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Fantasy Last Lights

Myr looked a little confused and mad about the fact that he had woken with me next to his bed, but Rayon couldn't help but smile. "So that doctor did do her job after all." Rayon layed back in his chair and sighed with relief. After a few seconds he realized that he had yet to introduce himself. "Oh sorry. My name is Rayon, and i'm the latest guild member from Loinmo. I'm also the bloke who helped you get here after the Minotaur attack." He stretched his wings sitting back up throwing out his hand for a handshake. "How's your injury's feeling?" He said with a concerned smile.
"So that's how I got here. Thanks then." Myr took a moment to study the person sitting on his bed. He noticed that he was a halfling, just like himself. "So you're a halfling then? Thank god this damn guild finally got another one. I was getting sick of there being nothing but human assholes everywhere. As for my injury, we Kitsunes have unnaturally fast healing compared to humans. Probably about 50x faster than a humans. Probably because of the innate magic held within our tails. Unfortunately, I still feel like absolute shit, and I'm pretty sure I still have quite a few broken bones. Say, what's all that ruckus going on downstairs?"
"Oh that? Well you see its apart of my initiation. There is a battle royal going on today, and anyone is welcome to join in. And i never knew that about kitsunes before. Thats actually really cool! The first battle has already started. I myself start in the third round."
"Third round eh? That will probably take an hour or two. Maybe three because of intermissions. Could you do me a favor then? About a mile across town, next to Foxy's Bistro, you know, the place close to where...the minotaur knocked me out...there's an alleyway. Go down that alley until you find a slightly hidden stairwell. Walk down those stairs, and knock on the door. When the doorman answers, tell him, 'Ares needs Pandora's Box.' He'll give you a medium sized phial. You NEED to keep this hidden and make it back here. Don't let anyone see you carrying it. And if you could, tell the guildmaster to put me on the tourney list, but on the opposite side of you. If he refuses, just tell him I'll have Pandora's Box. I would greatly appreciate it. I don't really have much in the way of gold to give you though...Could we say I owe you one, then?"
"Yeah, no problem. I used to do jobs like this from where I'm from. It wont take to long and i doubt anyone will see me." Rayon got up out of his seat ready to help a new friend. Not waiting for Myr to say anything more, Rayon rushed out of the room simply saying "Be back soon!" before opening his wings to fly to his destination.

It wasn't that hard to find the place where the minotaur had been. The place was still wrecked and rebuilding it was going slow. Rayon landed a few blocks down so it wouldn't be to obvious where he was going. The alleyway was right next to the impact crater Myr had been in. Rayon walked down the alleyway until he found an indent in the wall. With further investigation he found that it was a small stairwell that could be easily overlooked. At the end of the stairwell was an iron door with bolts in it. Rayon proceeded to knock on the door. Apart of the door slid open and a pair of eyes appeared in from the whole. "Password" A muffled deep voice sounded from behind the door. "Ares needs Pandora's Box". The door closed and the pair of eyes disappeared. Rayon waited a couple minutes in front of the door. Suddenly another door lower this time, at hand level, opened up and a vile of purple liquid came out. Rayon grabbed it and began his way back towards the guild...

