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Fantasy Last Lights

His jaw ached with the pressure of his own teeth gritting together as he strained to keep a firm hold on the Minotaurs throat. More than once the momentum of the beasts struggles nearly threw him off, and Katos sincerely hoped the new notch in his left horn wasn't painful. Not for the first time he was grateful for the small measure of protection his scales offered when the bristly thing swung his ax up again just as he tightened his legs around his throat, managing to split the ends of his hair. with an angry hiss he swung himself to the side and watched it fly from his grip. Should the weapon have made contact, he would have been severely injured, but not irreversibly.

Katos then felt it, the relaxing of the tight chords of muscle in the Minotaurs shoulders, the weakening of the struggles. It would be only moments until...there. The beast began to tilt beneath him, and he hoisted himself by the beasts horns, stood on the creatures shoulders and sprung off in a forward flip. He touched down gracefully and took a moment to catch his breath and rake his hair back out of his face. Ignoring the sudden silence, he walked back into the pub, casually as you please and up the stairs to his room, slamming the door behind him.

Time to finish that nap...
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He shows potential, Calixto. You dare waste such a valuable asset?

Vysesa's voice echoed in his old mind like a voice projecting into a deep, dark cave. However, fear did not creep into his heart, because it was a voice he had heard a thousand times before. He chuckled quietly under his breath, closing his eyes and staring towards ground. The others were watching him; waiting and listening. Calixto was a stranger to them, and what he was about to do, would make him an enemy. Slowly, the old kitsune opened his eyes and took a long glance around.

No witnesses.

Her voice spoke again. Calixto's mouth was formed into a gentle smile as he sent a silent apology in the direction of each individual standing before him. For the second time, the old kitsune closed his eyes . A chilling blackness enveloped his vision. Any sound around him became muffled and distant, like it was a thousand miles away. Time slowed itself, taking away the privilege of sudden movements and the ability to react. Calixto listened intently until the only thing he could hear was his own heart, thumping rhythmically inside his dusty ribcage.

Thump, thump, thump.

He clasped his hands together, and touched his black nose against them. His mouth parted, and he took in a deep breath, speaking a single, unknown word.


As if it had never happened, time returned to its normal pace and new sounds flooded into his fuzzy white ears. His eyelids retreated, only to see the people before him and anyone watching drop like flies to the hard, cobblestone road. He felt a presence beside him, and Calixto glanced behind him to see Vysesa with her hood down and face exposed. A small, twisted smile was spread across her cold lips. She was the last thing anyone saw before they fell into the spiraling blackness of unconsciousness.

The wind was cold, and night seemed to rule the sky as nightingales and lurking creatures awoke from their slumbers. His fur was jagged and tough; untreated. Her silky smooth, yet harsh touch slid down the side of his cheek. She cooed softly, and shushed the beast as his eyes began to flutter open.

"Shh... It's all over now. You are safe." The demoness whispered. Her fiery eyes hovered above his. Calixto watched from beside her, resting both of his paws on top of his cane. He seemed to be observing the Minotaur calmly and with a warm gaze. The wind continued to howl, and the forest around them creaked and rustled with noise. The city was out of sight, and out of mind. It was as if they were in another world.

"How confused you must be." Vysesa brushed her hand down the side of his face one last time before standing up straight.
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The talk with Trevor went smoothly. He didn't have any reason to object to leaving the gang. His specific words were "So you finally gonna go live your own life. Thank Morono that you're finally heading out. I was starting to wonder if you would ever leave and grow up." So with no objections Rayon snuck aboard a ship heading towards Kuramba easily, and walked the rest of the way to Aingard. For a brand new chapter in his life, so far it was boring. First off he had snuck onto a passenger boat, not a cargo boat. So the whole way to Kuramba he heard nothing but reach bastards go ON, and on about things he could care nothing about. Rayon would of had more fun whittling a potato! The second part was no different then the usual life Rayon would be doing for Trevor, so it wasn't that bad. However something did bother him. During the entire way his new-found "weapons" showed no way of coming off. He was starting to fear they might not come off at all. It bugged Rayon, but it was just a pet peeve. Besides he might look really bad ass while wearing his cloak and hat! Always helps to look on the bright side of things you know. After so long traveling by himself, Rayon finally saw the city of Aingard in the distance. With the city in sight Rayons energy was replenished. So much in fact that he sprinted in wolf form the rest of the way there. Before entering the city he made sure he was out of wolf form and his wings were hidden inside of his cloak. Nervousness entered his mind. What if he had come all this way for nothing? Like if the Youiji's friend was dead (Youiji was a god after all. How much do they socialize?). Or Rayon simply couldn't find her. He set these fears aside and stepped through the large gates of Aingard. Not even three steps in Rayon heard screams and the sounds of crashing buildings off to his right. The smell of blood was in the air as crowds of people came running from the smoke in the distance. Well, He was looking for some kind of action after being so terribly bored for four days. Dashing towards the sounds He began to hear a loud noise. Was that a Minotaur? In the city? The road was tight with rampaging people filled with fear. Deciding that the road unusable, Rayon climbed a house and began running across the top of them. Finally he had made it to the battle ground, but only to find that the Minotaur was knocked out cold, a young elven girl staring at the Minotaur, some reptile being walking into a pup, and a kitsune passed out holding his gut. "awe come on! i missed out on my only entertainment for a week? Shitty timing as always." Rayon put his hand on his face, shaking in disappointment. Something seemed off about this whole thing somehow. He felt a rage... No more of a furry from the alleyway to the left of him. Rayons vision began to blur. He felt so sleepy... His muscles became unable to move, as he rolled down the roof of the building. The last thing Rayon saw was a women in flames in flames...


When rayon woke up on the sidewalk with his arm hurting bad. Why had he lost conscience just now? Not exactly a smart thing to do on top of the buildings The houses were trashed along with most of the walkway as well.Rayon had landed next to the elven girl. She was just wakeing up as well and looked a little groggy "Your friend looks hurt. The Kitsu. And i don't suppose you have any clue as to where the huge fucking Minotaur went do you?" The elven girl seemed to wake up real fast "OH SHIT! MYR ARE YOU ALRIGHT" the young girl swiftly made her way to the kitsu on the ground. Kneeling beside him the girl picked this "Myr" up gently to examine him. "YOU! yeah you in the cloak! Grab that great-sword over there and come with me." without waiting for a response she turned around and picked up Myr along with her bow. Rayon decided it might be best just to go with the flow for now. "You know a simple please would be nice." He went over the the sword and picked it up with ease "you havent even asked me my name yet." Rayon mumbled to himself as he ran after the elven girl.


