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Fantasy Left Alone Lore & Chat( 2 slots open!)

Honestly i feel like if my character james and sunsmiter's Adamantia meet were gonna have a fucking Full metal jacket drill sergeant moment going on XD its gonna be so fun whenever the two police officers meet I'm sure of it! or something akin to it
BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising After some consideration, I believe I will be stepping out of the rp. I will go delete my characters so their spots can be opened back up again
I’ll go ahead and make my oc the sole survivor of her group, it’s a great idea. It definitely won’t bite you in the ass isolating her from everyone. (I am so smart)
I’ll go ahead and make my oc the sole survivor of her group, it’s a great idea. It definitely won’t bite you in the ass isolating her from everyone. (I am so smart)
oh god why do i think this is completely going to bite us in the butt when your character meets up with everyone else's characters. but all honestly if that is going to be the case its sure gonna get interesting soon enough
oh god why do i think this is completely going to bite us in the butt when your character meets up with everyone else's characters. but all honestly if that is going to be the case its sure gonna get interesting soon enough
It probably won’t, she’d honestly be a helpful addition to any team. Unless the people who find her first scare her or make her think she’s in any danger. Then that would cause many problems
I'd post hmguys but I am not feeling good. My head is killing me and I have a fever of 100 at the moment. Happy new year to me ...ughh
I will be mostly offline until around the 18th

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