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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Ready for the time skip to the next day?

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@GingerBread I haven't developed a central idea of it yet but it's kind of a mix of many different powers. She can neutralize attacks, see into the future (only sometimes), travel between parallel worlds, stop/slow time momentarily (max is like an hour or two...), force power drain, mind control (might just be her persuasiveness but no one really knows since she's so good at choosing the right words to say), and some more that I can't think of right now cause brain freeze. But definitely more powers.

If you want to know what her true form is though ... she's a witch.
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@PhoenixFire13 O_O i might be rethinking my choice to fight her later

Also power drain? so like she just get's rid of the person's magic energy so they can't cast spells? if that's the case that would kill Nyx, since his powers relies on his life force.
@GingerBread Yes, power drain. She used it back in the first event in the RP. You didn't join this RP yet but I had her appear and basically drain the power of an entire mob of students that were going berserk. She doesn't drain it all so that you die but enough so that you're unable to move and is left paralyzed and weak.
@PhoenixFire13 Well thats OP xD

but i think Nyx is the only one whose power is directly linked to his life force, i'm not say i would want it to kill him but just maybe she'd need to use it a little less on Nyx than she would have to on everyone else

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@GingerBread Also, because your power is drained, any transformation you released or any reversion to your real form would be cancelled and you'll be reduced to a state where you have to put on your human form because you don't have enough strength to stay alive in your real form.

How about you just not pick a fight with the principal... There's a reason why Shina was acting so nervous around her cause she felt how powerful she was in the beginning
@GingerBread Well, he's gonna learn pretty fast that this is one opponent he should not have picked a fight with ... I mean, seriously, Shina was at full strength back at that time and she just comes in, waves her hand, and Shina just immediately lost all strength and collapsed onto the ground, unable to move until she was allowed to.
@GingerBread The decision is up to you xD Like I said, each decision creates a new parallel world. There's a world where Nyx chooses to fight her and one where he chooses not to fight her. Whichever one you want to make this world into is up to your decision.
@GingerBread -shakes head- Unfortunately, it'll prove to be useless cause the principal won't kill you, just disable you. And I already told you didn't I, you can only revive if you burn yourself with a specific type of fire that hurts and at the same time can still heal. I doubt neither Shina nor Enki will give Nyx that fire. And to make matters worse, you can't even get close to her cause she'll just freeze your time.
@PhoenixFire13 who said Nyx wanted it to revive himself, he'd be able to fly and have control over basic fire, and would he not be able to just steal the different types of fire from them, i swear Shina got blue fire due to getting burned by it
@PhoenixFire13 So... Nyx wants to go to heaven. Me and @metalcity agree that Nyx should, just needs a little blood :D

  • Unicorn-Pegasus Hybrid Blood - Allows a vampire to be permanently invincible, and immune to all magic with the power of flight into outer space, and even into higher dimensions up to Heaven itself no matter if they're good or evil.
I would say Nyx, but not sure how that would work, Since Vampires need to be invited in to a room and Nyx already has a nice cozy Abandoned building xD @GreenEyedStranger if you want Nyx to be your roommate i can have something happen as to where he's forced to have a room or something idk
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GingerBread said:
Well Nyx is a vampire so he wouldn't be allowed to enter unless invited in, so less convenient for Nyx, so if you want it @LokiofSP it's yours
Nah, Nyx is sleeping in an abandon building, my guys gotta dorm, you can have it

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