Rayon followed the girl for about fifteen minutes down many alleyways and complicated roots until they had reached their mystery destination. It was a large, wide open, area with huge tents, small markets, and request boards everywhere. A few buildings were scattered here and there. about four total, one looked like reserved housing, another a tavern or messhall, an armory, and a medics house? The elven girl raced into the medics house without hesitation. "GRANNY BAYIOOOOOOO" she screamed at the top of her lungs when she walked in. Rayon close behind her with Myr's sword in his hands resting on his shoulders asked "where are we exactly." "What! Are you stupid or somehting! this is the Wayfarers guild." With a blank face Rayon replied "I have never heard of you people." The elven, clearly ignoring Rayon after that remark, turned her attention towards the steps coming down the stairs. "What... Have i told you... ABOUT CALLING ME GRANNY!" A bear bottle came flying around the corner at the group that walked in. The elf ducked under the toss, while Rayon caught the bottle out of the air as it headed straight towards his face. Lowering the bottle down and setting it on a table nearby He looked around the room for a moment. The house was two stories with plenty room. The bottom floor had all of the wall space occupied with shelves of medicine except for one side that was reserved for beds and a desk. Across the room from the door they walked into was a staircase where the doctor strolled down. Bayio didn't look all that old to be honest. late twenty's maybe. She wore a white lab coat with a dark blue shirt underneath, along with a pair of jeans that highlighted certain parts of her body. She had long, curly, brown hair and hazel eyes covered by glasses. She looked human enough but could have easily been a nymph as well. "Granny Bayio!" the young elf exclaimed. "what is it Verrona!?" That's when she saw Myr in her arms. "You gotta help him." Verrona demanded. "And why on earth would i help that little flea bag. He's been nothing but trouble for us sense he has joined the wanderers. Good riddance I say" Verrona looked as though she was between blowing up or giving up. Either way this was no good. Rayon stepped forward. "Da fuck you say? He's a comrade of yours, and nuisance or not, you're stuck with him. Meaning you take care of him." Bayio, uni-mused, turned her attention from Myr and Verrona to Rayon. "And who might you be sir. This has nothing to do with you, so i'm going to have to ask you to leave this residence." Rayon dropped the sword with a force that shook the floor. "I'll make it my business. What kind of group doesn't care for their own? What has he done to deserve it?" "It's because he is a half-ling." Bayio said coldly. "Don't you know about them? They are beings originated from the dark and came to our side. Traitors to their own, unwanted by the light." This made Rayon furious. His eyes turned red as he tore of his cloak revealing his wings and ears. "Being a halfling has nothing to do with who you are. Both women backed up at the sight of his black bat wings. Bayio was first to recover "So you're one too?" "I was born this way. Into the light. But any creature willing to side with the light deserve its warmth as well. You're a doctor, a healer. Your whole purpose is to take care of those who need it..." Bayio interrupted him "Save me the speech, i've heard much better already." Bayio looked over at verrona. "I'll never understand how you can deal with myr Verrona. But he is your partner so i'll do it for you." Bayio glared at Rayon menacingly. "As long as it is done." Rayon replied. Verrona delighted with the news rushed myr over to one of the vacant beds. Once Myr was in bed, Her gaze turned towards Rayon. "What is your name?" "It is Rayon." With a sincere look in her eyes she said "thank you." Rayon got the sense that he should step out while the doctor did her thing. Walking out the doctors door Rayon mumbled to himself "Might as well see what this place is about."
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The Minotaur felt as if his fur had been chilled, his body was oddly numb. "How confused you must be." A voice whispered to him, a woman's to be exact. His eyes slowly opened, revealing the world to him once again, but this time, he only saw the luminous stars in the sky. It was dark and quiet, void of any type of noise. Different then where he was before in the sentient's town. How far could he have gone while unconscious? Where...is...Haedrik? He wondered immediately, trying to move his legs. Unfortunately they wouldn't cooperate. Light winds blew around him, causing the leaves to scatter and dance. Shrubs rustled and trees loomed silently, bending to the whim of the gust. Shadows hovered all around him, making it hard to tell danger. A shift in movement alerted the beast of a presence and he glared at the shadow above him defensively. In a futile attempt to scare the stranger he tried to let out another roar, but a strong pain in his neck left him mute. Gasping hoarsely, he calmed down, knowing there was nothing he could do any more. "Ar..e...yo..u..going...to..kill...Haedrik?" He muttered, accepting what he thought might be his soon to be fate.

A light cough from his side alerted him of another presence, causing him to turn his head slowly. His vision was hazed, and the shadows covered his captors easily he was unable to discern their identity. "Wh..y...does...eve...ryone...hurt...Haedrik?" He whispered, grasping at the grass below himself.
Katos considered himself an observant fellow. With his rather unique eyesight and worldly experience, he had little choice but to notice what others did not.

Though how nobody noticed the Minotaur vanishing was anyone's guess.

And so, here he was, coat billowing in the wind as he stood near a doorway in the woods, forked tongue flickering out to taste for the beast. Still nothing...

There was something up...and he knew he wanted no part in it, that he shouldn't be getting involved in whatever the Minotaur had gotten itself into.

"and yet, here you are, Dear. " a voice croaked from behind him, making him twitch in surprise before turning to see a squat toad of a female in colorful robes that trailed behind several feet in the leaves, somehow making not a sound. He could never smell the old hag coming.

"no need to say a thing, deary. I know what you've come for. " she gave him a smile that spread from ear to ear, waving a wrinkled hand to open the door. "Just stoke the fire and have a chat with an old woman. then we can get down to business. " Immediately, the aroma of unfinished Newt stew wafted out of the cottage into the cold air. It would seem she had known he would be coming, and that knowledge put the tiniest smile upon his lips as he stooped over and followed the toad woman inside...
"Hurt you?"

Vysesa repeated his words softly under her breath. She leaned down towards him once more, and cupped the side of his face. The demoness tilted his face to the side, meeting his gaze. Her eyes glowed brightly, illuminating his fatigued face. If he couldn't see her before, he could see her now.

"We saved you from being hurt. There is no need to be afraid..." She whispered to him. A small, warm smile crept across her lips. Vysesa tilted her head as she observed him carefully. The beast was breathing slowly, and she could see that his muscles were in a weakened state. Calixto circled the fallen Minotaur, studying him as well.

"You are fatigued and hungry." He spoke gently. The old Kitsune stopped beside the demoness, glancing over to her.

"He needs food and water or he will collapse from exhaustion." He murmured into her ear. She nodded in agreement, and turned her gaze back to the Minotaur. Vysesa was silent for a moment, and then she spoke.

"Watch over him for now. " Vysesa stood up and flicked a black hood over her head. It concealed everything but her glowing orange eyes. Calixto did not say a word, but simply nodded. The demoness glanced over to the beast one last time before swiveling around and vanishing into the shadows of the forest.

The old Kitsune watched until Vysesa was out of sight. He let out a sigh, and plopped down onto a mossy log laying beside the Minotaur.

"You are far from home, Haedrik." He rested his paws atop his cane and settled his head onto them. Calixto's white ears flicked back and forth as the wind blew through the trees, rustling his fur and robes. He smiled warmly towards Haedrik.

"It has been sometime since I have seen your kind. But, I have never seen one traveling alone..." He said with a curious edge to his voice. Calixto asked no questions, but simply observed. To see a Minotaur alone means he is exiled from his tribe. In truth, the wise Kitsune already had an idea of why the Minotaur traveled the lands by himself.

"Do you remember anything before you fell unconscious?" He finally asked, tilting his head to the side.
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Haedrik listened to the old man, never taking his eyes off him. The mention of his home only brought a sting of pain to his chest, a bad memory he wanted to forget. His ears lowered in an act of shame. "I...remember...hungry." He muttered, feeling as if he had hurt a close friend. "I wanted...food...but...they only run when see Haedrik. No one...help." He looked down at his bristle fur that was caked in mud. "I...didn't want...to hurt them." He looked into the elder's eyes, almost pleadingly. He truly felt as if he was the monster here. "Is...Haedrik to blame for this? Is...Haedrik a monster?" He brought a hand to the front of his nose, starring at it as if it were foreign to him. "Haedrik's tribe...desert him. For helping Celestian. Now I see, I was...wrong." He lowered his hand again toward the ground, and with a long grunt, lifted himself upward. Hoisted up, he placed both hands in his lap. Haedrik was confused, he didn't know what to do anymore. "What...is...Haedrik's purpose?"

