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Fantasy Lakoria High School

metalcity said:
Aptual laughed again "I get it! you can stop with that joke! what if I go first? I'm a werewolf. And that guy over there is a vampire! ahhhh, so spooky." Aptual giggled as she pointed at Dom. "Now could you please share what you are?" Aptual asked, shaking a little.
"Ok now for the last time I am a Repear I harvest the souls of living people with my scthye." Noah paused pointing to the sycthe on his back "Now there isn't any reason to fear me as considering I can't see when you are going to die I say you have a few more years to go and then you will be cut down don't ask me how many years as A) I can't tell anyome that B) I don't actually know as the big guy doesn't allow me to have that ability he just sends me off to harvest the souls of teenagers or old people." Noah finished off notcing that Aptual was shaking a bit "Told you there isn't anything to fear of me if it makes you any safer I can stay a few feet away from you."

Aptual started to shake more, she backed away a little "No, no no...its fine...just...just..." Aptual suddenly leaped at the boy and poked his nose "Squish squish." She giggled as she continued to push on his nose. She then took a step back and sighed in relief "Okay, I feel better now. Your nose is cute. All small and button like. Any ways, mister scary reaper guy. How is it like to reap? I imagine its like a real horror film! Please share!" Aptual looked over at Dom, she grow a slightly evil smile as she quickly ran over to him and hopped on her back. Using him as a rest as she got ready for the wonderful stories about to be shared to them.

'I'm glad I am here to help!' He purred.

'I'm gonna miss that turtle. He was a good man!' The anaconda sobbed.

"Ok Nyx, now we can go find Jay! And I will be sure to keep Jason away. I know how much you hate him."

'What!? Rude! Bad Pluto, bad! How can you deny me my love!?'

"Jason be quite and calm down." Jason just continued to grumble to himself.

Jackal looked over at Richard who was following them. 'Oh, Who is that prrrrety one over there?'

Good, Jason is a dick. Is there not any way you can get rid of him? I'm sure if you kill him enough times you could get rid of him forever. And Jason, I don't think Jay even remembers you exist. He just knows you as one of Pluto's snakes. But he does know Apep better than you. So you've got a snowballs chance in hell At Jackal's question Nyxen stood up and looked over at Richard. Oh that's Richard. I made him myself. He's a panther. I think that about sums it up

@Magical Squid Senpai
While running, Columbus had steered himself into an unimportant idiot a girl with a name tag that read, 'Hello my name is Allison." She was sent flying off into the distance as the toast fell from Columbus's mouth. He turned around to Laika with a raised brow, "What do you mean you almost died? Any time something like that happens to most of my friends they're fine, even Jay! He just kinda waves his hands around then he's fine...Wait... Do you have some kind of skin condition that makes you weaker or something?"


~*Laika Flynn*~

Laika stared at him blankly, did she have any kind of skin condition?! What was he on about? She shook her head "N-No, I just don't have superhuman strength or anything" she said, confusion lacing her voice as she wondered how everyone else he knew could survive that "And really? Everyone?!" She shook her head, she was getting off topic "Ack, that's not the point though, you left me to get squished!" She said almost pouting.


'Plutoooooooo! Nyx is being mean to me.'

"Gosh the both of you... I swear." He just tried to ignore them and focus on getting to the museum.

Jackal looked over at Richard. He Jumped down and stood behind Richard. And since he was smaller than the panther he got a pretty good veiw of the goods. Or lack thereof. 'Richard is not a he! It's a beautiful she.' He had to pick up the pace a little bit in order to be right next to Richard. 'How are you today miss!~' he purred to himself.

Aww are you crying to your mommy Jason? Did the bad vampire hurt your feelings? This is one of the reasons why Jay likes me better. I don't go crying to my mom every time someone says something hurtful to me. I go to Jay; My boyfriend. Nyxen laid back down and found his pillow had disappeared. Can't get a good pillow in this cart. I'm leaving this a negative review on Yup™ Nyxen then decided to try his luck in using the snakes in the cart as a makeshift bed.

Richard turned her head to look at Jackal. 'You know you shouldn't be looking down there, not without a lady's permission' Richard growed playfully. 'Though it is nice for someone to finally realise I'm not a man. Even that buffoon that created me doesn't know. It's insulting! Am I too ugly to look like a woman? Is my creator so disgusted by me being a female that he pretends to not notice that I'm not? Does he hate me so much that he must deny me my gender?' Richard shook her head and took a deep breath. 'Sorry about that, but it's been building up for a long time. And it doesn't help that I have such a masculine name'

@Magical Squid Senpai
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Columbus puffed out his cheeks, "I don't remember leaving you to die, that was my intern." Columbus smacked the back of Jay's head, "That's it, you're fired again!" He turns back to Laika, "How about I try to make it up to you? I'll get you ONE HUNDRED classrooms airdropped to your current location!" He took out his phone and began to dial numbers...

