Land of the Gears- Out of Character Chat


The Seeker of Jello
Talk about what you will with everyone, I am sure no one will bite.

I can also answer any question you may have here.
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Wow, I thought this would have been going on for a while but it just started...

Though once the character sheet is up I will join! I saw the Interest Check and I was automatically interested.
Well, I probably should've watched my own thread to see you both post.

I realize I wrote a lot, but I finished the character sheet.
Do you have master control over NPC's in this world. It would serve to be an interesting mechanic.
I was actually playing with that idea for some time now. I was thinking of doing that, but leaving out NPC's that are player made. (IE: A parent/sibling that you created to help with your character.)
That isn't a bad idea. Who knows how long it will take for characters to meet each other in such a large world. Perhaps we can have a certain number of controlled NPC's while you control other NPC's that logically we shouldn't dictate. Like alchemists, farmers, merchants, guards, and such. I was planning to have a controlled body guard for my character.
I might, seeing that I essentially have a "master list" of characters in the world.

I am curious however, how you handle the bodyguards. (I'm wondering in the sake of I like reading what people do in this world.)
Well since my character is going to be a man of odd trade he doesn't always end up on the best side of the law or with certain customers. The body guard has better physical strength then him and has an advantage, which you'll know about soon. The important thing is that the body guard is essentially a pet he bought from location "x" that is known for torture and manipulating. They capture people and reshape their minds through.... methods. Don't want to spoil things. Point being he is obedient and listens to what he is told. In my case he is an extension of my character's power if you will.
Funny thing about the whole, "torture, manipulating, and reshaping minds" thing. There is actually a group that does this and I was planning to make into some form of an RP story that can be uncovered (I have a few groups like this that I am purposely hiding, and I mention one in the Settings and Locations tab).

Don't worry, this isn't a spoiler as I might make something somewhere with "Rumors" of the cities.

In the story, they are responsible for something I will add if this RP thread goes far. Lets just say it is deemed immoral by those of this specific trade and it has to do with metal figures.
I'm happy to see you already have well developed plans for this. What is your overall expectations for the outcome of the RP?
I mostly am just hoping for the longevity of this RP. If all goes well, I might start implementing some of the worldly changes that will take place over time, such as new locations and such.
Yea, with that I have some things that can effect all the cities. Though I have to see some of everyone's finishd characters to make sure I can do what I have in mind.

*Still writing the lore up, aside from that everything is mostly ready.*
Well you'll be seeing my character sheet soon enough.

Hmm I think you should add "Personality" to the character sign up. It could be a good way to give people a taste of of the character.
Yea, I forgot that part. (I made it from scratch and I leave things out. This is my third RP group and I forget something everytime.)
Don't worry about it. I thought you did it on purpose myself. Anyways if this is your third time making an RP group call me highly impressed. Also I'm still working on the character sheet. You will love it.
I actually was aware I forgot something, but looking something over about twelve times didn't really show me anything new.

*Rewrote Mystics as I found the redundancy with it. Inventors can now do "Magic" based constructs and Alchemists... stay the same. Mystics develop a more Scribe-esque uniqueness. They are still the same, but have their own reason to being.*
@Cap I am currently working on mine, almost done just have to finish his backstory and personal protection. Would you like me to post what I have so far as a WIP or is me telling you good enough?
I noticed that if more people flood in you'll have quite a lot of NPC's to manage to keep things flowing. Also do you suspect for more people to show up in time?
I just need to finsh my back story which is half way done. Sorry it's been a chaotic week.
I have no idea on the status on all the potential characters due to its hard to see progress being made. All I can say is that everything is in the whim of people finishing characters/RPing one's that are finished.

@Rantos No problem, It's better to know it'll be finished eventually than never finished at all.

@TheMadIceCreamMan I have a question about that woman mentioned, are you going to RP her or are you leaving her as a character for me to RP? (Just making sure so I don't leave her out of my post when you intended her to be controlled by me.)
I wasn't sure. I thought you had master control over NPC's. Still I think it would be better if you took control. Then again I don't want to burden you with having to play a million roles.

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