He turned toward the elder once again, looking for wisdom. "Please...you help Haedrik before? What is it Haedrik should do? I feel...alone. Lost." A frown crept along his features. "What does that...Woman..want from Haedrik?"
Two empty wooden bowls sat on the worn table near the fire, which reflected warmly off the somewhat dulled finish. The stew had been delicious as always, a rare treat Katos knew better than to take advantage of, lest the novelty wear off.

Griselda, for that was the name of the toady old witch, was nestled in her over-plush chair, her long gnarled finger brushing along the leather-bound tome in her lap.

Katos was silent in his discomfort as always, knees pulled up to his chest as he sat in his traditional spot. The cushion sunk beneath him until he could just feel the wooden floor through the thin bottom.

In the past he had often wondered if this was intentional. the way Griselda smelled of deep amusement every time he sat there quickly had him accept this as indisputable fact.

Just another one of her charming, if not somewhat unnerving little games.

"well... Everything seemse to be in order. " Katos was torn from his internal monologue and suddenly sat ramrod straight, attentive as any pupil to his master as she spoke. "I have the capability to transport you within a mile of your little Minotaur friend..." Griselda slid from her chair and waddled across the shack towards an array of dangling jars far above her reach, when one sailed gently through the air into her hand. Inside was a rather foul looking mass of brown muck, from which Katos watched her extract what appeared to be a rotting human liver. Lovely...

"though I cannot say if...wouldn't go well at all... "

In silence he watched and waddled as the toad continued to mumble to herself under her breath as she mashed the liver into a thick paste, and sprinkled in several herbs of unknown origin. As an adept healer, he had a vast knowledge of herbs and ingredients for healing. Magic, however... Magic used protected and mostly illegal substances only known by those in the trade. It was just how things were done.

"there! " Griselda made her way over to where he sat and offered him a steaming bowl of gook that appeared to breathe and bubble before him. He stared without expression, but swallowed thickly at the substance in his hands.

"...do I drink it? " he asked warily, no small amount of dread flavoring his tone.

"oh dear. "Griselda giggled in a rapid trill. "I most certainly hope not. Its quite poisonous when consumed. " the alarm he felt must have shown in his eyes, for she laughed again, much more heartily this time. "No. No. Simply smear it over your eyes and picture your friend."

Katos nodded and did as told, trying to ignore the urge to smell the air on his tongue. He had no desire to smell something so rank up close. Even the Minotaur hadn't smelled so...


Katos was suddenly without a chair, and his rear hit the ground from a few inches above. He sat on the forest floor in the same position he had left in. The bowl was gone, as was the poultice from his face, and the scent of the Minotaur was fresh in the air.

He wasted no time in placing his boots in his pack before climbing into the trees.

It only took Katos minutes to spot him. And he was not alone.

He sat in wait up in the trees, observing in utter silence as the piteous beast (who's name was apparently Haedrik) tried to make sense of what was happening to him.

It was not long Katos concluded that it would take more than a bit of light eavesdropping to figure out exactly what was happening. He would eventually have to reveal himself. to get involved.

Katos mentally huffed in irritation.

He hated getting involved...
The Minotaur's words were full of dread and shame. He was desperate, and lost with no direction. His eyes were pleading, and his fur thick with muck and grime from his travels. A look of sympathy crossed the old kitsune's face.

"I have been in the very same place as you, Haedrik." Calixto murmured, resting his cane against the decaying log and clasping his hands together in his lap.

"I felt lost, alone, and afraid. Just as you do now in this very moment." His voice was filled with kindness as he spoke. Calixto was silent for a moment. An owl called out eerily from a nearby tree branch. Crickets chirped loudly from within the bramble thickets, filling the night with exotic tunes.

The exiled priest smiled a small smile, meeting Haedrik's pleading gaze with his old wise eyes.

"I was a priest once. For the Church of Aether." The elder leaned back a bit and stared off into the distance, preparing to tell his tale and hopefully distract the beast from his troubles.

"From a young age, I believed my rightful place was with the church. I spent my life there, and met people I eventually named my brothers." Calixto smiled for a moment, but then it slowly began to vanish. The memories he had once locked away were flooding back to him now in waves of emotion. He was silent. And then another smile appeared, but it was sad and full of longing.

"But people can change, and back then, I was too blind to see that." Calixto shifted in his place, and turned his sad eyes back to Haedrik.

"I cannot help you, Haedrik. Only you can make amends with yourself. But I will say this," the old Kitsune leaned close to the Minotaur.

"If you are lost, begin to wander. You will never find your purpose if you do not search for it." Calixto murmured, leaning back and returning to his slouched position. The wind began to blow through the trees, rustling the leaves softly. A small gust slipped past Calixto's ears. The winds whispered to him quietly in a tongue only he could understand. His ears grew slightly alert.

he watches... in the trees...

A man of snakes...

poison and herbs...

The voices continued to whisper until they dispersed into nothing. The wind died down slightly. The old Kitsune scanned the tree line in silence, but soon returned his gaze back to the Minotaur. Whoever was watching, he had a feeling they meant no harm. Calixto took notice that Vysesa had not returned, and he knew why. She was no fool. Magic was in the air, and she knew it. Somewhere, Vysesa was watching too.
The sun was casting a red hue across the land as the day started to turn to twilight. Even though the land was settling down for the night the people of aingard, specifically the wayfarers guild, gave no signs as to doing such. Lanterns began to light themselves as the em-pending darkness came casting many odd and moving shadows along the ground by candle light. The Wayfarers were laughing amongst themselves while they dined on dinner being cooked by the chefs. When Rayon had approached the dinning tables nonchalantly with his hands on his head they all stared at him, as though he had done something to insult them. That was when Rayon had realized that he had forgotten to put his cloak back on to hide his body. His wolf features could be seen right along side his dragon ones.

"What do you want half-breed." one of the men had asked aggressively while downing a mug of alcohol. Rayon, still pissed at the Doctor and her poor views on Myr, Didn't care if these guys had a problem with the way he was. Rayon shouldn't have to hide himself, just to make people feel better... At least not anymore.

Using his utmost courtesy Rayon responded "Would you kindly tell me where i could find the guild-master at the moment?.. Also something to eat! Maybe a soup? I'm starving!" "I'm afraid I can not help you with either of those, buddy." The man spat a little on the buddy. "And why would that be?" Rayon responded. "Are you oblivious or just stupid? WE DON'T LIKE YOUR KIND HERE. We would sooner fight that Minotaur that disappeared earlier , Then take in yet ANOTHER halfy." The man and his group looked at Rayon smugly, as if they were at all better then him. These people put Rayons fur on edge, They were just so ignorant and infuriating for no reason. He was about to snap. "Oh. You mean that giant Minotaur from earlier?" Rayons hands slid to his sides. "You mean, The giant Minotaur that was wrecking the city earlier." Rayons voice was getting louder with each word. "That same Minotaur that NONE of you went to go fight?" The men had fallen silent. "The Minotaur that Myr and Verrona went to fight. Look I hate to be your reality check, but you guys are some no good, RACIST, Narcissists." At this outburst the men at the table stood up and formed a circle around Rayon. "You mind running that by us again son? I think i have something in my ears." "Oh sure, just let me add stupid to that list too." The men readied their weapons. Rayons eyes turned red as he readied himself.