Twenty minutes latter Rayon was back at the guild, explaining the situation to Kraizer. Kraizer looked skeptical at first, but, with some good persuasive skills from rayon, he caved in. Rayon rushed over to the clinic again to give myr what he wanted. "HEY! I got the stuff you asked for!"
"Ah, thank you very much. Now, you'll want to stand back for this. No telling what could happen." Myr took the phial from Rayon, and uncorked it. With an unsure glance, he let out a heavy sigh. "Welp...here we go...bottoms up!" Myr didn't waste a second more. He smashed the bottle to his mouth, threw his head back, and chugged until the bottle was completely empty. "Oh gods this shit is so nasty," he said, wincing. Suddenly, a loud crack was heard from Myr's chest. "GACK- AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIT," he screamed. He was roaring and yelling in pain, flailing and kicking his legs. Rayon could see his chest moving under his skin. It was as if...the bones were rearranging themselves. "PAIN...TO ANGER...!" Myr's crimson hair and fur began to take on an appearance as if it were on fire. His eyes started to turn and glow deep red, and his fangs began to grow a little longer. "HIT...THE FUCKING...DECK...WOLF BOY..!"
Without a second guessing Myr, Rayon immediately turned into his wolf form and threw out his wings like shields. What was happening to Myr right now, It looked like he had gotten better but why were his fangs getting longer and hist fur on fire? He should be able to out maneuver the kitsune if he got violent and if he couldn't Rayons dragon scales and reinforced fur should protect him enough from whatever was about to happen...
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"DON'T...SAY I...DIDN'T...WARN YOU..!" he managed to slowly yell out. "HRRRRAAAAAH!" He shouted one last time, and an explosion of magic power waved from his body. The explosion was blinding and powerful. In the aftermath, most of the equipment in the room was knocked over, some broken, and the windows were shattered. "YES. I FEEL GREAT!" he roared. "Sorry about that, mate. That phial was an elixir that increases a kitsune's magical potential to completely fill every one of their tails. Since I'm a mutant kitsune with all nine of my tails already, it tends to be a bit more...destructive when I use it. I pretty much just used a majority of that magic to completely heal myself. See? Good as new. Not a broken bone in sight." Myr pulled away the bandages to show Rayon. True to his statement, he looked just as he had before being nearly crushed to death. There wasn't even a bruise left. "Oh shit, that's right. That elixir is expensive as all hell, and he's probably going to be putting that on the guild's tab. Rath Gleam is pretty hard to get a hold of, after all. Ahhh Verona's going to kill me for doing that...But anyway, would you mind taking me to where the battle royale is being held? I'd love to watch. Besides, I need to prepare for my fight. Did Verona enter?"
Throughout the past few days where Myr was inactive, Verrona was busy heading off to do quests by herself. Just because her partner was on standby didn't mean that she had to be. It wasn't until she came back to town from a trip carrying a manticore's tail on her back as a souvenir that she heard through the grapevine about the new guild member who had suddenly become the guild master's disciple over night. Her eyebrow raised at the news. "Disciple huh? Strange," she muttered before heading back to guild headquarters. She bursted into the room, meanwhile shouting "I'm home!". However, it seems that she didn't receive the usual response. Everyone else was immersed into their own, whispering things about tactics, techniques, attacks, magic... what could be going on? "Oh, Verrona! Welcome back," Hages, the old bartender replied whIle wiping the inside of the mug. The elven girl looked at him in confusion, which earned a hearty chuckle from him. "Ah...the guild master called for a festival to happen! Or more so, a battle royale. Oho! You missed a lot while you were gone, Ver. The newcomer has already caused quite an event on his first day!"

"...Eh? Newcomer? The whole town has been talking about him....and they seem to be taking part in it as well. It might as well turn out to be a real festival." She sighed, before dropping the manticore's tail on the floor, causing the ground to shake, proving it's weight. "I assume you'll be participating? I can only imagine the destruction you'll cause." Verrona's expression had gone blank, and she looked away, as if out of embarassment. "Actually, he forbade me. He contacted me through telepathy, and heard of...well, ahahaha. I ended up nearly destroying a whole town while slaying this thing." She pointed at the souvenir. "It put up quite a fight...as well as added more debts to the master's bill, but hey! As long as the job is done no worries." She chuckled. "Ah, who is the newcomer anyway?"

