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Fantasy Last Lights

"Naturally I remember our bet. And this is the first time i've felt like this at night. It feels nice. Of course if you want to know why, you're going to have to win. This will be the most fun i've had in a while! I'm going to be pulling out all the stops!"
"WHAT'S THIS?! I CAN'T QUITE HEAR WHAT THEY'RE SAYING, BUT IT LOOKS LIKE A LITTLE PRE-MATCH TRASH TALK! THIS IS GOING TO BE AN EXITING MATCH, I CAN TELL!" The announcer pulls away from the mic to speak to someone standing next to him. "Tell the magicians to increase the strength of the barrier protecting the audience. We don't need a repeat accident of what happened last time." He turns back to the mic. "ARE THE CONTESTANTS READY?!" Myr and Rayon both nod their approval. "THEN LLLLLLLET'S GET RRRRREADY TO RUMBLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLE!" ([media]

[/media] , skip to 0:50)
-The entirety of this fight was decided out in a facebook chat. What is written here is the result of what was decided-

Myr began to charge the power of the moonlight and starlight in his tails, causing to glow ever so slightly for a short time. While he charges his power, Rayon quickly and silently creates a static clone in his place and vanishes without Myr's noticing. He dashes at the clone and roundslashes at it with the brunt of his sword, but the clone vanishes the second his blade touches it. He closes his eyes and his ears twitch as he listens closely for any sign of Rayon. He hears metal needles whizzing through the air towards him. He deflects them with his sword. Some of them jolt electric through his body, an others create tiny explosions. Myr remembers at this time that he must stay in the air as much as possible to prevent electric based attacks. He pounds his fists together and uses his illusion magic to both turn him invisible and muffle any sound he makes. He focuses harder and listens for any sound Rayon makes. Rayon reappears, but is high in the air, and divebombs the arena, causing a massive shockwave. Myr uses his greatsword and vaults over the ground-based shockwave. He uses his illusion magic again to project his voice all over the arena and make Rayon hear his voice from all directions at once, and extremely loudly, forcing Rayon to mash his hands over his ears in pain. "LOOOOOUUUUUUD NOOOOOOIIIIISEEEEEEES. DO YOUR EARS HURT YET, WOLF BOY? PEOPLE OFTEN HAVE TROUBLE WITH THIS MOVE." Rayon remembers a technique he had read about in the guild library, and focuses his aura into a purple hue, dampening the loud sounds of the illusion magic. Myr sneaks up behind Rayon, still invisible and muffled, and shoves him, then sprints off to the right. Annoyed, Rayon closes his eyes, and concentrates. Once again from all directions, he hears, "There will be no concentrating. I won't let you cast if I can help it." He walks up, and shoves Rayon to the ground from the side. Rayon catches himself, and stands back up, and says, "I'm not trying to cast. I'm trying to..." Myr launches a direct front kick to Rayon's stomach. "SMELL YA!" Rayon grabs Myr's foot, blinking Myr back into visibility, and starts to spin him around Super Mario 64 VS Bowser style, and tries to freeze Myr's legs wit ice magic. "You'd think you'd know better than to use ice!" Myr says quickly. He enflames his entire body in Cyan blue foxfire flames, singing Rayon's hands and melting the ice on his legs. Rayon swings Myr over head and slams him into the ground, letting go of his legs. Myr swings his legs in an almost breakdance-like style, kicking Rayon in the stomach several times. Unfortunately, he was blocking his stomach with his arms. "I guess it's about time then," Myr says. Rayon cocks his head at Myr, confused. "All battle, I've been charging power in my tails. The moon is large and bright tonight, and there is a sea of beautiful stars. My tails are brimming with power." Myr stamps his feet into the ground and takes a riding horse stance. He begins to raise his hands into the air, and points all of his tails to a small glowing ball above his head. Rayon steps back in surprise. The ball over Myr's head quickly glows larger, eventually up to twice the size of his own body. A smirk crosses his face. This is going to be dangerous, Rayon thought. He clapped his hands together, and focuses his power outward. His hands catch fire, small streaks of lightning are visible on the surface of his body, his breath takes on an icy appearance, as if the air were sub-zero, and his eyes emit a flame that glows with the color of the elements. (Think Black Rock Shooter's flame eye thing, but both eyes. Don't know who that is? Fucking look it up, asshole.) His physical capabilities increase exponentially. "MOONLIGHT...CANNON!" Myr shouts. The enormous ball of energy above his head fires a laser blast towards Rayon, who narrowly dodges it, thanks to his increased physical abilities. Myr moves to fire the blast in an arc, following Rayon's unusually fast movements, even as Rayon left far overhead the arena, Myr followed him with the Moonlight Cannon. Small, hairline cracks began to form in the barrier. The continuous flow of magic quickly mended them. After about ten seconds, the blast died out, and Rayon's buff petered out. Tch. Myr sprinted forward Rayon, and Rayon in turn, sprinted towards Myr. Myr swings his greatsword overhead, and Rayon uppercuts. The sword and gauntlet-covered fist connect, and chance out in a competition of strength and endurance. Neither could best the other. Each party began to put more force into the clash, but they merely kept cancelling eachother out. Power begins to course into the ground and air around them. Consume. Myr heard a voice in his head. Let your anger consume you. You can best him if you do. As if in a trance, Myr stares straight forward into Rayon's face, wide eyed. "Consume..." he says. His eyes slowly turn an even deeper, insanity looking shade of violet, and his fur takes on an appearance as if it were on fire, and almost appears to turn the same deep shade of violet as his eyes.. "CONSUME..." he says once more. Renewed power begins to course through his body and blade. His the ground begins to tremble, and crack. His sword bursts into flames colored the same as his eyes. Rayon grits his teeth, and struggles to stay up and keep his footing under the onslaught. The force only increases as his unsourced anger feeds him power. His eyes glaze over, and Rayon notices. "Kill..." Myr hears the voice say, which he then repeats out loud. "Something isn't right..." Rayon says under his breath. The air around them begins to blow wildly as immense power begins to fill the arena. The barrier begins to crack, and the magicians are unable to mend it fast enough. They signal to the announcer.