"STOP!" A booming voice went across the yard, not even a second before the fight was about to start. "Wayfarers, have you no shame! This young man is someone who is not only an honored guest but also someone who wishes to join us! And yet here you are before me fighting. So disgraceful." Everyone in the guild was quiet. The men in front of him were quivering with fear, and yet Rayon had no idea where the voice was coming from."Where are you" Rayon mumbled to himself. "Why, i'm right here." Dark clouds began to swirl in front of Rayon until they formed one dark mass in the shape of a man. Light came to the dark figure and a man in a black cloak and hat stood before him. The only thing visible on this person was his mouth "My name is Kraizer, and i am the guild-master of this routy bunch. Tis a pleasure Black dog." He bowed and tipped his hat. This took Rayon back a step. Why did this person know of his nickname? That's when it hit him. "I don't suppose you are friends with Youiji, are you?" A big smile crept across the mans face. Kraizer turned around and looked at the crowed that had formed before him. "I hereby accept Rayon as a new recruit to the Wayfarers, and take him on as my disciple."
Haedrik sat silently, taking in the old priest's words of wisdom. He himself could barely understood what he meant, the Minotaur was not very good with complex thinking. He inaudibly cursed under his breath, cross about his own ignorance. He was a bit sullen that the priest could not give him direction, but it was not his fault. Would Haedrik forever walk a empty path, a void of nothingness awaited him at every step. "You...like Haedrik. Outcast...from home." His ears perked up slightly, feeling slightly better. "My tribe. Haedrik's...family..changed. Cannot trust...anyone." The creatures of the forest continued in their symphony of chatter, buzzing in the background loudly. The wind picked up, blowing through the Minotaur's bristles his fur shook slightly. He gazed upward at the moon above, hoping to somehow be given an answer. The priest seemed preoccupied by something, but eventually shrugged it off. He was too worn to care, Haedrik was weakened.

A thought dawned on the Minotaur, realization hit swiftly. He began to search himself and his surroundings quickly, confused. "Haedrik's Axe...where...?" He asked, a bit worried. He glanced at the old priest once more, hoping he knew. "Sir...do..you know where..Haedrik's Axe is?"
It was when Haedrik inqupired about his axe that he realized that someone else was... present. He couldn't smell them, couldn't see them, not hear any sign that they were physically near. But Katos was no fool to ignore simple biological signs. His hair was standing on end, and he could feel his inner predator screaming at him to tuck tail, so to speak.

Someone was out here, and they were higher than him on the food chain. Much higher. A tiny smirk twisted his lips.

It would be a poor choice to stay hidden any longer. But he preferred nuisance to willful stupidity.

In one fluid movement, Katos slid mask onto his muzzle, and walked out gracefully from the thick leaves on his heavy branch into the open, hair blowing wildly about his face. It was obstructing, true, but theatrical. And he always loved a good first impression.

"if I recall... " Katos throat trilled with a gentle clicking as he tilted his head. "it landed at the monks feet."
Before the old kitsune could respond to Haedrik's question and ease his confusion, the leaves on the trees around them began to shake violently, indicating a strong gust of wind was coming. It directed itself towards Calixto.

He's coming...

The wind whispered in a soft, chilling voice. Calixto's ears twitched as the breeze rushed past the side of his face, and spiraled into the heavens. Despite the fact a stranger was near by, he was calm and relaxed with his posture slightly slouched. Moments later, just as the winds had told him, a tree branch began to shake and a man appeared from the heavy foliage.

"If I recall..." He began, walking further out onto the branch. The leaves quivered violently with each step.

"...it landed at the monk's feet."

Calixto chuckled quietly, a small yet warm smile on his face. The wind never failed to amaze him. The man was indeed a serpent morph, or 'a man of snakes' as the winds described.

"Ah. A man of observation." The kitsune said as he slowly rose from his seat. His paw reached out to the cane propped up against the dead log. With a gesture of his paw, he motioned in the direction of a nearby tree that created a shadowy overcast onto the forest floor. The slight outline of an object could be made out, if you looked close enough. He glanced over to Haedrik, smiling warmly.

When Haedrik left to retrieve his axe, the old kitsune began to speak.

"You're friend knows her magic." Calixto said while turning towards the serpent morph above him. He rested his paws atop his cane. The kitsune tilted his head a bit, and glanced down beside him in thought.

"If I'm remembering correctly, the spell requires a human liver, and several herbs of foreign origin." Calixto murmured, returning his gaze back to the strange man and smiling. The forest around them was eerily quiet. Not even a mouse stirred.

"But, perhaps my old mind has failed me. I have trouble remembering spells in which require teleportation." He finished with a slight shrug of his shoulders.
Haedrik nodded toward the two morphs and hefted himself onto his feet, allowing them to engage in conversation. Haedrik took a slow stride to the axe that layed in the grass. He felt a strong desire to have it close to him once more, something that gave him comfort. He bent down on one knee and grabbed it's hilt, bringing it to his face. As he inspected it, he felt relief wash over him. The axe was not damaged at all, in fact, it seemed to shimmer far more than before. He flared his nostrils slightly and rose to his feet once again. He holstered the weapon atop his back, ensuring it was snug. He turned back toward the two morphs zeroing in on their conversation mid-sentence. "But, perhaps my old mind has failed me. I have trouble remembering spells in which require teleportation." He raised an eye questioningly, confused at what he had returned on. "Tele...portation...? Haedrik...confused."
Katos merely blinked, seeing no reason to confirm or deny. The ancient kitsune had a way with words that was true to the nature of his species: playful and cryptic, a lnoncommittal puzzle that needed no solving.

He respected that, and katos decided that he could easily become friendly with the monk.

He watched as Haedrik inspected his weapon with childlike relife, like a hatchling assuring himself that his friend had indeed taken care of a borrowed toy.

"tele...portation ?"

Katos stepped off the edge of the branch and landed soundlessly on the forest floor. The wind was still rather gusty and as he made his way towards Calixto , he tied his hair back into a leather band.

"Going from one place to another without having to walk or ride. " he explained. He was behaving a bit more genial than he was accustomed to, but he felt a sense of pity for Haedrik. He was a powerful beast from a tribe renowned for their warlike tendancies, yes, but his simpleminded nature made it no difficult task to take advantage.

Perhaps Katos could use a companion... And Haedrik a friend. "It is how you came to be here as well."
"Hmm, yes."

Calixto murmured, nodding his head in agreement. The wind continued to blow around them, making the grass sway and the leaves above shiver violently. Apart from the soft noise of the breeze, no other sound rang out into the night. The great owls had quieted, and the crickets no longer chirped. For a sliver of a moment, the kitsune frowned. A demon's presence always brought fear and silence. He had learned that from his past experiences with Vysesa.

As quick as it had came, the frown disappeared and was replaced with his usual calm expression.

"However, it was not me who got you here, Haedrik." Calixto smiled warmly once again, hoping their new friend would not be alarmed by his words. He felt a powerful presence appear behind him.

"No... That was my doing." A woman's voice said from behind the group, her voice soft but filled with a certain harshness. Calixto kept his smile, not having to look behind him to know who it was. Vysesa stepped out of the shadows, her orange eyes brighter than ever and hair flowing in the wind. She had a line of blood above her lip, which she licked off slowly. As she approached them, Vysesa's burning gaze flicked over to Katos.

"You are far from Aingard." She murmured quietly, walking closer to him. Calixto noticed fresh blood splatters near the bottom of her cloak as she neared. Vysesa studied Katos carefully, circling him. The silence she brought with her was unsettling. Not even the wind stirred now.