Hages pulled out a mug and poured in a fresh batch of cider before handing it to her. "Ah, I'm afraid I don't know much of him, but he had something to do with a wolf...and he's a halfling as well. I recalled his name being...Raymart?....No, Rayon! Ah yes." "Ehh?!" Verrona's eyes widened and she nearly stood up. "He ended up joining after all?" The graying bartender looked over at her in surprise at her reaction. "Have you met him before?" "Eh? Ah, well, um....sort of.."
A shiver ran down Rayons spine. Someone was talking about him again. Looking back over to Myr Rayon said "Yeah sure follow me Myr. I'll take us to the place. It is being held on the outskirts of town in a place used by the guild often. I only have a general idea of where it is. Do you know what im talking about?"
"Outskirts of town...? Oh yes I know what you're talking about. That would be the Champion's Respite. Odd name for an arena, I know. It was commissioned by the previous guild master to hold tournaments and whatnot before his...disappearance. I know where it is. Shall we head out then? But first, let me get all these damn bandages off. Too restrictive." Myr ripped off his bandages, and grabbed his greatsword. "Onwaaaaaard!!"
Verrona just continued to stay in the lobby as she informed him of how Rayon and her met, but then her eyes widened when she heard an explosion from the medical building, although it was nothing serious. Yet it still bugged her and she frowned. It annoyed her even more that Myr was still inside, and perhaps he had something to do with it. "Excuse me." The elf rose up from her seat, quietly leaving the tavern and headed to the med center quickly. By the time she arrived, she r the two discussing plans about the battle royale, and she huffed. Slowly, she entered in. "Onward to where? If you mind telling me.." Verrona's eyes looked around the disarrayed room, and she spotted the vial which made her widen her eyes. "..........MYR!!" The elf performed a roundhouse kick at him out of rage, causing him to land on the bed rather harshly and she frowned, putting her hands on her hips. The bitter scent from the residue of the kitsune's potion reached her, and she sighed in dismay. "There you go acting on your own again! Jeez, can't ever stop being rash, can you?" Verrona huffed, picking up the glass vial and examining it. "Welp, there goes the quest reward."
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Rayon couldn't help but wince at first when Myr got kicked in the face, but soon chuckled after. This new girl looked familiar for some reason... That's right! She was with Myr at the fight with the Minotaur. If he remembered correctly her name was Verrona. "I hope this isn't how you greet all your friends." Rayon said flashing a smile at her. "My names Rayon. I saw you the day of the Minotaur fight. How are you feeling from that?"
"Tch....eh?" Verrona turned around at the new voice, and her eyes widened in surprise. "A-Ah! Excuse my manners, ahaha!" Quickly smoothing down her clothes and dusting off whatever dirt she had on her. Her personality changed quick, from previously enraged to now polite and welcoming. "I heard that you just joined Wayfarer's! Welcome, welcome! I hope Myr didn't cause you TOO much trouble...perverted fox." Her eyes narrowed at her partner, before quickly looking back at Rayon with a pleasant expression. "Anyways! I hope the guild master showed you all the basics and such, don't worry you'll quickly get used to living here! Ah, please excuse my rude behavior from earlier, I normally don't do that to people whom I first meet, tehe!"
"Ugh, you little elf shit," Myr said, rising from the bed again. "You're lucky I'm still under the effects of Pandora's Box and can't feel a damn thing right now. You remember what happened LAST time you kicked me in the face right?" A slight smirk crossed Myr's face. His tails began to wave back and forth, and he slowly took a few steps towards Verona. "Touch fluffy tail." Suddenly, all nine of Myr's tails raced out from behind him and coiled around Verona lightly enough for it to be comfortable, but strong enough so that she couldn't break out, then pulled her back behind him to a resting position, holding her in the air. "I think I'll keep you like this for a while, you little shit. Don't bother struggling. You weren't strong enough to break out last time, and I doubt you're strong enough now."
Rayon just looked at the two while Myr captured Verrona. Myr promptly said " Now back to business! Onward! To battle!" And started walking towards to door. Verrona was desperately struggling to get out of her new home all the while yelling some muffled words that wouldn't be right for the younger audience. Rayon had the feeling that if he let this just happen, Verrona wouldn't be to keen on the idea of having him as a friend. As Myr passed by, Rayon put out one hand towards the kitsunes tails, and lightly touched it with a finger. A jolt of electricity went through the kitsunes body, making his tails lose enough grip for Verrona to fall to the ground. Rayon offered a hand to help her up. "Thank you for the welcome. You're one of the first to do so, besides the master of course. Oh and you cant really blame Myr for trying to trap you. Might not want to test him again for a while." He chuckled a little after the last sentence.
"GYUH. WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT? SHIT I DROPPED HER." Myr turned and expected another blow to the face, but was surprised to merely see her glaring at him, blushing slightly. He turned to Rayon with an annoyed look on his face. "I didn't say you could touch my tails. One of the ONLY rules I have. Don't touch my tails unless I give you permission." At this, Myr batted Rayon in the face with a few of his tails. "Next time, you'll have what she's having. But enough of this. It's time to get going. If we waste any more time, we'll end up missing our fights." Myr grabs Rayon and Verona by their wrists, shouts "ONWAAAARD!" and runs out of the guild.

