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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Ready for the time skip to the next day?

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I have but I'm on an I touch and can't highlight the screen. I did read about having only one character which may only be replaced if it dies as well as the rule about IC comments. You can trust that I'll follow them, this isn't my first roleplay I've been in.
@GreenEyedStranger ok i'll look over the special word as you seem to know the rules but I think the whole disease thing sounds a bit OP, like giving people diseases in the middle of battle essentially stopping them from fighting correct me if i'm wrong though, because your character does sound interesting
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I don't intend to fight anyone, plus he always wears the disease resistant suit to contain it. If he were forced in combat without the suit though, his attacks would cause infections in the wound he causes and damage over a longhorn period of time after the fight. But again, I won't fight anyone or anything, my character isn't like that
GreenEyedStranger said:
I don't intend to fight anyone, plus he always wears the disease resistant suit to contain it. If he were forced in combat without the suit though, his attacks would cause infections in the wound he causes and damage over a longhorn period of time after the fight. But again, I won't fight anyone or anything, my character isn't like that
"Don't intend to fight anyone" thats a cute thought <3
@GreenEyedStranger a lot of people's characters are fight happy, like mine, so again With your characters personality fighting seems inevitable.

Also all the diseases that your guy would give people are weak and wouldn't stop them from fighting right?

Well it really depends. If the wound cuts deep and he breathed a cloud of miasma into it the infection would probably kill. My character can't control when or what kind of diseases his opponents get, but I really really don't plan on fighting at all. He isn't physically fit it any way, and most of the diseases on him (although he's immune to their more harmful effects) drained his stamina
@GreenEyedStranger You said the suit limits his movements. Assuming he does get into a fight, what will stop him from removing the suit for extra mobility?

Also, to re-iterate what the people above said, you can't avoid a fight. My character had no fighting power whatsoever, but he still got caught in a fight.
Well, if he was forced into a fight, he would most definitely not try to remove the suit. He's had it most of his life and knows what happens if he is ever released without any safeguards. He'll go to any measure to prevent his infection from spreading, as he was raised like so by his father
GreenEyedStranger said:
Well, if he was forced into a fight, he would most definitely not try to remove the suit. He's had it most of his life and knows what happens if he is ever released without any safeguards. He'll go to any measure to prevent his infection from spreading, as he was raised like so by his father
Ture, but if he never takes off his suit, then what is the point of even having those powers in the first place? You're only hurting your character by saying he won't use his power.
Then so be it. I really hope I can avoid combat scenarios, but if they come then it's out of my control. Besides, I'm terrible at roleplaying combat anyways

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