"...You take interest in the Minotaur. Why?" Vysesa asked, her voice both calm and harsh at the same time.
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Haedrik cocked his slightly to the side, trying to understand what he was being told. "Haedrik...was brought here...with teleportation?" Someone being transported long distances instantly sounds....hard. It would probably require some sort of magic. Before the newcomer could answer, Haedrik's bristles stood on end. He felt as if something had been watching him. He turned quickly, a bit suspicious, only to lock eyes on the woman from before. She casually strolled by, ignoring him completely for a moment. His mucles tightened. Never before had another creature made his heartbeat pump quite like this. He watched as she began to interrogate the serpent morph.

"...you take interest in the Minotaur. Why?" She asked, glaring at him. He felted unnervered but interested as well. He stood quietly. Awaiting his response.
When the silence came, he knew what he had sensed only moments previous had decided to show itself.

When the woman... That is to say, female came into view, he immediately took in every last detail.

Everything from her head to her bloodstained feet told him she set the standard for 'not to be fucked with. '

And so he was still, squashing down his conflicted instincts until all that remained was cold apathy. He could feel her eyes on him as she circled about him, her breath on his neck forcing him to suppress the 'purr' that threatened to emit from his chest. His animal side saw her as both a threat and a conquest and he refused to acknowledge the latter. That would get him killed.

Her presence made him feel... Manic. Reckless. Impulsive. But he had spent a fair amount of time in the company of demons. It was nothing he couldn't easily contain.

But he couldn't stop himself from seeking out her gaze with his own in a playful, respectful acknowledgement of her power.

'you take interest in the Minotaur...' she asked. 'why?'

Katos lips twitched beneath his mask.

"I seek only to heal, Milady." he would let her make of that what she would.
"I seek only to heal, milady."

The demoness' stopped in her tracks. Her eyes locked with his, never once looking away. She tilted her head slowly to the side and outstretched a hand towards him. Vysesa's finger traced down his neck, and all the way up to his chin. She forced his head up towards the night sky, continuing to observe him like he was a prize of some sort. A shotgun sat on his back, fully loaded and ready to shoot at any moment. However no fear or even panic crossed her pale features at the sight of the weapon.

Vysesa arched an eyebrow and began to pull away from him.

"Very well. You are here to heal," Her eyes flashed him a silent threat.

"And nothing more."

Vysesa was silent, as if waiting for him to challenge her. When he did not, she smirked slightly and turned herself away with a small turn of her heel. The demoness stared towards the Minotaur now, a warm look occupying her facial expression.

"You must be starving. Come. I have found food and water for you. It's not too far.." Vysesa began to trail back into the shadows, her eyes scaring away some of the darkness with their bright glare. Calixto exchanged a look with Haedrik and Katos, and motioned with his paw for them to follow her.
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Katos chuckled internally at the demons antics. She had a flair for the dramatic that was only equaled by the raw power she possessed. He knew, of course, because he himself was a victim of his own theatrics. However that was entirely beside the point.

He wondered, as he tasted the air through his mask, how a vicious creature like Haedrik could have such an innocent demeanor. His diet alone should make that impossible.

But katos supposed there was a black sheep to any species.

what really interested him in this entire scenario was the simpering smile that seemed to appear on the Demon woman's lips whenever she spoke to Haedrik. He was no fool to miss blatant manipulation at work, however, she didn't seem to be attempting descression either.

Katos rolled his shoulders and took on a somewhat more relaxed stance as he walked alongside the monk.

To be honest, all of this amused him to no end. He knew his own spawnmother would call him cruel...saying a true healer doesn't allow the harm he then mends. And they especially do not cause it.

But Katos, above all, was in love with slaughter...and he knew with this Demon, he would find it.
At the mention of food and water, Haedrik's ear picked up. He felt relief and a bit curious as to how she obtained such supplies so fast. He shook his head slightly, dismissing any unnecesary thoughts. His hunger was painful now, he felt so weakened his hands shook every now and then. It had been too long since he last ate, course if he had followed his tribe's old way...no..No...in...the past. He thought to himself. He watched as the woman receded into the tree line, illuminating brilliantly, casting the shadows away. Perhaps this woman was to be trusted. Haedrik took a side glance behind him, seeing what the other two would do. The priest silently began following without any expression on his face, the newcomer...he couldn't tell what they were feeling at all. Something about the masked man unnereved Haedrik. Flaring his nostrils, he decided once after he'd eaten, he'd surely question the stranger himself.
As the group walked on, the void of silence around them finally broke. Muffled cries could be heard ahead, growing louder and louder, filling the forest with their pleas and struggling. Vysesa's eyes flickered with excitement for only a sliver of a moment, before returning back to their usual harshness. They entered a clearing painted with droplets of blood and the stench of burning flesh. Calixto stopped in his tracks, eyes wide and fur on end as the humans before him came into view.

There were three of them, all soaked in their own blood and squirming desperately like worms. They were all individually chained to a tree with a bloody gag in their mouth, bleeding profusely to the forest floor. Claw marks, broken bones, and twisted limbs were all apparent on their bodies, making the sight gruesome and not for the faint of heart. At the sight of the demoness, they began to yell loudly through their gags, trying desperately to unhitch the chain as she neared.

"I kept them alive for you." Vysesa said softly to Haedrik, staring at the three bloody humans with a gleam of hunger in her eyes. She side glanced towards him, and smirked slightly before walking forward.

"They were surprisingly cooperative." She began, walking past each one and observing them. Each one of them squirmed violently and wailed in a muffled voice, hoping the demoness spared them or showed mercy. Vysesa stopped at a particular tree, and looked up.

"Except for one..." She murmured, staring up at a charred body nailed to the bark with their own daggers. Vysesa turned back to the Minotaur expectantly and motioned towards the chained humans.

"Well? Take your pick. And when you are done, I have a surprise for you." The fire demoness smirked and made her way back towards them. Calixto was silent and had his head down. The stench of blood was strong, and it began to overwhelm him.
Haedrik's approach to where he was to get food continued to get darker. Even with the woman's illumination the forest was especially dark, he couldn't navigate his way through here by himself. The path was unclear, and the underbrush was growing rampant. His size made it difficult to avoid various foliage, but he forced his way through none the less. He felt a bit disturbed by something, but he couldn't tell what it was. It was like...a sense of dread filled the air. Haedrik glanced forward trying to see if the woman could sense it, but a calm expression was worn on her face. Seemingly content with that, he chose to ignore the strange sense he felt. However, as they got farther, he began to he light moans and wailing from somewhere in the forest. Eerily sounds of something in pain echoed in the darkness, he couldn't quite locate it. "..." He kept to himself, trying to ignore the unfortunate sounds. It must be...an injured animal. He thought to himself, a bit sullen. He continued on, ripping large annoying plants out of the ground.

Opposed to what the Minotaur thought, the sounds only continued to grow. To his surprise a strong smell of blood begins to stream through the air, he can no longer deny it. They are certainly getting closer to whatever the moans are coming from. His teeth clenched slightly, he felt a bit nervous at this point. The woman in front of him was still silent and harbor no expression. It was obvious she already knew about whatever was happening. Shortly, after perhaps 3-5 minutes, they exited the dense forest of trees. A clearing was seen ahead, with pools of blood littering the ground. Another strong smell attacked the Minotaur's nostrils, causing him to wrinkle his nose in disgust. Burned...flesh...He thought to himself, looking around. Ahead of him, three bodies were chained to a tree, all struggling violently to escape. "I kept them alive for you." The woman mentioned turning around, an dark and sinister smirk on her features. "They were surprisingly cooperative." She started, looking at her work with glee. Haedrik could see the pride she wore on her face...and the hunger in her voice.