It didn't take long for the three to reach the arena. It was a large open coliseum, with enough seats to fit over ten thousand people. It was in excellent condition, despite how many fights it had gone through, and how many storms it had withered. It was commissioned by the previous guild leader of the Wayfarer's guild about thirty years prior, and had since became a famous landmark, where warriors from all over the continent would come to duke it out. The announcer could be heard from clear outside the arena. "AND THAT, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, CONCLUDES ROUND TWO OF THE WAYFARER'S GUILD'S BATTLE ROYALE. THE WINNER IS RAGNAR, WHO VALIANTLY TRIUMPHED OVER HIS OPPONENT LYSAAR. UP NEXT, THE NEWCOMER RAYON VERSUS IXION!" Myr turned back to Rayon. "Hurry the hell up. They're calling your name. If you don't get your ass in there, you'll be disqualified. I'll head into the fighter's lounge until it's my time. Verona, if you change your mind and want to join, just speak to the quartermaster. I'll take care of the guild master for ya. Otherwise, why not pick a seat?"
Rayon wasn't the least bit worried about the match at all!... That is until he saw the huge crowd that had formed to see the fighting. He hardly had time to even think of a strategy because no one had ever told him who his opponent was. These fights are going to carve his place inside of his knew home, so he couldn't afford to put on a good show. As far as Rayon knew, there was five rounds before the final round if he could make it that far. "Rayon! Your mach is waiting. If you don't show up in the next minute, you will be disqualified!" A voice over the PA had announced. The only way to do this now was to dive in first and throw away all doubt. Rayon walked down a set of stairs that seemed to go on forever. All eyes were on him as many fans cheered on for their favorite. Ixion seemed to be the crowed favorite for this match. Rayon jumped off of the last row of stairs and into the arena. Calming his mind, he looked forward to his opponent. Ixion seemed to be a well built man, who was in a huge, spiked, suit of armor. His weapon of choice was a lance and huge shield. The lance was simple enough and looked as though it was made of iron, However the shield was made out of a weird, space like, glass. It had to be durable enough to take a few good hits, So it would be in Rayons best interest to not underestimate the shield. "Here we go folks! This is the match from the wolf who made a splash in the guild! Welcome to the arena RAYON!" The crowd went wild with the announcers excitement. "Are the two contestants ready!" Rayon pulled up his hands before him and nodded. Meanwhile his opponent gave no knowledge of recognition. "Alright then, let's get this underway! 3! 2! 1! Fight!!!" A loud gong was rung and the crowd once again went wild. Rayon wasted no time to close the gap between the two. Rayon stoped right in front of Ixion and threw out a hand "Pulse!" Rayon had shouted. After he said the word, a huge wave of energy, or gravity, rushed out of rayons palm and into Ixion. Smoke went up in the air when the attack made contact with Ixion. When it cleared Ixion stood five feet pushed back unharmed. Without saying anything Ixion thrusted his lance out. The lance was now inscribed in a weird purple pattern, while purple flames came out of the back of the lance. A somewhat transparent copy of the lance was launched straight at rayon. The projectile was fast, but was nowhere near as close as what Rayon could be. He took flight from the ground and was high up into the air above Ixion. Ixion looked around confused for a moment, wondering where Rayon had gone. Rayon took this chance to switch gears. Rayon put the heels of his hands together, and then keeping them together moved his fingertips to where each touched the opposite match. Taking both hands apart a strong stream of electricity came from Rayons fingers as it connecting them still. Dark clouds began to form around Rayon as his opponent still looked for him. Rayon pictured the electricity as a moving, living thing in his hand, and urged it to form into a ball, telling it where it would most be happy going. Finally Ixion had looked towards the sky noticing the dark clouds and saw Rayon. However it was to late. He whispered to the lighting, telling it to target the lance in Ixions hand. He then shot the orb of lighting in his hand into the dark clouds that had surrounded him. For some reason Ixion let down his guard when Rayon did that, thinking that he had missed his shot. A ground shattering bolt of lighting struck at Ixion, scorching the ground around him. Rayon lowered himself to the ground again, with the claim to victory in the first round under his belt...
"WOW, ONE HUNDRED TO ZERO IN A SINGLE SHOT! THIS NEWCOMER SURE IS COMING IN WITH A BANG!" The announcer shouted. "I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE HOW HIS NEXT MATCH GOES. YOU'VE EARNED YOURSELF A NEW FAN, RAYON! NEXT UP..." The next few matches didn't last for too long. A majority of them were just nameless guild member versus nameless guild member. After about a half hour, it was time for Myr's first battle. "THIS IS IT. THIS IS THE FIGHT WE'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR FOLKS! IT'S TIME FOR THE WAYFARER'S GUILD'S STRONGEST: MYR! VERSUS SVEN! NINE-TAILED KITSUNE VERSUS ELF SWORDSMAN! ARE THE COMBATANTS READY?!" Myr and Sven both signal their approval. "THEN 3! 2! 1! FIGHT!"

"Ahh Sven. How long has it been since I last kicked your ass? About a year or so? I have to say. That fight was rather short and boring. I do hope you've improved your skills since then."

"Silence you damn fox. Last time was a folly. This time, I'll be putting you in the ground. Permanently."

