Leap of Faith

I'm sorry :( I just wanted it to be an even number of boys and girls, so I closed it so it'd be even. If you're maybe willing to have both a boy character and a girl character, I could open it back up for you.
I always have more than one character and was planning on having both a boy and girl anyway. Was halfway done with the girl sheet when you closed it. If it's too much of a hassle, you don't have to though. Kind of my fault for taking so long with these sheets.
Name: Mina Harker

Age: 18

Personality: Mina is a loner type, although you wouldn't really think that when you met her. The reason being that she is mischievous, upbeat and very flirty. She is self centered and sort of sadistic, always acting according to whatever she thinks as fun and absolutely loves to tease just about everyone. Her personality tends to push people away but she doesn't really care. She'd rather have it this way anyway. There is a hidden softness about her that you’d have to dig real deep to find. And although she will often instigate physical contact to pick on someone, she absolutely hates being touched herself.

Strengths: Mina was part of her community's gymnastics team and is an active free runner. Basically, she knows how to get around, able to run fairly fast and climb things with relative ease. She also has a higher tolerance for pain. It’s not that she doesn’t feel pain, but she often won’t show it on her face.

Weaknesses: Physically, Mina is rather weak. And although she is fully aware of her lack of upper body strength, she is also very stubborn and refuses to ask for help from anyone and everyone which often lands her in dangerous situations. She's also claustrophobic, hating all dark cramped spaces.

Bio: Mina lived a rather normal life. She was born into a middle class family with a mom and a dad, no siblings. She had friends and was a rather sociable girl, possessing a certain grace about her that made her beloved by nearly everyone. But tragedy struck when her mother died in a car accident when Mina was fifteen. For the next few years, the smile everyone was accustomed to was gone. She rarely left home unless it was for school or errands. Friends became acquaintances which then became strangers. The girl who was practically the town's idol became a ghost existence with very few people even remembering who she was or even recognizing her.

When she turned 17, after the death of her father, she experienced another drastic personality change. She still wasn't the adorable and sweet girl she was in the past, but she also wasn't the zombie-like existence she was before. The new Mina could be described as something of a femme fatale, now stringing multiple guys around as her a horde of slaves. Hated by girls but loved by guys, the sweet angel had come back from the dead only to become a devil.

(I did not put her secret in here.)

Password: Pie not pi.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/57a8bdb05267b_MinaHarker.png.ef7b97397f95f54d61cc7fd89e698298.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1370" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/57a8bdb05267b_MinaHarker.png.ef7b97397f95f54d61cc7fd89e698298.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Mina could be considered a rather beautiful girl, with her long golden blonde hair and large ocean blue eyes. Typical of someone as successful with guys as she was, her body is rather curvy with light skin and long legs. She's always wearing a choker around her neck and fingerless gloves.

Name: Dominic Hugo

Age: 19

Personality: Dominic has a very short temper and very narrow minded, which often leads him to lash out at . . . well, just about anything and everything. Aggressive, he is quick to start a fight and believes that the only answer usually has something to do with his fists. He's also reckless and can be a bit slow to understand things like sarcasm, which is often why he gets into fights in the first place. Yet despite all this, he is also a rather quiet guy and fairly anti-social, although I don't really know anyone who is violent and would be mr. popular.

Strengths: Dominic is physically very strong, even more so when he's in an adrenaline fueled rage. He can also be very resourceful, able to turn a fair amount of things he can get his hands on into some sort of weapon.

Weaknesses: Being as reckless as he is, he'll often charge in without thinking about his situation or even looking to see how many enemies there are. He's deathly afraid of heights, to the point of getting sick unless he can feel himself firmly on the ground.

Bio: Dominic was born into a lower class family to two alcoholic violent parents. Not that he cared, they never actually hit him. They were both too busy trying to beat the sh*t out of eachother. When it came to him, they just didn't really care, so he pretty much did whatever he wanted. He'd often get in trouble at school for starting a fight with classmates and even joined a gang in the eighth grade. Not once did he get in trouble with his parents.

Within the gang he joined, Dominic quickly rose within the ranks to a vice captain position due to his fighting skill. He'd even gotten a girlfriend with a girl within the gang. Life seemed okay, not great but he wouldn't call it bad either. After four years though, Dominic quit the gang and even broke up with his girlfriend. Though not a feared vice captain, he was still living the delinquent lifestyle and was plenty feared just by himself. After high school, he left home and got a job at a fast food joint to pay for the rent of a rundown apartment.

(No secret here either)

Password: Don't see why I'd have to do this twice but pie not pi.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/57a8bdb04f57a_DominicHugo.png.27f867838040c11587c5e835b524508f.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1369" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/57a8bdb04f57a_DominicHugo.png.27f867838040c11587c5e835b524508f.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Dominic is rather scary looking, with his gold colored eyes always in an eternal glare and his towering height of 6' 5". His black hair is always hanging in front of his eyes messily. He is very muscular in frame and has a long scar running diagonally across his back.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/57a8bdb055b77_Mina2.png.4097eb3c263aaf52cbe4dbced5fcf7ac.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1371" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/57a8bdb055b77_Mina2.png.4097eb3c263aaf52cbe4dbced5fcf7ac.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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    Dominic Hugo.png
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    Mina Harker.png
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    Mina 2.png
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. . . Can I ask why? . . . I'm not sure if their personalities would mesh well. Actually, I'm not sure Mina's personality would mesh well with anyone here . . .
amdreams said:
. . . Can I ask why? . . . I'm not sure if their personalities would mesh well. Actually, I'm not sure Mina's personality would mesh well with anyone here . . .
They're a bit similar, in a few ways. And also, the Alex dude... I dunno,actually xD . I just got bored. Plua, I can be oblivious. I blame my best friend...

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