Leap of Faith


Junior Member
Okay, so the premise of the roleplay will be here as well.

Each and every one of you has a problem, a secret if you will. No one knows. You all think you'll be judged or rejected. After a particularly long day, you come home. You walk to your bedroom or even the kitchen, and you close the door behind you. The hours tick away, and finally you emerge. But the door doesn't open into the house you're used to. It opens onto a beach, a deserted island. Other people are coming out of doors, looking confused. People you've never seen before. The door closes behind you and promptly dissapears. Now you are all stranded, forced to cooperate with eachother. The island has food on it and animals, but also ferocious monsters. It does not provide you with weapons. The key to unlocking the way out is by unlocking everyone's secrets. But this won't be easy. Being mean and cold brings you further away from your goal: to get home. Making friends and being kind brings you closer to achieving your goal. Once everyone's been unlocked, you will all get to go home.

Just a note: You don't previously know any of these people. You are not allowed to already know them or be friends with them.

A bit about the geography:

So far, the only area is the main island. Walking far away from it brings you to nothingness, and eventually a steep drop off that one wouldn't want to fall into.


1) Follow all RPnation rules.

2) Romance is allowed, but nothing explicit.

3) No killing people. Ever.

4) If you read the rules, put "Pie not pi" in the password section.

5) If I eject you from the RP for any reason, no complaints.

6) If I ask you to revise your character for any reason, no complaints.

7) Don't say your character's "secret" until the character does in the RP. Don't reveal it before the RP starts.

8) Be literate!

9) Please write about a paragraph per post AT LEAST. More would be great, that is the minimum.

10) Have fun!!



Age: (Between 17 and 21 preferably)

Personality: (Don't be vague!)

Strengths: (Don't be super over-powered. Also no magic.)


Bio: (Still don't be vague! I want an in-depth bio.)


Appearance: (I'd prefer detailed descriptions, but pics are okay.)

Naomi Cain




Naomi is very independent and strong willed, and will do anything for her friends. She finds it hard to hurt someone, but would if it meant saving more people. She is creative, and kind. Yet, she is also cynical. She has never been the most trusting person ever.


Knowlege and lies


Spiders!!!! To much physical exertion as well.


Naomi's life has been awful, the worst being when her mother was murdered when she was 10; 2 years after her parents divorced. Naomi has 2 baby brothers, and her father is loving and caring. They all live in a small house in Chicago with her fathers girl friend. Naomi has never told anyone how she felt about her mother, and sobs herself to sleep every night. She loves to read and write, and especially loves horrific murder tales. It's ironic, as she hates the fact that someone had killed her mother, and reads these books. She is writing a book about the civil war, mainly focused on clara barton.


Pie, not piiii (3.145926...)


Naomi is 5' 10" and lean, though with very little muscle. She has bright blonde hair streaked with brown, and deep blue, almost purple, eyes. Her hair is very short in the back, with long strands in the front. She has side bangs as well with hipster glasses. Her face is heart shaped, and she has very long legs.
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Good except one thing.

Is the murder thing her "secret?"

If so, please take it out. The secret should be saved for later or else it takes out the surprise element of finding out what everyone's big secrets are. And if that is, when it's revealed, there should be some explanation as to why she did it.
[QUOTE="~Quizzical~]Good except one thing.
Is the murder thing her "secret?"

If so, please take it out. The secret should be saved for later or else it takes out the surprise element of finding out what everyone's big secrets are. And if that is, when it's revealed, there should be some explanation as to why she did it.

Oh, I thought that we were supposed to put them in it somewhere, sorry! 

[QUOTE="~Quizzical~]Good except one thing.
Is the murder thing her "secret?"

If so, please take it out. The secret should be saved for later or else it takes out the surprise element of finding out what everyone's big secrets are. And if that is, when it's revealed, there should be some explanation as to why she did it.

i edited it.
[QUOTE="~Quizzical~]Yeah, it says in the rules xD
No big deal. If you could just revise it, then you're accepted ^^

i revised, and I just skimmed through the rules, plus I'm reading right now too. ^.^
Name: Enomoto, "Ene," Takane

Age: 16

Personality: Ene is a quick-witted out of the ordinary smart girl, unless it comes to creativity. She had known what to do in case of an emergency as such as being stranded, but never thought she'd have to be anywhere outside of a city or place with a school or form of technology.