"Oh, a fight to the death, then? Well if you're really sure, I can hold back." Myr grabbed the handle of his greatsword with a single hand, and gracefully gave it a swing to point it at Sven. "Enough talk then. Bring it." Sven was the first to make a strike. He dashed at Myr, holding his sword in a sort of traditional samurai style, and made a quick full forward stab at him. "Geez, you would think you'd try something different this time, Sven." Myr easily sidestepped the stab, and smashed the blunt side of his greatsword down onto the elven swordsman, firmly laying him into the ground. He coiled one of his tails around his leg, raised him from the dirt, and smashed him into the ground on the opposite side of him. For about the next ten seconds, Myr repeatedly swung the elf into the ground, each time making the craters deeper and deeper. After he was through swinging him around, he firmly smashed him into the ground one more time, then dug his greatsword under him, and flung him into the air. He jumped up to the elf with a graceful front flip, and slammed him into the ground with his greatsword once more. The elf didn't move after this. "AND THE WINNER IS MYR! THAT, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, CONCLUDES ROUND EIGHT OF THE WAYFARER'S GUILD BATTLE ROYALE! AFTER A SHORT BREAK, WE'LL BE MOVING ON TO SET TWO! THE SEMI-SEMI-FINALS! NEXT UP, IT WILL BE THE UP AND COMING RAYON VERSUS TERRANORA, THE DUAL SWORD BEAUTY!"

"God I hope I didn't kill him with that. They already hate me enough. Come on you, you're going to the infirmary. Can't have you actually dying on me." Myr grabbed the elf gently in all nine of his tails, and walked out of the arena. He made a stop by the infirmary to drop of the elf, who, thankfully was still alive, then went to the fighter's lounge. "Yo Rayon! Nice job with your first fight. Using his lance as a lightning rod? That's definitely a new one. Even I used to have trouble getting past that damn shield of his. Always had to use my magic. I'll tell you what. I'm pretty sure I'll be making it to the final battle. So if you do too and we end up going up against one another, how about we make a bet? If I win, you tell me about your past. Likewise, if you win, I'll tell you about mine. We got a deal?"
Rayon was occupied with the the latest match going on in front of him when Myr snuck up behind him. "Mmmmm... Sure I don't mind that bet. And Ixion would have been fine im sure with that shield of his if he would have stayed on guard." Rayon replied to the kitsune, eyes still on the match. Myr seemed fired up and ready to defeat anyone in his way with Rayons acceptance to a bet. He must be somewhat of a gambler Rayon though to himself. "Don't expect me to go easy though. You look like a strong opponent to test my skills on." Rayon flashed a smile at the thought of a good battle. His matches haven't been to exciting due to a skill gap in opponents. He hoped that his next two opponents would prove a good workout before the final... "Alright folks, with that it is on to the next match. This match will be between Rayon, The one hit wonder, and the guilds fastest blade master, Terranora!" The announcer had spoken. Walking down the stairs once again Rayon saw Terranora. Terranora was a short, purple haired woman, wearing a matching colored GI. When they were at the arena Rayon finally saw Terranoras weapons as she redid them. They were long gladiolus swords that had a rainbow tint to the blades. The anouncer started the countdown. "3!2!1! FIGHT!" The bell had rung. Terranora was on him within a second of the round starting. This was the first time someone within the guild had rushed him, so Rayon was caught off guard. Terranora slashed her sword at Rayons neck, giveing him very little time to dodge. Rayon felt the air from the slash on his neck as he back flipped from the lethal slash. Terranora made a "tch" sound as he backed away from safety. Rayon had the feeling he might have to go all out if he wanted to stay alive. This women was out for his blood. "That's the Sword beauty for you! Straight for a kill shot from the get go! How will our new comer deal with the pressure?" The announcer was trying to pump up the crowd even more, and it was working. A roar of encouragement came down from the stands for both opponents. The onslaught continued as Terranora swung after Rayon. To put some distance between him and Terranora, Rayon threw out a slash of wind magic blindly at his pursuer. During the time Rayon turned into his wolf form, his skin being covered in fur as strong as dragon scales, and eyes turning red. A thought came to Rayon. If he couldn't out-speed his opponent, then he could limit the space for her to attack him from. Two yellow magic seals appeared on Rayons gauntlets in the shape of a pentagram. Terranora was on his tail again, attempting to strike rayon down. However she could never quite get right on Rayon. He kept takeing sharp turns, bouncing from place to place on the floor, off of walls and other places. Terranora became furious at being out maneuvered "Whats wrong Black Dog! Are you two afraid to fight a women!" This one had a temper for sure. Rayon stopped in his tracks and looked at the dual blade expert. "No, not really. Although you are very skillful." Rayon responded casually. "Then why don't you fight!" "I have been" Rayon wasn't running everywhere for no reason. He had been placing an invisible piece of conductible wire wherever he went. His opponent was so focused on not losing sight of him that she payed no mind to where his hands was. Terranora tried to rush rayon again, but was stopped dead in her tracks. She was now bleeding from multiple spots on her arms. Sudden realization crossed her face. Rayon held up a fist at head height to show her the yellow being projected from his arm still. It started to spin rapidly in a counterclockwise way. The wires began to recede, catching Terranora in their grasp. "Next time, look at what your opponent is doing." Rayon said with a smile. Rayon set a lightning bolt through the wires, and in response, Terranora screamed in agony. The match was over, Rayon had one again...
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"Hmmm....A fondness for lightning huh...?" Myr watched the newcomer intently...