She continued to speak but her words were dulled as Haedrik began to focus on one of the chained humans. The blood dripping down his neck onto the forest floor. His breath picked up, as he kept watching entranced. Memories of his tribe slowly flashed through his mind- "Well? Take your pick. And when you are done, I have a surprise for you." She said, cutting of his thinking all together. He stood silently, staring at her with confusion. She wants...Haedrik to...eat human? He looked back at the chained victims, still struggling to get away, one seemingly trying to beg for freedom. A lump was in Haedrik's throat for he could not speak, he tried to swallow but it did little to help. The woman watched Haedrik with a mischievous grin on her face. He felt...like she wouldn't allow him to leave otherwise. He let out the slightest of whimpers, but he couldn't fight the hunger. Sometimes, you cannot resist you primal urges. Throughout the night, the sound of crunching a screams drowned echoed from the forest. This was a bad omen.
The crowd that had gathered for a bar fight was now in an uproar at the change in events. Profanity flying in every direction at even the consideration for Rayon being a disciple of the guild-master. Rayon was starting to get a little uncomfortable as he thought of what a rampaging crowd can do. A short stubby women with braided dirty red hair wearing a apron said "You're letting in yet another half-breed into our ranks. Myr is bad enough but now this hooligan?" One particularly well built, tall man with short blond hair said "You're losing your touch mate. We are not in such a desperate need for more recruits right? We can just get anyone off the streets!" A black man with a hunting rifle and two daggers on his belt said "It looks bad on our rep!" However it was the comment from the tall blond haired kid with leather armor and a broadsword that the master decided to respond to. This kid said "He hasn't gone through the proper channels! We have no idea of what his past is, and if he can even fight!" Kraizer raised his hand up in the air, and as soon as he did everyone fell silent. When Kraizer spoke it was in a soft tone that sounded almost inaudible, almost like a whisper in the back of your mind. "The concept of race does not matter inside of this guild, you all know this. Just because the majority of the guild is human, does not mean we discriminate against those with pure heart." Kraizer looked over in Rayon's direction. Rayon caught a glance of Kraizers eyes, they were a deep purple just like his own. "If you have worries about his fighting potential how about this. We will host a battle royal among our guild in three days times. During that time I will train Rayon myself. And if you want to know more about him, why not try asking? I mean, if any of you care enough to do so that is." Kraizers gaze swept over the crowd, challenging anyone to speak up. Most looked away, unwilling to look at the man before him. "Now if that's all, we could all do with some rest. Go home for the night, Everyone." Kraizer and Rayon waited in the dark plaza for the people to disperse out of the guild. "Do you have a place to stay Rayon?" Kraizer asked. "No, I came in town not to long ago myself." Without hesitation Kraizer yelled out "GREAT! Then you can stay here with Myr and some of the other more dedicated folk." Taking off his Hat it revealed black spiky hair, Pointy ears, And some fierce canines that were smiling brilliantly at Rayon. "I'm not to sure i'll be quite a fit here. To be fair I did almost start a bar fight." Rayon responded. "No no no no no no, I insist. Besides, although I love every member of this guild like family, most have no appreciation for other races like you no doubt-ably saw. However, The people who stay inside of the housing in the guild are much better people than the locals of this city. Our guild attracts a lot of naive people in the town. I'm not saying that the city is like that! Most of the city is quite friendly to everyone. Just some people are stuck in old ways." As Kraizer rambled on about the city, Rayon was thinking that he had no better place to be staying. And a warm bed with some dinner sounded a lot better. "I guess if you are so insistent on taking me in, I have no other choice but to accept." Rayon replied with a smile. "But what was this about a battle? You don't really expect me to fight trained professionals, do you?" Kraizer’s face turned dark. "Do not play me for a fool. I know about your past, all of it I might add. I know fair well that you could have killed that group of men without breaking a sweat, Black wolf." Rayon was taken aback. "Wait, you know about my past before my memory gap?" Kraizer simply smiled as he began walking to the dorms. Rayon followed Kraizer, angry about being ignored like that. "Don't just walk away! Answer my question!" Without slowing down Kraizer replied "Now where would the fun in that be?" Kraizer was clearly amused by the position that Rayon was in. "Stick around" Kraizer continued "Maybe I'll tell you at some point." This didn't sit well with Rayon at all. He didn't like being pulled along like this, being played with. "Of course I will tell you eventually, and it’s not like you will not be benefiting by training and a place to stay so far away from home." Kraizer was making some good points about this. Conceding to his new guild master Rayon said "Alright then, I'll play for now."


Rayon and Kraizer were walking to the housing part of the guild. It was a three storey, white building that didn't look all to special considering it was apart of a guild. It looked like it had a lot of space however for the room count. A few of the lights were placed so that you could see them from the face of the building, however the majority of the building was dark. Rayon didn't think it was so late for so many people to be asleep. Maybe there just isn't a lot of people who live inside of the guild. They were at the front doors of the building. The doors were a dark mahogany brown with a flower and vine decoration pattern on the borders. Kraizer spoke with a smile "You may have the honors." Rayon had no idea why it mattered who opened the door first, but he didn't really care enough to ask about it. When Rayon opened a soft, warm light wafted over him. It felt so comforting, that he sat there for a moment with his eyes closed. The smell of BBQ was in the house and there was a lot of laughter going on as well. When his eyes opened he saw an enormous entrance hall with a glass chandelier as a centerpiece hanging atop of the room. The floor looked as though it was made out of gold with the shining of the chandelier. There was a large staircase that led both left and right with red carpet coming from the door going up the stairs covering the golden floors. Along the staircase was a set of rails. Just the entrance looked so much bigger than what the outside foretold. How was this even possible "Are you impressed? Its a type of spatial magic used to condense a larger thing inside of a much smaller one." Rayon had no words. "Now are you just going to stand there all night or are you going to let me give you a tour?" Silent, Rayon followed Kraizer’s lead. "So here is the gist of this place. There is actually two versions of the same place inside of this house. One for the more sensitive and rowdy creatures like you and Myr. And a version for the more human-esque mindset. Someone with an open mind can come into the place you are in right now, otherwise they end up in a normal set of dorms. I myself prefer this one, It is so much more fun than the other dorms. Alas you will soon find that out anyways. But anyway, onto the layout. I like to keep the genders together. It makes it a lot easier for people to mingle, and that way, families can stay together too. Plus it makes it easier to peep on the ladies. Gwehehehe…” This comment took Rayon back a step. What kind of person was his new guildmaster to say something like that? “The floor we’re currently on could be considered the “commons.” People eat, play, and train here. There are also training centers in here for both magical and physical training. Through the door to your left is the library, where you can find books and scrolls of all kinds from a variety of ages. At the back of the library is a room I like to call the “Lexicon Room.” It’s where we keep all of our grimoires, lexicons, necronomicons, et cetera. You know, books that could be considered dangerous and certain people shouldn’t get their hands on. You’ll often find Myr in there, trying to advance his knowledge of magic. When he’s not drinking his ass off, or getting bullied by the other guild members, that is. But anyway, this “dorm” so to say, has three floors to it. On each floor, you’ll find a bathroom for each gender, and showers for each gender, and a shower that is mixed gender, which is intended for families. Unlike the floors,these bathrooms and showers ARE separated by gender though. I believe I can trust you not to break that rule.” Kraizer stopped for a second to glance back at Rayon to make sure he was following along before he continued. "Moving on. There is a sick bay in this house to treat those of a different construction than humans. However, the doctor that lives inside of this house is off on a job right now, so the one outside has to pick up the slack. That's why she is in such a bad mood nowadays. She is a good person when she isn't drunk, however. I swear!" Rayon had a couple questions floating around in his head. "So is everyone in here apart of the guild?" "Good heavens no. Most are people in the community that help out the guild though. Others are refugees from the war. And some just like it here. There are very few people who work officially for our guild, however anyone living here is allowed to join or take a job." "Alright then.. Are there any humans that live in here?" "Of course there is. But they are the ones that enjoy and accept other races as family." This place sounded pretty sweet to Rayon. A place where there was happiness and joy among anyone. It was a starch difference between how people were out there and how they are in here. There was one last question Rayon needed answered "Whats my room number?" At this Kraizer smiled “Normally I just tell people to pick a room and take it, but I have a good feeling about room 120, on the second floor. You should take that one.” Rayon started his way towards the stairs when Kraizer said something to him "You're training all of tomorrow. And don't think this place is free. You will be paying for your stay." Rayon simply nodded at Kraizer as he headed up the stairs. The hallways looked about the same as the entry. Mahogany doors, golden floor and red rug. Rayon walked until he had finally found his new home. The door was locked, and he didn't remember anything about a key. Not wanting to bug someone in the house he decided he would just pick the lock with his wolf claw. It was an easy job he had down a thousand times before. For some reason his gauntlets made the job even easier then it already was. His bedroom was close to what he had back home. There was a large window overlooking the courtyard of the guild, A large king sized bed with drapes around the perimeter. The floor was made out of red carpet and there was a fairly well sized table in the corner. A closet was across the room from the bed which was close to what he presumed was the bathroom door. Having virtually nothing on him but 3 days worth of clothes and some food. He opened the drapes to his bed and saw a big, comfy, red blanket with two large pillows at the headboard. Rayon sat his knapsack on the bed and made his way towards the bathroom. The bathroom was relatively small, but had a large oval mirror over a sink that was on top of some wooden cupboards, A toilet and a bathtub with a shower head. Rayon decided that he should go ahead and take a bath to wind down from the day. About an hour latter Rayon appeared from the bathroom refreshed and with damp, feathery hair. Rayon immediately covered up in the large comforter and rolled up into a ball, in which he soon passed out.


