru smiled and giggled lightly.

"As from what I remember, you were the one who ended up getting hurt."

"Don't cross the line, little demon. You can't hurt anything. You can't even come to hurt a dog." The other male came in on her right and shoved her roughly, making her drop her things. Now this was something she'd either want to walk away from, or simply deal with. Now wasn't the time and she hated their tone towards her.

"Leave me alone and no one get's hurt. ." the girl snapped, shoving the male back just as hard.
Erin looked back and crawled to see the fight. He transformed back into his normal form and rushed at one of the guys, glaring...

I won't let her disappear like the others.

He engulfed in flames as he hurled his fist towards the man's face. You won't hurt her...

"You wont hurt her!"
As soon as the male dropped to the ground, holding his face, the other flinched before taking a step back.

"There's another one?!" the man shouted, peering towards Erin. "No, my eyes are playing tricks on me. ." With that, the man drew a gun and aimed it towards Erin, not wanting to let his guard down once. A couple more steps back, and there is where he held his ground. Haru peered towards Erin and the other male before stepping in front of what she referred to as her friend. She put her arms out and gave a look of disdain and displeasure.

"No, please don't harm eachother. The last thing I want is a couple of bodies on the cold ground. . don't beat eachother to death. ." Haru looked back towards Erin, then the man. If Erin wasn't going to let them harm her, than she wasn't going to let anyone harm him.
Erin glared.

"Go away and leave her alone!", he screamed, the flames surrounding him growing bigger. "If you don't I'll hunt you down, all of you!", he glared. "Sh..Shes my friend, and if you mess with my friends you mess with me, you I'm uncultured, so get lost before I s..shoot flame at you!", he said, over all intimidating.
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Haru watched as the man trembled before them. Within seconds, he was off, sprinting down the path with his companion. It was something that she was really wanting to see. She sighed in relief and looked towards Erin, smiling.

"Thanks for the help." she said lightly before picking up her things. "They're just. . people I run into now and then.. you get used to it. ." After gathering her things, she stood, glimpsed at him, and smiled yet again. "Just call them mean jerks who don't have anything else better to do." Haru was thankfull that she didn't get into another mess, so that saved her some precious time.
"I care for people.. I can't help it", Erin said with a smile. He then turned back and became a kitten once more, leaping happily unto his bench and laid there. People walked by and a few pet him, and he simply sat there and rolled around, purring and meowing.

He seemed to like to comfort people alot.
The girl peered towards home once more then towards the boy. This time, she noticed him as a small kitten. Rather than leaving him, she wandered over and knelt down so that she was at eye's height with him. With a smile, she giggled lightly.

"You're very different from the rest of the people in this town." Haru reached out and pet him lightly upon the head. "I'm beginning to wonder why I haven't seen you before." She did have a point there. Had this boy blended in with the rest of the people here? If so, than he's incredibly good at conceiling himself. Intrigued at this shift in transformation, she tilted her head and let her mind wander for a while.
Erin smiled and let out a meow. He climbed up the girl and sat on her head, licking the top of it. He was soft, and he felt almost like a hat, only much, much warmer.

(Sorry for shorter posts, Im in a rush)
A giggle slipped past her mouth as she peered up towards the small kitten. Reaching up, she picked up the kitty and placed him upon his back in her arms. Only then did she pet the kitten on its tummy. This was maybe the only time of tranquility for her. There was still time, right? She didn't recall having to do anything but staying inside what she called her home. Out of all the things in the world, she seemed to find this quite interesting.

(It's fine xD )
The kitty closed it's eyes and smiled, like Erin had did earlier. It let out the closest noise to laughing a cat could make and rolled around in her arms. "Mrrrreow", Erin let out, licking her arms. Why am I comforting this girl? I might lose her like the others... but.. I don't want to leave her alone.. I've already learned my lesson, why am I forgetting in like some kid does? Do I find her cute, or is it just my lust for kindness again, like how I met my friends?

Erin didn't know but he frankly didn't care, as of right now he was having fun with the girl.

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