Land of Destiny

Excellent point, but that would assume that Caith even has an owner.

However, I will accept that as a valid answer

Also, does anyone have any objections to me wielding Caith as an NPC/Character?
You haven't implied anything yet, so you may as well, but I guess it's not really in my place to say
Well, pretty much an unusual amount of travelers were at the tavern, and there was an unusual amount of spirits as well. So the travellers team up with the local, "Pops" tp eliminate them. They went to his house to discuss the matter, and the "middleman" showed up, and the traveller named Taren followed this so-called middleman, but Aantum suddenly realized that the middleman was somethung else entirely.
My character kinda committed a crime before leaving his hometown but I don't know if Gerus would be interested in that, it was a small town.
You do realize the room Gerus was in had no windows, so there was really no way to break out, and with the Paralyze and Magic Drain poisons, there was no way the familiar could even move, let alone kill a crow. Gerus wouldn't be able to take someone hostage due to being paralyzed or physically weakened from the Weakness Poison. Even though elves have a slight resistance to poison, they wouldn't be able to sit in a room inhaling toxic gases

On top of that the Crow's claws were tipped with Torture Poison, so somewhere along the way of fighting a huge pack of crows, the familiar would be scratched, thus poisoned, and in a state of intense pain.

In other words, Gerus is in no state to resist............. He's in a place where Aantum is basically a god.

It's like you're reading what you want and changing what you don't like, plus twisting my words

Not dies, but I specified that the room had no windows, but the familiar is jumping out windows for some reason. What I don't get is how he's sitting in a room inhaling toxic gases with nothing happening. The Toxins aren't even lethal.

The familiar is fighting an entire pack of crows simultaneously. without getting a single scratch

I'm sorry, I was being a pouty baby, and (like you said) twisting your words.

I only ask that maybe we could restart, and maybe this time Gerus knocks?
I can go along with what you posted. There's no reason to change up the story now. Maybe I'll have to stop putting in inescapable situations. That does seem a little god-like

Let's just say that he was holding his breath from the gas, and we'll go from there

And it's not a pack of crows, it's called a murder

Well, in your travels have you happened to learn sign language?
I know. Learned it on Bioshock Infinite

There are more animals that travel in "packs" though, so that sounds better to me than a "murder"

Many languages, but no sign language
For future reference, the notification problem has struck again, so, feel slightly obliged to tag me whence posting.
Can do


By the way, Taren should really be back at the house by now, either by Caith or by Aantum's crows. We've run into an intruder

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