Leap of Faith

Name: Jefferson Chao <Don't judge me i'm a filipino living near a filipino-chinese community.>

Age: 18

Personality: Jeff had always been stubborn. He would not back down no matter how hard things got. Jeff had the ability to say stupid things at stupid times. He had always been a bit of an introvert. He tries his best to look on the bright side of things. He was always a loner opting to absorb himself in thought than conversation, but would never shut up if anyone ever talked to him. He tries to find shortcuts to anythning.

Strengths: Being the loner, introvert and generally the outcast Jeff can tackle anything that required will power. He also prided himself in being able to adapt to any situation when he was busy sucking up to people.

Weaknesses: He sometimes becomes too over analytical that he rarely sees the bigger picture unfolding, making him oblivious to most overreaching consequences. He tires out quickly. Very lazy


Jeff was born into a normal household in the suburbs. He was average at his studies. He never got into any sports and as a consequence, he tires out too quickly. He was always smarter than his class but his inherent laziness held him back from ever achieving anything. He always stuck to his small circle of friends. He was normal as "normal" could be.

He is currently in college taking up a degree in Engineering, because ,according to an excerpt from his interview, "I wanted the challenge." <I find it hard to come up with bios>

Password: Pie not 3.14159265359 xD


give or take this but a darker skin tone.

Here's to making the cut *fingers crossed*
SolG123 Accepted ^^ I like how your character as all over-analytical.

Paradox: I like your character a lot, but a bunch of her past is pretty implausible. Putting aside the fact that it'd be very hard to survive on the streets at 9 years, there's no way the legit mafia would hire someone under 15 as an assassin. Also, if she's only 15, how did the military not figure out that she's not 18? Even if she had a fake ID, I don't think they'd make a mistake like that. Also why'd she have to lie about her sex?

Other then that, very very good ^^ Just work on the bio and you're all set.

A note for everyone: We need more male characters. So far we only have one but we have 3 girls, plus my character will be a girl. Dudes needed!!
Yeah, cuz I don't think we could have it all female.......mainly cuz I don't know how to girl.
Okie dokie, changed it.

And I'm sure more guys will join, if not I can always bring out my masculine side and place in a couple guys as well.
Maybe it's not to bad that SolG123 would be the only boy.

Alpha male complex! You'd have all of the man-sex-appeal. Like a lion whose pride mostly consists of lionesses.

And I appreciate your acceptance. Thank you.<3
Name: Finn Franchot

Age: 18

Personality: Finn is an incredibly abnormal person. And by abnormal, of course, I mean he acts like he just got hit over the head with a brick and forgot how to act in public. He blurts things at random, no matter how cruel and possibly insensitive they may be, all the while managing to hold a grin that would even make the Cheshire Cat jealous. He doesn't seem to comprehend that people will most likely not take his antics very well, and therefore continues his routine of staggering down streets waving his arms around like a mental patient. The things Finn does go beyond that, as he is also very easily set off and potentially violent towards others.

Strengths: He is somewhat strong, and will do what you say if you get on his good side.

Weaknesses: He is also a complete idiot, and if you're on his bad side he will most likely ignore you, no matter how dire the situation may be. He's also incredibly distrusting and, as I said before, easily set off.

Bio: Finn lived a completely normal life until his father was shot through the forehead. He was about 15 when this happened, thus remembering all of the reports, the arrests, his older brother having a "moment", etc. However, being born with a rock for a brain, he was actually okay with it. This was, of course, until his mother suddenly became even more protective from these happenings and rarely ever let him or his older brother leave the house. He went to school occasionally until he was kicked out for too many absences, and from then on spent all of his time in his room, playing video games and banishing everything he knew about the outside world from his mind until all that was left was a human shell with a ton of crazy on the inside.

Password: Pie not pi, unless it is indeed pi.

Appearance: Finn has platinum-blonde hair reaching to the back of his neck, never brushed or combed and always badly cut by his mother thus making it look like a fluffy pile of golden retriever fuzz. His eyes are bright blue, but it's hard to tell because of his almost-constant squinting. His skin is pale due to little sun exposure, and he is surprisingly thin for someone who practically lives on goldfish crackers and oreos. His clothing consists of over-sized turtlenecks and sweaters, as well as shorts coming just above the knee. Basically, he dresses as if he has no idea what season it is. As for shoes, why bother with shoes? He's almost always barefoot.

You win a male character.
Pretty good ^^

Just checking, the shooting thing isn't his "secret," right? If so, please take it out of the bio.
I have this nagging feeling that one or two of the "unstable" girls might take interest in my character then proceed to try and kill him. It already happened once, I'm sure it'll happen again. xD

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