"ENOUGH! STOP THE FIGHT! THE RESULT IS A TIE!" Hearing this, Rayon steps sideways and directs Myr's sword into the ground. He underestimated the power to behind it, and was blown back by the sheer force of the sword hitting the ground, which created a large crater. The loud sound of the announcers voice rang in Myr's ears. "Wh-what? Fight is over...? I...I see...My head hurts. I'm going to go take a rest..." His fur slowly returns to normal, color and all, and his eyes turn back to their normal, lighter shade of violet. Rayon stands from where he landed, and looks strangely over at Myr, who slowly saunters off the field. Upon entering the fighter's lounge, Merric runs up to him. "Myr? MYR! Are you alright? You seemed off at the very end of the fight. Those flames are not your colors. And What about your fur?" "Not now, Merric. I'm going to rest my head. We'll get those drinks in a bit." Myr walks past the old man, and into a private room at the back of the lounge. Rayon quickly follows the kitsune into the lounge, but is unable to find him. "If you're looking for Myr, he went into the private backroom. Said he wanted to rest his head. I think it's related to the abnormal changes to the color of his flames and fur..." "Wait, you mean that's not normal?" "No. Normally, that's only something he does when he gets angry, but the flames are always crimson in coloration, and his fur never changes colors tell me, did his eyes change?" "Well they turned an even deeper shade of violet...Almost insane looking violet. Then it's as if his eyes clouded over." "That's...definitely not normal. This has never happened before. Something is happening with the old boy. We'll need to keep an eye on him. For now, I recommend that you let him get that rest. After a while, we'll both go in there and see if we can get anything out of him about it." In the meantime, find Verona. She's his partner, so she needs to know about this. Find her, and bring her here. We'll all go in together."
Katos watched the swollen lip of his opponent stretch as a thumb brushed it clean of blood, only for a fresh dribble to take its place. His eyes darted up to another pair, and he could see the mockery there, the bravado. Though the Human's smirk would have given that away.

His gaze darted across the mans form; tough and well built, and his stance was sturdy. He was no amateur to the pits. The tightness in his sternum was evidence enough. A good clock to the jaw had distracted him enough to let a jab through to his bare chest, in the center where scales never formed.

"You don't look so good." the brute approached him where he leaned against the rim of the dugout, arms hooked over the edge, panting softly as he tasted the air with a glimmer of challenge in his eye to match his opponents condescending tone. It was true, he had taken a fair ammount of damage, but nothing hand been truly serious. A good punch here and there, and a smattering of cuts from the nasty end of a broken bottle had come from his previous opponents. However he was far from worn out. "Maybe you ought to take a rest."

Katos felt no need to respond to petty banter. Really, if you were going to waste breath with a retort, at least come up with something better than sarcastic remarks. Lazy.

He easily dodged the next swing and spun his weight around with him to power a kick to the mans side, and a follow up with his interlocked fists before jumping back to avoid the knee that nearly grazed his cheek, summersaulting backwards onto his feet.

Through the odd magic of foreign music, and the haze of the opium table only ten paces away, katos could feel that glorious stirring in his veins singing to him, guiding him in his violent dance. He wove between the blows and jabs as he was backed up against the wall again, forced by the sheer amount of reach his opponent had. he was by no means a short Morph, either. The human was massive.

