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Futuristic Large Scale Sci-Fi Strategy Idea

Then what do I do? I don't know what the minor kingdoms are, or the larger, and I don't know anything about the map(s).
Maven said:
@The Doorman

I would like your Kingdom Names, A color and a location on the map.... then we will have to decide what to do with the empty space that will leave.
Huh? I wasn't planning on making a kingdom unless I was a major kingdom and I didn't know it until now................
Soooooooooo, hollup a sec, on mobile so I'll be getting a response to that when I can get to my PC in a secccccc.
Plenty but I believe the 5 Major Nations slots are filled. You are welcome to join as a minor nation, a client state or as a character within an existing nation.
This is it. Actually. At lest for now.

Full Name:

Shortened Name:


Primary Climate:

Cultures you can relate too:

Head of State:

Head of Government:

Form of Government:

  • Legislative Branch:
  • Judicial Branch:
  • Executive Branch:

Economic System:

Tax Rate:


Major Imports (3):

Major Exports (3):

Major Crop:

Primary Industry:

Government's Top Priority:



Military Structure:

Military Manpower (Keep below 3% in Peace and 10% in war):

Major Cities:

@Alexandra95 You are more than welcome to join, though you will need to be a minor nation or a character within an existing nation. All 5 Major Nation Slots are full at the moment. We need to have a bit more filled in... Nations that is, before the RP starts.
Well if your a nation... you really are the Leader of the Country though you also RP events throughout the nation. If you are a character within a nation, then you would be like a Councillor, a General or a CEO or something of those sorts.
That sounds interesting.. Hmm, I could do either that or be a minor nation, depending on how many nations there are in total atm
Wonderful just fill out an application, look at the map tell me what color and where you would like to go. ((I am the Red Nation by the way)) Make sure to read the other Nation's applications so you can see if you want to be neighbors with anyone or not.

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