'Oh no no madam! There is no need to apologize! Well...I must apologize for being rude back there.' He looked away for a second before looking up at Nyx in the cart. 'You're creator seems...slow.' Jackal turned back to Richard. 'I think you look beautiful! He better not hate you or he would have to deal with me!'

'Pluto isn't my mom! I am the mom! We are the mom!!'

"Jason please stop yelling. If you just ignore him it will be fine."

Yeah, he's only a kitten. What can he do?'

Please stop provoking him. You'll just get sad when he roasts you.'


'Wait, so if you're the mom then that means you're crying to your child. Wow. I didn't think you could get any more pathetic Jason. Just wow. You're apparently the mother of Pluto and you're crying to him about your problems. You are possibly the most pathetic person I've ever met.' Nyxen shook his head and wriggled around slightly, trying to get comfortable.

'Aww, you're such a sweet little thing aren't you, and kinda cute too. I wouldn't mind spending more time with you than I do with my creator. He only ever lets me come out when he wants me to threaten someone or even kill someone. And he only lets me stay out if he forgets about me or if he can't be bothered to get rid of me' Richard smiled at Jackal, already liking the small cat. 'So is that wierd boy with the strange snakes your owner or...?'

@Magical Squid Senpai
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~*Laika Flynn*~

She narrowed her eyes at Columbus and crossed her arms as he spoke. Blaming his intern? Granted, it was Jay's initial idea but still! He called for the buildings so it was equally his doing as Jay's. Laika blinked a few times as he continued to talk. Her eyes widening at his words as he took out the phone. Rushing over she grabbed his wrist to stop him from dialing "N-No more buildings! You don't have to make it up to me that way!' she said shaking her head, obviously not wanting to be nearly squished again.


(Hello I am new here and a new comer to this rp)

Soul Holloway

A cute small looking wolf named, Soul with an odd look starts walking around town. It was adorable and innocent looking but always seemed to carry an angry face as if constipated. Soul sits under the flower shop's table watching people go by. She seemed to be lost. Right now she was searching for the school but had no idea where it is. To almost everyone she was just a cute puppy or wolf stuffed animal.

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Columbus looked at Laika like she was crazy, "What do you mean no more buildings? Oh, I see how it is, you want more toast!" He took the phone once more and called somebody, his face slowly turning into a frown as he spoke with the person on the other line. Once he hung up he had tears in his eyes, "I'm so sorry friend, my company can't afford to get you the amount of toast you want. I'm being pushed out of the game by a rival business, Pluto Corp."

Dom was posses off now. He wasn't a sitting stool to sit on so why the hell was Aptual using him as one? He grunted before pulling Aptual from his back. "No, you sit on the ground not on me." He told her before turning away. He started to walk away because he wasn't really in the mood to hear someone story. @metalcity @Knight Artorias
Soul Hollway

Soul notices two people arguing and hears crying from a Yong man. She twitches her ears and walks towards the crying. There she finds a sobbing Columbus crying about his company and toast while he stood next to Laika. The Soul walks over and tugs on the sobbing Columbus' pants as if to grab his attention and cheer him up. Soul looks up at him and reaches a paw as if to be asked to be picked up like a child.

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'I am not pathetic! I am cool and awesome!'

"Don't make me turn this cart around."

'Ugh! Jason just stop talking to him.'

'Fine. I won't talk to him!' Jason then turned away from Nyx.

The anaconda slithered around Nyx and squeezed! 'You look uncomfortable, I can help!'

Jackal purred at the compliment. 'Why thank you! Your creator should treat you better. You deserve it.' Maybe he could have a talk with Nyx. He looked up at Pluto, who seemed annoyed at the moment. 'That would be Pluto! He stole me from the pet shop. So I guess he is my owner? He seems nice! He smells nice too.'

Nyxen could've sworn that his eyes bulged out of their sockets when the Anaconda squeezed him. 'Yeah, I'm sure I'll be a lot more comfortable if I'm dead. Could you loosen up a bit. I'm a kitten right now, I don't have the strongest body and I'm pretty sure I can feel my ribs cracking and I don't want to die before Jason does. Anyway, Jay would be annoyed if I died and I don't want to upset him.' Nyx smiled at the anaconda, not wanting to annoy something that could easily kill him.