He readied himself to kick the man back, and immediately regretted it. in a split second, his head was snatched in a moment of vulnerability, and suddenly stars were assaulting his vision while he flew through the air.

Katos' talons unsheathed as he felt a flat, gravely surface between his hands, and he landed in a crouch, sliding back in the dirt with a snarl and a crack of his neck. He would need to check that one before even thinking of sleep, if the blood now running just past his eye was any indicator.

"stop playing around and finish him off!" katos heard the first before a torrent of other impatient gamblers began shouting for the fight to escalade while his opponent showcased himself and attempted to berate him into a fools rage.

A few minor scruples had erupted around them, arguing over who would win. Would the victor of the last two fights win? or was he too exhausted and outmatched? katos took a defensive stance and circled the rim opposite the human. He thought he was the only one who knew how to work the crowd?

With a snarl, katos charged headfirst towards the human, arms thrust out and watched the man jump out of the way on reflex, diving into the dirt as he latched his talons into the wall and propelled himself up into the rafters, holding himself up between the beams with his limbs spread eagle on either side. All eyes were on him when he gave the air an exadurated, long flicker of his tongue, and a ghoulish grin and he watched the human below him slowly loose the stiffness in his shoulders. the fear was setting in. The human saw itself for what it really was...

in a heartbeat, katos shot down like a torpedo, ignoring the spinning of his vision and the ache in his chest as he kicked the man across the pit and set upon him with his talons unleashed. he grabbed the supple throat and dragged the side of his face across the wall as he built up the momentum to throw him, and he was upon the man again before he hit the ground, raining blow after blow upon his face, raking his claws along the scalp until his vision was blurred by red spatter. But he kept going - he was unsure how long- until he felt the heat in his blood add to the haze of the opiates.

katos sighed.

He had to end it already...

how long had it been since he had reach that point so quickly?

he let out a soft groan as he stood up straight, shoving the heel of his boot against the humans throat to hold him down as he raked his sweat dampened hair back and rolled his shoulders. he would have to keep better tabs on his defense for the next one.

it was only then he realized the silence that surrounded him and looked about at the shocked faces in the stands.

when he followed their gaze, he found himself looking at the human...no...corpse beneath his foot.

Katos wisely determined, now was a very good time to leave.
Myr was dreaming again. He was back in the pitch black darkness. In the distance, he could see tiny red dots in pairs of two. They seemed to be really far away, but he couldn't quite tell. He tapped the ground with his foot again, and it was exactly the same as before. Like an ocean of black, but the very surface was hard. Wherever he stepped, it rippled. He heard a loud and inhuman screech from somewhere far behind him. He turned, but he could not see what made the screech behind him. "Sol!" he shouted. Strangely, the spell didn't work. The orb of light that normally appears was nowhere to be seen. He reached for his greatsword, but it too was missing. "Oh fuck. Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck...!" He turned back around and saw the bright silver spiral staircase again. He ran towards it, and quickly ascended. About halfway up, he stopped to catch his breath. He looked out in the distance, and saw that the tiny red dots were moving. They seemed like they were coming straight towards him, and in massive numbers. Without his magic or sword, he would not be able to take them on. He turned to continue running up the stairs, but when he looked forward, he saw that the entire stairwell was splattered in blood. It dripped from the stairs above him, and made those below him slick. It dripped, and got everywhere. He struggled to keep his face clean, and then he heard the loud inhuman screech again. This time, it was much closer. It almost sounded like...Oh god, it was at the bottom of the stairwell! What the fuck is that thing?! Panic and fear filled his entire being. He had never seen something so grotesque and terrifying. He turned around and sprinted up the stairs as fast as he could. The thing was faster. He could hear it gaining on him. It began to laugh. It sounded like insane, maniacal laughter. Myr's fear grew, and he put a renewed effort into climbing the endless staircase. It was getting closer. Finally, he reached the top. Cygnus was nowhere to be seen, unlike last time. The thing was really close now. It came clamoring up the stairs after him, and reached the top only seconds after he had. It was even larger up close. It's laughing grew even more feverish and maniacal. It sprinted at Myr, and grabbed him with it's many hands. It let out one last, loud screech, and ripped him in half. Then, it let out one last, maniacal laugh.

"HYAAAAAAAAAAAAA" He woke up screaming and in a cold sweat. In a panic, he quickly looked around. His eyes fell upon three figures sitting and looking worriedly at him. "Myr, you were having a nightmare just now, weren't you? I haven't seen you act like that since Cygnus brought you here after your parents were killed. What do you think, Verona? You've been with him since even before you two came here."

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