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Fantasy Lakoria High School

As Nyx pulled him in and began to talk about dressing him up, a faint blush crawled across Jay's face. "Argh, whatever," he muttered struggling but failing to escape from Nyx's grasp. Nyx's almost flirty whispers were really flustering Jay, and he tried his best not to look at his vampire friend. "I mean, it's not like a unicorn would just wall up to me, right?" He turned around, looking straight into Nyx's eyes. "Besides, what if it likes kittens? You know, the cute, fluffy ones?"


Mrs. Winters stared over the edge of her spectacles at the harpy girl, who had her hand raised. "What is it?" she asked coldly.


With a short coo, Rutherford took the chip in his beak, then stared cross-eyed at it for a second. How would it fit down his throat? The slightly ingenious bird threw the chip on the desk, and shattered it with his beak, proceeding to pick up one of the pieces. "Coo." With a swift movement, Rutherford swallowed it - only to begin choking. While letting out strangled squawks, the bird did a mad dance around Dalton's desk before finally hacking up the chip. Wheezing heavily, it looked back up at Dalton, pushing the chip crumbs back at him. "Coo."

@Mister Veeeee
"If you're talking about me turning into a kitten, it won't work. Unicorns like virgins, the ultimate symbol of holiness or some crap like that. Point is I'm a vampire, a demonic entity technically, since I feast on blood" Nyx moved his mouth close to Jay's neck and gently ran the tips of his teeth along Jay's neck. "I kill people to survive" Nyx moved away and smirked at Jay. "Point is, I'm not holy enough. And if you were talking about Pluto. I'm not sure I trust him to still be a virgin, he's with Jackal. He pretty much a literal cat. Now I'm not saying he isn't one, but I'd rather not take the risk. Unicorns tend to get violent if the virgin is fake And also if it's not a woman"

Mrs. Winters's brow furrowed as she listened to the harpy girl. "The French Revolution, dear," she said curtly, before turning back to the book on her desk. "It's on page seventy-nine."


Jay shook his head with a small grin as Nyx began to defend, well, his kitten-ness. "Hah, whatever you say, Nyx. I still think you're adorab-ow!" He jumped a bit as Nyx ran his teeth down the side of his neck, bringing a swift blow to the head for Nyx. "What was that for?" He asked, rubbing his neck gingerly. "Buy me dinner first! Geez!"

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Warren stared at his paper as if it were written in a foreign language. "Human history is weird," he said with a sigh, "Full of people killing each other. They never talk about things." Then again, all the Reapers and Angels and Demons do is talk, and they just want to kill each other. An odd contrast. He was jarred from his concentration on the assignment by several particularly distracting classmates; he turned around in his seat to face them, giving the halfling a distrustful glance as he did so.. "Are you humans always so damn noisy?" Warren groaned.

@Lotusy @GingerBread
"If you want dinner Jay, I'll buy you dinner. But I'm holding you to what you said" Nyx smirked at Jay as he went move closer to Jay and repeat what he just until he was interrupted by Warren. "I don't know, you'll have to ask a human. I'm not a human, I'm a cold blooded vampire" Nyx shrugged and leaned back in his chair and looked at Warren. "I hope you don't have a problem with that"

@Lotusy @jamaicanviking
"Vampirism in itself is a problem," Warren replied, the venom in his words palpable. He turned to Jay with a look of disapproval. "Aren't you afraid he'll infect you or something? I thought humans were above such creatures of the night." Perhaps it was the fact that he hadn't been outside the Netherrealm before, or perhaps it was because his species was indoctrinated for such hate, but for whatever reason Atkinson felt especially belligerent today. The way he was raised, his behavior was considered acceptable; expected even. So, of course, it was no surprise that he didn't understand how offensive he was being to his classmates.

@Lotusy @GingerBread
She hadn't asked for this, to be shoved into a school for others just like her. She didn't understand why her uncle didn't see that all she wanted was to remain at home. To relish in the last place that her parents had resided before they had been taken from her. But no, he wouldn't let her wallow in her proverbial black hole of self pity. He insisted that she had to continue living her life, that her parents wouldn't be proud of the way she was allowing herself to waste away.

'Now that was a low blow,' she thought. Jaielle could recall with perfect clarity how his grey eyes- so like a storm- had pierced into her own then vulnerable blue. It was painful, because she knew he was right. However, even knowing that it was still hard to even attempt to move on. Weatherly Manor was constant, the one place that made her feel secure, but she had been coerced- more like guilt tripped- into leaving it behind because of the building she now stood before. Her home was too far away from the school, so she had been placed in a condo nearby that had belonged to her mother before she'd married her father.

