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Fantasy Left Alone Lore & Chat( 2 slots open!)

Note to self: Never let Fabian and Ozy meet
Interesting~ Looks like destiny has been laid out
LMAO So glad we had the same thoughts!!!!!! XD

How did humanity die out?

Well things were going just fine and then two people met and the end came upon them within hours....
I wonder WHO these two can be?!?!?
Such a mystery honestly. I hope Fabian gets to find out lmao
Hm....t'is a mystery fit for the Mystery Gang!
Quick, summon Sherlock Holmes, we've got a great mystery!
if we combined Oz's regeneration/transmutation and Fabian's creation mutation, we can literally create a god
Haha, I guess it all depends on who gets their heads first
Hot take: shitty anime obligatory 'friendship wins!' scene except its fabian and ozy combining their powers to spite god
haha, I will likely wait a bit for others to respond. I am also currently recording something for my youtube so I'll be a bit busy

Edit: WHY AM I STRUGGLING SO HARD TO READDDD THIS CRAP OFFFF :angrypuff::closedeyescryingfrown:
Hot take: shitty anime obligatory 'friendship wins!' scene except its fabian and ozy combining their powers to spite god
Haha, welp, I guess it would take a while for them to meet anyway, but if they do meet, the situation for humanity's future would be in the hands of a chemical factory (Fabian) and a Chemist (Ozy)
Haha, welp, I guess it would take a while for them to meet anyway, but if they do meet, the situation for humanity's future would be in the hands of a chemical factory (Fabian) and a Chemist (Ozy)
"Who gave you the right to play god?"
"What makes you think I'm merely playing?"
haha, I will likely wait a bit for others to respond. I am also currently recording something for my youtube so I'll be a bit busy

Edit: WHY AM I STRUGGLING SO HARD TO READDDD THIS CRAP OFFFF :angrypuff::closedeyescryingfrown:
Lol, goodluck
Fabian after lifting his head up from cocaine: "Wait, we aren't?"
Ozymandias, higher than the moon right now: Gaze upon my works, Ye Mighty, and despair before my splendor! If there is a god, let him strike me down before my claim.
*lightning strikes him*
Ozymandias on 12 pounds of pure bullshit and with regeneration: HA! Give it your A-game next time, ya big bastard!
Nikolai: I think that's enough of this "sugar" you two have for now.
All jokes aside, Nikolai would 10/10 be their poor guinea pig and test subject with their regen and adaptation
Ozymandias, higher than the moon right now: Gaze upon my works, Ye Mighty, and despair before my splendor! If there is a god, let him strike me down before my claim.
*lightning strikes him*
Ozymandias on 12 pounds of pure bullshit and with regeneration: HA! Give it your A-game next time, ya big bastard!
Nikolai: I think that's enough of this "sugar" you two have for now.
Fabian and Ozy will be a coked up Team Rocket if they meet. It's Shakespeare if his plays were written with drugs, anarchy and idiocy

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