"AND THE NEWCOMER HAS RISEN ABOVE HIS OPPONENT ONCE AGAIN! HOW DID HE EVEN DO IT THIS TIME?! ALL I SAW WAS HIM RUNNING AROUND! I SIMPLY CAN'T WAIT TO SEE HIS NEXT FIGHT. UP NEXT..." Rayon had triumphed over his second opponent and made it into the semi-finals. The next few fights were once again, just nameless fighters. Soon, it was time for Myr to fight again. "NEXT UP, IT'S MYR ONCE AGAIN, AND THIS TIME HE'LL BE GOING UP AGAINST MERRIC THE SHADOWMANCER! I'M EAGER TO SEE HOW MYR WILL HANDLE THIS ONE!" Both Myr and Merric walk in from the fighter's lounge. "It was a good talk old chap. We should catch up again sometime; we don't really get the chance to talk like this much, do we?" "Ha, that we don't Merric. It was a pleasure. I'll tell you what, after this tournament, I'll buy us a drink and we can catch up. It'll be just like old times!" Merric was one of the only people who was actually nice to Myr when he entered the guild. He was an older fellow, probably around his mid to late fifties, and has been one of the guild's inner circle for decades.

"ARE THE COMPETITORS READY?!" Both Myr and Merric nod their approval. "THEN 3! 2! 1! FIGHT!" Myr was the first to make a move. He dashed tat the older man and swung his greatsword at him. "I'm disappointed Myr. You know you'll have to try harder than that." Myr's sword traveled right through the figure in front of him, which faded away at the touch of his blade. "Damn, I wasn't fast enough," he thought. He looked around, and couldn't see him anywhere in the arena. "Old man, you taught me everything I know about illusory magic. I've sparred against you more than enough to know all about your fighting style. Throughout all these years, you've always had a habit of vanishing...UNDERGROUND!" Myr swung his sword as hard as he could in a vertical cut to the ground, and smashed a crater into the ground. Something shiny, round, and pale could be seen at the bottom of it. Myr grabbed Merric's head and lifted him out of the ground. "Ahaha good show, good show! I've certainly trained you well, boy. Well that's it for me. Ref! I forfeit. Myr's got this one."


"So what would you like old man? How about we have ourselves a nice whiskey on the rocks tonight?" "Oh yes that sounds absolutely divine. Been a while since I've had something nice and strong. I love the burn." Myr and Merric headed back into the fighter's lounge, talking all the way. It was starting to get a bit dark outside. Night would be coming soon...
Beside the soft glow of the moonlit night, the stars always shone brighter than ever. The benefit of natural cover combined with the awe inspiring Star Serpent made well for Katos' comming of age so many years ago. So it was with an heir of nostalgia that he sat atop the forests canopy, stripped of his clothing, finding it too weighty for his perch, and watched that same river of stars stretch across the sky.

The others were caught up in some tournament or other. He could smell the blood from his perch just outside the city, and the cheers roared in the distance every so often: and he couldn't help feeling a pull from within to feel the rush of adrenalin through his veins as his bloodied knuckles made contact with skin...

In discontented silence, Katos pondered the recent happenings in his life and all that led up to what he was sure to be a fork in the road, so to speak.

He had always been cautious, always wary of situations that could relive him of his lonely, but relatively peaceful existance. With solitude came freedom and with freedom came contentment.

Strange as it may seem, however, it had never brought him happiness.

Katos had long ago decided that he did not need such trivial, fleeting things...but there had always been that ache, that deeply rooted need that was only satiated by death.

It was a dangerous disease of the mind he had seen in far too many, the complete lack of empathy and remorse (with the small ecception of children. He had a particular fondness for the messy, undisciplined things, that he couldn't quite shake) paired with a love of bloodshed that often drew a being into the deepest madness.

Katos felt justified in the pride and pomp he felt when he slayed, but did not slaughter. He was in control, always until it simply became second nature, and the gnawing hunger twisted into his much more preferable love for combative voyerism.

He would stand on the sidelines and watch the massacre, tending the wounded until an opportunity to quench his thirst approached. Any who dared attack his charges were already dead... They simply weren't yet aware.