The school was beautiful, there was no denying that whatsoever. The sun hit the leaves on the trees just right, amplyfying the jade color and adding a sort of ethereal light of bronze and verdant upon the structure. And there was just so much plant life, each gracing the institute with a subtle grace that demanded attention. But she hid her awe at the sight, glaring at the place with ice-cold irises. She didn't want to be here, not one bit, but she had promised to at least attempt to torture herself for a semester.

Her hand unconsciously smoothed out any wrinkles her clothes may have acquired. She was dressed in a simple white button up shirt that clung to her torso, a black high-waisted skirt that flared to her thighs, black stockings, and black wedges that only made her long legs appear longer. Long black hair was tied into a messy bun, loose locks gently swaying in the wind and against her ivory neck. All in all, it was subtle and elegant, allowing her beauty to be seen but not accentuated. Jaielle didn't plan to remain for long. The best approach would be the one where she didn't encourage attention.

'Well, no use standing around in front of the gate,' she thought, shouldering her backpack and making her way into the property. Delaying the inevitable would only cause even more frustration. So, with all her training in the forefront of her mind, she squared her shoulders and blanked her face into a polite but indifferent mask. A facade she had been forced to undertake at the mere age of six, or she would have risked being eaten alive by the noble masses.
Aptual sighed "I Wonder if anyone knows?" She asked herself while looking around the class room, she saw some boy feeding a bird and decided to ask him. She rushed over to him "That's a adorable bird. Can you help?" She placed the paper on the table, she smiled.

After Jaielle enters the gate, cab pulls up blasting some techno. I can't believe I lasted the whole ride. He thought to himself. He reached in is wallet and payed the cab driver. Pop the trunk. he told the driver as he got out the cab. He went to the trunk grabbing his book bag. He slams the trunk and turns towards the gate seeing a girl walking towards the main door. Looks like the only one starting today. He throws his book bag over his left shoulder and walks through the gate. He ends up catching up with Jailelle and walks beside her. Hey he said with a friendly smile. @FenyxEmber
Jay gave Warren a confused look as the other student turned around in his seat and began talking to them. As he was question to why he continued to stay with Nyx, Jay felt a tad bit offended, but stayed clam nonetheless. The other guy probably had a more traditional upbringing, one where inter-species mingling wasn't advocated. "Well... how would I put it? I guess I'm not afraid of him because we have a mutual layer of trust? I mean, sure he could infect me at any minute, but I've honestly known him long enough to know he wouldn't do that. And, er, no offense, but I wouldn't really judge without knowing him."

@GingerBread @jamaicanviking
There was no sound, no other people that she could see lingering about in the courtyard. Either classes had started or all the students had decided to remain indoors. Somehow, that only served to further put her off from the school. How anyone could remain inside when the day was so serene and beautiful. The area was quiet, only the breeze really causing any sort of sound. Until she heard the telltale sound of a vehicle approaching. Withholding a sigh, she decided to continue on her way into the school.

It was slightly disconcerting, maybe the Fates were conspiring against her. There was no other reason for why she would be approached despite how much she wished to be left alone. Her body stiffened, the voice of the man instantly causing her eyes to flash a momentary red due to her frustration. The wind blew slightly, tousling the few locks that were straying out of the loose bun.

'Well, there's no reason why I shouldn't at least be polite, a greeting hardly ever leads to anything,' she mentally reminded herself, a brief smirk flashing on her lips at how many conversations she'd ended simply by turning away after a cold glare. There was always amusement in belittling others if they bothered her beyond what she could handle. Hesitantly, she turned and offered the other individual a barely perceptible smile.

"Hello, is this your first day or are you late?" she asked him, tightening her hold on her book bag to place it higher on her shoulder. It had been slipping during her walk and it was beginning to irritate her to no end. She had half a mind to toss it in her locker and not give it a second thought. Despite having told her uncle that she'd endure a semester in the school, she never once said that she would be attending her classes. No classes, no contacts.

@Embaga Elder
"Jay, he's judging me before knowing me and frankly I don't care. Because by the way he's acting, I'd say he's in love with me and is just jealous of you. So he's trying to talk you out of going out with me, so that he can swoop in and start going out with me" Nyx leaned back in his chair slightly and stared directly into Warren's eyes. "But he should rethink his plan, Because I won't hesitate to kill him if he insults you or our relationship one more time"

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Koziak noticed how the girls body stiffened when he said hello. To him he thought that he scared her. Yeah it's my first day. He puts his bag on free both his hands. He noticed that she was having some trouble with his books, so decided to help. Would you like for me to carry your books for you? He asked her as they walked side by side. @FenyxEmber
A small furrow appeared between her brows, curiosity evident in her violet orbs as she surveyed the man that had approached her and was now walking with her. She obviously had yet to perfect her body language if he'd misinterpreted her movements. Tossing a few stray lilac locks over her shoulder, the dark color contrasting greatly with the white shirt, she grabbed hold of the book bag and wrangled it over until it was placed on the opposite shoulder and across her torso.