'Do you really think so? My creator doesn't, one time he kept summoning me and making me painfully explode to hurt other people, He made me feel like I wasn't even useful for what he made me for.' Richard sadly shook her head and smiled down at Jackal. 'your owner, Pluto, seems nice. The snakes atop his head aren't the nicest though, but I do enjoy listening into their conversations when I'm around them. I wouldn't want to live with them though Richard wondered if Jackal was getting tired following behind her, since he was smaller than her and therefore had to take more steps than she did. 'But I guess I won't see that much of you then. My creator doesn't tend to summon me when he's just with Pluto. I think he forgets I even exist sometimes.'

@Magical Squid Senpai
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~*Laika Flynn*~

Laika stared as he got upset, really? She was fine with nothing she didn't want a building falling on her or toast. She waved her hands "N-No its fine don't cry!" She said frowning. She noticed something approach them, she sniffed the air subconsciously...it was a dog? She watched it walk to Columbus, Laika's own ears and tail (which were hidden before) popped out at the sight of the pup, her ears perking up curiously as her tail wagged a little "Hello there" she said softly to the small dog.


Soul Holloway

Soul turns to face the girl next to Columbus. Soul walks up to Laika and hugs her right leg and pressing her cheek against Laika's skin. Soul looks up boring her violet eyes into Laika's. For now you Soul was a stray pet or a plushie with no speech, no owner and lost. All Soul can use is is her body language in her small wolf plush form.

Thankfully, for a running Jay with a toast sandwiched between his gums, salvation was not far away. As the classrooms came crashing down, he quickly ran inside one, panting as he soit he toast out of his mouth. He quickly scanned the room, grabbing a meterstick, an apple, a dunce cap, and one of those educational skeleton things - really, everything he could find, before bolting from the toom and back to the scene of the "crime".

Soon enough, Jay was hidden in the bushes, snooping on the conversation. Columbus was crying for some reason, which made Jay stir inside. Fired or not, he had to save his boss from whatever madness was being sujected on him at the moment. In a flash, he snagged columbus wih the meterstick and the dunce cap, leaving behind the classroom skeleton (which was missing a femur) with the nametag "Hi, I'm Columbus" written on it. As he rustled about in the bushes, Jay finally tapped Columbus's shoulder againt. "Hey. What's going on? And did I hear something about Pluto?"

(Preted the skeleton is Columbus for a bit. I mean, he's undead, so it's not much of a stretch :P )

@Nonalaka @XXXIwolf
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Columbus blinked at Jay in confusion, before sighing and putting a hand on Jay's shoulder, "I'm so sorry intern, I know I fired you twice, but you were truly my favorite employee. You were going to take over once I retired, but that was before Pluto corp made things so difficult. He's pushing us out of the toast game Jay, why have toast when you could have drugs after all. At the rate we're going, we'll be bankrupt within the week... I have to lay off some people because of that, and I'm starting with you."

Jay cried tears of joy as Columbus called him his favorite intern. "Y-yessir," he sniffled, fist clenched in an almost celebratory manner. He harkended to his boss's mournful tale about being pushed out by Pluto Corp, the largest drug traffiking business in town, then suddenly - "Yessir, Yessir! Amen! I'll do my- wait, what?" The moisture quickly disappeared from Jay's eyes as Columbus mentioned that he'd be laid off. "Nonono! This can't be happening!" He quickly shot up from his spot in the bushes. "NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" With a defeated sigh, he collapsed to the ground again. "Oh, glorious dreams of toast! How could you possibly be beaten by the cruel, cruel world of drugs? I cannot stand for this!" Jay quickly whirled around to face Columbus. "Boss! You may not hire me anymore, but I must do one last favor for this company! Would you aide me in hunting down that bastardous drug lord, and join me in putting his head on a stake? Say you will, boss!"

The anaconda loosened up a bit, making sure that Nyx was actually comfortable. 'Sorry, that's just something I do to things I can eat.' He smiled down at Nyx, he may mean well but the smile was kind of creepy.

Jackal's little legs were getting quite tired but he ignored it in order to be with Richard.

'Yeah the snakes seem like assholes. I do feel sorry for Pluto but not all of them are mean.' He pouted up at Nyx sitting in the cart. 'I wish to see you more madam! Maybe I should have that talk now....maybe you should tell him how you feel! I'm sure he can understand you now!'

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