What had come over him that night?i


Katos tongue flicked within his mask as he watched haedrik devour the humans, his eyes wild and focused in a sick sort of fascination. It was something of which he had never seen the like. The beast, at first seemed hesitant, and during the first, grizzly moment, the Minotaur gave his own horrific wail to join the symphony of screams.

Katos wondered if the creature even realized it. Puzzling to say the least.

Was this why it...He... Had ventured out on his own?

For certain it was unusual for a Minotaur to regret it's own natural food source. It was as unthinkable as a virgin incubus.

How strange...

In all honesty his curiosity on the matter went no deeper than mild interest. At least, it would have if it weren't clear that the meal was a gift from a demon.

A demon who most likely had known the anguish she had caused any reveled in it.

Now that... That was worth the effort it had taken to follow Haedrik here.

Everything else but the gruesome meal and the faintly smirking vyessa simply faded into unimportance, and he could feel the heat in his slowly boiling blood, that dangerous hunger deliciously present after decades of supression.

Mindlessly he watched until the Minotaur could eat no longer. The shrieks had subsided and left only the lone breathless sobbing of the male human, dying slowly from his extensive wounds. Humans were so delicate, but he could admire such a tenacity for survival. If a spark of will was left, they would struggle to live on beyond all logic, through the greatest of agonies until every other creature would have closed their eyes in finality.

It was not until Katos was close enough to see the spidergrass shivering against his spamming innards that he realized he had slowly been stepping closer, and closer. He soaked in every detail of the macabre scene before him, his pulse drumming in his ears as he tilted his head very... Very slowly, and a soft undertone of reptilian clicking echoed in the still air.

It was a small miracle he managed to sidestep and stop at the humans side, before lifting his shotgun over his shoulder, aiming it, and painting the Forrest floor with red and grey.


Katos had caught himself then... He would not throw what little morale he had away because of the lingering demons thrall. Yes.... That was it.

There was no other explanation.

But ...still...

As he lay back, weightless amongst the leaves and bare to the sky he often called Mother, he wondered what it would have felt like to tear out the man's vital heart and take a bite from it's still beating flesh. All because the demon and her new pet had upset his routine and through no fault of his own... Not one ounce....

Katos sighed and took a hit off his cigar as he slid down into the trees and snatched up is belongings.

"Im going to regret this tomorrow" he mumbled to himself. The thick leather of his trousers felt awful against his flesh, but it was necessary.

After yet another moment of silence, Katos took in the last of the herbal smoke and let the unusually deep haze take him over.

It had been far too long since he had fought in the cages of skullport. But he was confident his skills had yet to leave him.

