Leap of Faith

so my character will forever be in a state of pure agony when they do "try" to "kill" him xD
Wait... If the only thing you need is more guy characters to start... I'll make another character if it helps ouo
I'd make a girl but then I don't know how to girl, and we have a large surplus of them here anyway xD

(I just can stop doing this xD )
That'd be good actually. Then we'd have 4 guys and 4 girls and then we could get started.

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Name: Kuro Mashiro

Age: 21

Personality: Kuro is always likes to do what others don't want to do, and when their is a tie between voting, he always chooses the one that seems the least fun. He likes to cause others misery even if it causes himself the same loss and he'll go out of his way to make others angry. He doesn't consider himself stubborn, but when an argument is started he likes to drag it on as long as possible.

Kuro is the type of person who drags everything out but is very careful at times, but doesn't like people to notice his care (not anywhere near his secret) and will ruin everything if he is caught. He doesn't ever regret anything and will never apologize to anyone or accept apologies from anyone.

Strengths: He is very careful and is good at facing the pain to things, making him almost abnormally strong and independent.

Weaknesses: He hates to agree with others and isn't the fastest person. He works well with small groups but prefers to either be in a crowd or alone by himself

Bio: Before being stranded, Kuro was hated by a lot of people, and hated a lot of people. He had graduated college, but decided to stay as a professor, and even gave a speech about how he was going to use his diploma to make the younger students' lives miserable.

Kuro was a very good teacher, and all of his students had A's in class, because he made sure that kids were always learning, "properly." However, he had only warmed up to one particular student, named Mabel Yukimura, who was in a wheelchair because her legs were permanently paralyzed. She was always nice and never talked bad about him, even when he would always yell horrible things at her and the class.

One day near the end of the school year, Mabel killed herself, and no one would tell Kuro why, which made him go on a rampage. Kuro didn't understand until he found out that another group of students had been bullying and teasing her, thinking that she and Kuro were seeing each other. As soon as Kuro found out who started it, he found the kid and got so mad, that he ended up breaking his neck, and was immediately fired. When he came home after finally finding another job a month later, he found himself stranded with the others.

Password: Pie not Pi

Appearance: Kuro has a height of 6.4 and ways about 145 llbs. He died his hair blue and is usually wearing a business suit, and has very pale skin.

SolG123 said:
I have this nagging feeling that one or two of the "unstable" girls might take interest in my character then proceed to try and kill him. It already happened once, I'm sure it'll happen again. xD
I'll probably get ticked off at you, and try to crack your skull open xD  
I'll make a guy.
Nirvana said:
I'll probably get ticked off at you, and try to crack your skull open xD
Pretty sure you wanted to join the band wagon of girls trying to kill me in Haze xD .

Alright, at least I don't need to make a char. I haven't started yet


Alex Xiavier

Age: 17

Personality: Alex is snooty, cold and nice on occasion. He's very over confident, and has a big head. When it comes to people that he cares for, he's over protective. With others, he just laughs at them, and snubs them.

Strengths: phisically strong and semi-smart

Weaknesses: math and emotion stuff, and is scared of heights


Alex lived a calm, normal life. He never needed to do anything. He always snubbed anyone beneath him, ignoring them; laughing at them. He needed no one except for himself. He loved his little sister dearly, though. She was the only person that he truly cared about. He could hardly stand his parents, much less enjoy their company. Alex wanted to be a director as an adult, and direct movies about cold case murderers. He's very strong, and was popular at school. He considered everyone below him though, and snubbed them. (

I dunno what his secret could be...)

Password: told u in my last formmm

Appearance: he has black hair, dark brown eyes, olive skin, stocky build, 5' 10"


[QUOTE="~Quizzical~]No prob ^^
If it's not too much to ask, Nirvana, would you be okay with making a male character?

just did lol! i dunno what the secret should be. :P Any ideasss? 

SolG123 said:
Pretty sure you wanted to join the band wagon of girls trying to kill me in Haze xD ./quote]
Ooo all I need is a reason xD
TheMagicalMissingno said:
If you get desperate, Finn can ward off the ladies.
With his creepy smile.

And squint.