Rayon had a strange dream. He was with Kraizer talking about something. For some reason he couldn't quite hear what Kraizer was saying, but knew it was important. The words coming out Kraizer’s mouth were muffled to Rayons ears. For a second Kraizer had dissipated into a white mist. The area around him soon fogged over. An unrealistic sense of loss wafted over Rayon as the mist thickened. Words were being spoken again, muffled at first but becoming clearer as time went on. The last words, and only words, Rayon had made out before the voices stopped was "find them." In a low, reptilian hiss that echoed across the vast area Rayon was in. A bright light had appeared in the dense fog. Rayon decided it would be best to head towards the light, being the only thing he could see. As he got closer A wind had stirred itself up. It started lightly, but as Rayon got closer to the light the light winds turned into a strong gale. A light rain began to splatter on the ground. The closer to the light he got the more the scene began to change. Trees began to take form as the light cut through the fog like daggers, the light rain turned into a torrential downpour, and the wind slicing through the clothes Rayon wore. The light started to take form as a fire flickering in the dark. Lightning struck across the sky with a loud wave of thunder shaking Rayons bones to the core. Suddenly the fog disappeared and all the bad weather from before had stopped. a camp fire stood before him with some people sitting on logs. Attending the camp fire he recognized the red furred kitsune, Myr cooking some hot dogs, and Kraizer sitting there reading a book. There was four more figures he didn't recognize however. One was just a shadow outside of the range of the campfires light, Another was a cat lady with some gloves on happily taking a nap. The other two had hoods on and were sitting there quiet. "Hey everyone." Rayon tried to initiate a conversation. Myr nodded in my direction staying silent. The first to respond to Rayons conversation however was Kraizer. "Welcome, congratulations you passed the first test." test? what was this fool going on about "It usually takes most people a year or two to find their way, but you did it first try! You have some real potential." Rayon looked toward the crowd of people before him looking for some answers. "As a reward" Kraizer continued, "I'll let you in on some of your past." Thats when the two hooded figgures stood up to face him. They both took off their hoods to show their faces. One was a man who was largely built and had some wings coming out of his back along with a reptilian tail. His hair was dark and spiky, and his eyes the tone of fire. The other one was a young wolven girl with dear horns coming out of the top of her head. A head band with a red jewel sat on her forehead. This women's eyes were a dark purple, and her coat mainly black with a light gray undercoat. One word popped into his head when he gazed upon the girl. Mother...


Rayon woke startled, jumping up in his bead. His clothes felt damp on his skin. What was that dream? It was such an odd dream. Much unlike what he had been dreaming recently. Rayon looked out the window and saw that it was just starting to be the start of a new day. Since he had been shaken awake so suddenly Rayon decided that he would just get up for the day. He put on one of the very limited array of clothes he had and began to reach for his cloak and hat out of habit. He thought about it for a second and then decided to hang his cloak and hat inside of the closet. He was wearing a black shirt that hugged his skin tight and a pair of lose blue jeans with a chain hanging off the right side of him. Rayon decided that he would go explore the place some while he had the chance to do so quietly. There wasn't much to do on the second floor. It consisted of nothing but rooms for male attendants and one commons area in the shape of a diamond. Downstairs was a different story though. The place was like a maze, someone could easily get lost inside of there if there wasn't for some signs leading you places. Rayon fist went to what he assumed was a cafeteria. The space was a very wide and open space that looked as if it could be the size of the building outside. This must have been the work of space magic again. There was already a few people up and about eating breakfast in the cafe. The seating inside of the cafe was fairly simple. Just three rows of long tables and chairs on either side of the table. Rayons stomach made a sound of a walrus at the sight of food. He had no idea he was so hungry until now. He saw a line of people towards the end of the hall, and decided to make his way over there. It had been a long time since Rayon had been in public without a cloak and hat to Hide his animal parts. Back in Loinmo the people there were never to found of half-lings. It would make what happened yesterday look like it was just a couple of old pals arguing. To avoid trouble he hid his wings, tail, and ears from the world as he traveled around doing jobs. It was an odd feeling. Rayon felt a lot more comfortable than he ever was hiding himself. If Forst was really a place of acceptance with only a few bad apples here and there, He might not mind Staying in the country. He had reached the end of the short line receiving their food. Rayon looked down the line to see how exactly this worked. There was a counter with trays on it that was about seven feet long. No one could be seen handing out food behind the counter, But still food appeared on their plates. Rayon decided to ask the little nymph girl in front of him exactly how it worked. "Excuse me" Rayon said with a smile. "How exactly do we get our food here? I don't see anyone handing out food behind the counter." The little girl looked at Rayon as if he had asked a ridiculous question that anyone would know. "What do you mean? They don't need anyone behind there because you can get whatever you want!" She turned back around and reached for a tray. Rayon was next in line to get his food. Reaching for a tray he noticed a dull pain in his arm. The damn thing must still be hurting from falling down off a roof yesterday. Rayon supposed he was lucky that it wasn't broken, but it was still annoying. Rayon set his tray down on the counter. He was still lost even after asking for help from that girl. Rayons stomach made another sound that imitated a whale this time. He thought that buttermilk waffles sounded delicious. Melted butter on top with some syrup and strawberries all over. It made his mouth water. Rayon heard a clank on his plate and a stack of waffles were siting there just as he had pictured in his head. There was even still steam coming off the top of them that seemed to fill the room. He sat there for a second baffled. Then he looked both ways and leaned in towards the counter to whisper "And a glass of OJ please." And just like that, a tall glass of ice cold OJ appeared along side of his waffles. Rayon didn't quite know where to sit. It looked like most of the people here were quiet and would rather be left alone right now. He went towards the side of the room with the doors and sat down at the middle row of tables. He was in the cafe, savoring what could most likely be the best waffles he had ever tasted in his life, for about an half hour. When he had finished with his food, he had noticed that there was a clock hanging above the doors going back into the main hall. It was just now getting to be about seven in the morning. When he walked out of the cafe is when he ran into Kraizer again. “Hey there Rayon! Did you sleep well.?” The question struck him as odd considering that Kraizer was apart of his dream last night. Rayon wondered if Kraizer somehow knew that he had had the dream last night. Deciding the best course of action was to hide this dream from him for now, Rayon said “Slept like a rock. How about yourself?” Kraizer smiled that all knowing smile he had and said “Oh same ol same ol. Well since you are awake anyways would you like to start your training right now?” “Well I got nothing better to do…” “Great!” Kraizer responded enthusiastically “Follow me then.” For about ten minutes Rayon followed Kraizer down multiple hallways. Rayon was entertaining the thought of how big is this place? Five more minutes latter Kraizer and Rayon stopped in front of a pair of iron doors. “This is it. Now let me explain. This room right here is where me and you will be training for the rest of your stay unless you are out on a job approved by me, or I give you the day off. Starting at eight in the morning we will do Magical training to depthen your knowledge of magic, find your strong suite, and increase your mana reserves. this training will end around four pm where you will be given an hour and a half for lunch and to relax your mind. After that at five thirty pm we will begin physical training and combat exercises to get you prepared for real combat, as well as improve your conditioning. this will last until ten pm. Did you catch all of that?” “yeah so basically I have no life of my own while I live here?” Rayon responded annoyed. “Of course not! As soon as you seem capable as a fighter and magician, you will no longer have to do my training. But until then, yes, you are correct in your assumption.” Rayon didn’t know much about Youiji, but he could tell that he was laughing at him right now from wherever he was. This was why he was sent here, and with no indication as to what he was to do next, getting stronger didn’t seem like a bad option. “Well what are we waiting for. Lets get this started.”And for the next 2 days and 3 nights Rayon trained relentlessly to improve himself for the battles to come.