"I can manage just fine," she replied, her lips turning up into an amused smirk at his offer. While it was rather chivalrous of him, she wasn't about to make herself seem like a damsel who would always need assistance. Turning the corner, she caught her first sight of the building that would lead into the main office.

'I need to remember to asphyxiate my uncle for daring me to come here on my own. Why couldn't he have picked up all the paperwork?' she mentally seethed, her hand tightening on the strap of her book bag until her knuckles were white with the strain. With an inaudible sigh, she turned back to his companion as she opened up the door to the main building.

"Do you need too finish any other paperwork? Pick something up?" she asked him, her body imperceptibly shuddering at the cold air that wafted from the open door. It was a great contrast from the warmth of the outdoors.

@Embaga Elder
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Warren stifled a laugh. "Don't flatter yourself, Dracula, you're not exactly my type. And If you're gonna threaten me, don't say you're gonna 'kill me'--you might as well try to drown a fish, for all the good it'll do." That said, death still wasn't a very pleasant experience, even for Reapers. They may not stay dead, but it was annoying as all hell when (or if) it happened. "But if you want to get expelled, by all means go ahead. Just know that I'll be here anyway."

Nyx burst out laughing when Warren said he'd get expelled. "Sor-" Nyx started taking deep breaths to stop himself from laughing. "I get it, you're new here. Sorry. I'll explain how things work here. I've killed many students, many students have died here. I don't think this school has ever expelled someone for causing a death. And don't doubt that I can kill you. I can, no one is immortal. Well apart from me, I'm immortal" Nyx leaned back in his chair and kicked his feet up onto the desk. "And just so you know. You can drown fish, if there's little or no oxygen in the water, they technically drown because they'd only be getting water. So nice way to admit you can be killed"

@Lotusy @jamaicanviking
She looked over the book, frowning"Can..Show page?"She asked. She didn't look at the other students, not wanting them to really notice her. She looked through the book, wondering which page was right.

Jay shook his head, almost embarrassed with the way Nyx was acting. "C'mon, Nyx. It's not like you're the hottest guy ever." With an awkward laugh, he pulled Nyx back into the seat, as the vampire was going trying to go toe-to-toe with the new guy. "Hold up, hold up, hold up. Nyx, what did I say about killing?" He looked back up to Warren, while keeping an arm firmly back on Nyx. "Don't... take what he says to heart. I mean, he's killed people, but he's never do it around me." With that, Jay extended a hand to Warren. "Anyways, I'm Jay. What's your name?"

@GingerBread @jamaicanviking

Mrs. Winters sighed unhappily, slowly easing herself out of her old desk and walking over to Ambrosine. After pushing up her spectacles, she wordlessly flipped through the book, eventually pointing her finger to a page with a man being guillotined on it. The words, "Unit five: The French Revolution" were written in bold. "Right here."


(@metalcity sorry, waiting for Veee.)
She smiled"Thank..You"She said, looking up at her. She didn't seem to notice her annoyance. She strained her eyes, trying to read it.

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"Warren," the boy answered, reluctantly shaking Jay's hand. "Warren Atkinson. And don't worry, no offense taken; believe me when I say that where I'm from, death threats don't really hold much water." He chuckled at his little in-joke, before realizing he had accidentally given his full name. Crap, way to stay on the down-low jackass, he thought to himself. It's not like he'll recognize me though, will he? Nah, he's just a human, he wouldn't. He couldn't. Could he? He was getting paranoid. What was he even afraid of, anyway? Anyone who tried to screw with him would have to answer to Uncle, and...no one ever 'met' with Uncle twice.

Miyuki huffed lightly as Willow slept on her back in her tiny, vulnerable form. She was worried that something may be seriously wrong with her mistress, as the little fairy seemed restless and rarely slept during the day in the first place. Miyuki decided to go look for some one who may be able to help. 'Jay has healing powers.. Myabe he could help.. or at least know if somethings wrong.' She thought as she got up from beneath their tree and padded towards the buildings. In her worry, frost spread from where her paws touched the ground.

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