And just him in general.
my characters are usually pretty bold and creepy themselves... o_O
Sorry I'm not the best at playing guys...but if we really need another one I guess I could try

Name: Amanda Stargazer

Age: 17

Personality: Amanda is an extremely caring and kind person who will always put others before herself especially animals. She doesn't care if she was on her own death bed for she'd rather die than let someone suffer. She loves making friends but in school she is quite shy and is bullied a lot, making it hard for her to. She is very sweet and lovable though once she breaks through her little shell she puts up in school. Once you get to know her you will also see how bubbly, bouncy and very oblivious she is. Even though Amanda is oblivious, it doesn't mean that she's stupid. She's actually very smart, though most think she is not for her common sense is not soo high. She is quite energetic and childish as well and she always loves to run around and play games. She is REALLY connected with music for her parents were singers and taught her much about that and she always carries her guitar and music/lyric book around in it's case. She looks like she is weak and frail, but if you were to ever anger her, you will regret it. She's very tough and strong despite her tiny appearance. Luckily she only gets angry if you were to hurt something or someone she cares for like her friends, guitar, or locket. However if needed by her friends she can activate a survival mode, in which all her instincts are on high alert. She is protective that way, but most do not get to see her like this and are usually shocked when they see it.

Strengths: Music, Sports, Water, Poison, Weapon wielding

Weaknesses: Pressure points and not being good enough

Bio: Amanda was born into a loving family 17 years ago. She has on a locket that her mama had given her when she was a little girl. It has a photo of her and her parents inside it. Although her parents had given birth to Amanda at a very young age as her mama was 18 and her daddy was only 17, making many people think she was a mistake, especially her parents fans. Her parents were the main singers in a country band and made her love music. She sings on the street with her guitar to earn money and entertain. She is very active and loves sports especially swimming gymnastics tree climbing and horse back riding. She loves nature and animals so she's a vegetarian. Was bullied quite a bit when she was little since she was so different. They made up rumors about her that were not true and it even got very violent often and once a gun was even pointed at her for no reason. She's short and tiny but strong and powerful especially if she gets mad. She is about 5' (Don't worry none of this is even close to her secret)

Password: Pie not pi...now I want pie...

Appearance: Amanda is unusually thin for her age and is considered underweight. She is also very short at only five feet. She has silky light blue hair that goes past her hips and sparkling bright blue eyes. Amanda has very pale skin despite being outside so often. Has a slight country accent.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/57a8bdb0432d8_cuteanimegirl.jpg.76c06e0cecf81c6685ba4b30fa64c834.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1366" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/57a8bdb0432d8_cuteanimegirl.jpg.76c06e0cecf81c6685ba4b30fa64c834.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • cute anime girl.jpg
    cute anime girl.jpg
    7.5 KB · Views: 25
Name: Dee Farris

Age: 19

Personality: Dee is a quirky girl to say the least. A huge gamer geek and a bit of a shut in, she doesn't exactly appreciate human company. She does go to school and everything, but has few friends. People tend to think she's pretty weird. One of her biggest issues is that she can't stand human contact. Any sort of touching, however little or accidental it may be, she freaks out. Why? That's just her little secret. She also dislikes being around too many people at a time. She much prefers to be as alone as possible. Besides that, she's a rather pessimistic and almost nihilistic. She always assumes the worst possible outcome and often gets depressed and worries a lot. She has major trust issues and will be very snippy and mean to new people. She just doesn't like people getting close to her, and never really gets to trust them.

Strengths: Not many. She's rather smart, but that's really all.

Weaknesses: She can't stand human contact, and is also very hard to cooperate with because of her bad attitude.

Bio: Dee was born into a lower-middle class family. Her parents soon split up because of financial troubles. This threw her into depression, and she began to push away anyone close to her. She ended up alone, without friends. She turned to spending all of her time playing illegal game downloads while holed up in her room. She very rarely comes out unless for school or meals. She currently lives with her father.


Appearance: Dee is a short girl, only measuring at about 5'2". She has honey brown hair which goes down to about her mid back, though she tends to braid it so it's easier to manage. Her weight is about average, 127 lbs. She usually wears tee shirts which tend to be big on her. She doesn't put much thought into her wardrobe. She isn't ugly, and could be prettier if she tried. She just doesn't care enough. 



Looks like we're gonna need another guy after all xD

We're counting on you owo
I`ll try roleplaying as a male for once.*-* New experiences...

Name: Rune Woodworth

Age: 17

Personality: Rune is the quiet type of guy and a small talker away from school work. He despises any disorderly conduct and never hesitates to correct. He also takes things a bit too seriously, like, seriously. He can`t take a joke either.





Enforcing rules


Is somewhat vague

Can`t really understand other peoples feelings

Water, yes water, like the sea.

Bio: Born into a family of three with a overprotective mother, Hard-working father, And annoying little brother. A normal family really, nothing more. He lives with his family in Miami, Florida, in a regular sized house. Can you guys help me with this guy`s bio?

Password: Pie, not pi




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