She is very quiet, unless stating her opinion in a debate, and backing herself up with facts. If asked to speak, she will rant on, and act as though she is above everyone else, but will not speak up for herself otherwise, and keeps a very bored way and sits around, seeming as though she has no attachment to any side or opinion.

She also isn't very good with bugs and nature, and happens to hate animals not even wanting to eat meat, because of how disgusted she is by them

Strengths: Her knowledge, and photographic memory are what she considers her strengths, as well as her sharp tongue.

Weaknesses: She is quick to judge and doesn't regret anything, whether it is good or bad. She always says what she means and means what she says as well as doesn't work well with others. She has a fear of bugs and certain nature things, and can burst into random rants or moods because of them.

Bio: Enomoto was born to a family of farmers, which is why everyone was so surprised to see how well she is at studies an academics, let alone being able to skip to grades. Ene was picked on by jealous piers from school in each class, and got a lot of people fired even as a young child, because of her greater knowledge. This wasn't the only reason they picked on her. Ene was born with a disease so rare that it wasn't even named, all that was know about it was that the victims had red eyes, and that they'd loose conscious at unpredictable times. All those who tried to grow in a relationship with Ene were either pushed away or annoyed by her. She always got what she wanted because she had a reason for it and always grew up that way.

Before Ene was stranded with the rest, she had been in her senior year, trying to decide which scholarship she would use, from the four colleges that were offering a full scholarship. Her parents were so proud, but also sad because it had always been a tradition for the oldest child to take the family farm, but now her younger brother would have to take it. Ene wanted to tell her parents that maybe she shouldn't go to college, and live the life they lived, but she would always get too frustrated with them to tell anyone.

Password: Pi not Pie



Ene has a very child-like appearance with red eyes and medium hair that she ties up in pig-tails. She has pale skin and is 5.1.
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Ene Kagerou

A few issues: Your password is incorrect. Please go back and have a look at the rules ^^

Also as previously stated, please don't reveal their "secret" yet. It takes out the suspense of finding it out. The link to your pic is broken as well. I like her personality a lot, but the thing about the disease is a little odd. Maybe give it more detail and a name?

Final thing: You don't have to, but it'd be great if you could make her 17 instead of 16.
Much, much better. Accepted!

But ehm, could you try to hide her "secret" a little more?

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I came up with a better one that's less cheesy don't worry.. and sorry about that lol I'm still a noob
Kay, it's alright. It's pretty well hidden anyway ^^ Just don't make it too obvious that that's her "secret" at the beginning.
uhhh, I'm a dude of course I am xD . lemme think up of a character. you already have a list of problems or do we make one from scratch?
Name: Layla Branwen

Age: 17

Personality: The best way to describe Layla is.....odd. She's intelligent, witty, clever, a bit eccentric at times, and prone to vicious mood swings. She can come off as harsh, but deep down, does care about others. She is actually a very lonely person, but has an insane fear of letting others come close to her, and would never admit that. Despite her "aggressive" exterior, once you get to know her, you'll find she is a very protective and caring, strong-willed, stubborn person who is struggling between right and wrong. Se gets annoyed easily, and can be very theatrical on occasion. Be prepared to encounter some very strange habits of hers.

Strengths: Her ability to make her way out, or solve, any "sticky" situation is one of her many admired attributes. Being extremely strategical and intelligent, she ash a vast sea of knowledge relating to everything from basic survival, technological science, or medicine. Her cunning and strong will provide positive quality towards her intense intelligence.

Weaknesses: Layla is excessively anti-social, which in this situation would be considered a fault. She doesn't come to trust easily, and tends to push away those around her.

Bio: She left home at the age of 9 (as to why, that would be her secret). Living on the streets for many years, she became a thief, which is a career path she certainly hated. She left that business to move towards more private operations. At the age of 16, Layla took on a new identity (using stolen documents and altered files), to lie about her age and join the military, where she was when she arrived here.

Password: Pie not pi

Appearance: Layla stands at 5"3 in height, weighing at 103 pounds. She is slender, with slight curves, and has a pale ivory complexion. Her eyes are large and nearly doe-like, pertaining to an exquisite and striking sapphire blue. Her hair is pitch black, having a small wave as it comes a couple inches past her shoulders. She would be considered attractive.
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