One fight wouldn't hurt...right?
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Rayon didn't remember who his opponent was at first, but when he saw him walking down to the arena. It was the blond haired kid with the leather armor who questioned his power, and made him go through three days of hell for this tournament! He hadn't changed much in three days, and still had the broad sword and leather armor. But then again, it had only been three days since he last caught glimpse of him. Rayon was ready for this fight. He felt as though he had a vendetta to settle with James. "Hey James!" Rayon said as he entered the arena. "Ready to fight." An enormous grin spread across Rayons face. James seemed a little put off and didn't quiet know how to deal with him. "NOW! WITHOUT FURTHER ADUE LET THE NEXT MATCH START... NOW!" And with that the gong had rung. The two starred each other down for a good few seconds, not knowing what the other was capable of. It was James who made the first move. He used water magic to fire a shot at Rayon. He dodged it without any troubles by jumping to the side, but this took Rayons eyes off of his opponent for a second. James was on him quick with his sword ready for a downward slash. Rayon set his arm down to touch the ground and proceeded to throw a kick at James. The kick sent James flying across the stadium floor. James sword skidded across the floor farther away form him while he layed there for a moment and coughed up blood. Rayon rushed over to James body. Once upon him Jayon made his hand straight and jabbed it at james chest like a dagger. James rolled to the side just in time to dodge a deadly blow. Rayons hand went into the ground as though it were going into butter. James was wide eyed at what Rayon had done barehanded. Rayon loved the look on that foolish face, so he changed into his wolf form to get an even better reaction. Rayon didn't quiet get what he had wanted. James expression turned serious and dark. Rayon could feel the presence of another person in the arena right behind him suddenly. Rayon turned around as yet another James was attempting to get a slash in his back. The crowd was wild with the turn of events. Duplicating magic? No, that wasn't it. Rayon never saw James cast a spell of that magnitude yet. Unless he was an instant-cast wizard... Now that rayon thought about it, The water shot fired at him before was cast very quick for the power of the shot... He had to play careful for this match. "A duplicate! Nice!" Rayon smiled "However, you are not the only one with tricks up their sleeve." As he spoke, Rayon began to be covered in shadows until he completely disappeared. This spell was called, dark cover. It allowed the user to gain invisibility, a increase in speed and power, as well as being untouchable while turning it on or off, but not in between. Also the spell had unlimited time span between dusk and dawn, which it now was. This is the spell that the guild-master used when he first met Rayon. In response to this, James made more copies of himself in a flurry. By the time he was done there were about twentyfive or so. However Rayon knew who the real one was. It was the only one with the fresh scent of blood on him. All of the james began to swing blindly, trying to strike the still invisible Rayon. The effort was useless, Rayon simply dodged all of the strikes while making his way to the real one. Rayon found James and sent a gravity shot into his back. This wasn't enough to knock him out however. Rayon continued the same strategy three times more, still bearing no fruit. Rayon changed his tacits and used body augmentation on his fists, setting them ablaze. He found James again and this time began to pumble him until he no longer made an effort of dodging and layed there. Coming out of his spell the audience went wild. Rayon suspected that no one in the guild was suspecting Rayon to be this powerful in the first place, and they were paying for it. Rayon went up to the fighters lounge and awaited for the next match to start.
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Obviously, Ninian was the first to make her move. In her human form, she's a frail, blue haired and red eyed, small girl. She transformed, and took the form of a menacing Knucker dragon about as large as a one-story house.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/knucker_by_demonml-d6g961y.png.3bb9ad3b39c841cdc44f32a96031b08a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="63897" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/knucker_by_demonml-d6g961y.png.3bb9ad3b39c841cdc44f32a96031b08a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Like this, but blue.) She reared up and roared, then began to breathe a breath like a beam of ice. If it weren't for the magical forcefield protecting the audience, half of them would have been frozen solid. Her breath wasn't hard for Myr to dodge. A simple quick limbo under her wide sweep was all he needed to be completely safe. She charged at him, but he merely jumped to the side. After evading her charge he leaped back over to her side and smashed the pommel of his greatsword into her underbelly. She roared in agony and jumped back several meters before breathing at him again. Sidestepping the breath, he dashed up to her face and swung his greatsword, connecting the broad side of it with her snout. Using the momentum of the swing, he directed the sword upwards, throwing both it and his body into the air, then came down upon her neck, pinning her to the ground. "ENFLAME!" he shouted. Ninian's entire dragon body burst into bright blue, cyan colored flamed. She roared and screamed, then finally stopped moving. "Extinguish." he said. The flames instantly died out. The great ice-blue dragon girl lied still, slowly breathing. "AND THE WINNER IS MYR! SO POWERFUL TO HAVE DEFEATED A GREAT DRAGON LIKE THAT! IT WAS A REALLY FIERY BATTLE, WASN'T IT!? OH COME ON PEOPLE, DON'T BE SO COLD! THIS MEANS THAT THE NEWCOMER RAYON, AND THE GUILD'S STRONGEST, MYR WILL BE DUKING IT OUT IN THE FINAL BATTLE FOR THE TITLE OF CHAMPION! I SIMPLY CAN'T WAIT TO SEE WHO WILL WIN!"

Slowly, Ninian reverted back into her human form. Unfortunately, her clothes were torn while transforming into a dragon. "Woah woah woah can't let anyone see you like that. Here, I'll carry you back into the lounge." Myr gently picked the frail girl up in his tails, taking care that her body was covered more than enough against the crowd's prying eyes. He walked out of the stadium and dropped the girl off in the infirmary, and fetched her a pair of clothes. Upon entering the fighter's lounge for his short break before the finale, he saw Rayon again. "Good luck with the next fight, mate. May the best man win."



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-A few hours later, Midnight-

The sky was beautiful. The moon was full, bright, and large, and the sky was littered with a sea of stars. Down below, the Colosseum was brightly lit by bright torches, and the immense Champion's Flame on the arena's pedestal. The arena floor was easily visible, and the stands were lit as if it were merely early sunset.


-Back at the Figher's Lounge-

"...but you see, Merric, that's how-

ahh damn looks like it's time. I'll finish my explanation later, over a drink old friend. See you later tonight!"

Myr stood from the table and walked out of the fighters lounge. He awaited Rayon in front of the large open gate. Rayon joined him shortly after he finished meditating, and the both headed into the field.

"Ahhh the night. The moon feels wonderful doesn't it? I feel it mmmmm...filling me with power. You, too, I'll bet. You're part wolf, so I expect you naturally get stronger at night. I can feel it too. Can't you just feel your primal animal instincts awakening? I can tell. You're a powerful opponent; I've been monitoring all of your battles. I'm going to hold nothing back in this battle, and I hope you won't either. I hope you remember our bet, then? May the best man win.

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