It was finally the day of the battle royal. Rayon felt exhausted physically and mentally from the intense training from days before. Rayon was in the middle of a hot bath and relaxing when he heard someone knock on the door of his room. “Come in. I’m in the bath at the moment i’ll be out soon.” The door opened, and soon closed behind the person who came in. “It’s me, Kraizer. I let myself in. I’ve got a present for you.” This was a little out of character for Kraizer. He wasn’t the type to give out presents without good reason. Rayon decided that it should be time to get out and it would be rude to keep a guest waiting. Rayon dried off and put on some clothes. walking out of the bathroom Rayon asked “Whats up?” Thats when he saw that his bed was filled with new clothes, and books that contained more knowledge about elemental magic and anatomy. “What’s all of this for?” Rayon asked. “Well, you are most likely the fastest learner in the arcane arts I have ever seen and your combat skills only compliment your wizardry. Honestly right now you are not required to take my classes any more if you didn’t wish to. And because of this I decided I would treat you a little bit.” Rayon was touched that his hard work was being rewarded so soon. Plus he was more then happy enough to get out of that training camp from hell. all Rayon could manage was “Thank you” with a genuine smile attached to it. “No problem! You have earned it. Also make sure you drink the stuff on the nightstand. It will restore you to top condition… Anyways, that’s all I wanted to do before the battles started. You should go check on Myr before the battles start.” Kraizer began to walk out of the door and when he stood in the entryway he looked over his shoulders at Rayon and said one last thing before he went away. “Good luck. And if you win todays match there will be another surprise for you.” Rayon was excited to see what the master had in store for him if he won. Rayon walked over to a cup that had a green liquid in it. The drink smelled as though it was made out of grass and bugs blended together, but when he took a sip to test it he was surprised. The liquid tasted like strawberry and banana smoothie! By the time he was done devouring the drink Rayon felt his power returning to him. He was fired up and ready to take on any opponent that might challenge him. His thoughts turned to Myr. It has been three days since he had brought the injured kitsune in from the streets to be healed. That doctor didn’t seem to pleased about being forced to treat Myr. Rayon should go check on the man and make sure the doctor was doing her job. It was a nice sunny day, but there was a certain bite to the wind that rayon enjoyed. It didn’t take long to go over to the nurse's office. Without knocking, Rayon let himself into the office. If Rayon remembered correctly, Myr was in the back right hand corner of the office. And there he laid with his greatsword laying against his bed. Still unconscious but at least he was bandaged up and looked healthier. The kitsune looked as though he was having an odd dream himself. Horns blew across the courtyard so loud the entire city could probably hear it. Three times it had rung. Rayon wasn’t scheduled to fight until the third fight, so he decided he would stay with Myr until then. Rayon realized that the Kitsune was now stirring as if he was about to wake up. “Myr, you there?...”
It was dark; completely and utterly pitch black. He could see nothing around him, but he could feel that the floor he was standing on had the thinnest layer of water over it. Myr looked around, but he could see absolutely nothing. He lifted his hands to his face, and to his surprise, he could see them as if he were standing in broad daylight. "Strange..." he thought. He began walking. No use standing in one place forever. He walked for what seemed like ages. Eventually, his walk sped up to a full on sprint. Strangely, he didn't tire or feel short of breath. He ran for what felt like hours, but he found nothing more than the pitch black darkness that has been surrounding him since he got here. he was beginning to get frustrated. For a moment, he sat down to think. The longer he thought, however, the more he felt it. The darkness creeping in around him. It began to feel constricting; making him feel claustrophobic. It was getting closer. He could feel it! It's going to strangle him! HE MUST-

A gleaming silver spiral staircase. He hadn't noticed it before. How in the hell had he not noticed this enormous staircase about ten feet in front of him is beyond him. He looked up the staircase, and noticed a familiar figure laxly staring down at him, with a faint smile. It can't be...Is that..CYGNUS!? He tried to call out to him, but his voice failed him. Then, a voice spoke into his mind. "Myr, come quickly. You're in danger." Myr didn't even wait to respond. He immediately ran over to the staircase and began to make his way up. Up, and up, and up he went. It felt almost never ending. He kept thinking he was seeing something in the distance in the darkness. It looked like tiny red dots...

Eventually he reached the top. The top of the staircase looked exactly like the floor below. It too felt like it had a small layer of water on it. He could even see the ripples with each step he took. He turned, and saw his mentor, the legendary hero Cygnus. "Myr, we don't have time. They're watching. Listen to me, Myr. You are in danger, Myr. They're coming. You NEED to run. If they get a hold of you-" Myr felt something push him from the front with extreme force. It sent him flying several meters back, and off of the top of the staircase. "Shit! Myr, NOO!" he heard his mentor shout. He fell clear down the the bottom floor. When he hit, however, there was no floor. He crashed into liquid blackness. It was like an ocean. It began to pull him down, deeper and deeper. He was drowning, flailing, he couldn't make it back to the surface to breathe. It was getting harder and harder to move, and his vision was starting to fade. He looked to the surface, and he saw a light. He could swear he heard a faint voice coming from it..."yr...Myr...Myr, you there?" He woke up. "A...dream...? What the- who the fuck are you?" he said, looking at the unfamiliar face sitting on his bed.

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